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(to 75 letiju the Republican study of local lore museum of Karakalpakstan ) "...In a study of local lore museum the history of Karakalpakstan is perfectly submitted in all beauty. People with such rich history, ancient culture, traditions should and will live on the ground a happy life..." - these words are written by visitors in the visitors' book of a study of local lore museum of Republic Karakalpakstan . Everyone who though time has visited this museum rich with masterpieces, aspires to see it again.
The history of any people is rich with events, unique traditions and customs, products of olden time, art, worthy admiration and pride. One of the oldest museums of Uzbekistan - the Republican study of local lore museum of Karakalpakstan is going to meet the 75 years anniversary. This museum is one of a first signs among cultural-educational establishments not only in a lower reaches of Amu Darya and Priaralja, and in all Central Asia. Much varied in a life of inhabitants of Karakalpakstan , histories of times can be read today in a study of local lore museum. She as the open book full of fascinating stories, with valiantly twirled beginning and an original outcome continues to submit hearts of people. How many they have passed on these halls? How many time enthusiastic voices soared up up and a bird fell downwards? It remember perhaps only walls of a museum, and his exhibits storing warmly of hands those who collected them for a temple of history. In archival sources it is underlined, that in 1929 at scientifically research institute of the Karakalpak autonomous region in club of the city of Turtkulja the study of local lore museum is organized and on May, 16 the same year his first exhibition opens. Graduates of the Moscow State university actively participated in improvement of activity of a museum N. A. Baskakov, N. V. Torchinskaja and young Karakalpak scientist K. Aimbetov. In due course storehouses of a museum have replenished with the new exhibits collected among the population and found in result arheologichesko-of ethnographic expeditions in the chapter of the well-known scientists A. L. Melkova, J. Guljamova, A. S. Morozova, S. P. Tolstov, T. A. Zhdanko. Today our museum one of known museums in region. If 75 years ago the museum was open with several tens exhibits today in it it is collected about 60 thousand exhibits, the majority from which rare and are property of people. Today in a museum trudjatsja more than 40 person, umudrennyh a wide experience of veterans of work. We quite can is proud also of that, as young people today with pleasure come to work in a museum, putting in favourite business all soul. Funds of a museum annually replenish with new finds. The big role in it expeditions to areas of republic undoubtedly play, archeological excavations due to which there are really unique exhibits. Close contacts to the Karakalpak branch of the Academy of sciences of Republic Uzbekistan, university, a teacher's college, funds " A?ai ", "Mahallja", schools and colleges together with which work on gathering the information proceeds, to purchase of subjects of a national - applied art, creation of the new expositions devoted to modern Karakalpakstan are adjusted. And how many the most various actions are carried out in our museum! These are evenings of memory, anniversaries, meetings, seminars, exhibitions, museum lessons, lectures and practical works with students of HIGH SCHOOLS. For example to the 660-anniversary of great commander Amir Timur, to 1030 letiju scientist - entsiklopedista Abu Rajhana al Beruni, to 1000 letiju creations of epos "Alpomish", national hero Ernazar Alakoz, anniversaries of the Karakalpak poets klassikov Berdaha and Azhinijaza, statesmen Allajara Dosnazarova, Koptleu Nurmuhamedova, art workers and Z.Ajmurzaeva, A.Shamuratovoj, Z.Shamuratova's art, Kyjas and Ansatbaja Kajratdinovyh, to 100 letiju the Uzbek writer, academician Gafura Guljama, etc. Appreciating memory to these great people of our ground, we learn the history, the roots better. Each department of a museum is rich and unique on the. Halls of the nature are loved very much by children who have been perfectly made out, they transfer visitors to boundless distances, cane paradise, carry away together with birds highly in heavens. And as the department of archeology is interesting. In fact digression to history of our ancient ground from here begins. A breadboard model of ancient sites of ancient settlement - Topyrak kala Which krylgan kala, subjects of a life, the instrument of work testify as for a long time people there lived in these cities, how many centuries minulo from that time. One of the most unique exhibits of a museum is the capital found in 1966 in mountains Sulganuizdag. This laying with the probent legs, framing abaku, an animal with heads of bearded husbands from which it was kept one. The person passionless, with convex eyes without pupils, correct features and the pointed beard; above a forehead - a flat headdress and a bandage from which to cheeks horns ovna are bent. The capital revives in memory images drevnevostochnogo arts - from a sphynx of Ancient Egypt up to borrowed of a myrtle of the assiro-Babylon mythology chelovekobykov ahemenidskogo Iran. Similar capitals for the first time appear in Iran since time Darija as two srosshihsja protom