Practical english

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Grammar Sabrina

Participle I
Formasi: doing [simple active] – being done (simple passive)
Having done [perfect active] – having been done (perfect passive)
Participle II
Formasi: done
1. Otdan oldin fe’l shakli so’ralsa aniqlovchi vazifasida participle I = doing participle II =shakllari ishlatiladi.
Doing – yatgan, yotgan, chi, li (active ma’no) Ving + NOUN
Done – ingan, ilgan, gan, kan, qan (passive ma’no) V3 + NOUN
Doing: a playing girl, a blowing wind,
Done: a broken watch, a translated book,
The trembling children were given a blanket for warmth
The broken dishes lay on the floor.
2. gap boshida Ravishdosh vazifasida PI ning hamma shakllari yoki PII ishlatiladi.
A) Doing [qilib], being done (qilinib) (ketma ket yoki bir vaqtda bo’lishi kerak)
Knowing English well, he was able to translate the article.
Being watered, the flowers looked nice.
B) having done [qilib bo’lib] – having been done (qilinib bo’lib)
Oldinroq sodir bo’lgan ish harakatlarni ko’rsatadi. Perfect zamon signallari bilan beriladi.
Having lived in Tashkent for many years, he knew the city well. [live]
Having been seen twice, the film wasn’t interesting.
After + doing/being done=perfect participle
After living in Tashkent for many years, he knew the city well.
c) done + (-qilinib) Syn=Being done.
written by a famous writer, the book succeeded in the sale.
Syn: being written by a famous writer, the book succeeded in the sale.
The letter having been written, he went out to post it. The room being dark, I couldn’t see him.
3. izohlovchi Participle I va Participle II (faqat DOING va DONE)
Agar active ma’noli izohlovchi bo’lsa DOING [qilayotgan], agar passive ma’noli izohlovchi bo’lsa DONE [qilingan, bajarilgan] ishlatiladi.
THE NOUN doing; THE NOUN done
The girl playing in the garden is my sister.
The letter written in pencil is yours.
agar gapda WHO/WHICH/THAT bog’lovchilari kelsa bu qo’shma gap bo’lib, bu bog’lovchilar orasidan active yoki passive zamonlari ishlatiladi.
The man who is building the house is a professional builder.


