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Публикация результатов исследования
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Публикация результатов исследования. По теме диссертации опубликовано 2 статьи в изданиях, признанных ВАК при Кабинете Министров Республики Узбекистан.
Структура и объем диссертации. Состав магистерской диссертации состоит из введения, четырех глав, заключения, рекомендаций к производству, списка использованной литературы и приложений. Объем диссертации составляет 80 страниц. ВЫВОДЫ 1. Вредители, встречающиеся в агробиоценозе овощей и представляющие большую опасность: паутинный клещ (Tetranychus urticae Koch), парниковый клещ (Trialeurodes Vaporariorum Westw), тля (Aphis gossypii Glow), цикадка картофельная (Empoasca solani Curt), заклещистый клещ (Bemisia tabaci). Генн), дынная муха, жук-полиз и другие. 2. В агробиоценозе овощных и сахарных культур имеется несколько эффективных видов паразитов, эффективно контролирующих численность вредителей. К ним относятся афидиус, диглифус, дакнуза, энкарция и другие. 3. Против тли-тли (Aphis gossypii Glow), встречающейся в овощных культурах, рекомендуется использовать паразита aphidius, при этом установлено, что численность вредителей можно снизить на 93,8%. 4. По результатам анализа использование энкарсии паразита напрямую зависит от соотношения паразит-хозяин, в том числе 37,6% через 7 дней и 78,5% через 21 день при соотношении 1:5.Отмечено, что биологическая эффективность был почти в два раза выше, чем соотношения 1:5 и 1:10 при использовании в соотношениях 1:20, 1:15. 5. Установлено, что против тлей в овощных культурах рекомендуется применение паразитов Lysiphlebus fabarum Marsh., Praon volucre Hal. REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN MINISTRY OF HIGHER EDUCATION, SCIENCE AND INNOVATIONS MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE TASHKENT STATE AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY MAMATOV KHUMOYUN DOSKOBILOVICH "USE OF PARASITIC ENTOMOPHAGES IN CONTROLLING THE NUMBER OF PESTS IN VEGETABLE AGROBIOCENOSE" 70811001 - Plant protection (biological protection) ANNOTATION OF MASTER'S THESIS Tashkent – 2023 Relevance and necessity of the dissertation topic: Widely The essence of the use of microbiological preparations against sucking insect pests of cabbage plants, the biological effectiveness of the use of microbiological preparations against cabbage aphids and the biological effectiveness of the use of microbiological preparations against cabbage aphids are covered using generally accepted methods. Integrated plant protection is widely carried out in the CIS countries. The basis of this system is the complete protection of crops from harmful organisms under certain phytosanitary conditions and ensuring moderation of this agroecosystem. moderation of this agroecosystem. 203.7 million/t annually in the world due to pests. Grain, 228.4 million/t. sugar beet, 23.8 million/t. potatoes, 23.4 million/t. vegetables – 11.3 million tons. Less fruit, citrus and grapes are harvested. Also 75 billion annually from pests. Integrated plant protection is based on biological control. The essence of the biological method is the use of living organisms or their biological preparations against crop pests. 203.7 million/t annually in the world due to pests. Grain, 228.4 million/t. sugar beet, 23.8 million/t. potatoes, 23.4 million/t. vegetables – 11.3 million tons. Less fruit, citrus and grapes are harvested. Also 75 billion annually from pests. Integrated plant protection is based on biological control. The essence of the biological method is the use of living organisms or their biological preparations against crop pests. The action strategy for the further development of the Republic of Uzbekistan provides for the modernization of agriculture, the introduction of varieties resistant to diseases and pests. The action strategy for the further development of the Republic of Uzbekistan provides for the modernization of agriculture, the introduction of varieties resistant to diseases and pests. In order to improve the quality of work to protect agricultural crops from pests and diseases, improve plant protection services, increase effectiveness of protective measures by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated October 24, 2016 “Plants of protective and agrochemical service in agriculture” Resolution No. PP-2640 on measures to improve the structure Growing world market demand for high-quality and environmentally friendly food is aimed at ensuring food safety, using biological methods of protection from pests and diseases when growing crops, maintaining productivity and growing high-quality, environmentally friendly food. products urgently. In our country, biological methods are widely used to protect crops from pests and diseases and require further improvement The degree of knowledge of the problem. Agamir Karimi, Alrubeai H.F., Al., Bastos K.S., Brar K.S., Varma G.K. and M. on species composition, bioecological features of development, distribution, damage and development of methods for controlling pests of vegetable crops. Shenkhmar. Bull, D.L., and R.J. Coleman, Bull, D.L., Lee Li-ying. Li, Li-Ying., Liu W.H., Xie Z.N., Xiao G.F., Zhou Y.F., Ou Yang