Practical english
Very ishlatilganda gap soda
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Grammar Sabrina
- Bu sahifa navigatsiya:
- Quite
- The qiyosiy daraja + ega + kesim, the qiyosiy daraja + ega + kesim.
- Qiyosiy
- Any/ no + qiyosiy = hech ham . Any
Very ishlatilganda gap soda bo’ladi: She is very [so] beautiful.
So ko’pincha that bilan bog’lanib keladi: the text was so difficult that I couldn’t translate it. Too bu so va very ga qaraganda kuchliroq: it is very hot, but I can drink it. It is too hot and I can’t drink it. Too ko’pincha to – infinitive yordamida bog’lanadi: She is too young to go to school. ❗ Quite ijobiy sifatlar oldidan, rather salbiy sifatlar oldidan ishlatiladi. ❗ Qiyosiy daraja ikki shaxs yoki narsani qiyoslashda ishlatiladi. Qiyosiy daraja ko’pincha than so’zi yordamida ifodalanadi: Jane is taller than Alice. ❗ Vaziyatni o’zgarayotganini ko’rsatish uchun qiyosiy daraja takror holatda kelishi ham mumkin: More and more ko’pdan ko’p ko’payib; Less and less kamdan kam kamayib; ❗ The qiyosiy daraja + ega + kesim, the qiyosiy daraja + ega + kesim. Bunaqa gaplarda the qiyosiy darajani tarjimasi qancha …, shuncha … . The bigger they are the harder they fall. Most so’zi sifat oldida artiklsiz kelsa” juda” (very) degan ma’noni bildiradi.. Most so’zi ot oldida artiklsiz kelsa” ko’pchilik” degan ma’noni anglatadi. ❗ Qiyosiy darajani kuchaytiruvchi so’zlar: a lot, a bit, a little, a few, any, Much, many, still, slightly, even, far, no. Much, many, a lot, far ancha; a bit, a little, a few, slightly birozgina; My room is much larger than yours. Even + qiyosiy = undanda, undan ham. I got up very early, but Jasur got up even earlier. Any/ no + qiyosiy = hech ham. Any inkor gaplarda, no darak gaplarda ishlatiladi. Still + qiyosiy daraja [still better] = baribir. I am not as good as I used to be, but I am still better than you. ❗ Quyidagi so’zlardan keyin than o’rnida to ishlatiladi: Superior, Inferior, prefer Different dan keyin than o’rnida from ishlatiladi. The former/ the latter. Bu ikki sifat gapda mavjud bo’lgan 2 otni qayta takrorlamasan ularning biriga izoh berish uchun ishlatiladi. The former= birinchisi, oldingisi the latter = ikkinchisi keyingisi. Older=yosh jihatdan kattaroq, qariroq, eskiroq. Qiyosiy, than ishlatiladi. Tom looks older than he is. Elder = katta [than ishlatilmaydi]. Elder + qarindoshlik= My elder brother is married. The eldest - to’ng’ich. The eldest + qarindoshlik Amir temur liked his eldest son very much. Further + ot = qo’shimcha. I need further information about this question. Will you send me further news. Than that of birlik ot takrorlamaslik uchun; Than those of ko’plik ot takrorlamaslik uchun. The territory of Uzbekistan is larger than that [territory] of England. Gapning tarkibiga of the two bo’lsa the qiyosiy daraja ishlatiladi. Harvey is the smarter of the two boys. Sifatning orrtirma darajasi biror bir otni otlar guruhi ichidan ajratib ko’rsatishda ishlatiladi. Orttirma daraja quyidagi holatlarda ishlatiladi: 1) Orttirma daraja + in joy nomlari. What is the longest river in the world. 2) Orttirma daraja + of vaqtni ifodalovchi so’z. What is the happiest day of your life. 3) Gapda one of bo’lsa. he is one of the cleverest people. 4) Gapda among between bo’lsa. Jack is the cleverest among the children. 5) Gapda who/ which bilan. Which is the most famous person in Uzbekistan. 6) Who/which + qiyosiy daraja + ot or ot. Who is cleverer, jack or tom. 7) gapda ever bo’lsa. 'War and Peace' is the longest book (that) I have ever read. 8) gapda of all bo’lsa. He is the strongest of all. 9) quyidagi gaplarda ham orttirma daraja ishlatiladi: Melanie is the nicest person you could meet. 10) orttirma darajani kuchaytiruvchi so’z by far. He is by far the best guy. Late sifatining ikkita orttirmasi bor: I haven’t read the latest books of him. The last + ot navbat bo’yincha oxirgisi. He sold the last book to me. The last bust has left. At last nihoyat at last kate came. I had been waiting for two hours. At least kamida. If you are going abroad you should know at least minimum number of words. Last oxirgi bor. When did you see him last. Near sifatining ikkita orttirmasi bor. The nearest eng yaqin [masofa jihatidan]. The nearest city to my home town is navoi. The next keyingi kelasi [navbat bo’yicha] the next student talked about politics. Early + vaqt = boshida it happened in the early October. Late + vaqt = oxiria it happened in the late October. As … As 1) 'as oddiy daraja as' bu iborani tarjimasi “xuddi, -dek”. as light as a feather; Jane is as tall as Peter. 2) Inkor gaplarda quyidagi 'not'; 'not'. His work is not as hard as [so hard as] mine. 3) As [so] many, few, much, little + ot as I have as much money as nick. 4) Twice/ three times/ several times/ many times/ half + as oddiy daraja as John is half as tall as nick. 5) twice/several times as much/many/few/little +ot as 6) Agar as dan keyin ikkinchi ot bo’lmasa ikkinchi as ham bo’lmaydi. John is tall. Nick is twice as tall. 7) agar gapda as … as iborasi orasida birlikdagi sanaladigan ot ishtirok etsa sifatdan keyin ot oldida a/an ishlatiladi. She was as patient a teacher as anyone could have had. So and such 1) So and such shunchalik/ shunaqa/ shunday/ juda kabi ma’nolarga ega. 2) So + sifat/ravish. So stupid, so nice; Such + ot. such a story, such people. 3) So long = such a long time; So far = such a long way; So much, so many = such a lot. 4) So/such … that … shundayki, shunaqaki… The recipe was so simple that even I could cook it. The soup tastes so good that everyone will ask so more. 5) ega + fe’l + so + many/ few/ much/ little + ot + that + ega + fe’l I had so few job offers that it wasn’t difficult to select one. 7) Agar gap tarkibida birlikdagi sanaladigan ot ishtirok etsa struktura quyidagicha bo’ladi: ega+kesim+such+a+sifat+birlikdagi sanaladigan ot + that It was such a hot day that we decided to stay indoors ega+kesim+so+sifat+a+birlikdagi sanaladigan ot+that … It was so hot a day that we decided to stay indoors. The same ot as She has the same beauty as ann. My birthday is the same day as yours. The same bilan gap tugasa as kelmaydi: Those two dresses are the same. Sifat/ravish + enough. It is not cold enough to wear a jacket. Enough to infinitive bilan izohlanadi. Enough + ot. Do you have enough sugar for the cake Enough of birlikdagi sanaladigan ot ishtirok etsa. Your education is enough of a problem for me. Bir nechta otlarning sifat vazifasida kelishi 1) Agar bir nechta otlar boshqa otdan oldin kelsa u paytda oldingi otlar aniqlovchi vazifasia bo’lib ularga hech qanday qo’shimcha qo’shilmaydi: A four year old child; 2) Agar ot sanalmaydigan yoki ko’plikdagi ot bo’lsa ishlatilmaydi: These are twenty-dollar shoes Ot oldida bir nechta sifatlarning ketma ketlik tartibi: size / shape/ age + color + participle adjectives + origin + material + + noun how big+how old+what color+where from+what is made of: a large round table ADVERBS Ravish ko’pincha fe’llardan keyin ishlatiladi. He drives carefully. 2) Sifatlarga –ly qo’shimchasini qo’shish yordamida ravishlar yasaladi: “adjective + -ly”: happy—happily; honest—honestly; serious—seriously; easy easily; angry angrily; 3) Quyidagi 15ta fe’llardan keyin sifat ham ishlatilishi mumkin: Appear, be, become, feel, get, grow, keep, look, make, remain, seem, smell, sound, taste, turn. Be, become, keep, remain, seem fe’llaridan keyin faqat sifat ishlatiladi. Look/ appear ko’rinmoq ma’nosida sifat o’z ma’nolarida ravish ishlatiladi: She looks serious; He looked seriously at me. [look dan keyin at kelsa ravish ishlatiladi] Grow, get, turn o’z ma’nolarida ravish; bo’lmoq ma’nosida sifat. it turned dark. He turned slowly. Smell dan keyin hid taratmoq ma’nosida sifat hidlamoq ma’nosida ravish ishlatiladi: The chicken smells good. He smelt the soup carefully. Taste dan keyin ta’m bermoq ma’nosida sifat, ta’tib ko’rmoq ma’nosida ravish ishlatiladi: the soup tastes delicious. He tasted the meal accurately. Sound dan keyin eshitilmoq ma’nosida sifat, ovoz chiqarmoq ma’nosida ravish ishlatiladi. The music sounds beautiful.He sounded angrily Smell/taste/sound fe’llarida gapning egasi shaxs bo’lsa ravish, narsa bo’lsa sifat ishlatiladi Make=holatiga solmoq=sifat. She made me angry/happy. Make=yasamoq = ravish. He made the chair easily. Feel = his qilmoq = sifat. Feel = tegmoq, ushlab ko’rmoq= ravish. Feeldan keyin object kelsa ravish: The doctor felt the leg carefully to see there were any broken bones. Ba’zi bir so’zlar –ly qo’shimchasini olgan ammo ular ravish emas, sifatdir. lively, lonely, lovely, manly, silly, ugly, friendly, likely, elderly, early. Bu so’zlarni ravishga aylantirish uchun bu so’zlar oldidan in orqasidan way, manner,fashion so’zlarini qo’yish kerak. Susan is a friendly girl. (sifat). She always greets me in a friendly way/manner/fashion (ravish). Quyidagi so’zlar -ly qo’shimchasini olmaydigan ham ravish ham sifatdir. Fast, hard, late, long, low, straight, high, hear, wrong, far, fair. fine Hard qattiq [sifat] qattiq [ravish]; It is hard work. He works hard Hardly zo’rg’a [ravish] he could hardly answer the question. Late kech [sifat] kech [ravish]; It is a late train. He came late. Lately oxirgi paytlarda [ravish]. I haven’t seen him lately. Near yaqin [sifat, ravish]; It is a near bank. He is standing near me. Nearly qariyib [ravish]. He nearly found the answer to the question. High balnd [sifat,ravish] It is a high building. He jumped high Highly juda [ravish]. The teacher scored her test highly well. Free = tekin [sifat, ravish]. She gave her time free. Freely = bajonidil [ravish]. She gave her time freely Wide = to’liq [sifat, ravish]. The door was wide open so I just went straight in. Widely =ko’p joylarda [ravish]. It won’t be difficult to get the book. It is widely available. Short qisqa sortly tez orada; direct to’g’ri directly bir pastda good –sifat, well – ravish. He is a good student. He studies well. Ammo well sog’liqni aytish ma’nosida ishlatilsa sifatdir. I am well today. Sifat + -ing : Good + Ving good looking, good speaking Ravish + done: Well + V3 yaxshi...gan well dressed, Badly + V3 yomon…gan badly injured Ba’zan ravishlar gap boshida kirish so’z bo’lib keladi: honestly, seriously, confidentially, personally, surprisingly, economically, officially, obviously, clearly, surely, undoubtedly. Frankly, I think he is a liar. Sifatni ham ravishni ham kuchaytiruvchi so’zlar bular ravishlardir. She was completely clever. She answered absolutely cleverly -ly ravishlarning qiyosiy va orttirma darajasi more va most so’zlari yordamida yasaladi. The article Joy nomlari oldidan aniq artiklning ishlatilishi. 