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Jumanazar Khushbekov 0-2 (1)

Assalomu alaykum, mening intiluvchan shogirdim! 
Kayfiyatlar qanday? Ingliz tilini o‘rganish qanday ketyapti? Siz 
shunchaki eshitavering! Belgilangan tartibda eshitaversangiz, 
albatta samarasini ko‘rasiz. Demak, tinglashda davom etamiz! 
Ishonch bilan tinglang! Har kuni ingliz tilida juda ham ravon 
gapirishingizni tasavvur qiling!
Darslarimizdan yuqori natijalarga erishishingiz uchun sizga 
yana bir maslahat bermoqchiman. Bugun uyga vazifa: darslarni 
har kuni bir soatdan, haftasiga kamida 20 marta tinglang!

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Mini Story 
A stinky camel
Hi, this is Jumanazar KhB.  Welcome to the mini story for the 
next week. During the Mini Story, I want you to do these things. 
So, number 1, have a strong posture and pull your shoulders 
back, put your chin up, eyes up and right now breathe deeply. 
(breathing) and move your body. Whenever you are listening to 
the mini story lesson, don’t sit still, move your body. And durng 
the mini story, answer the questions. So, are you ready? In that 
case, let’s start our mini story. 
         * * *
There was a stinky camel.  
Bir badbo‘y tuya bor edi. 
Was there a camel?  
Tuya bor edimi?
Yes, there was a camel.    
Ha, tuya bor edi.
Was there a donkey? 
Eshak bor edimi? 
No, there wasn’t a donkey.  
Yo‘q, eshak yo‘q edi.   
Was there an ant?    
Chumoli bor edimi? 
No, there wasn’t an ant.   
Yo‘q, yo‘q, chumoli yo‘q edi. 
What was there?    
Nima bor edi?  
There was a stinky camel.  
U yerda badbo‘y tuya bor edi.
Was there a stinky camel?  
U yerda badbo‘y tuya bor  
Yes, there was a stinky camel.   Ha, badbo‘y tuya bor edi. 
Was there a wonderful camel? 
Ajoyib tuya bor edimi?

Jumanazar Khushbakov
No, there was not a fragrant 
Yo‘q, xushbo‘y tuya 
   yo‘q edi.
The sinky camel’s name   
Uning ismi Linda edi.
was Linda.
Was her name Linda? 
Uning ismi Linda edimi?
Yes, her name was Linda.   
Ha, uning ismi Linda edi.
What was her name? 
Uning ismi nima edi?
Her name was Linda. 
 Uning ismi Linda edi.
Whose name was Linda? 
Kimning ismi Linda edi?
The stinky camel’s name 
Badbo‘y tuyaning ismi
was Linda.  
Linda edi.
Was her name Linda? 
Uning ismi Linda edimi?
Yes, her name was Linda. 
Ha, uning ismi Linda edi.
She lived lonely in a forest. 
U o‘rmonda yolg‘iz 
Did she live in a forest? 
U o‘rmonda yashardimi?
Yes, she lived in a forest. 
Ha, u o‘rmonda yashardi.
Where did she live? 
U qayerda yashardi?
She lived in a forest. 
U o‘rmonda yaxshardi.
Who lived in a forest? 
Kim o‘rmonda yashardi?
Linda lived in a forest. 
Linda o‘rmonda yashardi.
Did she live in a field? 
U dalada yashar edimi?
No, she didn’t live in a field. 
Yo‘q, u dalada yashamas edi.
Who didn’t live in a field?   
Kim dalada yashamas edi?
Linda didn’t live in a field.  
Linda dalada yashamasdi.
Did she live lonely?  
 U yolg‘iz yashaydimi?
Yes, she lived lonely. 
Ha, u yolg‘iz yashardi.
Who lived lonely?   
Kim yolg‘iz yashardi.
Linda lived lonely.   
Linda yolg‘iz yashardi.
Did she live in a  zoo? 
U hayvonot bog‘ida
No, no, she didn’t live in a zoo.  Yo‘q, u hayvonot bog‘ida

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Who didn’t live in a zoo?   
Kim hayvonot bog‘ida
Linda didn’t live in a zoo.   
Linda hayvonot bog‘ida
She didn’t have any friends. 
Uning do‘stlari yoq edi.
Did she have friends? 
Uning do‘stlari bormidi?
No, she didn’t have  
Yo‘q, uning birorta do‘sti
any friends.  
yo‘q edi.
Who didn’t have any friends? 
Kimning birorta do‘sti
Linda didn’t have any friends. 
Lindaning do‘stlari
Did she have numerous   
Uning  do‘stlari ko‘p
No, she didn’t have numerous 
Yo‘q, uning do‘stlari ko‘p
Did she have  few friends?   
 Uning do‘stlari kam edimi?
No, she didn’t have a few   
Yo‘q, uning do‘stlari kam
How many friends did 
Uning nechta do‘sti
she have?    
bor edi?
She didn’t have any friends.  
 Uning birorta do‘sti
She had no friends. 
 yo‘q edi.
Nobody helped her.  
Unga hech kim yordam
Who assisted her?   
 Unga kim yordam berardi?
Nobody helped her.  
Hech kim unga yordam
Did anyone help her? 
Kimdir unga yordam
No, nobody helped her.   
Yo‘q, hech kim unga
Did you help her?    
Siz unga yordam

