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Hozirgi noaniq zamon-Majhul nisbat

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Hozirgi noaniq zamon-Majhul nisbat

Present Indefinite Passive.

Fe'l majhul nisbatda bo'lganda ish-harakatning kim tomonidan bajarilganligini anglatadi yoki ish harakat noma'lum shaxslar tomonidan bajariladi. To be fe'lining hozirgi shakli, noto'g'ri fe'lning sifatdosh II shakli ishalatiladi.

Bo'lishli shakli
I am told I. We

He II. you > are told.

She > is told III. they
Bo'lishsiz shakli.
I. I am not told I. we
III. He II. you > are not told.
She > is not told III. they
So'roq shakli
I. Am I told?
I. we
III. he
told ? II. Are < you told?
Is < she III. They
O'tgan zamonda to be ning was, were, shakllari, kelasi zamonda esa shall be, will be shakllari ishlatiladi.
I. Gaplani tarjima qiling:
Houses are built very quickly now.
This work will be finished tomorrow.
The article was translated last week.
The rules will be revised at the next lesson.
The book was written in 1966.
The delegation was met at the station.
The letter will be posteain an hour.
The taxi was called fifteen minutes ago.
The lectures are attended by all of us.
10. He is always invited to many countries.

II. Mos zamonni qo'ying.

At the last competition the first prize (to win) your team.

Soon he (to sent) to the Sanatorium.
The music (to sent) from the next color.
Some advice (to give) to the patient by the doctor.
The students always (to examine) by the teachers.
The house (to build) many years ago.
The museum (to attend) by hundreds of people every day.
The animals (to feed) by the people.
The letter (to write) in ink.
Books (to sell) at the book store.

III. Fe'llarni majhul nisbatga aylantiring:

They sell milk in the shop.

We attend lectures at the Institute.
We send our daughter to rest in the south.
4.They asked me about my holidays.
She showed the way to the metro station .
You will discuss the film at the lesson.
The postman brings newspapers every morning .
They built a bridge over the river.
9 He translates articles from the newspapers every day.
10.I bought a loaf at the bakery.

IV.Gaplarni Ingliz tiliga tarjima qiling.

U bu mavzu haqida ko'p gapiradi.

Ular mendan unga yordam berishimni so'rashdi.
Menga tug'ilgan kunimda gul berishdi.
Xonani qachon tozalashdi?
Konkurs Xalqlar do'stligi saroyida o'tkaziladi.
Ko'rgazmada yosh musavvirlarning rasmlari namoyish etiladi.
Talabalarni sahnaga taklif etishdi.
Bitiruvchilarni turli shaharlarga jo'natishdi.
Imtihonlar xonalarda qabul qilinadi.
lO. Xonalar qulay jihozlar bilan bezatilgan.

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