lions, bychkov, griffins and they are known in Persopole, Nahshi-Rusteme. Pertinently in this connection to recollect klinopisnuju an inscription construction ahemenidskogo a palace in Susa (V-IV vv up to AD) where the stone "ahshajna" from Khoresm, t e was delivered. From mountains Sultanuizdagskih. The capital is dated same time. The bronze cast vessel is stored in an archeologic collection of a museum. It has been found by the worker of a hydro-geological search party A.Taubaevym in sand between sites of ancient settlement Burly and Toprakkala in area Ellikkalinskom of Republic Karakalpakstan. This bronze vessel VI-V of centuries up to AD certain by scientists as for cult purpose, has the spherical form n costs on three, widely placed the legs similar to legs of animals. The handle of the boiler is made out as a horse. In similar boilers, only in the big sizes than ours, it is usual in days of various cult holidays cooked meat of sacrificial animals. Massagety it agrees Gerodotu living in a lower reaches of Amu Darya, to the sun sacrifice horses, believing, that sense of this sacrifice that the fastest god needs the fastest essence on light. But itself, perhaps, the exposition of a national - applied art is bright. On a breast at young karakalpachki hajkel, inside which the amulet from sglaza here rings. Such carried women of genital age and the ljubimej there was a wife, the the richman was hajkel. And here tumary with serdolikovym an eye, or sonorous ongirmonshak. Our grandmothers were great women of fashion! And skilled workers! Look on a dress and dressing gownes embroidered with them as the Karakalpak ornament is many-sided, he/she is the cook kojlek and zhegde, it shaj kalta and shynykap, these are the weaved carpet products kergi and karshyn, korzhun and accessories jury ak baskur, kyzyl hens and various oriental carpets. The department of a national- applied art is the alive tree of crafts planted by able fingers of embroideresses. Strange imaginations embodied in embroideries are original and have no analogues. Pleases an eye executed by employees of a museum of V.Bajbakovoj, Z.Akimovoj, M.Ajmurzaevoj, etc. souvenir handbags, purses, cases for glasses, amulets which with admiration and trembling in soul are got by visitors of a museum in memory of edge. Were glorified karakalpaki and woodcarving - acknowledgement to that - smart doors for jurty, chests, darvoza, columns ajvana. Do not lag behind them and our contemporaries. Unreasonably being admired art and needlework of people and having caught them is unique beauty, in a museum the masters - embroideresses, woodcarvers, artists, sculptors, masters on manufacturing musical instruments and taksodermisty - manufacturers of scarecrows are born brightness and original national color of paints. For example one of such masters Hozhanazarov Arzybek with the musical instruments was exposed at the International exhibition national umeltsev in London and has received a high estimation. The violin made by him which is the prototype of a violin of the great Stradivari has especially drawn attention. Sculptural works of artist A.Sejtimbetova, which theme it is very close to people, are exposed during all exposition and cause huge interest in visitors of a museum. And scarecrows made. Omarovym find the central place in diopamas of a department of the nature which is a favourite place of young rising generation. The collection of the Karakalpak study of local lore museum is widely known far outside our republic. For 75 years of a door of a treasury of history are hospitably opened for visitors. And everyone carries away from here chastichku heat of our solar edge. Going in a leg with modern requirements and taking into account and foreigners-visitors of a museum we plan to open inquiries of visitors of capital in the future jeweller, weaver's, craft shops in which memorable souvenirs and orders to the population will be made. It will enable to keep all valuable and fine, created by the last generations. The museum is the most many-sided estetiko-educational center and a temple of history. Carrying out 75 years anniversaries of a museum inspires employees and makes the big responsible in improvement of museum activity, research work, propagation and inspires on an embodiment of the planned plans. We try to embody each event an event in our edge of the country, to keep for descendants of creation of their ancestors, carefully keeping each exhibit. Without the past there is no future, and we museum employees are sure, that to our temple of history will find road everyone. Director of the Republican study of local lore museum, the Deserved art worker of Republic Karakalpakstan THE CENTER OF CULTURE AND SPIRITUALITY The republican study of local lore museum at the Ministry on affairs of culture RK has been based in 1929, having only about ten exhibits. Now, before the 75-anniversary, the fund of a museum totals more than 56 thousand exhibits. Annually in a museum comes about 45 thousand visitors. It is pleasant, that the majority of them makes youth of republic which aspires to learn better history of the Native land, an originality of its nature. Last years as employees of a museum mark, the number of foreign visitors has increased. They are interested especially with archeology, ethnography, and also flora and fauna Priaralja. - In territory of our republic are about 1000 archeologic