Unit 6: Bring Meetings Online
Uchrashuvlarni onlayn olib boring
Google Meet
You can have up to 100 people (for Google Workspace for Education Education Fundamentals and Education Standard domains) in the same video call, and up to 250 people (for Google Workspace for Education Teaching and Learning Upgrade and
Education Plus domains).
Xuddi shu video qo‘ng‘iroqda 100 tagacha odam (Google Workspace for Education Education Fundamentals va Education Standard domenlari uchun) va 250 tagacha odam (Google Workspace for Education Teaching and Learning Upgrade va
Education Plus domenlari uchun) bo‘lishi mumkin
1. What’s the best way to distribute an agenda for an upcoming meeting?
Send the agenda file to all the participants via email
Call them on the phone to let them know. It’s the personal touch!
Add the agenda to your Google Calendar invitation as a shared Doc
Make a Google Doc and send it to them using Meet
1. Bo'lajak uchrashuv uchun kun tartibini tarqatishning eng yaxshi usuli qanday?
Kun tartibi faylini barcha ishtirokchilarga elektron pochta orqali yuboring
Ularga xabar berish uchun telefonga qo'ng'iroq qiling. Bu shaxsiy teginish!
Kun tartibini umumiy hujjat sifatida Google Taqvim taklifingizga qo'shing
Google Doc yarating va uni Meet orqali ularga yuboring
2. Meeting resources, such as projectors, laptops and rooms, can all be booked through Google Calendar
False True
2. Proyektorlar, noutbuklar va xonalar kabi uchrashuv resurslarini Google Taqvim orqali bron qilish mumkin.
Yolg'on To'g'ri
3. Using a Google Doc for keeping minutes is a good idea because: (Select all that apply.)
It lets everyone in the meeting contribute if they want to Google Docs are hard to lose and easy to find
They can be emailed to people who may have been unable to attend the meeting
They can be set up so that some people can edit them and others can just view them.
3. Daqiqalarni saqlash uchun Google Doc-dan foydalanish yaxshi fikr, chunki: (Tegishli barcha narsani tanlang.)
Bu yig'ilishdagi har kim xohlasa, hissa qo'shish imkonini beradi
Google Docs-ni yo'qotish qiyin va topish oson
Ular yig'ilishda qatnasha olmagan odamlarga elektron pochta orqali yuborilishi mumkin
Ularni shunday sozlash mumkinki, ba'zi odamlar ularni tahrirlashi, boshqalari esa ularni ko'rishi mumkin.
4. Which of the following features does Google Calendar NOT have?
Check to see if other people are available or not
4. Quyidagi funksiyalardan qaysi biri Google Taqvimga ega emas?
Boshqa odamlar bor yoki yo'qligini tekshiring
Allow attendees to RSVP to the meeting request
Send a meeting reminder a few minutes before the meeting starts
Time travel, for those hard-to-get-to meetings
Ishtirokchilarga yig'ilish so'roviga javob berishga ruxsat bering
Uchrashuv boshlanishidan bir necha daqiqa oldin uchrashuv eslatmasini yuboring
Vaqt sayohati, borish qiyin bo'lgan uchrashuvlar uchun
1. How can you initiate a Google Meet?
Use the Gmail chat list on your computer
Create an event invitation in your Google Calendar Use the Meet app on your phone or tablet
Any of the above methods will work
1. Qanday qilib Google Meetni boshlashingiz mumkin?
Kompyuteringizda Gmail chat ro'yxatidan foydalaning Google Taqvimingizda tadbirga taklifnoma yarating Telefon yoki planshetingizda Meet ilovasidan foydalaning
Yuqoridagi usullardan har biri ishlaydi
2. If your school uses Google Workspace for Education Fundamentals, the maximum number of participants in a Google Meet is:
2. Agar maktabingiz Google Workspace for Education Fundamentals dasturidan foydalansa, Google Meet ishtirokchilarining maksimal soni:
3. Once you close a Chat the conversation is lost forever.
True False
3. Chatni yopganingizdan so'ng, suhbat butunlay yo'qoladi.
To'g'ri Yolg'on
4. How can you share your screen with other participants during a Meet?
In the Google Doc you want to share to the Meet, click the blue Share button in the top right of the window.
Say in a clear voice, “OK Google, share my screen!”
Click the menu (vertical ellipses) , then click Share screen.
You cannot share your screen over a Meet, you can only show your webcam.
4. Meet paytida ekraningizni boshqa ishtirokchilarga qanday ulashishingiz mumkin?
Meet bilan baham koʻrmoqchi boʻlgan Google Doc-da oynaning yuqori oʻng tomonidagi koʻk “Ulashish” tugmasini bosing.
Aniq ovoz bilan “OK Google, ekranimni baham ko‘ring!” deb ayting.