1. Continents: ishlatilmaydi; Africa, Asia, Europe But, The European Continent 2. Geographical areas: joy nomlari oldidan north, northern, south, southern, east, eastern, west, western, ancient, old, central, medieval sifatlari kelsa artikl ishlatilmaydi: Central Asia, Inner London, Lower Egypt, Outer Mongolia, Upper Austria. Southern Africa, Northern Ireland. Muatasnolar: The midlands, the lowlands, the Punjab, the Riviera, the Transvaal, the Gobi the Arctic, the Balkans, the Equator, the Middle East the North Pole, the West the far east. 3. Lakes: A) ishlatilmaydi Lake Constance, Lake Erie, Lake Geneva B) Lake so’zi bo’lmasa the ishlatiladi. The Baikal. C)Ko’plikdagi ko’llar oldida the ishlatiladi the great lakes. 4. Oceans/seas/rivers/canals ishlatiladi. the Pacific (Ocean), the Caspian (Sea), the Nile (or the River Nile), the Mississippi (or the Mississippi River), the Suez Canal 5. Gulf / Strait ishlatiladi: the Persian gulf. the Magellan strait, the bering. 6. Bay ishlatilmaydi: hudzon bay, Baffin bay 7. Peninsula: A) ishlatilmaydi indo-china, Labrador, taimir B) yuqoridagi nomlarga yarim orol so’zi qo’shilsa the ishlatiladi. The Balkan peninsula, the kola peninsula. 8. Falls/ Pass: Sharshara va dovon ishlatiladi. The Niagara falls, the saint Gotthard Pass 9. Mountains: A) cho’qqi ishlatilmaydi: Everest Mont Blanc B) tog’ tizmalari ishlatiladi: the Alps, the Himalayas 10. Islands: ishlatilmaydi: Christmas Island, Madagascar. But: the Isle of Capri, the Isle of Man 11. Groups of islands: ishlatiladi the Azores, the Bahamas 12. Deserts: ishlatiladi; the Gobi (Desert) the Kalahari (Desert), the Sahara (Desert) 13. Countries: ishlatilmaydi: Finland, Germany, Turkey, etc. Mustasnolar: A) the Argentine (or Argentina),the Netherlands, thePhilippines, (the) Sudan,(the) Yemen, The Congo, The Ukraine, The Caucasus, The Transvaal, The Crimea, The Ruhr, the Lebanon, the Caucasus, the Transvaal, the Riviera. The Cameroon, the Gambia. B) Qisqartma davlatlar the bilan The USA, The UK, The USSR, the ARE (the Arab Republic of Egypt) C) Davlat nomlari oldidan union, kingdom, states, dominion, federation, republic and emirates so’zlari bo’lsa the ishlatiladi. The Russian federation, the irish republic. D) ajratuvch aniqlovchisi bo’lsa the ishlatiladi. This is not the Russia I used to love. He described the England of the middle ages. E) oldidan sifat kelsa a ishlatiladi; It was a new Russia that he found on his return. 14. States/counties. Ishlatilmaydi: the Vatica, Bavaria, Ohio, Surrey 15. Cities: ishlatilmaydi: , London, Lyons, Paris Mustasno. the Hague, the bronx 16. Universities/schools/ colleges Ishlatilmaydi: Cambridge University, Navoi school. but: the University of Cambridge, The school of Navoi 17. Road/ Street/ Avenue/Square/ Addresses/Park/Zoo/ Circus ishlatilmaydi : Central Park, Hyde Park, 49 Albert Place London Road, MadisonAvenue, Oxford Street, Ammo: let’s go to the park. We went to the zoo. 18. Highway: Shosse aftotrasalar bilan the ishlatiladi; the al, the new Seattle highway 19. Buildings: ishlatiladi: the British Museum, the Library of Congress. But mustasnolar: Buckingham Palace, Westminster Abbey, Scotland yard. 20. Bridges: ishlatilmaydi: London Bridge mustasnolar: The Golden Gate Bridge, The Brooklyn bridge. 21. Pubs/ Restaurants/ Shops ishlatiladi: The White Horse, The Cafe Royal, The Scotch House But: odamlar ismiga qo’yilsa ishlatilmaydi: Leoni's (Restaurant) 22. Sides; ishlatiladi; the north, the south. But from east to west Agar tomonlar bilan materik yoki davlat nomlari kelsa ishlatilmaydi: South America, Northern Ireland . Agar bu nomlar bilan of kelsa The ishlatiladi: The south of America, The North of Uzbekistan 23. Airports/ stations/ castles/ palaces ishlatilmaydi: Victoria station, Kennedy Airport, Edinburgh castle, But: ishlatiladi: The station of Victoria, The castle of Edinburgh, The palace of Buckingham 24. Theatre/ Museum/ Gallery/Cinema/mausoleums/ Hotel/Hospital; ishlatiladi: The Navoi theatre, The Amir Temur museum, The Tate gallery, The Odeon, the ABC, The mausoleum of Timurids. Agar shu joylarga asos solgan kishiga atab qo’yilgan bo’lsa yoki ‘s bilan ishlatilgan bo’lsa artikl ishlatilmaydi; Durant’s hotel, Macdonald’s 25. Church/ Abbey/ Cathedral; ishlatilmaydi St. john’s church, Westminster abbey, St. paul’s cathedral 26. Hospital/Prison, jail/College/School/University/Church; agar bu joylar o’z xizmat faoliyati ma’nosida bo’lsa va so’z yugirtirilayotgan kishini bu joylarga a’zoligi bo’lsa ishlatilmaydi: Jack is in hospital. After I leave school I shall go to university. Children are at school now. Mrs. Kelly goes to church every Sunday. Ken’s brother is in prison 27. The hospital/ The prison/ The college/ The school/ The university/The church; agar faqat bino nazarda tutilsa yoki kishilarning u yerga a’zoligi bo’lmasa the ishlatiladi; Jill went to the hospital to visit Jack. The workmen went to the church to repair the roof. Ken went to the prison to see his brother. 28. Hall/ Club; Konsert zallari va klublar the bilan. The festival Hall, the Albert hall, the national liberal club. 29. Landscape; quyidagi geografik landshaftlar oldidan the ishlatiladi; The city, the desert, the land, the seaside, the country, the forest, the mountains, the taiga, the countryside, the jungle, the plains, the tundra. 30. Valley/ Forest; ishlatiladi; The hudzon valley, the amazon forest , the black forest The artikilining turli xil holatlarda ishlatilishi 1. oldin aytib o’tilgan ot qayta takrorlansa the ishlatiladi. 2. vaziyatdan qaysi narsa haqida so’z borayotganligi aniq bo’lsa the ishlatiladi. 3. Otlarning ajratuvchi aniqlovchisi bo’lsa the ishlatiladi 4. sifatning orrtirma darajasi oldidan the ishlatiladi 5.the Police, the army, the fire-brigade, the bank, the post office, The navy, the cinema, the theatre 6. THE sea, the sky, the ground, the country kabi so’zlat the artikili bilan. Lekin to go to sea va to be atsea kabi so’zlar sayohat, dam olish ma’nolarini ifodalasa the ishlatiladi. 7. space so’zi fazo ma’nosida kelsa artikl ishlatilmaydi bo’sh joy ma’nosida kelsa the artikli ishlatiladi. 8. Musiqa asboblari oldida the ishlatiladi. The piano 9. The doctor, the dentist so’zlari bir o’zi kelsa the ishlatiladi, agar odamning ismi yoki familiyasi bilan birga kelsa ishlatilmaydi. 10. The radio so’zi the bilan. 11. TV so’zi ko’rsatuv ma’nosida artikilsiz, televizor aparati, buyumi ma’nosida kelsa the bilan ishlatiladi. 12. odatda kun ovqat qismlari [breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper] umumiy halatda artiklsiz ishlatiladi. Ammo Meal so’zi A/AN bilan ishlatiladi. I had a meal in a restaurant Agarda ajratuvchi aniqlovchisi bo’lsa the ishlatiladi. The breakfast I had was delicious. The dinner we ordered hasn’t been served yet. Agar ularning oldidan sifat bo’lsa A/AN ishlatiladi. I had a delicious lunch. A nice breakfast 13. Ixtiro va mashinalar oldidan the ishlatiladi. The computer 14. The oldidan sifat kelsa otning ko’plik shaklini bildiradi. E.g. rich – boy, the rich – boylar; 15. Tartib sonlar oldidan the ishlatiladi. Tartib son ikkinchi bir, yana bir ma’nosida ishlatilsa noaniq artikl bilan ishlatiladi. We must charter a second vessel. A first night premyera a first prize birinchi mukofot, a first love, a first class college, a first time, a first child. Tartib sonlaridan keyin grade, avenue, street so’zlari kelsa artikl ishlatilmaydi. Tartib sonlar Kirish so’z bo’lib kelsa artikl olmaydi. First, don’t late for the lesson. 16. millat nomlari oldidan the ishlatiladi 17. Dunyodagi tanho narsalar oldidan the ishlatiladi 18. Last, next, following, only, very, same, proper, previous, opposite, necessary, so-cooled, right, left, wrong, main, principle, following, former, latter Ammo last/next so’zlaridan keyin paytni bildiradigan so’z kelsa artiklsiz 19. planeta va yulduz nomlari artiklsiz. 20. sanoq sonlar artiklsiz ishlatiladi. Ammo sanoq sonlar bu ikki, o’sha ikki, bu uch, o’sha uch ma’nolarini ifodalasa the artikli bilan ishlatiladi. 