Ex er cises to Try
Create a tem plate of a mul tiple-choice
quiz using the code from
this chapter. Teach three of your friends, colleagues, or stu dents
to create their own multiple-choice quiz zes us ing your template.
Remember that they don’t have to
change any of the VBA to do
Create a template of a quiz with short-answer questions using
the code from this chapter. Teach three of your friends, col -
leagues, or stu dents to create their own quizzes with short-an-
swer questions using your template.
Re member that they will
have to edit the VBA, so you will have to teach them how to get
to the VBA Ed itor, but they will
only have to copy and paste
code and change the question num ber, the text
of the question, and the answer to the ques tion in VBA.
Ex er cises to Try 151