Jumanazar Khushbakov
No, I didn’t help her. 
 Yo‘q, men unga yordam
Did frogs help her?  
Qurbaqalar unga
No, frogs didn’t help her.   
Yo‘q, qurbaqalar unga
Did mosquitoes help her?   
Chivinlar unga yordam
No, mosquitoes didn’t 
 Yo‘q, chivinlar unga
help her.   
 yordam berishmagan.
All animals disliked her.   
Barcha hayvonlar uni
Did all animals detest her?  
Hamma hayvonlar uni
Yes, all animals detested her. 
 Ha, ko‘p hayvonlar uni
     yomon ko‘rishardi.
Did all frogs loathe her?   
Barcha qurbaqalar uni
Yes, all frogs loathed her.   
 Ha, barcha qurbaqalar
Did all animals like her?   
 Hamma hayvonlar uni
No, no all animals didn’t   
Yo‘q, yo‘q, hamma
Who disliked her?   
 Kim uni yomon ko‘rardi?
All animals disliked her.   
 Hamma hayvonlar uni
Who didn’t like her?  
 Kim uni yoqtirmasdi?
Of course, all animals 
Albatta, hamma hayvonlar
didn’t like her.  
uni yoqtirishmasdi.
Why didn’t all animals 
Nima uchun hamma
like her?    
hayvonlar uni

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Because she was a stinky   
Chunki u badbo‘y
They hated her. 
Ular uni juda yomon
Who hated her?   
 Kim uni juda yomon
They hated her. 
Ular uni juda yomon
Did they hate her?  
Ular uni yomon
Yes, they hated her.  
Ha, ular uni yomon
Why did they hate? 
Nima uchun ular uni
They hated because she   
Chunki, u badbo‘y edi.
was stinky.
Could they stand her?  
Ular unga chidasharmidi?
No, they couldn’t stand her. 
Yo‘q, ular unga
Who couldn’t stand her?   
Kim unga chidamas edi?
They couldn’t stand her.   
Ular unga chidashmas edi?
Could they bear her? 
Ular unga toqat
No, no, they couldn’t bear her. 
Yo‘q, yo‘q ular unga toqat
Who couldn’t bear her?   
Kim unga toqat
They couldn’t bear her.   
Ular unga toqat qila olmas
Why couldn’t they bear her? 
Nima uchun ular unga
toqat qila olmas edilar? 
Because she was unpleasant. 
Chunki u yoqimsiz edi. 
Who was unpleasant? 
Kim yoqimsiz edi? 
Linda was unpleasant. 
Linda yoqimsiz edi. 

Jumanazar Khushbakov
Was she sweet? 
U shiringina edimi?
No, she wasn’t sweet. 
Yo‘q, u shiringina emasdi.
Was she pleasant?   
U yoqimtoy edimi?
No, she wasn’t pleasant.   
Yo‘q, u yoqimli emasdi.
She wanted to be happy.   
U baxtli bo‘lishni xohlardi.
Did she want to be happy?  
U baxtli bo‘lishni
Yes, she wanted to be happy. 
Ha, u baxtli bo‘lishni
Who wanted to be happy? 
Kim baxtli bo‘lishni
Linda wanted to be happy. 
Linda baxtli bo‘lishni
Did she want to be over 
U juda-juda baxtli
the moon?  
bo‘lishni xohlardimi?
Yes, she wanted to be over 
Ha, u juda-juda baxtli
the moon.  
bo‘lishni xohlardi.
Did she want to be sad? 
U xafa bo‘lishni
No, she didn’t want to be sad. 
Yo‘q, u xafa bo‘lishni
Did she want to be upset? 
U xafa bo‘lishni
No, she didn’t want to be upset.  Yo‘q, u xafa bo‘lishni
Did she want to be gloomy? 
U g‘amgin bo‘lishni
No, she didn’t want 
Yo‘q, u g‘amgin bo‘lishni
to be gloomy. 
Did she yearn to be happy? 
U baxtli bo‘lishni
Yes, yearned to be happy. 
Ha, u baxtli bo‘lishni
judayam xohlardi.

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Who yearned to be happy? 
Kim baxtli bo‘lishni
Linda yearned to be happy. 
Linda baxtli bo‘lishni
Did she desire to be happy? 
U baxtli bo‘lishni
Yes, she desired to be happy. 
Ha, u baxtli bo‘lishni
Did she desire to be gloomy? 
U xafa bo‘lishni istardimi?
No, she did not desire 
Yo‘q, u xafa bo‘lishni
to be gloomy.  
What kind of camel did 
U qanday tuya bo‘lishni
she want to be?  
Actually, she wanted 
To‘g‘risi, u baxtli tuya
to be a happy camel.  
bo‘lishni xohlardi.
Did she want to be a sad 
U g‘amgin tuya bo‘lishni
camel? xohlardimi?
No, she didn’t want 
Yo‘q, u g‘amgin tuya
to be a sad camel.  
bo‘lishni xohlamasdi.
In fact, she didn’t like 
Haqiqatda, u ham, 
to be lonely.  
u yolg‘iz bo‘lishni
Did she like to be lonely? 
U yolg‘iz bo‘lishni
No, she didn’t like to be lonely.  Yo‘q, u yolg‘iz bo‘lishni
Who didn’t like to be lonely? 
Kim yolg‘iz bo‘lishni
Linda didn’t like to be lonely. 
Linda yolg‘iz bo‘lishni
Did she like to be alone? 
U yolg‘iz bo‘lishni
No, she didn’t like to be alone. 
Yo‘q, u yolg‘iz bo‘lishni

