Adjective – bu tasvirlovchi, ifodolovchi so’z bo’lib, u bizga Noun haqida ma’lumot beradi va Noun dan oldin keladi.
a green bus
an important decision
Order of adjectives
Opinion adjective
Fact adjective
Opinion adjective – bu fact bo’lmagan adjective’lar ya’ni odamni fikri, dunyo qarashi bo’yicha beriladigan ma’lumotlardir.
Fact adjective – bu Noun haqidagi aniq bir ma’lumotdir, ya’ni factdir.
Degtees of adjective
Adjective darajasiga ko’ra 3 turga bo’linadi:
Positive adjective
Comparative adjective
Superlative adjective
Positive adjective
Positive adjective Noun ni yakka o’zi haqida ma’lumot beradi ya’ni uni boshqa Noun ga solishtirmaydi.
This is an expensive car.
Mecca is a great city.
Rolls Royce is expensive car.
Comparative adjective
Subject + to be + Com adj + than + Noun/Pronoun
He is much more clever than his class-master
1.Bir bo’g’inli sifatlarga -er qo’shimchasini qo’shishi orqali yasaladi
– bright – brighter
2.Ikki yoki undan ko’p bo’g’inli sifatlardan oldin more so’zini qo’shamiz.
–interesting – more interesting
Frightening – more frightening
Exeption rule : Ikki bo’g’inli va -y, -er, -ow bilan tugaydigan sifatlarga -er qo’shimchasini qo’shamiz.
Clever – cleverer pretty – prettier
Shallow – shallower happy – happier
Busy – busier narrow – narrower
Attention : Quyidagi ikki bo’g’inli sifat more yoki -er qo’shimchasini olib ham comparative adjective yasaladi
Clevr – cleverer clever – more clever
3.Agar bir go’g’inli sifat Vowel+Consonant bilan tugasa, so’z oxiridagi consonant 2 martta yoziladi va
-er qo’shimchasi qo’shiladi.
– big – bigger sad – sadder
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