21. sport o’yinlari artiklsiz. Football; ammo a game of football 22. bayram nomlari artiklsiz. Mustasno: The New Year, A New Year party 23. yillar artiklsiz. In 1990, in 1677; ammo orqasidan ‘s kelsa the ishlatiladi: (in the 1960’s), after the 1888’s 24. ism va familiyalar oldidan artikl ishlatilmaydi. Agar familiya butun bir oila ma’nosini bersa, ya’ni ko’plikda kelsa the ishlatiladi. The Browns, The Hamidovs, 25. kema, paraxot, yaxta nomlari oldidan artikl ishlatiladi. The Titanic, 26. gazeta va jurnal nomlari oldidan artikl ishlatiladi. The Times, 27. fan nomlari oldidan artikl ishlatilmaydi. History, math Ammo He teaches the history of the Middle ages. 28. tarixiy voqea, tarixiy hujjatlar, tarixiy davrlar oldidan artikl ishlatiladi. The French Revolution, The Constitution, 29. urush nomlari oldidan artikl ishlatiladi. The Crimean war, The Korean war. Jahon urushlari rim raqami bilan berilsa artiklsiz 30. Tillar oldida language so’zi bo’lsa the ishlatiladi, language so’zi bo’lmasa the ishlatilmaydi. The English language - English. Ammo, translated from the German. What is the French for ‘book?’ 31. Qisqartmalar harflab o’qilsa the ishlatiladi, so’z sifatida o’qilsa the ishlatilmaydi. 32. Kompaniya nomlari oldida company so’zi bo’lsa the ishlatiladi, bo’lmasa artikl ishlatilmaydi. Havo yo’l kompaniyalari nomlari bilan odatda the ishlatilmaydi. British airways 33. bed so’zi kravat ma’nosida the artikili bilan, yotoq ma’nosida artiklsiz ishlatiladi.To go to bed/ to be in bed. 34. Tashkilotlar the bilan ishlatiladi. The European union 35. siyosiy partiyalar the bilan ishlatiladi. The liberal party. 36. Davlat mahkamalari the artikli bilan ishlatiladi: the London city council, Mustasnolar: Parliament, congress, Whitehall, Westminster Ijtimoiy guruhlar the bilan ishlatiladi. The proletariat, the peasantry, the capitalists, the workers 37. Qabila sulolar nomi oldida the Mayas, the Temurids 38. Musiqaviy guruhlar the bilan ishlatiladi. The Beatles, the spice girls, 39. Sport musobaqalari oldidan the ishlatiladi. The Olympic games, the world cup, 40. kun qismlari [night, evening, noon, midnight, down, dusk, sunrise, sunset, daytime, nightfall], oy nomlari [March, April, May], hafta kunlari [Monday, Sunday], fasl nomlari umumiy holatda artiklsiz. Mondays are always difficult. Ma’lum biror oy, fasl, hafta nomlari haqida gap borsa the ishlatiladi. The winter was very fine that year. Ular oldidan sifat kelsa a/an ishlatiladi. It was a cold morning. 41. quyidagi formula bo’yicha the artikli ishlatiladi: 'the' + noun + 'of 42. inson tana qismlari artikl bilan ishlatiladi. the body, the brain 43. sarlavhalar [kitob, film … ] va hujjatlar the bilan ishlatiladi. the Great Charter, 44. E’tiqodni bildiradigan so’zlar the bilan ishlatiladi. the angels, Ammo ular atoqli ot bo’lsa artikl ishlatilmaydi. Muhammed 45. iqlimni bildiradigan sozlar the bilan. the climate, the temperature, the weather 46. Kimyoviy moddalar yer osti qazilma boyliklari artiklsiz. Silver, coal, oil, co2. 47. Quyidagi lavozim post ni anglatuvchi so’zlar odam ismi yoki familiyasi bilan birga kelsa the ishlatilmaydi. professor, queen, lord, king, Lavozim emas balki kishining o’zi nazara tutilsa the ishlatiladi. The queen has a meeting with the primer minister every morning. mansab yoki unvonni ifodalovchi so’zlar gapda ot kesim tarkibida kelsa, izohlovchi bo’lib kelsa yoki to elect saylamoq, to appoint, to make qilmoq fe’llaridan keyin kelsa artiklsiz ishlatiladi. My brother is chief of this expedition. We shall discuss the matter with Mr. Bell, dean of our faculty. He has been appointed captain of the ‘Minsk’. 48. kasallik nomlari meditsina termini bo’lsa artiklsiz, xalq tili bilan aytilsa a, an artikllari ishlatiladi: Pneumonia; He had a headache 49. from… to … iborasi artiklsiz. from morning to night 50. Ot oldida qaratqich olmoshlari [my, his, her…]; ‘s li iboralar [tom’s, jack’s]; ko’rsatish olmoshlari [this, that …] kelsa artikl ot oldida ishlatilmaydi: my book, Tom’s friend. 51. Class so’zi mashg’ulot, dars home uy, work ish, town shahar artiklsiz. 52. Area, population so’zlari gap boshida the ; gap o’rtasida a/ an artikllari bilan ishlatiladi. Monaco covers an area of 370 acres. The population of Uzbekistan is raising rapidly. 53. Valyutalar the oladi. The sum coupon. The dollar is the US currency. 54. quyidagi iboralar bilan faqat the ishlatiladi. In the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, in the night, what is the time, the day before yesterday, on the whole, the other day, to go to the cinema [theatre, pictures], to play the piano, the day after tomorrow, in the country, on the one [other] day, to tell the time, to tell the truth, to pass the time, to run the risk, on the right [left] 55. Artiklsiz keladigan iboralar: by air by bicycle, by bike, by boat, by bus, by car, by coach, by land, by plane, by sea, by ship, by tram, by tube, on foot. We travelled all over Europe by bus arm in arm, come to light, face to face, from top to bottom, hand in hand, keep in mind, make friends, make fun of; day and night, father and son, husband and wife, light and dark, young and old, pen and ink, sun and moon. This business has been run by father and son for 20 years A/An artikilining ishlatilishi. 1. Asosan bu artikl tinglovchiga no’malum bo’lgan birlikdagi sanaladigan ot oldida ishlatiladi Sanalmaydigan va ko’plikdagi otlar oldida ishlatilmaydi. Agarda oldin aytib 2. kasb nomlari oldida ishlatiladi. She's a doctor He is a british – u britaniyaliklardan biri. (ot) He is british – u britaniyalik. (sifat) 3. Pul, og’irlik, masofa va vaqtni bildiruvchi so’zlar bilan ishlatiladi. A dollar, a kilo, a kilometer, a day, a week, A few, a little. 4. Narsalarning nimaligini biror kishini kimligini aytishda ishlatiladi. A dog is an animal. A parrot is a bird. 5. gapda izohlovchi qism bo’lsa va izohlanayotgan ot noaniq bo’lsa birlikdagi sanaladigan ot oldida a/an ishlatiladi. Anvar, a student of our institute, took the first place in the chess tournament. Agarda izohlanayotgan qismda ko’plik bo’lsa artikl ishlatilmaydi. Anvar and Nodir , students of our institute, took the first place in the chess tournament. Agarda izohlanayotgan qismda aniqlik bo’lsa Theishlatiladi. Mr. Ivanov, the inventor of this machine, is a n old friend of mine. Agarda izohlanayotgan qismda keng miqyosda mashhurlik bo’lsa the ishlatiladi. Pushkin, the great Russian poet, was born in 1799. 6. Sanaladigan birlikdagi ot oldida sifat kelsa a/an ishlatiladi: A grey donkey, an 7. What bilan boshlanadigan undov gaplarda birlikdagi sanaladigan ot oldida. What a fine building 8. such, rather, quite, so, too so’zlaridan keyin birlikdagi sanaladigan ot oldida a/an ishlatiladi. She is such a nice woman. 9. Kind, sort, type so’zlaridan oldin a artikili orqasidan hech qanaqa artikl ishlatilmaydi. It's a (kind of/sort of/type of) bottle-opener. 10. In, with, like, as so’zlaridan keyin birlikdagi sanaladigan ot oldida. a) in a hurry, in a whisper 11. Odam ismlari sanaladigan otga aylanishi mumkin qachonki rassomning yoki ixtirochining nomi u yaratgan ishiga, maxsulotiga nomlansa. I am reading an Agatha Christie. 12. a/an + good, wonderful, nice, hard + time. They spent a wonderful time 13. Ba’zi birikmalar bilan doimo noaniq artikl ishlatiladi. A lot of, a great deal of, a good deal of, a great number of, a good many, a great many, a few, to be at a loss qiynalmoq, a little, at a speed of, as a result of, at a time when, at a time, on a large [small] scale, all of a sudden, to go for a walk, it is a pity, as a matter of fact, to have a good time, for a short [long] time, to have a mind [moqchi bo’lmoq], in a loud [low] voice, to be in a hurry, to be in a position, to have a look, to have a cold, to have a headache, to take a seat. To have a success, to have a try, to give a lift, to give a chance, to be at a loss, to make a date, to make a speech, to play a trick. Tarjimalari: 1) bir, bitta I bought a book yesterday. A piece of cheese. 2) istagan, xohlagan. A boy can do it. 3) qandaydir bir. A Mr Wingate phoned and left a message for you. A Mrs Tadley is waiting to see you. 4) Noaniq artikl mavhum otlar oldida ham ishlatilishi mumkin. Bunda noaniq artikl [a kind of, such] shunday bir, shunqa bir degan ma’nosini beradi. He showed a patience [a kind of patience, such patience] that I had never expected of him.You must learn patience. There was anunusual warmth in his words. Uning so’zlarida g’ayritabiiy bir illiqlik bor edi. Present Simple S [Subject] + V1 [Verb] Agar ega III shaxs birlikda bo’lsa kesim vazifasidagi fe’lga –s yoki –es suffiksi qo’shiladi: He works. She works. It works Ishlatilishi…. Doimiy, takroriy,odatiy ish-harakatni ifoda etadi. Always (= all the time = on every occasion = at all times = on all occasions) – doim, I always get high marks in history. Usually (= normally = as a rule = as a general rule = generally = in general = commonly = mostly = mainly = typically = chiefly = as usual) – odatda She usually comes once a week. Often (= frequently=not seldom = repeatedly = much of the time = in many/most cases/instances) – tez-tez, He often goes for long walks by himself. Seldom (= rarely = not often = once in a blue moon = infrequently) – kamdan kam, onda-sonda. I seldom hear from him. Sometimes (from time to time = at times = occasionally = on occasions) – ba’zan, gohida (vaqti vaqti bilan) My dad cooks dinner sometimes every day/week/month/year/century (=daily/weekly/monthly/annually) – har kun/hafta/oy/yil every Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday/Saturday/Sunday (=on Mondays/Tuesdays …) every Spring/Summer/Autumn/Winter (=in (the) Spring/Summer/Autumn/Winter) every morning/afternoon/evening/nignt (=in the mornings/afternoons/evenings/nights) She