change the picture of the apple pie to something else. If you add more clues,
copy one of the clue slides, change the text, and change
or whatever num ber the last slide is. Fi nally, you might have to ad -
just some of the shape numbers. For example,
when you create this yourself, your
picture (replacing the apple pie pic ture) might not be
Con clu sion
In this chap ter you learned some pow erful VBA tricks that allow you to
move around in your presentation and manipulate the ob jects on your slides.
You now have the power to hide and show ob jects
and ma nipulate the text in
your ob jects. This allows you to ex pand feedback from a simple
something that changes the text in the slides. For simple feedback, a
fine, but to in corporate what your stu dents have to say into the fabric of the pre-
sentation, noth ing beats changing the text on your slides.
The discussion ended
with a creative mys tery example that shows how this technology can go beyond
simple tu torials and quizzes. In the next chapter you will see how to build quiz-
zes of vary ing complexity with dif ferent types of questions and different ways of
tracking and reporting scores.
Ex er cises to Try
Take the mystery example at the end of
this chap ter and re write
it to in clude your own mystery. Start by changing the text of the
mystery and up dating the questions. Next, change the clue sheet
to match your clues and change the ap ple pie pic ture to match
your mystery.
you are feeling ad venturous, try ex panding the mystery beyond
two clues by add ing more clue slides and more paragraphs on the
clue sheet.
Ex er cises to Try 89