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part-time secondary education has been

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Kanada - Англис

part-time secondary education has been
introduced for children aged 5-7 to 14-16.
In addition to free state-run schools,
there are also private (paying) schools,
mainly run by religious and ethnic groups.
Classes are conducted in the language of
those groups. Studying in higher
educational institutions is paid for. All regions
have universities. Major: Toronto, Vancouver, Kingston,
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Universities of Montreal, Quebec. Scientific
Institutions: Royal Society of Canada, Social
Science Research Council (all in Ottawa),
several scientific researches in
forestry and agriculture
National Museum of Canada in Ottawa,
National Gallery, National Arts Centre, Royal
Ontario Museum, Art Gallery in Toronto,
Art Gallery in Montreal
institutions. Major Libraries:
Parliamentary, Public, National, National
Academic (all in Ottawa), public libraries
in Montreal and Toronto, as well as
libraries at the universities of Toronto, Montreal,
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Press, radio and television
Museum, Museum of the Province of Quebec
in Quebec, etc. there is
about 300 gas in the languages of groups
(German, Italian, Chinese, etc.). and b. there are
periodicals. The largest: in English - "Globe eng
meyl" ("Post of the World", daily newspaper, from
1844), "Toronto-Star" ("Toronto Star", daily
newspaper, from 1892), "Gazette" (daily
newspaper, from 1778), "Ottawa Citizen" ("Ottawa
Citizen", daily
Canada publishes 114 daily newspapers and
1,200 weekly newspapers. Ethnic
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evening paper, from 1845), "Vancouver
Sun" ("Vancouver Sun", daily evening
paper, from 1886), etc. In French
- "Devoir" ("Duty", daily newspaper,
from 1910), "Press" ("Press", daily
evening newspaper, from 1884),
"Soley" ("Sun", daily evening
newspaper, from 1896 from) and b.
"Canadian Labour" ("Canadian Labor
Unions", monthly magazine, in
English and French, from 1956),
"McLean's Canadian Weekly
News", ("McLean's News of Canada",
weekly magazine, in English, from 1905)
comes out. There is the Canadian Press,
a national news agency
(founded in 1917). "Canadian Broadcasting Corporation" — CBS,
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Corporation, established in 1936.
A total of 115 TVs and 575
The oral art of Canadian indigenous
people (Indians, Eskimos) has been
passed down from generation to generation.
Canadian literature was formed mainly
in English (18th century) and French (19th
century). Russian, Ukrainian, etc. literary
works are also published in languages. Oral
works of Indians and Eskimos English-Canadian writers
Canadian Broadcasting and Television
Radio broadcasting began in
1926, and television broadcasting in 1952.
the radio station works.
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Literature in the English language was
initially influenced by and inspired by
English romanticism. The so-called
Confederation poets wrote works about
the beauty of nature and called for the
unity of people of different
nationalities living in Canada. Historical
novels developed in the second half of the 19th century.
Poet Pauline Johnson (1862-1913) devoted
her whole life to protecting the rights of
Indians and developing their legends in
a literary way.
In general, the harsh conditions of colonial
dependence hindered the development of
national literature.
was partially collected by (20th century).
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Canadian towns in his works
It became world famous by depicting
the morality of the population, the rule of
money, and the helplessness of the
"small" man. Literary magazines, early
histories of Canadian literature, and
anthologies appeared in the early 20th
century. The Canadian Writers' Union was
formed (1921), which united mainly
English-Canadian writers. From the
middle of the 20th century, the national
character of Canadians began to be clearly
manifested in English-language literature.
From the 40s, critical realism developed. The
heroes of realistic novels written by F.
Grove are working people. Realist writer M. Kellehen
Humorist S. Leacock (1869-1944) own
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His works are imbued with the spirit of
humanity and compassion for the people. X.
Romantic poets in late Canada
Literature in French. During the period of
French rule in Canada, works were written on
religious themes. 19th century
In his writings, McLennan called for the unity
of Canadians from England and France
("Two Solitudes", 1945). The theme of many
works of the 60s and 80s is devoted to confusion
in the life of the society. Issues
such as Canadian problems and the situation of
Indians and Eskimos are the focus of
Canadian progressive writers
is standing.
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Cremadi's work introduced the spirit of
French Romantic poetry to Canadian literature.
created their works. F. de Gaspé's story
"Ancient Canadians" is the most influential work
of the 19th century. At the beginning of the
20th century, the patriarchal life and the
religiousness of the peasants were glorified. L.
