Understanding search results
Search bar: This is near the top of the results page, where you can see your query and modify it or enter a new one.
Ads: These results appear in the right- hand column and sometimes at the top of the results in a colored box. They are
always marked with the word “Ads,” so you can easily identify them as paid results.
Natural results: These results are below the ads, are not paid for by anyone, and cannot be bought.
Filters: These links are at the top navigational menu, just below the search bar - more explained below on these.
Knowledge Graph: When you search for a person, place, or thing Google may show this special information box on the right- hand side of the screen.
Qidiruv natijalarini tushunish
Qidiruv paneli: Bu natijalar sahifasining yuqori qismida joylashgan boʻ lib, u yerda soʻ rovingizni koʻ rishingiz va uni
oʻ zgartirishingiz yoki yangisini kiritishingiz mumkin.
E'lonlar: Bu natijalar o'ng tomondagi ustunda va ba'zan natijalarning yuqori qismida rangli qutida ko'rinadi. Ular har doim "E'lonlar" so'zi bilan belgilanadi, shuning uchun ularni pullik natijalar sifatida osongina aniqlashingiz mumkin.
Tabiiy natijalar: Bu natijalar reklama ostida, hech kim tomonidan to'lanmaydi va sotib olinmaydi.
Filtrlar: Bu havolalar yuqori navigatsiya menyusida, faqat qidiruv paneli ostida joylashgan - bular haqida quyida batafsilroq tushuntirilgan.
Ma'lumot grafigi: Agar biror kishi, joy yoki narsani qidirsangiz, Google ekranning o'ng tomonida ushbu maxsus ma'lumot oynasini ko'rsatishi mumkin.
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