Past continuous passive

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2 COURSE, MOODLE TASK 9th lesson-3 javoblari bilan

The ninth lesson.


Past Continuous Passive is formed with to be in Past Simple (was, were) and the main verb in Participle II. F.e: Somebody was cleaning the room when I arrived. The room was being cleaned when I arrived. There was somebody walking behind us. We were being followed.

I. Change from Active into Passive form.

F.e.: 1. Powerful ventilators were purifying the air of the room.

- The air in the room was being purified for an hour.

2. They were serving the food. - The food was being served.

1. He was washing the car. The car was being washed

2. They were paving the road. The road was being paved

3. The men were cultivating the land. The land was being cultivated

4. They were repairing the bridge. The bridge was being repaired

5. The policeman was taking the thief to the police station.

The thief was being taken to the police station

6. When the inspector came, they were questioning the man.

When the inspector came, the man was being questioned

7. They were painting the walls yesterday.

The walls were being painted

8. They were pulling down the old house when I saw them.

The old house was being pulled down when I saw them

9. Was anybody following you while you were coming here?

Were you being followed while you were coming here?

10. They weren't fixing the car when I arrived.

The car wasn’t being fixed when I arrived

II. a Complete with should or shouldn’t.

1. You ----------- eat more fruit. should

2. You ----------- work 12 hours a day. Shouldn’t

3. You ----------- lose a bit of weight. should

4. You ----------- drink a lot of coffee. Shouldn’t

5. You ----------- put salt on your food. should

b Complete the sentences with should or shouldn’t + a verb: drive, go, study, walk, wear.

  1. You ----------------- a jacket. It’s quite cold today. Should wear

  2. 2. I --------------------- tonight. I have an exam tomorrow. Should study

  3. 3. You ----------------- alone in that part of the city. Get a taxi shouldn’t walk

  4. 4. People -------------- so fast when it’s raining. Shouldn’t drive

  5. 5. You ----------------- to bed early tonight. You look really tired. Should go

III. Translate the sentences.

1. Men uning maqolasini o‘tgan haftada o‘qidim. 2. U kecha meni ko‘rmadi.

3. Bugun havo salqin. Kecha ob-havo yaxshi edi.

4. Uni o‘tgan haftada qayerda ko‘rdingiz? – Uni teatrda ko‘rdim.

5. Spektakl juda qiziq ekan.

6. Men o‘qishni yaxshi ko‘raman. 7. Biz Vatanimizni sevamiz.

8. Kecha qayerda edingiz? Ofisda ko‘rinmadingiz.

9. U qaysi tilda gapirdi? – U inglizcha gapirdi.

10. Bu mashina ancha eski ekan, uni sotib olmang. 11. Mashina nosoz, uni haydamang.

12. Xona keng va yorug‘, unda 18 ta talaba va o‘qituvchi bor.

13. Bu bino hozirda ta’mirlanmoqda.

14. Paxta qachon teriladi? Paxta kuzda teriladi.

15. Xozir bir guruh geologlar yangi ko‘mir konlarini qidirishmoqda.

16. Qidiruv ishlari har qanday ob-havo sharoitida olib borilmoqda.

1. I read his article last week. 2. He didn't see me last night.

3. The weather is cool today. The weather was good last night.

4. Where did you see him last week? "I saw him in the theater."

5. The show is very interesting.

6. I like reading. 7. We love our Motherland.

8. Where were you last night? You didn't show up at the office.

9. What language did he speak? - He spoke English.

10. Don’t buy this car as it is much older. 11. The car is faulty, do not drive it.

12. The room is spacious and bright, with 18 students and teachers.

13. This building is currently under renovation.

14. When is cotton harvested? Cotton is harvested in the fall.

15. Now a group of geologists is looking for new coal deposits.

16. Search operations are carried out in all weather conditions.

IV. Exercise: Tenses.

1. … my uncle paid me a visit (tomorrow, yesterday).

2. They will have a pleasant journey …(last summer, next summer).

3. He visited this place … (a year ago, in a year).

4. The train will start … (in a minute, two minutes later).

5. I heard this song … (now, the other day).

6. He went to the canteen (a minute ago, in a minute).
V. Pronounce the following words and translate:

recognition [ri`kͻgni∫ən], composition [kͻmpə`zi∫n], distinct [dis`tiŋkt], breakage [`breikidʒ],

definite [`definit], respond [ris`pͻnd], source [`sͻ:s], shell-like [∫el`laik], alkali [`ælkəlai].
tan olish, kompozitsiya aniq, sinish,

aniq , javob berish, manba , qobiqsimon, ishqoriy.

VI. Give attributes to the following nouns and use them in the sentences of your own:

region, composition, quartz, rock, surface, zone, sand, layer, shifting, wet, organic, fine-grained, dark, smooth, thin, arctic, Antarctic, temperate, chemical, pure, relative

our region is a red zone. This composition was created by Mothart. The Antarctic is so cold and freezy zone. Qolgan so`zlarga ham gap tuzish kk!
VII. Translate the following sentences and state the functions of who, which, that, when, where.

1. The device which is used for mixing fuel and air is called the carburetor.

2. The man who invented the compression-ignition engine was a German engineer, Diesel by name.

3. The usual courses which the undergraduates at every technical insti­tute take are: descriptive geometry, elements of machines, strength of materials and theory of metals.

4. The fuel is injected into the cylinders of the engine by means of injectors that are set in the head of each cylin­der.