Menyu (vertikal ellips) ni bosing, so'ng ekranni almashish tugmasini bosing.
Meet orqali ekraningizni ulasha olmaysiz, faqat veb- kamerangizni ko'rsatishingiz mumkin.
Chris uses the
Find a time feature in Google Calendar to schedule a meeting with his two colleagues Dave and Lisa. His original plan was to meet at 11:00am for an hour, but as he looks at their shared calendars he can see that neither Dave nor Lisa are available at that time. What feature could he use to select a time that works for everyone?
My calendar Find a time
Kris foydalanadi
Uning ikki hamkasbi Deyv va Liza bilan uchrashuvni rejalashtirish uchun Google Taqvimdagi vaqt funksiyasini toping. Uning asl rejasi ertalab soat 11:00 da bir soat davomida uchrashish edi, lekin u ularning umumiy kalendarlariga qarar ekan, u o'sha paytda Deyv ham, Liza ham mavjud emasligini ko'rdi. U hamma uchun mos vaqtni tanlashda qanday xususiyatdan foydalanishi mumkin?
Mening kalendarim
Propose a time Create a calendar
Vaqt toping Vaqtni taklif qiling
Kalendar yarating
Chris moves the meeting to another time when everyone is available. He then remembers he also needs to book a meeting room, so he clicks the Rooms link to see what resources could be available at that time. What should Chris click next to see only available rooms?
Default visibility Notifications
Include unavailable rooms
Does not repeat
Kris uchrashuvni hamma bo'lganda boshqa vaqtga o'tkazadi. Keyin u yig'ilish xonasini bron qilish kerakligini eslaydi, shuning uchun u o'sha paytda qanday resurslar mavjudligini ko'rish uchun Xonalar havolasini bosadi. Faqat mavjud xonalarni ko'rish uchun Kris yonidagi nimani bosishi kerak?
Standart koʻrinish Bildirishnomalar
Boʻsh xonalarni kiriting
Dave reviews the agenda for the meeting which is provided as a shared Google Doc linked in the Calendar invitation. As he scans through the list of agenda items he notices that one of his current projects has not been included. He feels it needs to be discussed at the meeting. What two steps should Dave take to get it included on the agenda? (Select all that apply.)
Nothing. He can just bring it up at the meeting He should add it to the agenda himself
Hold it over to the next meeting instead
Send an email to the meeting organiser and informing them an item was added
Deyv Taqvim taklifnomasida bog'langan umumiy Google Doc sifatida taqdim etilgan uchrashuv kun tartibini ko'rib chiqadi. U kun tartibidagi masalalar ro'yxatini ko'zdan kechirar ekan, u hozirgi loyihalaridan biri kiritilmaganini payqadi. U buni yig'ilishda muhokama qilish kerak deb hisoblaydi. Deyv uni kun tartibiga kiritish uchun qanday ikki qadamni qo'yishi kerak? (Barcha tegishlilarini tanlang.)
Hech narsa. U buni faqat yig'ilishda keltirishi mumkin Uni o'zi kun tartibiga qo'shishi kerak
Buning o'rniga keyingi uchrashuvga qoldiring
Uchrashuv tashkilotchisiga e-pochta orqali xabar yuboring va ularga element qo'shilganligi haqida xabar bering
How might you use Google Meet to improve your classroom experience for all involved in student learning? (Select all that apply.)
Interview a professional in the field students are studying
Connect with other teachers to collaborate and lesson plan from different schools or districts
Conduct parent/teacher conferences Coach a student when they are home sick
Talabalarni o‘rganishga jalb qilingan barcha uchun sinfdagi tajribangizni yaxshilash uchun Google Meet’dan qanday foydalanish mumkin? (Barcha tegishlilarini tanlang.)
Talabalar tahsil olayotgan soha mutaxassisi bilan suhbat
Turli maktablar yoki tumanlardan hamkorlik qilish va dars rejasini tuzish uchun boshqa o'qituvchilar bilan bog'laning
Ota-onalar / o'qituvchilar konferentsiyalarini o'tkazish Talaba uyda kasal bo'lganida murabbiylik qiling
Lisa is in a Hangout with Chris. During the video call she decides she would like to include more colleagues. In which ways can Lisa ask others to join the Hangout? (Select all that apply)
Record the Hangout Schedule a new meeting
Click the "add People"
Liza Kris bilan suhbatda. Videomuloqot paytida u ko'proq hamkasblarini qo'shishni xohlaydi. Qaysi yo'llar bilan Liza boshqalardan Hangoutsga qo'shilishni so'rashi mumkin? (Barcha tegishlilarini tanlang)
Hangoutsni yozib olingYangi uchrashuvni rejalashtiring "Odamlarni qo'shish" tugmasini bosing.
Send an email with the meeting URL
Uchrashuv URL manzili bilan elektron pochta xabarini yuboring