Jumanazar Khushbakov
Did you like to be alone? 
Siz yolg‘iz bo‘lishni
No, I didn’t like to be alone. 
Yo‘q, men yolg‘iz bo‘lishni
Did she like to be on her own? 
U o‘zi bo‘lishni
No, she didn’t like to be 
Yo‘q, u o‘zi bo‘lishni
on her own.  
Who didn’t love to be 
Kim o‘zi bo‘lishni
on her own?  
Linda didn’t love to be 
Linda o‘zi bo‘lishni
on her own.  
Did Linda love to be 
Linda yolg‘iz bo‘lishni
by herself?  
No, Linda didn’t love 
Yo‘q, Linda o‘zi bo‘lishni
to be by herself.  
Did she like to be by herself? 
U o‘zi bo‘lishni
No, she didn’t like to be 
Yo‘q, u o‘zi bo‘lishni
by herself.  
She needed friends. 
Unga do‘stlar kerak edi.
Who needed friends? 
Kimga do‘stlar kerak edi?
She needed friends. 
Unga do‘stlar kerak edi.
Did she need friends? 
Unga do‘stlar kerak edimi?
Yes, she needed friends. 
Ha, unga do‘stlar kerak edi.
Did she need enemies?  
Unga dushmanlar kerak
No, no she didn’t need 
Yo‘q, yo‘q, unga dushmanlar
kerak emasdi.
Who needed enemies?  
Kimga dushmanlar
kerak edi?
Actually, Nobody needed 
To‘grisini aytganda, hech
kimga dushmanlar kerak

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Did Linda need friends? 
Lindaga do‘stlar kerak
Yes, of course, she needed 
Ha, albatta, u do‘stlarga
muhtoj edi.
Did she need classmates 
U sinfdoshlarga muhtoj
or friends?  
edimi yoki do‘stlarga?
She didn’t need classmates,  
Unga sinfdoshlar kerak
she needed friends.  
emasdi, unga do‘stlar
kerak edi.
She thought about it deeply. 
U bu haqida chuqur o‘yladi.
Did she ponder about 
U bu haqida chuqur
her goal? 
Yes, she thought about 
Ha, u bu haqida chuqur
it deeply. She pondered  
about it deeply.
Who thought about it deeply? 
Kim bu haqida chuqur
Linda thought about it deeply.  
Linda bu haqida chuqur
o‘ylab ko‘rdi.
Did she think about 
U bu haqida sayoz
it shallowly?  
No, visa versa, she thought 
Yo‘q, aksincha u bu haqida
about it deeply.  
chuqur o‘yladi. 
Who thought about 
Kim bu haqida sayoz
it shallowly?  
Nobody thought about 
Hech kim bu haqida sayoz
it shallowly.  
Did she think about it deeply?  
U bu haqida chuqur
Or did she think about  
o‘yladimi yoki sayoz
it shallowly?  
She thought about it deeply.  
U bu haqida chuqur
She didn’t think about  
o‘yladi. U bu haqida sayoz
it shallowly.  

Jumanazar Khushbakov
How did she think about it? 
U bu haqida qanday
She thought about it deeply. 
U bu haqida chuqur
She contemplated her goal. 
U maqsadini o‘ylab ko‘rdi.
Who contemplated her goal? 
Kim maqsadi haqida
o‘ylab ko‘rdi?
Linda contemplated her goal. 
Linda maqsadi haqida
o‘ylab ko‘rdi.
Did she think about her goal? 
U maqsadi haqida o‘ylab
Yes, she thought about 
Ha, u maqsadini o‘ylab 
her goal. 
Did she contemplate her aim? 
U niyatini o‘ylab ko‘rdimi?
Yes, she contemplated 
Ha, u niyatini o‘ylab
her aim. 
Who thought about her aim? 
Kim maqsadini o‘ylab
Linda thought about her aim. 
Linda maqsadini o‘ylab
Did she think about nonsense? 
U bo‘lmag‘ur narsa haqida
No, she didn’t think about 
Yo‘q, u bo‘lmag‘ur narsa
any nonsense.  
haqida o‘ylamadi.
What did she think about? 
U nima haqida o‘yladi?
She thought about her goal. 
U maqsadini o‘yladi.
What did she contemplate? 
U nimani o‘yladi?
She contemplated her goal. 
U maqsadini o‘yladi.
She really wanted to have 
U haqiqatdan ham do‘stlari
a lot of friends. 
ko‘p bo‘lishini xohlagan edi.
Who wanted to have 
Kim ko‘p do‘stlari
a lot of friends?  
bo‘lishini xohlardi?
Linda wanted to have 
Linda ko‘p do‘stlari
a lot of friends?  
bo‘lishini xohlardi.