monuments, director of the museum, deserved art worker RK Svetlana Nurabullaeva tell. - are widely submitted in an exposition " ZHambas kapa ", " Which kyrylgan kala ", " Toprak kala ", "Kujukkala". Especially involves visitors complex "Mizdahkan" and the exhibits found there by employees of a museum during scientific expedition. The study of local lore museum will consist of three departments - the nature, archeology and ethnography and a department of a modern history . In the last the exposition devoted to achievements of Karakalpakstan for years of independence is submitted. The department of the nature begins with display diaram landscapes of a plateau of Ustyurt, Kyzylkumov and pool of Aral sea. Vegetative and the fauna of Karakalpakstan is submitted diaramoj reserve Badajtugajskogo. The national clothes of Karakalpak people are widely exhibited at halls of ethnography. The exposition of lady's wear and ornaments is especially rich: saukele, the cook - kojlek, zhegde, monshak and other attributes of lady's wear OO111-O1O of centuries. Here there is a kitchen utensils and other subjects of a life of that time, an accessory jurty. Especially the visitor is amazed with skill of our needlewomen creating really masterpieces of an applied art. The big changes have taken place in our republic for years of independence in the field of education, public health services, sciences, an agriculture. All this has stage by stage found the reflection in halls of a department of modern history RK. As the museum is study of local lore, has become a tradition to carry out here evenings, meetings, anniversaries and other significant dates of republic. - speaks S.Nurabullaeva. - So, for example, the last year, the declared President of Uzbekistan Year of protection of interests of the senior generation, in a museum had been organized an exhibition and a meeting with veterans of a museum. And this year by 70-years anniversary of of Nukus the thematic stationary exhibition where the data on capital are collected is organized: schemes of the first constructions of Nukus which very much interest visitors. Here photos, breadboard models of modern buildings of capital, gift products are collected also. By 10-years anniversary from the date of the organization of fund Arala the big thematic exhibition " Aralu has been organized to live ". 175-years anniversary of great Karakalpak poet Berdaha Kargabaj uly, concurrent with celebrating national holiday Navruz was widely marked in a museum 14.05.2003 in a museum were passed with the action devoted to the 100-anniversary from birthday of great Uzbek writer Gafura Guljama. At a meeting senior lecturer Ibraim Uteuliev, director of a museum Svetlana Nurabullaeva have acted the poetess Gulistan Matjakubova. They have told about his life and activity, value of creativity of G.Guljama. Pupils 5 classes Schools #3 of Nukus together with teacher Nargup Matjakubovoj have addressed with the Uzbek language of training of high school visitors and have told by heart fragments from G.Guljama's products " Noise of ball ", " you not the orphan ". In conclusion of G.Matjakubova due a poem devoted to the great writer. The vigorous activity of a museum is inconceivable without self-denying work of his collective, - continues S.Nurabullaeva. - Especially wants to note veterans of museum Tilepbaja Koszhanova, SHamen Saparovu, Sarigul ZHoldasbaevu, Ajgul ZHiemuratopu. Even more often museum exhibitions began to be carried out behind his limits. So, for example, the museum took part in a decade of Days of culture of Karakalpakstan in the city of Tashkent and area Navoijskoj Kanemehskom of area. In 2002 director of a museum has made trip to Israel where she has presented the public of this country of data on Republic Karakalpakstan in slides and photos. The employee of museum Arzybek Hozhanazarov has been invited to England with the musical instruments: dutarom, kobyzom and a violin which it has made itself. Sounding of these tools, in particular kobyza, by words umeltsa, vyznal the big interest at visitors of an exhibition. It is a lot of employees of the museum, inspired with creativity of our ancestors, during free time from work are fond of a national embroidery and other kinds of an applied art. The employee of a museum B.Omarov himself is engaged vydelyvaniem scarecrows of birds and animals which are constantly exhibited at exhibitions of a museum. Artist Azat Sejtimbetov, the former employee of a museum, is engaged in woodcarving. He creates many skilful works - the sculptures devoted to the nature, problem Arala. Works of the artist are submitted in many halls of a museum. In the near future we plan expansion of an exposition of a museum - speaks in conclusion of S.Nurabullaeva, - exhibits of all departments will be updated. By employees of a museum it is developed perspective tematiko-the exposition plan. Together with scientists and experts scientific development and researches are carried out. We hope, that our museum and will serve henceforth to people, in particular young generation, a source of deep knowledge of native edge, being one of the major centers of culture, history and spirituality of our republic. National company "Uzbektourism" Karakalpakstan Photos of Karakalpakstan Download 162,14 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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