And va Tom and Nick are happy today.
As well as- hamda, singari. ; syn: accompined by, along with, together with. Kesim birinchi otga qarab tanlanadi. Nick as well as Tom is happy today.
Or 1) yoki Tom or Bob is coming tonight. 2) yo’qsa, aks holda syn: or-or else – otherwise
But- 1) ammo, lekin, biroq He studied hard for the exam but he failed it.
2) dan tashqari. Syn except Everybody was here but except Bob.
Not only... but also nafaqat va yana ... ham Not only Nick but also Jack is coming tonight.
not only wellnafaqat va yana ...ham. He not only knows English but practices it everyday as well.
When - qachonki [ orqasidan shall, will, should, would ishlatilmaydi] We shall have supper when mother comes .
when indirect speech bog’lovchisi bo’lsa orqasidan shall, will, should, would ishlatiladi:I don’t know when jack will come home. While vaqtida'qachonki; ko’pincha continuous zamom bilan birga keladi
Tom was working in the garden while l was sleeping.
As - qachonki. vaqtida Syn: when, while As l was going down the street/ met my friend.
Just as zahotiyoq The telephone rang just as/ left my house
As soon as bilanoq: I 'll send you a postcard as soon as/ get to London.
As long as - toki [orqasidan inkor kelishi mumkin you will fail your exam as long as you don’t study hard.
Till/until maguncha [orqasidan inkor kelmaydi] You won’tpass your exam until you study hard.
The next time - keying safar the last time - oxirgi safar/ every time har safar =when
the next time I see you. I’ll tell you all about my problems.
Once- qachonki Once you finish your work, phone me immediately.
By the time – gacha By the time tom comes home, we shall have left.
Because chunki. Because - S +V I took my umbrella, because it was raining.
Because ofsababli Because of + ot/otli birikma/this.that/-ing. I took my umbrella because of the rain.
Therefore/that’s why - shuning uchun. + S+V It was raining therefore I took my umbrella.
As chunki. sababli: As + S + V : as it was late l decided to go home.
Since chunki. sababli. Since + S+ V since it was late I decided to go home
For- ehunki/sababli: For S + V - chunki: For + ot/ otli birikma this.that/ -ing – sababli I couldn’tsee for it was hot
So shuning uchun. shunday qilib. Tigers are still being hunted, so their numbers in the world are decling rapidly.
Thus- shu tariqa. He even worked on Sundays, thus he saved much money.
Owing to /due to sababli: Owing to/ due to + ot/otli birikma/this,that/ -ing My health got much better due to the medicine.
Now that sababli Now that he is rich he can buy everything.
Much as qanchalik ham Much as l want to help you, l can’t.
If agar [conditional] shall, will, should, would ishlatilmaydi. If he comes tomorrow, 1'll be glad. if mi [indirect speech bogdovchisi] syn: whether. Orqasidan shall, will, should, would ishlatilishi mumkin. He wants to know if l will come tomorrow.
Unless- agar ... masa [undan keyin inkor ishlatilmaydi] You won’t enter the university unless you study hard.
In case har ehtimolga qarshi/mabodo syn: IN THE EVENT THAT: I don’t want to go out in case she phones.
Just in case= har ehtimolga qarshi I don’t think it will rain but l'll take an umbrella just in case.
In case of = if there is ... [odatda e’lonlarda] In case of fire, please leave the building as quickly as possible.
As if/as though xuddiki He always talks as if he were a manager.
So long as /providing (that)/ provided that/ on condition (that)= sharti bilan
I’11 send you documents providing that you return them on time.
Whether...or not=bo’lsa.. bo’lmasa ham. He is a workaholic man. He is always at work whether it is his workday or not.
Even if hattoki He is a workaholic man. He is always at work even if it is his day off.
Only if= faqatgina bir holda. I he football match will be cancelled only if the other team doesn’tcome.
If only- qaniydi. [orqasidan past zamonlari ishlatiladi.] syn: wish. If only I had known about it.
While/whereasammo, lekin. biroq. Nick is rich while whereas his brother is poor.
In spite of/despite- ga qaramay/garchi/ + ot/otli birikma/ING
in spite of/ despite + that/this/what. S + V; the fact that + S +V; John went to school in spite of his illness being ill.
Although/though/even though= garchi/ga qaramay S + V He went to school though he was ill.
However ammo, lekin. biroq |ikki tomonidan vergul yoki oldidan nuqta orqasidan vergul]
He came on time, however, there was nobody inside.
However qanchalik syn: how. However + sifat/ravish
However hard / how hard I he tried. he couldn’t translate the text
Still, yet -ammo, lekin. biroq [oldidan vergul] He studied hard for the exam, still he couldn ‘t pass it.
Nevertheless [=nonetheless] ammo, lekin. biroq [ikki tomondan vergul voki oldidan nuqta orqasidan vergul]
It was raining hard. Nevertheless, we had a picnic.
Consequently – natijada as a result [of] He studied hard for the exam, consequently he passed it
Then 1) keyin We shall have dinner and then go for a walk. 2) o’shanda. I was working then
Some time biror vaqt [kelajakda] I hope to meet you some time in the future.
Any longer/any more/no longer/no more - endi boshqa.
Any longer, any more inkor gap oxirida. No longer - bo'lishli gap o'rtasida.
I don’t want to see you any more. We are not friends any longer.
So that- maqsadida [ S + V] I am learning English so that I can enter the university.
Lest - masligi uchun. masligi maqsadida [orqasidan subjunctive mood keladi]
They wrapped the instruments in oilcloth lest they should be damaged by sea water.
In order/ so as- maqsadida + to infinitive I carried the knife carefully in order not to cut myself.
In order that maqsadida. + S + V I gave him the book in order that he might study the subject at home.
Such as- masalan The writers such as Navoi and Bobur are famous all over the world.
Moreover / furthermore/ in addition to ga qo'shimcha ravishda He couldn’t come furthermore he was ill.
Even hattoki. He always wears his jacket even in summer.
But for bolmaganda. But for + ot But for your help I would be homeless.
Whenever qaehon bo'lmasin. Whenever I smiled he smiled back.
Wherever qayerga bo'lmasin that box is so big it will be in the way wherever you leave it.
Whatever nima bo’lmasin. nimaniki. You can choose whatever you like
Whoever kirn bo’lmasin. Whoever wins the election, nothing will really change
However qandayki bo'lmasin. However you do it. it will cost a lot of money.