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Did she want to have 
U do‘stlari kam bo‘lishini
few friends?  
No, she didn’t want to have 
Yo‘q, u do‘stlari kam
few friends.  
bo‘lishini xohlamasdi.
How many friends did she 
U qancha do‘sti bo‘lishini
want to have?  
She wanted to have a lot 
U do‘sti ko‘p bo‘lishini
of friends.  
Did she want to have plenty 
U ko‘p do‘sti
of friends?  
bo‘lishini xohlardimi?
Yes, she wanted to have plenty 
Ha, u do‘stlari ko‘p
of friends.  
bo‘lishini xohlardi.
Who yearned to have lots         
Kim ko‘p do‘stga ega
of friends?  
bo‘lishini istardi?
Linda yearned to have 
Linda ko‘p do‘stga ega
lots of friends.  
bo‘lishini istardi.
She decided to go to the 
U suv havzasiga borishga
swimming pool.  
qaror qildi.
Who decided to go to the 
Kim suv havzasiga
swimming pool?  
borishga e’tiborni
qaratishga qaror qildi?
She decided to go to the 
U suv havzasiga borishga
swimming pool.  
e’tiborni qaratishga qaror
Did decide to go to the cinema?  U kinoga borishga qaror
No, she didn’t decide to go 
Yo‘q, u kinoga borishga
to the cinema.  
qaror qilmadi?
Did she decide to go 
U teatrga borishga qaror
to the theatre?  
No, she didn’t decide to go 
Yo‘q, u teatrga borishga
to the theatre.  
qaror qilmadi.
Did she decide to go 
U do‘konga borishga qaror
to the shop?  

Jumanazar Khushbakov
No, she didn’t decide 
Yo‘q, u do‘konga borishga
to go to the shop.  
qaror qilmadi.
Where did she decide to go? 
U qayerga borishga qaror
She decided to go to the 
U suv havzasiga borishga
swimming pool.  
qaror qildi.
Who decided to attend the 
Kim suv havzasiga
swimming pool?  
borishga qaror qildi.
She decided to attend the  
U suv havzasiga borishga
swimming pool?  
qaror qildi?
She went there every day. 
U har kuni u yerga bordi.
Did she go there every day? 
U har kuni u yerga bordimi?
Yes, she went there every day. 
Ha, u har kuni u yerga bordi. 
Did she go there once a week? 
U haftda bir marta
u yerga bordimi?
No, she didn’t go there once 
Yo‘q, u haftada bir
a week.  
marta u yerga bormadi.
Did she go there twice 
U oyda 2 marta u yerga
a month?  
No, she didn’t go there 
Yo‘q, u oyda 2 marta
twice a month.  
u yerga bormadi.
Did she go there three 
U yilda 3 marta u yerga
times a year?  
Oh, no she didn’t go there  
O, yo‘q, u yilda 3 marta
three times a year.  
u yerga bormadi.
How often did she go there? 
U qanchalik tez-tez
u yerga borib turdi?
She went to the swimming 
U har kuni suv
pool every day. 
havzasiga bordi.
However, she still stank. 
Lekin u haliyam 
badbo‘y edi.
Did she still stink? 
U haliyam badbo‘y edimi?
Yes, she still stank. 
Ha, u haliyam badbo‘y edi.
Who still stank? 
Kim badbo‘y edi?

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She still stank. 
U badbo‘y edi.
All other animals complained 
Hamma boshqa hayvonlar
about her.  
uning ustidan shikoyat
Who complained about her? 
Kim uning ustidan
shikoyat qildi?
All other animals complained 
Boshqa hamma hayvonlar
about her.  
uning ustidan arz qilishdi.
Did all animals complain 
Hamma hayvonlar uning
about her?  
ustidan arz qilishdimi?
Yes, all other animals 
Ha, hamma boshqa
complained about her.  
hayvonlar uning ustidan
arz qilishdi.
Did any animals complain 
Ba’zi bir hayvonlar u
about her?  
haqida shikoyat 
No, not any animals but all the 
Yo‘q, ba’zi bir hayvonlar
animals complained about her.   emas, hamma hayvonlar
u haqida shikoyat qilishdi.
What did they complain about?  Ular nima haqida shikoyat
They complained about her. 
Ular u haqida shikoyat
Did they complain about Linda?  Ular Linda haqida shikoyat 
Yes, they complained about 
Ha, ular Linda haqida
shikoyat qilishdi.
Because the whole swimming 
Chunki butun suv havzasi
pool building was full of stink.   badbo‘y hidga to‘la edi.
Why did they complain 
Nima uchun ular u haqida
about her?  
shikoyat qilishdi?
Because the whole swimming 
Chunki butun suv havzasi
pool building was full of stink.   badbo‘y hidga to‘la edi.

Jumanazar Khushbakov
Was the swimming pool 
Suv havzasi badbo‘y hidga
full of stink?  
to‘la edimi?
Yes, sure, the swimming  
Ha, albatta suv havzasi
pool was full of stink.  
badbo‘y hidga to‘la edi.
What was full of stink? 
Nima badbo‘y hidga 
to‘la edi?
The swimming pool was 
Suv havzasi badbo‘y hidga
full of stink.  
to‘la edi.
Was the whole swimming 
Butun suv havzasi toshga
pool full of stone?  
to‘la edimi?
No, the whole swimming  
Yo‘q, butun suv havzasi
pool wasn’t full of stone.  
toshga to‘la emasdi.
What was the whole  
Butun suv havzasi nima
swimming pool full of with?  
bilan to‘la edi?
The whole swimming pool 
Butun suv havzasi badbo‘y
was full of stink.  
hidga to‘la edi.
Was it full of stink? 
Badbo‘y hidga to‘la edimi?
Yes, it was full of stink. 
Ha, badbo‘y hidga 
to‘la edi.
The boss of the pool called her.  Suv havzasi xo‘jayini uni
Who called her? 
Kim uni chaqirdi?
The boss of the swimming 
Suv havzasi xo‘jayini uni
pool called her.  
Did the boss of the pool 
Suv havzasi xo‘jayini uni
call her?  
Yes, the boss of the pool 
Ha, suv havzasi xo‘jayini
called her.  
uni chaqirdi.
She went to the boss’s office. 
U xo‘jayinning idorasiga
Did she go to the boss’s office? 
U xo‘jayinning idorasiga
Yes, she went to the 
Ha, u xo‘jayinning
boss’s office.  
idorasiga bordi.