D.H., Li L.Y. N.D. Reznik S.Yu., Kats T.S., Ruzmetov P., Andrianov A.D., Pavlyushin V.A., Fasulati S.R. such scientists conducted research.pest control of vegetable crops. Dependence of research on priority areas of development of republican science and technology. Research work was carried out in accordance with priority direction for the development of science and technology of the republic No. 5 “Agriculture, biotechnology, ecology and environmental protection.” Purpose of the study. Today, when growing crops, pests and types of diseases, disruption of the biological chain in nature, loss of biodiversity, sudden changes in environmental factors in general, and the rapid development of production and civilization pose a great risk. causing a number of problems. Now, to solve this problem and find a scientific solution to reduce the number of plant pests and diseases, one of the most correct solutions to the problem is to find out their nature and use it against them. Otherwise, naturally, the number of these problems will increase, food shortages will arise and, as a result, humans and warm-blooded animals will face very dangerous diseases. Objectives of the study: Considering the relevance of scientific research, it was aimed at studying pests and their bioecological characteristics, the damage caused by species of zakoczy, some types of parasitic entomophagous pests, their level of prevalence, the technology of their breeding in biological laboratories, as well as combating the number of pests. To achieve this goal, we carry out the following: features of the development of plant and phytophagous polyps, their damage, their parasitic entomophages, research the possibility of using entomophages against sucking and rodent pests, as a result of determining the amount that controls them. Growing environmentally friendly plant products, we set ourselves the task of studying its role in nature. The object of the study is entomophagous pests sucking vegetable crops planted on farm plots economically grown under vegetable crops in the Kibray district of the Tashkent region. The subject of the study is the species composition, bioecological characteristics of sucking pests found in vegetable crops of the republic, and the use of entomophages in the prevention of their damage. the possibility of using entomophages against sucking and rodent pests, as a result of determining the amount that controls them. Growing environmentally friendly plant products, we set ourselves the task of studying its role in nature. The scientific novelty of the research is Lysiphlebus fabarum Marsh against plant aphids in vegetable crops. It has been established that the use of the drug Praon volucre Hal is recommended. Theoretical and practical significance of the research. Pests found in plant agrobiocenosis and posing a great danger: spider mite (Tetranychus urticae Koch), greenhouse mite (Trialeurodes Vaporariorum Westw), aphid (Aphis gossypii Glow), potato leafhopper (Empoasca solani Curt), g. These include the mite (Bemisia tabaci Genn), melon fly, snake beetle and others. In the agrobiocenosis of vegetable and sugar crops there are several effective types of parasites that effectively control the number of pests. These include aphidius, diglyphus, dacnusa, encarcia and others. Against aphids (Aphis gossypii Glow), found in vegetable crops, it is recommended to use the parasite Aphidius, and it has been found that it can reduce the number of pests by up to 93.8%. Publication of research results. On the topic of the dissertation, 2 articles were published in publications recognized by the Higher Attestation Commission under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Structure and scope of the dissertation. The composition of the master's thesis consists of an introduction, four chapters, a conclusion, recommendations for production, a list of references and applications. The volume of the dissertation is 80 pages. CONCLUSIONS Pests found in the agrobiocenosis of vegetables and posing a great danger: spider mite (Tetranychus urticae Koch), greenhouse mite (Trialeurodes Vaporariorum Westw), aphid (Aphis gossypii Glow), potato leafhopper (Empoasca solani Curt), beetle mite (Bemisia tabaci) . Genn), melon fly, beetle and others. In the agrobiocenosis of vegetable and sugar crops there are several effective types of parasites that effectively control the number of pests. These include aphidius, diglyphus, dacnusa, encarcia and others. The use of the parasite aphidius is recommended against aphids (Aphis gossypii Glow), found in vegetable crops, and it has been found that the pest population can be reduced by 93.8%. According to the results of the analysis, the use of parasite encarsia directly depends on the parasite-host ratio, including 37.6% after 7 days and 78.5% after 21 days at a ratio of 1:5. It was noted that the biological effectiveness was almost twice as high than ratios 1:5 and 1:10 when used in ratios 1:20, 1:15. It has been established that the use of parasites Lysiphlebus fabarum Marsh., Praon volucre Hal. is recommended against aphids in vegetable crops. Download 74,05 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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