Emon's novel "Maria Shapdlen" enriched
the literature of the colonial period with vivid
images. Realism developed in the 1930s. In
the 1940s, writers covered social issues
depicted satirically (the novel "At the Foot of the Slope",
1944); Gabriel Rua "Accidental Happiness"
school was established. Poet JO
Influenced by French romantics, including W.
Hugo, LO Freshett, LPLeme own
started R. Lemlen church staff
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works of Cloutier). Yu. Aachen called
on the French Canadians to fight for
national pride ("The Event of the Coming
Days"). In the 60s and 80s, poets
tried to reflect the intellectual and
creative life of their contemporaries. A.
showed the life of workers in his novel. In the
prose of the 1950s, attention was paid
to spiritual experiences, to the feeling of
alienation and loneliness in society (I. Terio, E.
Granbois wrote works on the
themes of love, life and death.
Indians live in cellars, wigwams, roofed
with skins or wood
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lived in houses. In the 17th-19th centuries,
the French brought to Eastern Canada
the construction of houses with strong walls and
steep roofs, hall churches (with 1-2 towers at
the front), and public buildings according to their
traditions. During this period J.
Architects such as Demer and T. Bayarje flourished.
In the part of Canada occupied by the British
(18th-19th centuries), the construction of buildings
from cinch and stone in the style of classicism
(architect J. Merrick) developed. From the
middle of the 19th century, cities with straight
streets and low-rise buildings (Ottawa,
Montreal, Toronto, Quebec) began to rise.
Architects E. Lennox, J.
Buildings were built in a mixed style based on
Lyle's projects. USA since the end of the 19th century
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From the middle of the 20th century, the old
cities began to be rebuilt and expanded rapidly.
Modern industrial and public buildings were
built from reinforced concrete and steel
(Toronto's Annecy Island complex and city
hall buildings, Montreal's Ville-Marie Square,
the World's Fair, the Olympic complex, etc.).
Cities were built on the basis of a single
project, and comfortable residential areas
were built around enterprises.
the influence of architecture increased,
construction of tall public buildings and hotels
increased (architects such as F. Darling, J. Pearson).
Fine art
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The age of the Indians. his art
consisted of wood carving, stone,
bone, horn carving, feather and shell
ornaments, hand weaving, needlework
and deer wool embroidery,
painting. After the 17th century,
immigrants from Europe and
the United States and their
descendants contributed to this work.
Eskimos made human and animal
figurines from stone, bone and
animal horns. Since the arrival
of Europeans, Canadian visual arts
have developed in a unique way under
the influence of French and English art.
Indian and Eskimo art has long been
developed in Canada.
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portrait painting and religious painting
appeared; wooden figurines, silver
dishes, watercolor landscapes were created.
In the middle of the 19th century,
painters depicting the life of peasants,
the views of the regions and the life of
the Indians (P. Kane, Kryghof of Canada, H.
works depicting the charming nature
Lismere is a beautiful northern latitude
started 17th - early 19th centuries
Morris, T. Thomson, J. McDonald, A.
Along with modernism (A. Pellon, J. Riopel)
in contemporary Canadian art, there is
a realist current (J. Lemieux, T. Macdonald, F.
Watson, H. Walker) created. In the 20th century, JU
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from the end, concerts began to be held. 19-
Taylor, R. Pilo) are also available. Design and
applied decorative arts (carving, carpet
making, pottery) are developing. Woodcarving,
Ukrainian-Iraqi, and Eskimo sculpture stand
out in Halk's work.
Music has been an integral part of the life of
indigenous peoples and immigrants since ancient
times. Warrior, hunter songs, romantic songs
typical of the Indians are joyful and expressive.
Until the end of the 18th century, mainly church
music was painting. 18th century
by the power of amateurs at the turn of the century
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opera performances were shown. In the second
half of the 19th century, the conditions for
the development of professional music were
created, and a society of music amateurs was formed.
Canada Lavalle, one of the musical figures,
created the national anthem "O, Canada".
Professional composers and musicians appeared
in the late 19th and early 20th
centuries. In the 40s, music began to develop
rapidly. Permanent opera troupes in Toronto,
Montreal, Winnipeg, National Ballet in
Ontario, Classical Ballet in Ottawa, Royal
Ballet in Winnipeg, 30 in various cities
European musicians in Canada, US opera
troupes and symphonic
orchestras gave a concert. Initial
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Singers such as Johnson, L. Simono, G.