1. haqida, to’g’risida, oid: He told us about his trip to the south.

2. taxminan, qariyib: There were about five hundred people there.
3. atrofga, atrofda, u yoqdan–bu yoqqa:he looked about him.To be about to=moqchi bo’lmoq.They were about to leave.
1. Ustida, yuqorisida: the plane flew above the clouds.
2,. Ko’p, ziyod: there were above 200 people there
3. yuqorida, yuqoriga [ravish bo’lib keladi]: as is stated above ...
1. ko’ndalangiga, ko’ndalang: a big motor car stood across the road.
2. orqali [yuza ustidan, ochiq maydon] we skated across the frozen lake.
3. came/run across to’satdan uchratmoq I came across an old friend
1. keyin, so’ng [vaqtga nisbatan]he continued his work after dinner.
2. keyin, orqasidan [joyga nisbatan] he ran after me.
1. qarshi: we were against the proposal.
2. ga qarshi [fe’llardam keyin] Protest against, fight against, throw against, sail against:
1. bo’ylab [kichik joylarga nisbatan] He ran along the road.
Come along=ketdik; how are you getting along=ishlaringiz qalay; I knew it all along=men buni boshidan bilaman.
To go along with = kelishmoq:
Among Orasida [3 yoki undan ortiq shaxs yoki narsa orasida] the work was divided among four students.
Between Orasida [ikki narsa yoki shaxs] The work was divided between Tom and John.
1. oldin, ilgari [vaqtga nisbatan]: I shall finish my work before five o’clock.
2. oldida [joyga nisbatan] he stopped before a ship.
Joyga nisbatan before ning o’rniga ko’pincha in front of ishlatiladi. He stopped in front of [=before] the door.
1. orqasida, ortida: he sat behind me. The garden is behind the house.
2. orqada, orqaga [ravish] they were walking behind.
3. tarafida bo’lmoq, qo’llamoq: Congress is behind the president on this issue.
4. orqasida bo’lmoq, qo’li bor bo’lmoq: the police believe that they are behind the killings.
To be behind time=kechikmoq; to be behind the times=hayotdan ortda qolmoq; behind one’s back=orqasidan; to be behind somebody= ... dan orqada qolmoq.
1. ostida, past: he signed his name below mine. The temperature was below zero.
2. quyida, pastda, pastdan [ravish] although i was on the third floor, i heard the noise below.
1. yonida, bo’yida, syn: near, close, next to: he was sitting beside me. The house stood beside the river.
2. o’zida bo’lmaslik: he was beside himself with joy/rage.
Besides ... dan tashqari qo’shadi plus ma’no All of us went besides Bill.
Except ... dan tashqari ayiradi minus ma’no All of us went except Bill.
Besides bundan tashqari. I don’t like this suit-case; besides it is too small.
Beneath Ostida: there was a letter beneath the carpet.
Beyond Ortida, narigi tomonida: the village is beyond the river. He lives beyond the bridge.
1. tomonidan: ‘Navoi’ was written by Oybek.
2. bilan, yordamida: he improved his pronunciation by reading aloud.
3. –da by+ transport. By car, by bus, by train.
4. – ning [muallifga nisbatan] book by Navoi.
5, -ga [o’lchov birligi] 5 by 10. I am shorter than you by 10 centimetres.
6. yonida, oldida: he was sitting by the window. The house stood by the river.
7. orqali, bilan: by land, by sea, by air, by cheque
1. pastga He went down the stairs. He ran down the hill.
2. pastga, pastda [ravish]: he will be down in a few minutes.
1. uchun: this letter is for you. It is a great pleasure for me.
2. –ga [narx, to’lovga nisbatan] i bought this book for five dollars.
3. uchun, tarafdor: i am for your proposal.
4. –ga [vaqtga nisbatan] he went to London for five weeks.
1. dan: he took the book from the shelf. I have received a letter from my friend.
2. from ... till ... –dan ...-gacha [vaqtga nisbatan] i shall study in the library from five till seven.
From ... to ... –dan ... gacha [ham vaqt ham joyga nisbatan]. He lived here from 1925 to 1930
From behind – orqasidan; from under – tagidan; from among – orasidan
To be made of - ...dan yasalgan [material ko’rinib turadi] the watch is made of gold. Syn: to be made out of
To be made from -... dan yasalgan [tarkibiy qism bo’lib ketadi]. Cheese is made from milk.
To be built/constructed of/from bular ham xuddi shunday ishlatiladi. The house was built of brick.
1. –ichiga, -ichkarida. The friends went inside the house to talk.
2. –ichkariga, -ichkarida [ravish bo’lib keladi] open the box and put the key inside.
Ichiga [biror narsaning ichiga] He put the book into his bag.
1. –ning: London is the capital of Great Britain.
2. –dan: some of my friends came to see me off.
3. –li: [o’lchov, og’irlik, pul birliklaridan oldidan kelgan sondan oldin ishlatiladi] a ship of 8 tons.
4. –haqida: [think, hear, speak, tell fe’llaridan keyin]. I have never heard of him.
1. –dan, ustidan [buyumning ustidan olinishini, qo’zg’atilishini ifodalaydi] he took all the things off the table,
2. –dan [biror narsadan uzib, ajratib olishda ishlatiladi]he broke a large branch off the tree. He bit a small piece of a biscuit.
1. –da, keyin: on coming home i began to work.
2. haqida, to’g’risida: he spoke on the international situation. What is your opinion on this subject?
3. ravish bo’lib kelib, birga kelgan fe’ldagi ish harakatning davom etishini ifodalaydi. Though it was quite dark, they drove on.
Out of
1. –dan [ichkaridan tshqariga chiqishni, harakatni bildiradi, antonimi into] he ran out of the house.
2. –siz bo’lmoq, biror narsasi tugab qolmoq [out of +noun=to lack, to be without] she was out of milk.
1. Tashqarida, tashqariga: he was standing outside the door.