collects her from school every day. once a week/a month/a year… - haftada/oyda/yilda bir marta note: once a week = once every week twice a week/a month/a year… - haftada/oyda/yilda ikki marta; three times a week/a month/a year… I write home once a week. On weekends, on Mondays. most days/evenings/weekends etc: We go sailing most weekends. a month/per month …: I give my daughter £50 a month. Nowadays : Lots of people get divorced nowadays. Now/ today so’zlari bugungi kunda, hozirgi vaqtlarda degan ma’noni anglatganda bu zamonda ishlatiladi. Shaxs yoki narsaning xarakter/xususiyatiga xos i/h yoki holatni ko’rsatishda ishlatiladi. She loves rock music. Mahsulotlar, dori darmonlar, giyoh kabilarga ta’rif berishda (xususiyatini ko’rsatishda): The toothpaste “Colgate” freshens breath, kills bacteria, fights cavities, whitens teeth. Tabiatga xos bo’lgan ish-harakat, fan tomonidan isbotlangan faktlar, geografik, kimyoviy, fizik qonunlarni ko’rsatish uchun ishlatiladi. (Payt ravishi shart emas). The earth goes round the sun. Maqollar, aforizmlar, hikmatli gaplarda qo’llanishi mumkin. History repeats itself. Biror narsani o’rgatayotgan paytda o’sha ish harakatni ketma ketlikda aytishda: First you take the photos and sort them into categories. Then you file them according to subject. Biror bir asar (hikoya, roman, film …) ning mazmuni, asosiy voqealarini aytib berishda. At the party, Romeo sees Juliet and falls in love with her. Present Simple (V1) quyidagi hollarda kelasi zamon ish-harakatini ifoda etadi: a) qo’shma gaplarda bog’lovchilik qismda: when-qachonki; whenever-qachon bo’lsa ham; while-toki,qachonki; before-dan oldin; after-dan keyin; till=until-guncha/gacha; as soon as-bilanoq; as long as-toki; by the time-gacha/vaqtigacha if-agar; even if-hattoki agar; only if-faqat agar; unless (if … not)-agar … masa; on condition (that)-sharti bilan/ agar; providing/provided (that)-ta’minlanganda/agar; supposing –deb taxmin qilsa/agar; in case-mobodo…sa: If it doesn’t rain, we shall go to the park. b) calendar, afisha, jadval bo’yicha bo’ladigan harakatlar. Quyidagi fe’llar bilan: asosan bir joydan ikkinchi joyga yo’nalishni bildiradigan fe’lar to start, to sail, to return, to go, to come. Qolgan quyidagi fe’llar jadval asosida: to begin, to start, to open, to end, to finish to close. The train leaves in half an hour. The bus leaves in 15 minutes! Past Simple Subject + Verb2 TO BE o’tgan zamon shakli was va were. Bu zamonning ishlatilishi: O’tgan zamonda sodir bo’lgan ish harakatni ko’rsatishda ishlatiladi. (qildi/bajardi). Payt ravishlari: Yesterday; the day before yesterday; the other day; the other night Ago: a minute ago; an hour ago; two minutes ago; Last: last week; last month; last year; last century; In + o’tib ketgan vaqt ko’rsatgichlari: In 1576/1990…; In the 1920s/in the 1980s …; In the 13th century In my childhood. In the past. One day. In + place. 1. Yesterday, we went to the zoo. last Monday/Tuesday … kabilar o’rnida on Monday/Tuesday …, last July/October … kabilar o’rnida in July/October … kabilar ishlatilishi mumkin qachonki tinglovchiga o’tgan zamon nazarda tutilayotgani aniq bo’lsa: Things came to a crisis in July. Ish harakatning sodir bo’lgan vaqti kesimi o’tgan zamonda bo’lgan ikkinchi bir gap yordamida ham ko’rsatilishi mumkin He called when he was at the institute Ish harakatning sodir bo’lgan vaqti ko’rsatilmasdan fahmlanishi mumkin.Ish harakat vaqti uning amalga oshgan joyini ko’rsatish bilan nazarda tutilishi mumkin: I ate turnips in Germany. Once upon a time=ertaklarni aytishda: Once upon a time, in a faraway land, lived a beautiful princess. In those days, In the old days (=long time ago) Most people married young in those days O’tgan zamonda takroriy tarzda amalga oshgan, odat bo’lgan ish harakatni ko’rsatadi (qilardi/bajarardi): I smoked forty cigarettes a day till I gave up. O’tgan zamonda takroriy tarzda, muntazam ravishda amalga oshgan,odat bo’lgan, lekin hozirgi zamonda amalga oshmaydigan ish-harakat quyidagi yo’llar bilan ifoda etiladi: used + to infinitive : We used to swim in the river. Would + V1 Whenever we went to my uncle frank’s house, we would play in the garden. Used to biror shaxs yoki narsaning o’tgan zamondagi holati, ko’rinishi, fikri, munosabati o’zgarganligini hozirda boshqacha ekanligini ifodalashda ham qo’llaniladi. This building is now a furniture shop. Bo’lishsiz shakli !) didn’t use: We didn’t use to earn much. 2)Used not: I used not to go there. So’roq shakli Did + subject + use to + verb1 Did you use to work here? I used to do va I am used to doing I used to live alone. Men yolg’iz yashar edim. [o’tgan zamonga tegishli, to siz infinitive ishlatiladi] I am used to living alone. Men yolg’iz yashashga o’rganib qolganman. [hozirgi zamonga tegishli gerundiy ishlatiladi] Tarixiy shaxslar tomonidan amalga oshrilgan ish-harakat asosan Past Simple da beriladi Alexander the Great conquered Persia, Egypt, Syria, Mesopotamia, Bactria, and the Punjab; O’tgan zamonda ketma ket amalga oshgan bir necha ish-harakat Past Simple da beriladi (narrative): I got up at 7 o'clock, washed myself and had breakfast. It is time/high time/about time + S + verb2: It is time we went home. Future Simple S + shall / will + verb1 Kelasi zamonda sodir bo’ladigan ish harakatlarni ifodalashda ishlatiladi. [qiladi, qilaman] Payt ravishlari: tomorrow; the day after tomorrow; Soon, Later, Another day In: in an hour-bir soatdan so’ng; in ten minutes; In a month’s time; in six week’s time; Next: Next week; next month; next year; next century; on Monday/Tuesday dushanbeda [kelasi zamondagi vaqt haqida gap ketganda] In 2050-2050-yilda; in 2080-2080-yilda … After 10 minutes/ two days/ months I’ll see you a week tomorrow A hundred years from now-hozirdan yuz yil o’tib; a month from now/today;from now onwards/from this time onward; from now/today/this moment on; from this night forward A hudred years from now people will be able to visit Mars. Some day/one day/one of these days:Our wishes will come true one of these days. Nutq so’zlangan paytda biror ish qilishga qaror qilinganda shall, will ishlatiladi. You look sleepy; I’ll go and make your bed. Bu zamon ogohlantirish, po’pisa, taklif, va’da, iltimos kabi ma’nolarni ifodalaydi. ogohlantirishda: Careful! You will fall. I think [do you think, I don’t think]/I guess/I expect/I hope/I believe/I’m sure/certain/I bet/I’m afraid/I (don’t) doubt/perhaps/maybe/probably … promise me, I promise, I assure you, don’t worry I think that she won’t accept this offer. To be going to oldindan rejalashtirilgan, ish harakatlarni ifodalash uchun ishlatiladi tarjimasi –moqchi. sinonimi- be going to = to be about to I have bought vegetables and I'm going to make a salad. Buyruq gap and/ or/or else/otherwise bog’lovchilari va undan keyin ko’pincha Future Simple ishlatiladi. Push this button and it’ll stop Kelasi zamonda ketma ket sodir bo’ladigan ish harakat uchun future simple ishlatiladi. I shall come home early, I shall rest from 5 till 6 and I shall work the whole evening. PRESENT continuous S + am / is / are +V4 Bu zamon nutq so’zlanib turgan paytda davom etayotgan ish harakatni ifodalashda ishlatiladi [qilyapman, qilyapti]. Payt ravishlari: now/right now/at the moment/at this moment/at this very moment/at this time/at present/at the present time/currently I am talking to you now. Bu zamon buyruq, undov, taqlid so’z va gaplardan keyin ishlatiladi: Beware! Listen! Look! Don’t make (a/any) noise! Tshsh! Don’t interrupt! Don’t disturb! Don’t bother! Take an umbrella! Put on your raincoat! Watch out! Look out! Be careful! Don’t come in! Leave me/him/her … alone … Don’t turn off the light, I’m reading. Nutq so’zlanib turgan paytda emas, hozirgi davr mobaynida davom etayotgan ish harakatni ifodalashda ishlatiladi They are shooting a historical film. O’zgarib borayotgan jarayonlarni ifodalashda ishlatiadi: The population of the world is rising very fast Bu zamon still bilan ishlatiladi. He's still talking to his girlfriend on the phone Qo’shma gaplarda bittasi doimiy va bittasi davomiy bo’lsa doimiy ish harakat present simple da davomiy ish harakat esa present continuous ishlatiladi. I always lie when I am watching TV. Presat continuous hozirgi zamonda nutq so’zlanib turgan paytda davom etib turgan ish harakatlarni ifodalashda ishlatiladi. Present simple esa takroriy odatiy ish harakatlar uchun ishlatiladi. always/constantly/continually/forever, perpetually andrepeatedlyso’zlari bu zamonda ishlatilishi mumkin. Bu mubolag’a bortirish kinoya ma’nolarini anglatadi. O’zbekchaga men doim/nuqul/hadeb/qachon qarasa bir ish qilib yuraman/ qilganim qlgan degan ma’nolarni ifodalaydi. You are always watching television. You should do some thing more active. He is selfish va he is being selfish. To be being iborasi kishi fe’l atvoridagi yurush turishidagi g’ayritabiiy, kutilmagan o’zgarishlar holatlarni ifodalash uchun ishlatiladi. i can’t understand why e is being so selfish. Uning nima uchun bunchalik xudbin bo’lib qolganini tushunolmayapman.. Bu zamon kelasi zamonda amalga oshishi oldindan rejalashtirilgan ish harakatni ifoda etadi (kelasi zamon payt ko’rsatgichi bilan): asosan harakat fe’llari bilan: arrive, come, go. He's arriving tomorrow morning on the 13 27 train. To be going to da ish harakat rejalashtirilga lekin kilishilmagan; present continuousda ish harakat rejalashtirilga va kelishilgan. I am talking to Ali tomorrow [kelishilgan] [not do you talk]; I am going to talk to Ali tomorrow [kelishilmagan]. His tuyg’uni ifodalovchi fe’llar continuousda ishlatilmaydi: I know him for well. I understand you well. I believe you. Do you believe in God? consider va think fe’llari fikr yuritish jarayonida bo’lmoq, xayol surmoq ma’nosida Continuous da ishlatiladi, lekin …deb hisoblamoq, fikrda bo’lmoq ma’nosida ishlatilmaydi. I'm thinking of you all the time. Men doim sen haqingda o’ylayman (xayol suraman). I think you are not right.Men o’ylaymanki siz nohaqsiz (fikrdaman). Tast/smell/sound fe’llari bilan gapning egasi shaxs bo’lsa continuousda ishlatiladi narsa bo’lsa ishlatilmaydi. I'm tasting the meat to see if it needs more salt. The meat tastes delicious. Appear/look fe’llari ko’rinmoq ma’nosida continuousda ishlatilmaydi, o’z ma’nosida ishlatiladi. Why are you looking at me like this? You look fine! weigh fe’li o’lchamoq ma’nosida Continuous da beriladi, lekin vaznda/og’irlikda bo’lmoq ma’nosida emas. I'm weighing myself. I weigh now 60 kilos. Have (has) fe’li ega bo’lmoq, …da bor (=possess) ma’nosida ishlatilganda davom zamon shaklida ishlatilmaydi: I have many friends. I have little time. He has much money. We have a lot to do. I have something to tell you. Have (has) fe’li iboralarda (do/make/eat/drink… fellari kabi ishlatilganda) harakat ko’rsatganda davom zamon shaklida yasaladi: I am having dinner. He’s having a rest. See fe’liuchrashmoq (= meet)ma’nosida ishlatiladi, ko’rmoq ma’nosida ishlatilamaydi: I am seeing my doctor at 5 p.m. Hold fe’li o’z ichiga olmoq kabi ma’nolarda ishlatilganda davom zamonda ishlatilmaydi ushlab turmoq ma’nosida continuousda ishlatiladi: Fit fe’li mos kelmoq ishlatilmaydi, o’rnatmoq ma’nosida ishlatiladi. Past continuous S + was/were + V4 Bu zamon o’tgan zamonda ma’lum bir paytda davom etayotgan ish harakatlarni ifodalashda ishlatiladi [qilayotgan edi, edim]. O’tgan zamondagi aniq vaqt payt ravishlari yoki fe’lning o’tgan zamon shakli bilan ifodalanishi mumkin. She was waiting for me outside at midnight. I was doing my homework when he came to see me. Payt ravishlari: at 3 o’clock, at noon yesterday, at midnight, at that time, at that moment, then, between 3 and 4 o’clock …this time yesterday. Yesterday at this time., this time yesterday/ last week/month/year; still [o’tgan vaqt bilan] I was working at 11 o’clock yesterday. Past continuousli gapda ish harakat sodir bo’layotgan vaqt ko’rsatilmasligi va u boshqa gaplarda bo’lishi mumkin. Bunday hol ko’pincha biror joyni tasvirlashda ishlatiladi. It was about midnight. People were sleeping, the wind was blowing, dogs were barking all day long, all day yesterday, the whole evening, from 5 till 7 kabi vaqt ko’rsatgichlari bilan past simple ham past continuous ham ishlatilishi mumkin. Continuousda ish harakatning bajarilish jarayoni simple pastda esa ish harakatning dalili [bajarilganmi yo’qmi] tushiniladi. I was reading all day yesterday. I read all day yesterday. I was working in the library from 3 till 5. I worked in the library from 3 till 5. Yuqoridagi vaqt ko’rsatgichlari bilan ketma ket sodir bo’ladigan ish harakatlar uchun past simple. I came home early, rested from 5 till 7, and then worked the whole evening. While, when, as bilan bog’langan ikkita gaplarning ikkalasi ham Past Progressive yoki Past Simple da bo’lishi mumkin. Ikkita davom etgan ish harakat bir paytda sodir bo’lgan bo’lsa jarayonni ifodalashni istasak har ikkalasida past continuous ishlatiladi, agar ish harakatning sodir bo’lish dalili [faktini] ifodalashni istasak har ikkalasida ham past simple ishlatiladi. While I was doing my homework he was reading. While I did my homework, he rested. O’tgan zamonda doim takrorlanib turuvchi ish harakatlarni ifodalashda past continuousda always ishlatilishi mumkin. Tanbeh kinoya ma’nolarini anglatadi. When I worked here, I was always making mistakes. ING olmaydigan fe’llar Past Continuousda ishlatilmaydi, uning o’rniga Past Simple ishlatiladi. We were good friends. We knew each other well. (not 'we were knowing') Was/were going/about + to infinitive. (…moqchi edi(m/k/ng/lar))biror ishni qilaman deb turuvdim. Ma’nosi: biror narsa sodir bo’lay deb turgan edi [lekin bo’lmadi. We were going to travel by train , but then we decided to go by car instead. Future continuous S + shall be / will be + V4 Kelasi zamonda ma’lum bir vaqtda davom etayotga ish harakatni ifodalashda ishlatiladi. Kelasi zamondagi ma’lumpayt payt ravishlari yoki fe’lning noaniq hozirgi zamon shakli bilan ifodalanishi mumkin. I shall be doing my homework when my father comes from work. I shall be doing my homework at 6 tomorrow. Payt ravishlari: at 3 o’clock tomorrow, at 5 o’clock tomorrow, at noon, at midnight, at that time, at that moment, between 3 and 4 o’clock … this time tomorrow/this time next week/next year … 1. I’ll be working at 11 o’clock tomorrow. Agar gap qo’shma gap bo’lib kelasi zamondagi ish harakatni ifodalasa va when yoki while bilan bog’lansa when/while li qismida present simple yoki present continuous asosiy qismida esa future continuous ishlatiladi. I shall be working when you return. Agar ish harakatning sodir bo’lish fakti ifodalansa present simple + future simple ishlatiladi While he has his breakfast, I shall read the newspaper. Bu zamon kelasi zamondagi uzod vaqt davomida uzulib uzulib davom etgan ish harakatni ifodalaydi. I shall be preparing for my exam in May. all day long, all day tomorrow, the whole evening, from 5 till 7 kabi vaqt ko’rsatgichlari bilan future simple ham future continuous ham ishlatilishi mumkin. Continuousda ish harakatning bajarilish jarayoni simple futureda esa ish harakatning dalili [bajarilganmi yo’qmi] tushiniladi. I shall be reading all day tomorrow. I read all day tomorrow . Kelasi zamonda ketma ket sodir bo’ladigan ish harakat uchun future simple ishlatiladi. I shall come home early, I shall rest from 5 till 6 and I shall work the whole evening. The Present Perfect Tense S + have / has + V3 Nutq so’zlanib turgan paytgacha davom etib hozirgina tugagan xarakatdir. Present Perfectda bizni qiziqtiradigan narsa ish harakatning natihasidir va bu natija xozirgi zamonda ko’rinib turadi, ta’sir qilib turadi. Tom is looking for his key. He can't find it. He has lost his key. They have quarreled(=They don’t talk to each other now).They have divorced(They don’t live together now). Bu zamon ish harakatning necha marta bajarilganini ko’rsatadi. Once/twice/three times/four times…/several times/many times/a couple of times… how many times I've told you twice already! She has gone to Madrid. U Madridga ketgan. She has been to Paris once. (She has visited Paris: she is not there now. She has come back.) She has been in Berlin for two years. (She lives in Berlin now.) U ikki yildan beri Berlinda. Tinglovchi hali bexabar bo’lgan, yaqinda amalga oshgan o’zgarishni ma’lum qilishda (yangilik sifatida): 1. I saw her a couple of days ago. She has lost a lot of weight. 2. They say he has started a new business. Harakatning qancha miqdorda bajarilganini ko’rsatishda present perfect ishlatiladi. 3 letters/ 5 books/ ten chairs Marry has written ten letters. after/when/if/as soon as/till/until + present perfect, future simple We shall start at 5 if it has stopped raining Bu zamon quyidagi paytni bildiradigan so’zlar bilan ishlatiladi. 1) up to now=up till now=up until now=until/till now=up to the present time=so far. Before now, until now, by now(hozir(ga)cha, haligacha) I haven't met my new neighbor so far. 2) Lately=of late=recently. (so’nggi paytlarda). in recent years/months/decades/weeks. Business has bloomed in recent years. Recently yaqinda ma’nosida, egadan keyin kelsa past simple. I saw him recently. S + recently + V2. He recently returned from France. 3) In the last/past few weeks/months/years/decades… Over the last/past few days/months/ten years/months… for the last(past) + 2 days/ weeks/ months/years… during the last(past) + 2 days/ weeks/ months/years… Tourism has dropped off in the last few years. 4) Ever / never / already / just / yet/still I have never visited Berlin Have you seen the new film yet? Just now hozirgina past simple qo’llaniladi. I saw him just now. 5) Throughout history: People have used ink for writing and drawing throughout history. 6) In (all) somebody’s life/in somebody’s entire life/all somebody’s life: I have never been so disappointed in my life. 7) Today/this week/this month/this year/this season/this term/this morning… I've had three lambs die this week 8) It is the 7th year. It is 8th anniversary. 9) Gapning oxirida before/earlier so’zlari bo’lsa oldidan barcha perfect zamonlari ishlatiladi. She hasn’t live in Spain before. 10) This/It is the first time/the second time/the tird time… This is the first time I've heard of it. This is the first/the second…smth: This isn't the first car he's had. 11) Long: I haven’t lived here long. 12) For + : for a year / for two years / for several months / for many weeks / for many years / for a few years / for years / for ages / for decades / for the past few years / for a long time … How long for bilan i/h davom etish muddati ko’rsatiladi (duration of the action): I’ve lived here for 40 years. How long:How long have you lived around here? How long have you known your betrothed? 