Narrowing a search to get the best results
Modifiers: You can use special characters and words to get more specific search results; these are referred to as Modifiers. For example, if you use a hyphen (-) before a word in a query it will exclude results that contain this word. Consider building a poster with your students to include on your class site/blog or hang in your room to teach the important
role these modifiers play in searching. (Still have questions about Modifiers? Check out the info in the Help center.)
Eng yaxshi natijalarga erishish uchun qidiruvni toraytiring
Modifikatorlar: Siz aniqroq qidiruv natijalarini olish uchun maxsus belgilar va so'zlardan foydalanishingiz mumkin; bular modifikatorlar deb ataladi. Misol uchun, agar siz so'rovda so'z oldidan chiziqcha (-) qo'ysangiz, u ushbu so'zni o'z ichiga olgan natijalarni chiqarib tashlaydi. Sinf saytingiz/blogingizga kiritish uchun talabalaringiz bilan plakat yaratishyoki ushbu modifikatorlarning qidirishda muhim rol o'ynashini o'rgatish uchun xonangizga osib qo'yishni o'ylab
there are a number of filters you can apply to your search to narrow your results. These filters appear below the search box. With filters, you can narrow your search results to images, videos, maps, shopping, and more by clicking on one of these filters.
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