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Who went to the boss’s office?  Kim xo‘jayinning
idorasiga bordi?
She went to the boss’s office. 
U xo‘jayinning idorasiga
The boss said: “We can’t let  
Xo‘jayin dedi: “Biz senga
you swim here any longer”. 
ortiq bu yerda
cho‘milishingga ruxsat
bera olmaymiz”.
What did the boss say? 
Xo‘jayin nima dedi?
The boss said: “we can’t let  
Xo‘jayin dedi: “Biz senga
you swim here any longer”. 
ortiq bu yerda  
ruxsat bera olmaymiz”.
Who said: “we can’t let you  
Biz senga ortiq bu yerda
swim here any longer”? 
suzishingga ruxsat bera
olmaymiz deb kim aytdi?
The boss said: “we can’t let  
Xo‘jayin biz senga boshqa
you swim here any longer”. 
bu yerda cho‘milishingga
(suzishingga) ruxsat bera
olmaymiz deb aytdi.
He continued: “we are losing  
U davom etdi: “Biz sen
many customers because 
tufayli ko‘p mijozlarimizni
of you”. 
Who continued: “we are losing   Biz seni deb ko‘p
many customers because 
of you”? 
deb kim davom etdi?
The boss continued: 
U davom etdi: “Biz seni
“we are losing many 
deb ko‘p xaridorlarimizni
customers because of you”. 
yo‘qotyapmiz deb”.
She cried for 24 hours. 
U 24 soat yig‘ladi.
Did Linda cry for 24 hours? 
Linda 24 soat yig‘ladimi?

Jumanazar Khushbakov
Yes, she cried for 24 hours. 
Ha, u 24 soat yig‘ladi.
How many hours did she cry? 
U necha soat yig‘ladi?
She cried for 24 hours. 
U 24 soat yig‘ladi.
Then she decided to go 
Keyin u Tinch okeaniga 
to the Pacific Ocean.  
borishga qaror qildi.
Who decided to go to the 
Keyin kim Tinch okeaniga
Pacific Ocean then?  
borishga qaror qildi?
For sure, Linda decided 
Albatta, Linda Tinch
to go to the Pacific Ocean. 
okeaniga borishga qaror
Where did she decide to go? 
U qayerga borishga qaror
Certainly, she decided 
Albatta, u Tinch okeaniga
to go to the Pacific Ocean.  
borishga qaror qildi.
Did she decide to go to 
U Hind okeaniga borishga
the Indian Ocean?  
qaror qildimi?
No, she didn’t decide 
Yo‘q, u Hind okeaniga
to go to the Indian Ocean.  
borishga qaror qilmadi.
Which Ocean did she 
U qaysi okeanga borishga
decide to go?  
qaror qildi?
She decided to go to 
U Tinch okeaniga borishga
the Pacific Ocean.  
qaror qildi.
She tried to swim in the ocean.  U okeanda suzishga
harakat qilib ko‘rdi.
Did she make an effort to swim  U ko‘lda suzishga harakat
in the lake? Or did she try to  
qildimi yoki okeanda
swimming in the ocean?  
suzishga harakat qildimi?
She didn’t try to swim 
U ko‘lda suzishga harakat
in the lake. She tried to swim  
qilmadi. U okeanda
in the ocean.  
suzishga harakat qildi.
Did she try to swim in a stream?   U oqimda suzishga harakat 
No, she didn’t try to swim 
Yo‘q, u oqimda suzishga
in a stream.  
harakat qilmadi.

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But the water was very salty 
Lekin okeanda suv juda
in the ocean.  
sho‘r edi.
Where was the water very salty?  Qayerda suv juda sho‘r edi?
In the ocean, the water was 
Okeanda suv juda
very salty in the ocean.  
sho‘r edi.
Was the water salty? 
Suv sho‘r edimi?
Yes, the water was salty. 
Ha, suv sho‘r edi.
Was the water a bit salty? 
Suv ozgina sho‘r edimi?
No, the water wasn’t 
Yo‘q, suv ozgina sho‘r 
a bit salty. 
Was it very salty? 
U juda sho‘r edimi?
Yes, it was very salty. 
Ha, u juda sho‘r edi.
She became ill. 
U kasal bo‘lib qoldi.
Did she become ill? 
U kasal bo‘lib qoldimi?
Yes, she became ill 
Ha, u kasal bo‘lib qoldi.
Who became ill? 
Kim kasal bo‘lib qoldi?
She became ill. 
U kasal bo‘ldi.
She coughed a lot. 
U ko‘p yo‘taldi.
Did she cough a lot? 
U ko‘p yo‘taldimi?
Yes, she coughed a lot. 
Ha, u ko‘p yo‘taldi.
Did you cough a lot? 
Siz ko‘p yo‘taldingizmi?
No, I didn’t cough a lot. 
Yo‘q, men ko‘p
Who coughed a lot? 
Kim ko‘p yo‘taldi?
She coughed a lot. 
U ko‘p yo‘taldi.
She went to hospital. 
U kasalxonaga bordi.
Who went to hospital? 
Kim kasalxonaga bordi?
Linda went to hospital. 
U kasalxonaga bordi.
Did she go to a restaurant?  
U restoranga bordimi?
No, she didn’t go to a restaurant.  Yo‘q, u restoranga bormadi.
Did she go to the dentist? 
U tish shifokoriga bordimi?
No, she didn’t go the dentist. 
Yo‘q, u tish shifokoriga
Where did she go? 
U qayerga bordi?