13) Since + : Since morning/noon/evening/2 o’clock … ; since yesterday/last night/last week/last month/last year … ; since spring/ summer/autmn/winter; since 1999/2005 …; since that moment/minute/day/year …; since then Since my birthday; since their wedding …; since coming to London; since entering the university … since bilan i/h boshlanish nuqtasi ko’rsatiladi (starting point): I’ve lived here since 1972. since then: They moved here in 1980 and have lived here since then. Since when: Since when have you been interested in poetry? Present perfect since + past simple. Since they left, since he arrived, since you came. Since past simple , present perfect: Since he came to this town, he has visited many places. Since yolgiz ozi gapning oxirida.He left Moscow in 1990. I haven’t seen him since. It is + vaqt + since + past simple It is three years since I saw Bill. When bilan boshlanadigan so’roq so’zlar past simpleda present perfectda emas. When did you leave Tashkent? Bu zamon yesterday, last week an hour kabi past simple payt ravishlari bilan ishlatilmaydi. I saw him last week. Ing olmaydigan fe’llar Continuous zamonlarida ishlatilmasligi sababli Present Perfect Continuous zamoni o’rnida Present Perfect ishlatiladi. I haven't seen Tom since Monday. I've known about it for a long time. (not 'I've been knowing') Ba’zi fellar ham present perfect ham present perfect continuousda ishlatilishi mumkin. I have lived in London for 10 years. I have been living in London for 10 years. Sifatning ortirma darajasi bilan. This is the most interesting film I have ever seen. This is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. Present perfect and past simple: Present perfect tugamagan ish harakatlar uchun past simple tugagan ish hatakatlar uchun. Timpson has made 13 films and I think her latest is the best. Timpson made 13 films before she was killed in a car accident. I lived here for five years. I have lived here for five years. I didn’t shave today. [=the usual time has passed, suggests I will not shave today] I haven’t shaved today. [=today is not finished, I may shave later or may not] I wrote three letters this morning [=the morning is over kunduzgi 12 dan keyin aytilsa] I have written three letters this morning [=it is still morning kunduzgi 12 gacha aytilsa] The Past Perfect Tense : S + had + V3 O’tgan zamonda ma’lum bir vaqtdan oldin sodir bo’lgan ish harakatni ko’rsatishda ishlatiladi. a) by 3 o’clock, by1998, by noon, by the evening, by that moment, by that time, by April, by the 7th of January, by the end of the year… until then, until [till]+time [yesterday, last week] I had done the homework by 5 o'clock. The patient died when the doctor arrived (i.e. the patient died at the time or just after the doctor arrived) The patient had died when the doctor arrived (i.e. the patient was already dead when the doctor arrived) past perfect by the time past simple By the time he arrived, Ann had left. Ish harakatning sodir bo’lgan vaqti past perfect ishlatilgan gapda emas boshqa gapda ham bo’lishi mumkin. As I was going to the station, it began to rain. fortunately I had taken an umbrella and had put on a coat. Ikki va undan ortiq oldinma ketin sodir bo’lgan ish harakat sodir bo’lish tartibida bayon qilinsa hammasida past simple. He arrived at the station, took a taxi and drove to the hotel. 7 came, I saw, I conquered,' Julius Caesar declared Bir nechta oldinma ketin sodir bo’lgan ish harakatning bayon etish tartibi buzilsa birorta sodir etilgan ish harakat o’zidan keyin sodir etilgan ish harakatdan keyin berilsa o’sha ish harakat past perfectda beriladi. He came home late in the evening. He had visited the museum and had been to the concert. He had supper read the newspaper and went to bed. Barcha perfect signallari already, just, yet, ever, never gapda past zamoni ishorasi bilan kelsa past perfect ishlatildi. He said he had not seen nick recently. Past Perfect + before + Past Simple. Past Simple + after + Past Perfect. 1a) I had done my homework before I watched TV. 1b) I watched TV after I had done my homework. hardly/scarcely/barely/nearly + past perfect, when + past simple The party had hardly started when the police arrived. Inversiya holati: Hardly had she begun to speak, when there was a shout from the back of the hall. No sooner + had + S + P2 + than + S + verb2 No sooner had I sat down than the bell rang. She had no sooner spoken than the telephone rang. forgot /remembered/realized/knew/felt/understood he realized he had made a mistake. It WAS the first time … . It was the first time I had seen this done. It WAS the best/most … + S + had ever + P2 It was the best party I had ever had. The Future Perfect Tense S + shall / will + have + V3 Kelasi zamonda ma’lum bir paytgacha tugab bo’lgan ish harakatni ifodalashda ishlatiladi. By + kelasi vaqt . by tomorrow, by 2050, by next week/year; by this time, by then I’ll have done the homework by 5 o'clock. Future perfect by the time present simple By the time we get home, the match will have begun. The Present Perfect Continuous Tense S + have / has + been + V4 O’tgan zamonda boshlangan harakatning davom etib hozir ham davom etayatganligini ko’rsatish uchun ishlatiladi. Bunda ahamiyatlisi ish harakatning qanchadan beri davom etayotganligidir. Payt ravishlari: 1. for six years, for a week, for a month, for hours, for two hours, for a long time, for three months. 2. since this morning, since last week, since yesterday, since I was a child, since Wednesday, since 2 o'clock, since 1990, since March 2nd, since last Tuesday since you were a child, since we moved here, since breakfast, since Christmas 3. all (all day/all my life etc, all week, all year.): 4. How long? Since When? 5. long He has been working for six hours. She has been waiting for you all day Hozirgacha davom etayotgan ish harakat 2 ta zamonda ishlatiladi. Agar ish harakatning qancha vaqt davom etganligini ko’rsatuvchi vaqt korsatgichi bilan present perfect continuous, vaqt ko’rsatgichlari bo’lmasa present continuous. I have been waiting for my brother for a long time. I am waiting for my brother. Since/ for bilan yasalgan payt ravishlari bilan present perfect continuous ham, present perfect ham ishlatilishi mumkin. Agar ish harakatning jarayoniga e’tibor bersak perfect continuous, daliliga [bajarilganmi yo’qmi] e’tibor bersak present perfect ishlatiladi. He has been living here for a long time. He has lived here for a long time. Holat fe’llari (stative verbs) Present Perfect Progressive o’rnida Present Perfect da ishlatiladi: I have known that person for many years. They have loved each other since they first met. Nutq jarayonigacha davom etib endigina tugagan i/h ni ifoda etadi Natijasi ko’rinib turgan bo’ladi. Ish harakat sodir bo’lgan vaqt berilmasligi mumkin. Why are your eyes red, have you been crying? Sorry, I’m very tired. I have been working hard Present perfect continuous ish harakat jarayoni natijasini, present perfect ish harakat o’zini natijasini ko’rsatadi. Guli’s clothes are covered in paint. She has been painting the ceiling. The ceiling was white. Now it is blue. She has painted the ceiling. The Past Perfect Continuous Tense S + had + been + V4 Past Perfect Continuous O’tgan zamonda ma’lum bir vaqt davomida davom etayatgan ish harakatni ifodalashda ishlatiladi. Payt ravishlari. For two hours, for three months, for a long time, all, how long, since when, since, long James had been teaching at the university for more than a year before he left for Asia. Agar ish harakatning dsvom etish vaqti berilgan bo’lsa past perfect continuous berilmagan bo’lsa past continuous ishlatiladi. I had been working for a long time when my brother came. I was working when my brother came. Ish harakat o’tgan zamonda davom etib o’tgan zamondagi biror ish harakatdan oldin tugagan ish harakatlarni ifodalaydi. Natijasi o’tgan zamonda ko’rinib turadi. Vaqt ko’rsatgichlari berilishi ham berilmasligi ham mumkin. He was out of breath because he had been running to catch the bus. Ann's clothes were covered in paint. She had been painting the ceiling. ING olmaydigan fe’llar Past perfect continuous o’rnida Past Perfect ishlatiladi. We were good friends. We had known each other for years. (not 'had been knowing') Since dan keyingi past simple since dan oldinga ta’sir qilmaydi. Lekin sinceda keyin qotgan past simple dan tashqari yana bir past ishorasi bo’lsa since dan oldin past perfect [continuous [ustun]] ishlatiladi. It was evening. I had been waiting Jack since I finished my work. Agar gapda By – for / by – since birga kelsa past perfect ustun. John said that he had lived here for three years by 1999 The Future Perfect Continuous Tense S + shall / will + have + been + V4 Kelasi zamonda ma’lum bir vaqt davomida davom etib turgan ish harakatni ifodalshda ishlatiladi.: Shu qoyida bilan u future continuous ga yaqin turadi faqat farqi davom etayotgan davrning berilishidir. Barcha perfect continuous signallari bilan ishlatiladi. Faqat gapda future zamoniga ishora bo’lishi kerak. For, since, all, long, how long, since when At the end of this month, he'll have been working here for a year. Ing olmaydigan fe’llar bilan future perfect continuous o’rnida future perfect ishlatiladi. He says he has known tom for two years next year. For …. When S + V1 I shall have been working in my garden for two hours when you return. CAN