5. The flat can be sold at once.

6. The door can be opened easily.

7. The college, where Erik Gorin had learned, supplied him with excellent recommendations.

8. He has been smoking too much recently.

9. She has been writing letters all day.

10. You mustn’t go to the cinema.

11. She ought to be visited at once.

12. Thomas has passed his comprehensive exams a week ago.

13. I’ve forgotten to announce the meeting.

14. The explosive petrol-air mixture is sucked into the cylinder, it is exploded in, by an electric spark.

1. Yoqilg'i va havoni aralashtirish uchun ishlatiladigan qurilma karbüratör deyiladi.

2. Siqish-yonish dvigatelini ixtiro qilgan kishi nemis muhandisi Dizel edi.

3. Har bir texnik institutda magistrantlar olib boradigan odatiy kurslar quyidagilar: tavsif geometriya, mashinalar elementlari, materiallar kuchi va metallar nazariyasi.

4. Yoqilg'i dvigatelning tsilindrlariga har bir silindrning boshiga o'rnatilgan injektor yordamida kiritiladi.

5. Kvartira birdaniga sotilishi mumkin.

6. Eshik osongina ochilishi mumkin.

7. Erik Gorin o'rgangan kollej unga ajoyib tavsiyalar berdi.

8. Yaqinda u juda ko'p chekardi

9. U kun bo'yi xat yozdi.

10. sen Kinoga bormasliging kerak.

11.Uni darhol ko'rish kerak.

12. Tomas bir hafta oldin o'zining keng qamrovli imtihonlarini topshirdi.

13. Uchrashuvni e'lon qilishni unutib qo'ydim.

14. Portlovchi benzin-havo aralashmasi silindrga singib ketadi, u elektr uchquni bilan portlaydi.
VIII. Describe the process of rock identification using the following words and translate them:

to look alike, fine-grained, skill, to identify, odd, a piece of rock, diamond saw, to polish, surface, until, smooth, to cement, glass slide, paper thin, to examine, under microscope, Polaroid light, to depend (on), angle, pattern, texture, color, hardness, relative weight, alteration. Nma qilish kerakligini tushunmadim!
IX. Exercise in word building.

a) Form nouns from the following verbs:

to mix, to consider, to alter, to exist, to produce, to identify, to recognize

mixer, considering, alterer, existinct, producer, identifying, recognized

b) Form adverbs from the following words. Translate them:

odd, main, correct, frequent, easy, perfect, hard, near. Oddly, mainly, correctly, frequently, easily, perfectly, hard, near.

(lovely, friendly, manly, lonely, silly, elderly, lively)

First translate words in bold, then the text and retell it.


The chief sources of energy available to man today are oil, natural gas, coal, water power and atomic energy. Coal, gas and oil represent energy that has been concentrated by the decay of organic materials (plants and animals=o`simlik va hayvonlar) accumulated in the geologic past.

These fuels are often referred to as fossil fuels.

The word 'fossil' (derived from the Latin' to dig up'= lotincha "qazish" so'zidan olingan.) originally referred to anything that was dug from the ground, particularly a min­eral.

Today the term 'fossil' generally means any direct evidence of past life, for example, the footprints of ancient animals.

Fossils are usually found in sedimentary rocks, although sometimes they may be found in igneous and metamorphic rocks as well. They are most abundant in mudstone, shale and limestone, but are also found in sandstone, do­lomite and conglomerate.

Most fuels are carbon-containing materials that are burned in air. In burning fuels give off heat which is used for different purposes.

Fuels may be solid, liquid and gaseous. Solid fuels may be divided into two main groups, natural and manufactured. The former category includes coal, wood, peat and other plant products.

The latter category includes coke and charcoal obtained by heating coal in the absence of air.


Bugungi kunda inson uchun mavjud bo'lgan asosiy energiya manbalari neft, tabiiy gaz, ko'mir, suv va atom energiyasidir. Ko'mir, gaz va neft geologik o'tmishda to'plangan organik moddalarning (o'simliklar va hayvonlar) parchalanishi natijasida to'plangan energiyani anglatadi.

Ushbu yoqilg'ilarni ko'pincha qazilma yoqilg'i deb atashadi.

"Fosil" so'zi (lotincha "qazish" so'zidan olingan yozuv.) Dastlab erga qazilgan har qanday narsaga, xususan mineralga nisbatan ishlatilgan.

Bugungi kunda "qazilma" atamasi umuman o'tmishdagi har qanday to'g'ridan-to'g'ri dalillarni, masalan, qadimgi hayvonlarning izlarini anglatadi.

Qazilmalar odatda cho'kindi jinslarda uchraydi, ammo ba'zida ular metamorfik va tog' jinslarida ham bo'lishi mumkin. Ular loy, slanets va ohaktoshga juda boy, ammo ular qumtosh, dolomit va konglomeratda ham mavjud.

Ko'pgina yoqilg'ilar havoda yoqib yuboriladigan uglerodli materiallardir. Yoqilg'i yoqilg'isida turli maqsadlarda ishlatiladigan issiqlikni o'chiring.

Yoqilg'i qattiq, suyuq va gazsimon bo'lishi mumkin. Qattiq yoqilg'ilarni tabiiy va ishlab chiqarilgan ikkita asosiy guruhga bo'lish mumkin. Avvalgi toifaga ko'mir, o'tin, torf va boshqa o'simlik mahsulotlari kiradi.

Ikkinchi toifaga havo yo'qligida ko'mirni isitish orqali olingan koks va ko'mir kiradi.
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