Jumanazar Khushbakov
She went to hospital. 
U kasalxonaga bordi.
The doctor said: “you are stinky.   Shifokor dedi: “Sen
Go away. Get out here now.  
badbo‘ysan. Yo‘qol.
I don’t want to see you”. 
Bu yerdan ket. Men seni
ko‘rishni xohlamayman”.
Who said: “you are stinky?” 
Kim sen “badbo‘ysan”
deb aytdi? 
The doctors said:  
Shifokorlar sen badbo‘ysan 
“you are stinky”.  
deb aytdi.
Who said: “Go away”? 
Kim “yo‘qol” deb aytdi?
The doctors said: “Go away”. 
Shifokorlar yo‘qol deb
Who said: “get out here now”? 
Kim bu yerdan ket deb aytdi?
The doctors said: 
Shifokorlar bu yerdan ket
“get out here now”.  
deb aytdilar.
Who said: “I don’t want  
Kim “men seni ko‘rishni
to see you”. 
xohlamayman” deb aytdi?
The doctor said: “I don’t  
Shifokor men seni ko‘rishni
want to see you”. 
xohlamayman deb aytdi.
Did the doctor say:  
Shifokor men seni ko‘rishni
“I don’t want to see you”? 
xohlamayman deb aytdimi?
Yes, the doctor said:  
Ha, shifokor men seni
“I don’t want to see you”. 
ko‘rishni xohlamayman
She cried again. 
U yana yig‘ladi.
Did she cry again? 
U yana yig‘ladimi?
Yes, she cried again and 
Ha, u qayta-qayta yig‘ladi.
again, again and again.
Did she laugh again? 
U yana kuldimi?
No, no, she didn’t laugh again. 
Yo‘q, u yo‘q yana
Did she smile again? 
U yana jilmaydimi?
No, she didn’t smile again. 
Yo‘q, u yana jilmaymadi.

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Did she grin again? 
U yana tishini
No, she didn’t grin again. 
Yo‘q, u boshqa tishini
Did she cry again? 
U yana yig‘ladimi?
Yes, she cried again. 
Ha, u yana yig‘ladi.
She wanted to die, because 
U o‘lishni xohladi, chunki
she had no friends.  
uning do‘stlari yo‘q edi.
Who wanted to die? 
Kim o‘lishni xohladi?
She wanted to die. 
U o‘lishni xohladi.
Did she want to die? 
U o‘lishni xohladimi?
Yes, she wanted to die. 
Ha, u o‘lishni xohladi.
Did she want to live? 
U yashashni xohladimi?
No, she didn’t want to live. 
Yo‘q, u yashashni
Did she want to travel? 
U sayohat qilishni
No, she didn’t want to travel. 
Yo‘q, u sayohat qilishni
What did she want to do? 
U nima qilishni xohladi?
 She wanted to die. 
U o‘lishni xohladi.
Why did she want to die? 
Nima uchun u o‘lishni
Because she had no friends. 
Chunki uning do‘stlari
yo‘q edi.
Did she have friends? 
Uning do‘stlari bormidi?
No, she had no friends. 
Yo‘q, uning do‘stlari
yo‘q edi.
She decided to go to the sea. 
U dengizga borishga qaror
Who decided to go to the sea? 
Kim dengizga borishga
qaror qildi?
She decided to go to the sea. 
U dengizga borishga qaror

Jumanazar Khushbakov
Did she decide to go to the sea?  U dengizga borishga qaror
Where did she decide to go? 
U qayerga borishga qaror
She decided to go to the sea. 
U dengizga borishga qaror
Did she decide to go 
U ko‘lga borishga qaror
to the lake? 
No, she didn’t decide to go 
Yo‘q, u ko‘lga borishga
to the lake.  
qaror qilmadi.
Did she decide to go 
U oqimga borishga qaror
to the stream?  
No, she didn’t decide to go 
Yo‘q, u oqimga borishga
to the stream.  
qaror qilmadi.
She decided to drown herself 
U o‘zini dengizda
into the sea.  
cho‘ktirishga qaror qildi.
Did she decide to drown 
U o‘zini dengizda
herself into the sea?  
cho‘ktirishga qaror
Yes, she decided to drown 
Ha, u o‘zini dengizda
herself into the sea.  
cho‘ktirishga qaror qildi.
Who decided to drown 
Kim o‘zini dengizda
herself into the sea?  
cho‘ktirishga qaror qildi.
Linda decided to drown 
Linda o‘zini dengizda
herself into the sea.  
cho‘ktirishga qaror qildi.
Where did she decide 
U qayerda o‘zini
to drown herself?  
cho‘ktirishga qaror qildi?
She decided to drown herself 
U o‘zini dengizda
in the sea.  
cho‘ktirishga qaror qildi.
Did she decide to drown 
U ko‘lda o‘zini
herself in the lake?  
cho‘ktirishga qaror
No, she didn’t decide to  
Yo‘q, u o‘zini ko‘lda
drown herself in the lake.  
cho‘ktirishga qaror qilmadi.