Bolishsiz gaplarda can ning qisqartmalari can not – can’t, could not – couldn’t Ishlatilishi: 1. qobiliyat ifoda etish uchun: 2. imkoniyat/iloj ifoda etish uchun: 3. Ishonchsizlik, hayratlanish, shubha kabilar ifoda etishda: bunaqa ma’noda u faqat so’roq va inkor gaplarda ishlatiladi. nahotki so’roq gaplarda, qilgan bo’lishi bajargan bo’lishi also mumkin emas deb inkor gaplarda tarjima qilinadi. 4. Ijozat ifoda etishda: 5. Can/ could biror kishidan biror narsani so’rashda ishlatiladi va iltimos, taklif kabi ma’nolarni ifodalaydi. Could hozirgi zamonda so’roq gaplarda xushmomalalik bilan aytishda ishlatiladi Could hozirgi va kelasi zamonda sodir bo’lishi mumkin bo’lgan ish harakatlar uchun ham ishlatiladi. Ehtimolligi kam. Mazmunan mayga yaqin. Quyidagi hollarda can ishlatilmaydi to be able to ishlatiladi To be able to present perfectda, boshqa fe’llardan keyin[infinitivda] va boshqa modal fe’llar bilan ishlatilishi mumkin Can hardly bilan ishlatiladi. Can modan fe’li quyidagi fe’llar bilan ishlatiladi Can see / smell / taste / hear / feel / understand/remember/ speak/play Couldn’t have done [V3] [o’tgan zamondagi ish harakatlar uchun]– xoxlasa ham, urinsa ham qila olmas edi. baribir qilolmagan bo’lardi. Could have done qila olar edi, qo’lidan kelar edi lekin qilmadi. sodir bo’lishi mumkin bo’lgan lekin sodir bo’lmay qolgan ish harakatlar uchun ishlatiladi. Can’t have v3 qilgan bo’lishi also mumkin emas Can have v3 faqat so’roq gaplarda ishlatiladi. Can umid have sold his laptop? Must
3. O’tgan zamonda esa had to formasi ishlatiladi. 4. Mustning ekvivalentlari. Have to, has to, have got to, has got to, to be to, to be obliged to 1. Zaruratni, vijdonan biror narsa qilish kerakligini ifodalaydi 2. buyruq berishda 3. taxmin Must modal fe’li taxminni ifodalaganda continuous, perfect, perfect continuousda ishlatiadi. Da’lil berilishi kerak. Must passive da ham ishlatiladi. Bazi hollarda must bilan berilgan so’roq gaplarga inkor javob berilganda needn’t bilan ham beriladi. Tarjimasi: “shartmi”. must have done ning antonimi can’t have done ishlatiladi must ozimizni shaxsiy fikrimizbolsa, have to tashqi ta’sir asosida sodir bo’ladigan ish harakatlar have to ni so’roq shakli do/does bilan yasaladi. O’tgan zamon shakli had to tarjimasi kerak bo’lib qolmoq, to’g’ri kelib qolmoq. Mustn’t va don’t have to bir biridan tubdan farq qiladi. Mustn’t biror ish harakatni qatiyan man etadi. Don’t have to qilmasangiz ham bo’ladi. To be to tarjimasi kerak. Zaruratni, biror bir ishni qilish zarurligini ifodalaydi. Ish harakat rejalashtirilgan kelishilgan bo’ladi. Hozirgi zamoni am/is/are to + V1 O’tgan zamoni was/were to + V1 rejalashtirilgan lekin amalga oshmagan = was/were to have V3 MAY
1-ijozat, 2- taxmin. Continuous, perfect formalari taxminni ifodalaydi permit, allow, perhaps, maybe fe’llari va so’zlari may o’rnida ishlatiladi. May bilan boshlangan so’roq gaplarga inkor bolishsiz javob berilganda May not yoki must not ishlatiladi. Must not bu may not ga qaraganda kuchli ta’qiqni ifodalaydi. May as well/might as well ham bo’laveradi shumday qilsa maqul bo’ladi boshqa iloji yo’q. May/might biror kishidan biror narsa so’rashda ishlatiladi. Might xushmuomalalik bilan aytishda ishlatiladi. Can bilan so’ralganda norasmiy, may bilan so’ralgan da rasmiy. May I come in? SHOULD / OUGHT TO 1. Hozirgi va kelasi maslahat 2. Should noto’g’ri bajarilayotgan biror ishni qanday qilsa to’g’ri bo’lishini yoki so’zlovchi uni qanday sodir bo’lishini umid qilganligini ifodalash uchun ishlatiladi. Should ko’pincha I think, I don’t think, do you think iboralaridan keyin ishlatiladi Should have done/ Ought to have done O’tgan zamonga nisbatan tanbeh va maslahat berishda ishlatiladi. (kerak edi(qilsang yaxshi bo’lar edi)) Need Need modal fe’l bo’lib kelayotganda o’zidan keyin kelayotgan fe’lga to siz, faqat so’roq va inkor gaplarda, va so’roq inkor shakllari o’zi bilan yasaladi. Need to’g’ri fel bo’lganida to bilan bog’lanadi, hamma gaplarda ishlatiladi va so’roq inkor shakli do/does bilan ishlatiladi. Need passive voiceda ishlatiladi Needn’t have + V3 O’tgan zamonda qilish shart emas edi (ammo qilingan va qilingan harakatga AFSUS) Didn’t have to + V1/ Didn’t need to + V1 O’tgan zamonda biror ish harakatni qilish kerak emas edi [va qilinmadi] He can’t have gone to London u londonga ketgan bo’lishi also mumkin emas He couldn’t have gone to London u istasa ham xohlasa ham londonga ketmagan bo’lardi He could have gone to London u londonga ketishi mumkin edi. He must have gone to London u londonga ketgan bo’lsa kerak He may [might] have gone to London u londonga ketgan bo’lishi mumkin He should/ought to have gone to London u londonga ketishi kerak edi. He needn’t have gone to London u londonga ketmasligi kerak edi [ammo ketgan] He didn’t have to /didn’t need to go to London u londonga ketmasligi kerak edi [ketmagan] I had to go to London. U londonga ketishiga to’g’ri kelib qoldi. So’roq gaplar Umumiy so’roq gaplar gapning boshida eganing oldiga yordamchi fe’l yoki modal fe’lni qo’yish bilan yasaladi yordamchi [modal] fe’l + ega + fe’l. Kesim ortida 2 yoki undan ziyod yordamchi fe’l bo’lsa, eganing oldiga faqat birinchi yordamchi fe’l o’tkaziladi. Umumiy so’roq gaplarga odatda qisqa javob beriladi. Bo’lishsiz umumiy so’roq gaplarning javobi ham bo’lishli umimiy so’roq gaplarning javobiga o’xshash yasaladi. Tasdiq so’roq gaplar Birinchi qismda present simple bo’lsa ikkinchi qismda do/does; birinchi qismda past simple bo’lsa ikkinchi qismda did; birinchi qismda present perfect bo’lsa ikkinchi qismda have/has ishlatiladi. Have, has ega bo’lmoq, bor bo’lmoq ma’nosida bo’lsa ikkinchi qismda do/does ishlatiladi Have got/ has got ishlatilsa ikkinchi qismda have/has ishlatiladi. Gap tarkibida can, must, may, should kabi modal fe’llar ishtirok etgan bo’lsa ikkinchi qismda ham shu modal fe’llar ishlatiladi. Have to/has to ishlatilgan bo’lsa do/does ishlatiladi. Had to ishlatilgan bo’lsa did ishlatiladi. There is/are bilan berilgan bo’lsa ikkinchi qismda there ishlatiladi. Agar birinchi qismda Rarely, seldom, hardly, never , scarcely, barely, nobody, no one, nothing, neither so’zlari bo’lsa ikkinchi qism bo’lishli bo’ladi. Agar birinchi qism buyruq gap shaklida bo’lsa ikkinchi qismda will you yoki won’t you ishlatiladi Agar gap Let’s bilan boshlansa ikkinchi qismda shall we ishlatiladi Agar birinchi qism let us bilan boshlansa shall we yoki will you/won’t you ishlatiladi. Agar gap I am bilan boshlansa ikkinchi qismda aren’t I yoki am I not ishlatiladi. Agar tasdiq so’roq gap qo’shma gap bo’lsa va qo’shma gap tarkibida whether, if, in case, when, where, that, what ARDAN IBORAT BO’LSA tasdiq so’roq gapning ikkinchi qismi ushbu bog’lovchilar ishlatilmagan gap qismi uchun beriladi. Gumon olmoshlarining ishlatilishiga e’tibor bering: somebody/everybody/nobody lar they ga aylanadi. Something, anything, nothing it ga aylanadi This/that so’zlari it ga aylanadi. These/those so’zlari they ga aylanadi Short questions Tag questions da bir kishi gapiradi va o’zi aytgan gapiga tasdiq talab qiladi.[ikkinchi odamdan]. Short questions da bir kishi aytgan gapiga 2-odam “rostdan shundaymi”, “rostdanmi” deb tasdiq talab qiladi.. Short questions ning tag questions dan2 - farqi bunda birinchi gap darak bo’lsa 2-qism ham darak bo’ladi va aksincha zamon yordamchi fel va modal fe’lga qarab savol beriladi. Olmosh aytilgan gapga qarab o’zgaradi. Muqobil so’roq gaplar ikki qismdan iborat bo’ladi ular or bog’lovchisi bilan bog’lanadi ularga to’liq javob beriladi. Do you like tea or coffe? I like tea. maxsus so’roq gaplar When, where, why + yordamchi [modal] fe’l + s+asosiy fe’l+ va hokazolar. Egaga va uning aniqlovchisiga beriladigan maxsus so’roqda so’z tarkibi to’g’ridir. Who/What so’zlari gapning egasi bo’lishi mumkin. Bu holda ulardan so’ng darhol asosiy fe’l beriladi, ko’makchi ishlatilmaydi: Who/What ega bo’lsa III shaxs birlik hisoblanadi va kesim fe’lga -s/-es qo’shiladi: Maxsus so’roq gaplarga asosan to’liq javob beriladi. Lekin gapning egasi yoki eganing aniqlovchisiga savol berilganda javob qisqa bo’ladi. Agar kishining nasabi qarindoshligi so’ralganda who kasbi mansabi so’ralganda what ishlatiladi. Which + ot [narsalar yoki odamlar] Which train did you catch? The 9.50 or the 10.30 Which without a noun [not people] Which is bigger? Canada or Australia? But who is taller? Bill or Jerry? Indirect speech 1. darak gapli ko’chirma gaplarni o’zlashtirmaga aylantirish. Bu paytda quyidagi qonunlarga rioya qilish shart. a) zamonlar moslashuvi qonuniga rioya qilinadi. b) ergash gap bosh gapga that orqali bog’lanadi. c) gapning ma’nosiga qarab olmoshlarga o’zgarishlar bo’ladi. d) turli xil tinish belgilari tushib qoladi. e) yaqinni ifodalovchi so’zlar uzoqni ifodalovchi so’zlarga almashtiriladi. Kishilik va egalik olmoshlari mazmuniga qarab o’zgaradi: Ko’chirma gap O’zlashtirma gap I He, she you I, we He, she He she We They they They my His, her your My, our His, her His, her our Their their Their me Him, her you Me, us Him, her Him, her us Them them Them this That These verbs: come/bring Those go/take Yaqinni ifodalovchi so’zlar uzoqni ifodalovchi so’zlarga almashtiriladi. Ko’chirma gap o’zlashtirma gap Now Then, immediately after Later today That day yesterday The day before, that day, previous day tomorrow The next day, the following day here There two days ago two days before, two days earlier last week the week before next day this Tonight these Ago A year ago Next week The day before yesterday The day after tomorrow the next day, the following day That That night those Before A year before/a year earlier Following week Two days before Two days later. Zamonlar moslashuvidagi o’zgarishlar. Agar muallif gap kesimi o’tgan zamonda [ Past ind (said), Past perfect (had said) yoki Past Cont (was saying)] bo’lsa ko’chirma gapdagi zamon formasi bir zamon orqaga qaytadi. present