2. tashqariga, tashqarida [ravish] put these flowers outside. He was waiting for us outside
1. ustida: A lamp was hanging over the table.
2. ustida [ko’chma ma’no] we argues over the problem.
3. ko’p, ziyod: there were over a hundred people at the meeting.
1. yonidan: he walked past the house. He drove past without looking at me.
2. o’tdi [vaqtni aytishda] it is half past three.
Around [round]
1. atrofida, atrofga, atrofda: the earth moves round the sun.
2. bo’ylab [katta joylarga nisbatan] he travelled around the world.
3. taxminan: he came at around 8 o’clock.
1. orqali [yopiq zona: davlat, to’da, o’rmon, deraza] he was walking through the forest. She looked through the window.
2. tufayli, oqibatida: you’ve made this mistake through your carelessness.
Till [until]
-gacha, -ga qadar [vaqtga nisbatan] I’ll stay here till Monday.
Joyga nisbatan till [until] o’rnida as far as ishlatiladi: I shall go with you as far as the station.
1. –ga tomon, ga qarab: he was walking towards the sea.
2. –ga, -ga nisbatan: his attitude towards me is favourable.
3. – ga yaqin, gacha [vaqt]: the rain stopped towards morning.
1. tagida, ostida: he was lying under a tree.
2. ostida [ko’chma ma’noda] under the name, under the influence,
3. –dan kamroq, -ga yaqin: there were under fifty people there.
1. Yuqoriga, Yuqorida: he walked up the stairs.
2. oldiga [harakat fe’llari bilanbiror shaxs yoki buyumning oldiga yaqinlashishni bildiradi] he came up and asked me the time.
3. to eat, to drink, to fill, to use, to sell, to buy, to grow va boshqa fe’llardan keyin kelib shu ish harakatni oxirigacha amalga oshirilganligini bildiradi. He drank up all the milk. All our ink is used up.
1. bilan he lives with his brother. The bread was cut with a sharp knife. He listened to me with interest.
2. –li [tashqi ko’rinish, pardoz-andoz, soch turmagi] a woman with pink lipstick, a man with a big nose.
1. Ichida, -dan kechikmasdan: I shall give you an answer within a week. Payment will be made within ten days.
2. masofada within three miles of the station, within sight, within hearing.
1. –siz I can’t do it without your help.
2. –masdan he can speak English without making any mistakes.
Familiar to (smb) – familiar to me menga tanish.
Familiar with (smth) … o`xshash.
At the top /bottom of the page - varoqning tepa/pastki qismida
In the corner of the room – xonaning burchagida
At/on the corner of the street ko’chaning burchagida
In the front/back of a car mashinaning old/orqa qismida
At the front/back of a building/cinema/group of people binoning old/orqa qismida
On the front/back of a letter/piece of paper varoqning old/orqa qismida
In demand – talab katta On demand – talab kichik
In at on position
1. ichida in the box, in the bottle
2. davlat, shahar, qit’a in Asia, in England, in London
3. suv havzalari in the ocean, in the river, in the pool but London is on the Thames.
to be at sea dengiz sayohatida bo’lmo; at the sea dengiz yonida; by sea dengiz orqali; by the sea dengiz yonida
4. transport in a car, in a taxi
5. qog’ozli narsalarda ina picture/ a book/ a newspaper / magazine [but: on the minu]
6. yo’l nomlari oldida in park road.
7. katta joylar in the world, in the cosmos, in the universe
8. xonalar: in the living room, in the bathroom.
1. yonida at the door
2. odamlar yig’iladigan turli xil tadbirlar bo’ladigan joylar. At a party/ conference/ meeting/ concert/ restaurant/cinema/ theatre. but binoning ichini nazarda tutib gapirsak in. it is raining that’s why I am in the theatre.
3. ta’lim muassasalari at school/college/ university
4. ‘s yordamida ifodalanadigan joylar at the doctor’s/ at the hairdresser’s/ at akmal’s
5. toxtash joylari at the station/ at the airport/ at the bus stop.
6. adreslar at 28 Lees Road
1. ustida on the table
2. transport vositalari on a bus/ on a train/ on a plane/ on a ship
3. yo’l nomlari oldida on park road
4. uzun yo’l va ko’cha nomlari oldida on the pacific highway
5. on the ceiling, on the wall, on the floor.
6. elektronika buyumlari [aparatlar] on the phone, on tv, on the radio
At on in + time
At bir kundan kichik bo’lgan vaqt ko’rsatgichlari uchun
1. soat at 10 o'clock; at 14 hundred hours
2.ovqatlanish turlari at lunch time, at tea time, at dinner time
3. kun qismlari: at dawn; at noon, at midnight, at night. [but, in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening]
4. Bayramlar: at Christmas; at Easter, [bayramning ikki-uch kuni nazarda tutilsa yoki bayram nomi hech narsasiz berilsa]
5. Yoshni aytishda: at the age of 27, at 14
6. at+ time:at this time, at that time [bir kundan kam vaqt nazarda tutilsa]
7. at the weekend (US: on the weekend)
On bir kunga teng bo’lgan vaqt ko’rsatgichlari uchun
1. Hafta kunlari: : on Monday on Fridays; on Monday morning, on Friday evening
2. sanalar: on June 1st on 21st March
3. fahta kunlari va sanalar: on Monday June 1st
4. on that day on that evening
5. Anniversaries, etc.: on your birthday on your wedding day
6. on Christmas Day, on New Year's Day, on Easter Monday bayramning bir kuni nazarda tutilsa yoki bayram so’zidan keyin day so’zi kelsa]
In bir kundan katta bo’lga vaqt ko’rsatgichlari uchun
1. oylar : in March, in September
2. yillar: in I900 in 1984 in 1998
3. fasllar: in (the) spring, in (the) winter
4. asrlar: in the 19th century, in the 20th century
5. bayramlar: in Ramadan, in Easter week [bayramlarning bir haftalik vaqti nazarda tutilsa]
6. time: in that time, in that age in the holidays