Canadian music figures M.
There is the Canadian Association of
Composers, Authors and Publishers. There are
8 higher music schools in Canada. In a
number of cities, music schools and
music faculties have been opened under
universities. Since 1965, an international music
festival and competition of musicians has
been held in Montreal every year.
Composers such as Blackburn, J. Weinsweig,
P. Mercure, conductors such as J. Baudry, A.
Brott, P. Dervo, L. Marshall, T. Stratas, E.
There is a permanent orchestra nearby.
Musicians such as Gould, I. Handel are famous.
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Indian rituals have elements of folk theater art.
They used masks and dolls to
perform religious ceremonies.
Canada to the theater repertoire
Plays by P. Cornell, J. Racine, and J. Moliere
were staged. In 1606, the theater "Neptune"
in Port-Royal staged Lescarbo's poetic play "The
Mask of the Sea". Indians and
French participated in the performance. In
1774, in Halifax, the first play from Canadian life
- "Acadius, or love in the wilderness" was
staged. 1825 The first permanent
theater was opened in Montreal.
Professional theater from the 17th century in Quebec and
It began to develop in the regions of Acadia.
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Meir's works were included. Montreal,
Toronto, Victoria, Hamilton, Winnipeg
From the late 1980s
to the First World War ,
mobile professional theaters flourished.
The Quebec and Halifax theater troupes
included actors from the United States,
France, and England, as well as Canadian
actors. During this period, traveling
professional theaters called "road"
became widespread. In the 20s and 30s of
the 20th century, universities, schools,
clubs and
playwrights — J. Kenel, Ch. Hevisij, Ch.
theaters were established in the cities. 19-
many amateur troupes were organized
in churches. In the late 40s, professional
theaters in major cities
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will be done.
appeared. These include the Rideau Ver in
Montreal, Theater Toronto in
Toronto, and the Citadel in Edmonton. Plays of
Shakespeare, Moliere, Turgenev, Chekhov, etc.
are staged there. The process of creating a
national theater culture is going on in the French-
language theaters. In Canada, directors
such as M. Anglei, W. Huston, R. Massey, Canada
Kolikos, L. Green, Sh. Actors like King,
Canada Reed are famous. National School of
Theater Arts in Toronto, Alberta, Saskatchewan,
Queens University
there are drama sections. "Canadian Theater"
magazine (in English and French).
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In 1898, an advertising film was
shot on the order of the Canadian
film company Massey-Harris. In 1900,
the Canadian Bioscope produced a
series of films to entertain immigrants
to Canada. The series of films
entitled "Life in Canada" issued by
G. Bradford from 1903 also served
this purpose. 1906 The first
permanent cinema opened in
Montreal. In 1914, the first Canadian
feature film - "Evangelina" (directed
by IP Sullivan, UX Kovano) was
shot in Montreal. Faroib was interested
in the nature of the north and the life of the Eskimos
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American director R. Flaherty shot the
documentary film "The Child of the North -
Nanuk" (1922) and made a significant contribution
to the development of Canadian documentary cinema.
Canada's first sound film is "Viking" (directed
by W. Frissell, J. Melford, 1931). Director J.
Grierson made an important contribution to
the establishment of national film art. 1939 National
Council on Cinema Issues was established. He
managed the production of documentary films by
the state. During the Second World War, the
film series "Battle Harmony" became famous. In
1952, the first color film "Etienne Brule, the barren"
was created. "City of Gold" (director Canada Lowe),
"May peace last", "Fresh with the sea".
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The Canadian Film Academy awards the
best films every year.
is held regularly. 1400 in Canada
there is a cinema, a film archive and a film library.
between water" (director M. Bro) films were
created. Among the films released in the 1970s
and 1990s are "Blue Winter" (directed by
A. Blanchard), "Why was the teacher
shot" (directed by S. Naritsanno), "The
Hunter" (directed by 3. R. Delen), "The Old
Fox" ( director F. Borsos) can be shown.
Interesting cartoons are also created in Canada.
International film festivals in Stratford,
Montreal, Vancouver
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This page was last edited on March 30, 2023, 1:28 p.m.

From text
SA 3.0
may be used under license (unless otherwise
from title=Canada&oldid=3631633" .
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