simple past simple present continuous past continuous present perfect past perfect present perfect continuous past perfect continuous past simple past perfect past continuos past perfect continuous future simple future simple in the past future continuous future continuous in the past future perfect future perfect in the past future perfect continuous future perfect continuous in the past Modal fe’llardagi o’zgarishlar. Modallarning o’zgarishi can Could could -------------- may Might might ------------- Have/has to Had to Had to -------------- Should Ought to Should Ought to Must Ehtiyoj ma’nosi bo’lsa had to Buyruq ma’nosi bo’lsa Must (You ga qaratilgan bo’lsa) If li gaplarda quyidagi o’zgarishlar bo’ladi. If 1 If 2 ga aylanadi. If2 If 2 ligicha qoladi. If 3 if 3 ligicha qoladi. Agar muallif gapi (bosh gap) kesimi Present Simple (says), Present perfect (has said) ёки Present Cont (is/are saying) hozirgi yoki kelasi zamonda bo’lsa, ko’chirma gap kesimi zamoni o’zgarmay qoladi: Doim takror bo’lib turadigan hodisalar mutloq haqiqatlar present simpleda qoladi garchi muallif gapi o’tgan zamonda bo’lsa ham. O’zlashtirmaga aylantirilayotgan gap o’sha joyning o’zida aylantirilsa here there ya ga aylanmaydi. Agar o’zlashtirma gap aytilayotganda ko’rsatilayotgan narsa yoki predmet ko’rinib turgan bo’lsa this that ga aylanmaydi aksincha bo’lsa aylanadi. Agar o‘zlashtirma gap ko’chirma gap aytilgan kunning o’zida aytilayotgan bo’lsa yesterday the day before ga aylanmaydi. Umumiy so’roq gapli ko’chirma gaplarni o’zlashtirma gapga aylantirish qoidalari. a) so’roq gap tarkibi darak gap tarkibiga o’zgartiriladi. b) muallif gapi va ko’chirma gapni bog’lash uchun IF/whether bog’lovchilari ishlatiladi. . c) gapning mazmuniga qarab olmoshlarga o’zgarishlar bo’ladi. d) zamonlar moslashuvi qoidasiga etibor beriladi. Umumiy so’roq gaplarga yes yoki no javob berilganda o’zlashtirma gapda bu javoblar tushadi. Agar o’zlashtirma gapda or bog’lovchisi ishlatilishiga to’g’ri kelsa o’zlashtirma gapda doim whether [not if] ishlatiladi. maxsus so’roq gapli ko’chirma gaplarni o’zlashtirmaga aylantirish a) so’roq gap tarkibi darak gap tarkibiga aylantiriladi b) maxsus so’roq so’zlar [who, when, where, why] yordamida bog’lanadi. С) zamonlar moslashuvi va olmoshlarda o’zgarishlar sodir bo’ladi. buyruq gapli ko’chirma gaplarni o’zlashtirmaga aylantirish Agar gap bo’lishli bo’lsa o’zlashtirmaga aylantirilayotgan paytda birinchi fe’l infifnitiv [to + fe’l] shakliga o’tadi. Agar gap bo’lishsiz bo’lsa ya’ni don’t bilan boshlansa o’zlashtirma gapda not to + fe’l shaklini oladi. To say fe’li buyruq ma’nosida aytilsa u o’zlashtirma gapda to tell yoki to order fe’li bilan almashtiriladi. To say fe’li iltimos ma’nosida aytilsa o’zlashtirma gapda u to ask shaklni oladi. Ba’zan o’zlashtirma gapda to tell fe’li o’rnida command, order, warn, advise, hope, propose, threaten, guarantee, swear, beg, forbid, invite Biror bir kishidan biror narsa so’rash ma’nosida quyidagi struktura ishlatiladi. ask + for + object: Examples: Undov gaplarni o’zlashtirmaga aylantirayotganda undov gapga mos fe’lga almashtiriladi. “be careful”! he said; he warned us; He said, “good luck!” he wished me good luck He said, “happy Christmas!” he wished me happy Christmas; He said, “congratulations!” he congratulated me He said, “liar!” he called me a liar. The notice said, “ welcome to Wales!” the notice welcomed the visitors to Wales. He said, “I am sorry!” he apologized; He said to them “how do you do”. He greeted them. He said to them ; “how do you do” he welcomed them. He said to them ;”good night”. He wished them good night. She said ; “ thank you for you help”. She thanked them for their help. Agar gap let’s bilan boshlansa o’zlashtirmada bu quyodagi ko’rinishni oladi. He said, “Let’s go out.” He suggested going out. (He suggested that we should go out.) Infinitive/Gerund 1. MAQSAD ma’nosini ifodalashda to infinitve ishlatiladi. 2. Sifatlardan keyin to infinitve ishlatiladi. A) difficult easy hard impossible dangerous safe expensive cheap nice, interesting, exciting, small, tall, big, cheap, interesting B) (It's) nice (of you) to... Good, nice, kind, silly, wrong, clever, sensible mean silly stupid careless unfair: 3. otlardan keyin to infinitive ishlatiladi. 4. The first, the second, the third, the fourth, the next, the last, the only, the following,: + to infinitive 5. Gap tarkibiga enough va too so’zlari bo’lsa to infinitive ishlatiladi 6. in order, so as, in order not, so as not dan keyin infinitive ishlatiladi. 7. So’roq so’zlaridan keyin to infinitive ishlatiladi. ask, decide, explain, forget, know, show, tell, understand, remember, forget, learn, wonder, show, tell, ask, advise, teach +where, how, what, who, when + to infinitive'. 8. Why/ why not dan keyin to siz [bare] infinitive ishlatiladi. 9. Modal fe’llaridan keyin bare infinitive ishlatiladi. Istisno has to, have to, ought to, had to, ba’zan dare va need. 10. Let va let’s fe’l va iborasidan keyin to siz infinitive ishlatiladi. 11. Quyidagi fe’llar biror kishini biror narsa qilishga majbur qilmoq ma’nolarni anglatadi. To make, to have, to get, cause, force make somebody do; Have somebody do; 12. And, or, except, but, than, as well as dan keyin bare infinitive ishalatiladi. 13. Had better/ Would rather/ Would sooner + bare infinitive 14. Would like, Would hate, Would love, would prefer +to infinitive 15. Would Mind + ING Would you mind if + S + V2 ma’no: hozirgi/ kelasi 16. A)Prefer to do and prefer doing B) Prefer doing something to doing something else. C) Prefer to do something rather than (do) something else. 17. A) It’s time to inf B) It’s time for some one to do smth (Present) C) It’s time + Subject + did smth (Present) 18. dare, help dan keyin to yoki to siz: 19. Advise allow permit recommend propose encourage fe’llaridan keyin to’ldiruvchi kelsa to kelmasa ing ishlatiladi 20. Watch, see, look at, observe, hear, listen to, feel, notice, catch,perceive fe’llaridan keyin to siz yoki ing 21. Need, deserve, require, want fe’llaridan keyin gapning egasi shaxs bo’lsa to inf narsa bo’lsa ing ishlatiladi. 22. Remember A) Remember+ing qilgan narsani eslasangiz B) Remember + to inf qilishni eslasangiz 23. Regret A) Regret + ing (sodir bo’lgan narsaga achinish) B) Regret + to inf (yomon xabar berishdan achinish) 24. TRY A) Try to inf something harakat qilib ko’rmoq B) Try + ing something sinab ko’rish, eksperiment qilib ko’rish 25. GO ON A) Go on doing something = continue doing the same thing: B) Go on to do something = do or say something new: 26. FORGET A) Forget + ing (qilgan ishni unutish) B) Forget + to inf (burch, majburiyat va vazifani bajarishni unutmoq) 27. STOP A) stop + ING (harakatni butunlay to’xtatmoq) B) Stop + To inf (biror bir maqsad uchun birozga to’xtamoq.) 28.consider A) To think: I consider going to Italy. B) To regard as (считать): I consider him to be clever. 29. begin start intend continue bother ham ING ham To inf 30 .hate, can’t bear, dislike,like, love, can’t stand + ing/to 31. chance/opportunity/interested/afraid/sorry predlog kelsa ing; kelmasa to inf 32. Imagine to’ldiruvchi kelsa to kelmasa ing I can’t imagine living in a really hot country. I imagined skiing to be a lot easier. 33. qiyosiy daraja+ to infinitive 34. Mean niyat qilmoq to; anglatmoq ing 35. There is/are/was/were …. To inf 36. Have/has/have got /has got + something/nothing/4 books/ 3 children + to 37. 'be' ning shakllaridan keyin + to-infinitive 38. It takes/took + object + to-infinitive 39. Predloglardan [In at on over up without into for down] keyin gerundiy ishlatiladi. 40. To predlog manosida kelanda ing : - to look forward to, to take to, to be accustomed to, to be used to, get used to, with a view to maqsadida, subject to shartda, owing to. 41. for predlogidan keyin gerundiy ishlatilib biror bir buyumning nima maqsadda ishlatilishini bildiradi. 42. by ~ing = bilan vositasida. 43. bog’lovchilardan keyin gerund ishlatiladi: before after while when 44. qaratqich kelishigidagi olmoshlar yoki otlar kelishi mumkin va ulardan keyin ING ishlatiladi. 45. A waste of money/time + ING; Spend/waste time/money + Ving 46. Catch/Find + obj + ing 47. Go/come /do mashg’ulotlar +Ving 48. Have a difficult time + Ving; Have a good time + Ving; Have a hard time + Ving; Have difficulty in+ Ving; Have fun + Ving; Have trouble + Ving 49. It's (not) worth + ING; It is worth while + ing, it's hardly/scarcely worth 50. It's of no use + ING; It's no good + ING; There is no use; There is no point in + ING it's no use, it's little use; it's hardly any use; there's no, there's nothing worse than; what's the use/point 51. Lie/Sit/ Stand + place + ing 52. Can’t avoid, Can't help, Can't stand, Can’t resist, Can’t stop, Can’t 53. feel + awful, bad, good, guilty, terrible + ing 54. be busy/ late/ bored + gerund Ammo bularga too va enough qo’shilsa to infinitive Admit ing; afford to; agree to; aim to; anticipate ing; appreciate ing; arrange to; attempt to; avoid ing; cause to; command to; consider ing; decide to; deny ing; detest ing; discuss ing; enjoy ing; excuse ing; expect to; fail to; finish ing; hope to; happen to; imagine ing/to; keep ing; learn to; manage to; mind ing; miss ing; plan to; postpone ing; prevent ing; promise to; quit ing; refuse to; remind to; risk ing; seem to; suggest ing; tend to; want to; wish to Participle I and II Download 123.32 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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