Ingliz tilida if li gaplarning 3 xil turi bor If1, IF 2, IF 3
If 1.
I tip shart ergash gap real (haqqoniy) bo’lib u hozirgi va kelasi zamonga tegishlidir.
If + present simple [Subject + Verb1 ], future simple [Subject + shall/will + Verb1]
1- tur if li gaplarda if li qismda present simple o’rnida quyidagi zamonlar ishlatiladi.
present progressive:
present perfect:
present perfect progressive:
modal fe’llar
Modal + modal:
to be going to :
1 tur if li gaplarning asosiy qismida future simple o’rnida quyidagi zamonlar ishlatiladi.
future continuous:
future perfect:
future perfect continuous:
To be going to
So’roq gap shaklida :
buyruq gap shaklida ham bo’lishi mumkin: If+s+V1 /// V1
Bazan if present simple, present simple bo’lishi mumkin. Bunday gaplar fanga tegishli bo’lgan mutloq haqiqatlarni, yoki odatiy doimiy bo’ladigan ish harakatlarni ko’rsatadi.
If o’rnida as soon as, when, on condition that, suppose that, providing that, unless
Odatda ergash gapda will ishlatilmaydi. Lekin o’ta iltimosni ko’rsatish uchun ishlatiladi.
If 1 if li qismda should ishlatilsa kam ehtimollikni anglatadi. Mabodo, chamasi, ehtimol kabi so’zlar bilan tarjima qilinadi.
If + S + should + verb 1 yoki Should + S + verb 1 formulasida bo’lishi mumkin.