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She went to the sea. 
U dengizga bordi.
Who went to the sea? 
Kim dengizga bordi?
She went to the sea. 
U dengizga bordi?
Did she go to the sea? 
U dengizga bordimi?
Yes, she went to the sea. 
Ha, u dengizga bordi.
Did she go to the ocean? 
U okeanga bordimi?
No, she didn’t go to the ocean. 
Yo‘q, u okeanga bormadi.
Where did she go? 
U qayerga bordi?
She went to the sea. 
U dengizga bordi.
She said: “I want to have a lot 
U dedi: “Men ko‘p do‘stlarim
of friends”. Then she didn’t try   bo‘lishini xohlayman”.
to swim. She started to drown.   So‘ngra u suzishga harakat
qilmadi. U cho‘kishni
Who said: “I want to have  
Kim: “Men ko‘p do‘stlarim
a lot of friends”? 
bo‘lishini xohlayman”,
She said: “I want to have 
U men ko‘p do‘stlarim
 a lot of friends”. 
bo‘lishini xohlayman
Did she try to swim? 
U suzishga harakat qildimi?
No, she didn’t try to swim. 
Yo‘q, u suzishga harakat
Then who didn’t try to swim? 
Keyin kim suzishga
harakat qilmadi?
Then she didn’t try to swim. 
Keyin u suzishga harakat
Did she start to drown? 
U cho‘kishni boshladimi?
Yes, she started to drown. 
Ha, u cho‘kishni boshladi.
Who started to drown? 
Kim cho‘kishni boshladi?
Linda started to drown. 
U cho‘kishni boshladi.
Did she start to swim? 
U suzishni boshladimi?
No, she didn’t start to swim. 
Yo‘q, u suzishni

Jumanazar Khushbakov
Did she start to jump? 
U sakrashni boshladimi?
No, she didn’t to start 
Yo‘q, u sakrashni
to jump. 
Did she begin to swim? 
U suzishni boshladimi?
No, she didn’t begin to swim. 
Yo‘q, u suzishni
What did she begin to do? 
U nima qilishni boshladi?
She began to drown. 
U cho‘kishni boshladi.
After some time, she lost her  
Bir ozdan keyin u hushini
consciousness. She fainted. 
yo‘qotdi va holsizlandi. 
Who lost her consciousness? 
Kim hushini yo‘qotdi?
Linda lost her consciousness. 
U hushini yo‘qotdi.
Did she lose her 
U hushini yo‘qotdimi?
Yeah, she lost her 
Ha, u hushini yo‘qotdi.
Did she lose her purse? 
U hamyonini yo‘qotdimi?
No, no, she didn’t lose 
Yo‘q, yo‘q, u hamyonini
her purse. 
What did she lose? 
U nimani yo‘qotdi?
Her consciousness, she lost 
Hushini, u hushini
her consciousness.  
Did she faint?  
U hushidan ketdimi?
Yeap, she fainted. 
Ha, u hushidan ketdi.
Who fainted? 
Kim hushidan ketdi?
She fainted. 
U hushidan ketdi.
Did your brother faint? 
Sizning akangiz hushidan
No, my brother didn’t faint. 
Yo‘q, mening akam
hushidan ketmadi.
Did your neighbor faint? 
Sizning qo‘shningiz
hushidan ketdimi?
No, my neighbor didn’t faint. 
Yo‘q, mening qo‘shnim
hushidan ketmadi.

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After 3 days, some camels 
3 kundan keyin uni bir
awoke her up.  
nechta tuyalar uyg‘otishdi.
Who awoke her up 
3 kundan keyin kim uni
after 3 days? 
After 3 days, some camels 
3 kundan keyin uni bir
awoke her up.  
nechta tuyalar uyg‘otishdi.
Did any camels awake her 
Bir nechta tuyalar uni
up after 3 days?  
3 kundan keyin
Yes, some camels awoke 
Ha, bir nechta tuyalar uni
her up after 3 days.  
3 kundan keyin uyg‘otishdi.
The camel was very shocked,  
Tuyalar uni hurmat
because they respected her.  
qilishlaridan hayratda
(hayron) qoldi.
Who was shocked? 
Kim hayron qoldi?
The camel was  shocked. 
Tuya hayron qoldi.
Was the camel very shocked? 
Tuya juda hayron qoldimi?
Yes, the camel was  
Ha, tuya juda hayron qoldi.
very shocked.
Did they respect her? 
Barcha hayvonlar uni
hurmat qilishdi.
Yes, they respected her. 
Ha, ular uni hurmat qilishdi.
Who respected her? 
Kim uni hurmat qildi?
All the animals, they 
Hamma hayvonlar uni
respected her. 
hurmat qilishdi.
Did they adore her? 
Ular uni qadrlashdimi?
Yes, they adored her. 
Ha, ular uni qadrlashdi.
Who adored her? 
Kim uni qadrladi?
They adored her. 
Ular uni qadrlashdi.
They were very kind to her. 
Ular unga juda mehribon
Were they kind to her? 
Ular unga mehribon