Type 2
if 2 hozirgi va kelasi zamonga tegishli bo’lgan noreal ish harakatni ko’rsatish uchun ishlatiladi.

If + Subject + Verb2 » + « Subject + should/would + V 1: (If X happened, Y would happen)
Was o’rniga hamma shaxs sonlar bilan WERE ishlatiladi
'If I were you/If I were in your position' (Not "was*)iborasi ham ishlatilishi mumkin. Bu sani o’rningda bo’lganimda edi degan ma’noni ifodalaydi.
'If it were not for/Were it not for' kabi iboralar berilishi mumkin. o’zbek tiliga agar bo’lmaganoda edi deb tarjima qilinadi.
Ba’zan if it were not for quyidagicha ham berilishi mumkin:
If it were not for va Were it not for iboralari ba’zan the fact that.bilan birga kelishi mumkin.
Ba’zan bu iboralar o’rnida but for ham kelishi mumkin.
Modal fe’llar ishlatilsa o’tgan zamon shakllari beriladi.
2 tip gaplarda if o’rnida Supposing, suppose, imagine, unless ham ishlatiladi.
Davomiy harakat uchun bosh qismda past simple o’rnida past continuous, asosiy qismda future simple in the past o’rnida future continuous in the past sihlatiladi.
2 tip if li qismda should = v1 yoki were to + verb 1ishlatiladigan bo’lsa kam ehtimollikni ifodalaydi.
2 chi tip gaplarning if qismida would ishlatilsa o’ta iltimosni ifodalaydi.

Type 3
O’tgan zamondagi noreal ish harakatni ifodalaydi.

Type 3 : If + S + had + V3 » + « S + should/would + have + V3
davomiy ish harakatlar uchun past perfect o’rnida past perfect continuous, asosiy qismda future perfect in the past o’rnida future perfect continuous in the past ishlatiladi.
'If I had been you/in your position' bu ibora sani o’rnigda bo’lganimda edi deb tarjima qilinadi.
You o’rnida odamning ismi ham ishlatilishi mumkin.
'If it hadn't been for' bu ibora agar bo’lmaganda edi deb tarjima qilinadi.
'If it hadn't been for' bu ibora o’rnida but for ishlatilishi mumkin.
If 3 da modal fe’llari ishlatilsa modal fe’llarining perfect formasi ishlatiladi.
If o’rnida if only va Unless ishlatilishi mumkin.
Mixed Type of Conditionals
Aralash noreal shart gaplar.
Agar shart ergash gapdagi ish harakat [if qismdagi ish harakat] o’tgan zamonga taluqli bo’lib, natijasi [bosh gapdagi ish harakat] hozirgi zamonga taluqli bo’lsa uchinchi va ikkinchi tip aralashadi, ya’ni ifli qismda if 3 asosiy qismda if 2 ishlatiladi.
If you had worked harder last year, you would know English well now.
Agar shart ergash gapdagi ish harakat [if qismdagi ish harakat] hozirgi zamonga taluqli bo’lib, natijasi [bosh gapdagi ish harakat] o’tgan zamonga taluqli bo’lsa ikkinchi va uchinchi tip aralashadi, ya’ni ifli qismda if 2 asosiy qismda if 3 ishlatiladi.
If he knew English well, he would have translated the article without difficulty yesterday.
If ning tushib qolish holati
Were, had, could, should, might bo’lsa shart qismida if tushib ular uning o’rniga o’tishi mumkin.
Wish / If only
Wish faqat Noreal galarda ishlatilib Ifning 2 va 3 tiplariga to’g’ri keladi. Noreal ish harakatdagi gaplarda wishning tarjimasi qaniydi, koshkiydi deb tarjima qilinadi. Wish dan keyin faqat PAST zamonlari ishlatiladi va undan keyin hech qachon Present Yoki Future zamonlari ishlatilmaydi. Wishning sinonimi if only.
Present zamon past simple S + wish, S + V2
b) to be fe’li barcha shaxslar uchun were shaklida ishlatilishi mumkin:
c) S + wish + S + were + V4. i/h hozir amalga oshayotgan bo’lishiga istak bildiriladi.
d) S + wish + S + could + V1. Modal fellarning o’tgan zamon shakllari.

past wish o’tgan zamondagi noreal ish harakatni ko’rsatadi.

Past perfect ishlatiladi: S + wish, S + had done
Modal fellarning perfect formasi: S + wish + S + could + have + V3.
Future wish kelasi zamondagi noreal ish harakatni ifodalaydi.
Future simple in the past ishlatiladi S + wish, S + would + V1
Modal fellarning o’tgan zamon formasi: S + wish + S + could + V1

It’s (high/about) time + S + V2. Hozirgi yoki kelasi zamon ish harakatiga istak, sabrsizlik ifodalaydi.

As if/As though
As if [as though] qaniydi tarjimasi. Fnoreal ish harakatlarni ifodalab xuddi dek deb tarjima qilinadi.
Bosh gapdagi ish harakat bilan ergash gapdagi ish harakat bir vaqtda sodir bo’lsa past simple
Bosh gapdagi ish harakat bilan ergash gapdagi ish harakat bir vaqtda davom etsa past continuous
Barcha shaxslar uchun faqat were ishlatiladi.
Bosh gapdagi ish harakat ergash gapdagi ish harakatdan oldin sodir bo’lsa past perfect
Yuqoridagi ikkita qoyida as if as though haqiqatga teskari voqelikni ko’rsatganda ishlatiladi.. bazi hollarda ularda bunday mano bo’lmasdan quyidagi zamonlar ham ishlatilishi mumkin.