Jumanazar Khushbakov
Yes, they were kind to her. 
Ha, ular unga mehribon
Who was kind to her? 
Kim unga mehribon bo‘ldi?
They were kind to her. 
Ular unga mehribon
Were they polite to her? 
Ular unga muloyim
Yes, they were polite to her. 
Ha, ular unga muloyim
Were they impolite to her? 
Ular unga qo‘pol bo‘ldilarmi?
No, no, they weren’t 
Yo‘q, yo‘q, ular unga qo‘pol
impolite to her.  
She suddenly realized that 
U birdan chiroyli ekanligini
she was beautiful.  
anglab yetdi.
Who suddenly realized that 
Kim to‘satdan chiroyli
she was beautiful?  
ekanligini anglab yetdi?
She suddenly realized that 
U to‘satdan chiroyli
she was beautiful.  
ekanligini anglab yetdi.
Did she suddenly realize that 
U to‘satdan chiroyli
she was beautiful?  
ekanligini anglab yetdimi?
Yes, she suddenly realized that 
Ha, u to‘satdan chiroyli
she was beautiful.  
ekanligini anglab yetdi.
Did she suddenly find out 
U to‘satdan chiroyli
that she was beautiful?  
ekanlini tushunib yetdimi?
Yes, she suddenly found out 
Ha, u to‘satdan chiroyli
that she was beautiful.  
ekanligini tushunib yetdi.
Who suddenly found out that 
Kim to‘satdan chiroyli
she was beautiful?  
ekanligini tushunib yetdi?
All of a sudden, Linda suddenly  U to‘satdan chiroyli
found out that she was beautiful.   ekanligini tushunib yetdi.
Did she suddenly realize 
U to‘satdan xunuk
that she was ugly?  
ekanligini tushunib yetdimi?
No, she suddenly didn’t 
Yo‘q, u to‘satdan xunuk
realize that she was ugly.  
ekanligini tushunib yetmadi.

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In that case, what did  
U holda, u nimani tushunib
she realize? 
She realized that she  
U chiroyli ekanligini
was beautiful.  
tushunib yetdi. 
She wasn’t stinky. 
U badbo‘y emasdi.
Was she stinking? 
U sasiyotgan edimi?
No, she wasn’t stinking. 
Yo‘q, u sasimayotgan edi.
Who wasn’t stinking? 
Kim sasimayotgandi?
She wasn’t stinking 
U sasimayotgandi.
Was she aromatic? 
U xushbo‘y edimi? 
Yes, she was aromatic. 
Ha, u xushbo‘y edi.
Who was aromatic?  
Kim xushbo‘y edi?
She was aromatic. 
U xushbo‘y edi.
Was she fragrant? 
U xushbo‘y edimi?
Yes, she was fragrant.  
Ha, u xushbo‘y edi. 
Who was fragrant? 
Kim xushbo‘y edi?
She was fragrant. 
U xushbo‘y edi.
She had a lot of friends.  
Uning do‘stlari ko‘p edi.
She became happy.  
U baxtli bo‘ldi.
She was the happiest.  
U dunyoda eng baxtli edi.
Did she have a lot of friends? 
Uning do‘stlari ko‘p edimi?
Yes, she had a lot of friends. 
Ha, uning do‘stlari
ko‘p edi.
Who had a lot of friends? 
Kimning do‘stlari
ko‘p edi?
She had a lot of friends. 
Uning do‘stlari ko‘p edi.
Did she have a lot of enemies? 
Uning dushmanlari ko‘p
No, no, she didn’t have 
Yo‘q, yo‘q, uning
a lot of enemies.  
dushmanlari ko‘pmas edi.
Who became happy? 
Kim baxtli bo‘ldi?
Linda became happy. 
Linda baxtli bo‘ldi.
Did she become happy? 
U baxtli bo‘ldimi?
Yes, she became happy. 
Ha, u baxtli bo‘ldi.

Jumanazar Khushbakov
Did she become sad? 
U xafa bo‘ldimi?
No, she didn’t become sad. 
Yo‘q, u xafa bo‘lmadi.
Did she become upset? 
U xafa bo‘ldimi?
No, she didn’t become upset. 
Yo‘q, u xafa bo‘lmadi.
Did she become over the moon? 
U juda xursand bo‘ldimi?
Yes, she became over the moon. 
Ha, u juda xursand bo‘ldi.
Who became over the moon? 
Kim juda xursand bo‘ldi?
She became over the moon. 
U juda xursand bo‘ldi.
Did she become the happiest? 
U eng baxtlimidi?
Yes, she became the happiest. 
Ha, u judayam baxtli bo‘ldi.
Who became the happiest? 
Kim judayam baxtli bo‘ldi?
Linda became the happiest. 
Linda eng baxtli bo‘ldi.
So that’s all for the mini story! This mini story is a bit long. But you 
have to listen to the same mini story many many times. And this mini 
story is much more powerful than any other mini stories. So I want you 
to listen to this mini story many many times today. And while listening, 
have a strong posture, move your body, smile, and breathe deeply. 
(breathing).  And answer the questions during the mini story. So that’s 
all fo the mini story about a stinky camel. See you next time. Bye-bye! 
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