Would rather, would sooner

Would rather, would sooner + person + unreal past biz biror bir kishini biror narsa qilishini yoki qilmasligini xohlashimizni ifodalashda ishlatiladi. Bularning uch xil turi bor:
S1 + Would rather (that) S2 + do (Future)
I would rather you come tomorrow. (Wish future) I wish you would come tomorrow
S1 + Would rather (that) S2 + did (Present)
I would rather he arrived now. (Wish Present) I wish he arrived now
S1 + Would rather (that) S2 + had done (Past)
I would rather he had arrived yesterday. (Wish Past) I wish he had arrived yesterday.

Relative clause

Relative clausening ega vazifasida kelishi.
Odamlarga nisbatan Who [that] + kesim
Narsalar nisbatan which [that] + kesim
Who/which/that dan keyin kelayotgan kesimni birlikda yoki ko’plikdaligi undan oldin joylashgan otga bog’liq
Which butun bir gapga teng bo’lsa BU deb tarjima qilinadi.
What relative clause da izohlanadigan ot yoki olmosh ishlatilmaganda qo’llaniladi. What otsiz, balki ot o’rnida ishlatiladi.
Whose odamlarga nisbatan aniqlovchi vazifasida keladi undan keyin ot keladi. Undan keyin keladigan ot undan oldin keladigan otga taaluqli.
Shaxs/narsa + WHOSE + OT
Whose ba’zan jonsiz buyumlarga nisbatan of which o’rnida ishlatilishi mumkin.
we saw a mountain whose top [the top of which] was covered with snow.
To’ldiruvchi vazifasida shaxslarga nisbatan whom narsalarga nisbatan which ishlatiladi. Ulardan keyin gap keladi.
Shaxs + whom + S+V
Narsa + which +S+V
Whom [to whom/from whom/with whom va hokazo] predloglar bilan ishlatilishi mumkin.
The people with whom I work are very nice.
og’zaki nutqda whom o’rniga who/that ishlatiladi. Ular ishlatilganda whom oldidagi predloglar kesimdan keyin joylashadi.
The people I work with …. Or the people who/that I work with….
JOYni izohlash uchun where ishlatiladi. Undan keyin gap keladi.
joy nomi + where + S + V [where = in/at which]
ba’zan JOY nomi + which + V ham bo’lishi mumkin.
I went back to the town which is very beautiful.
Vaqtni izohlashda when ishlatiladi. Undan keyin gap keladi.
The day/the year/the time etc. + when + S + V [when = at/in/on which]
Reason so’zini why izohlaydi. [why = for which]
Reason + why + S+V
Orttirma darajadagi sifatlar, tartib sonlar va all, any, only so’zlari bilan aniqlangan otlardan keyin faqat that olmoshi ishlatiladi. [which ham emas, whom ham emas]
Quyidagi birikmalar ham shu yo’sinda ishlatilishi mumkin.
None of/ neither of/ any of/ either of/ some of/ many of/ much of/ few of/ both of/ half of each of /one of/ two of + whom [people]/which [for things] ba’zan whose ishlatiladi
Nisbiy olmoshlarning tushib qolishi
Gapda to’ldiruvchi bo’lib keladigan whom, who, which, that nisbiy olmoshlari tushub qolishi mumkin.
Relative clause ning ikki turi bor.
Birinchi turida relative clause vergul bilan ajratilmaydi. Ikkinchi turda vergul bilan ajratiladi.
II farq birinchi turda that ishlatiladi, ikkinchi turda that ishlatilmaydi.
III farq 1-turda who, which, that to’ldiruvchi bo’lib kelsa tushirib qoldirish mumkin. 2 chi turda which/ who tushirilib qolmaydi.

Qaydlar uchun

British School Sabrina Mardonova

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