«Преклиник реставрацион стоматология» Фанининг 2019/2020 ўқув йили учун мўлжалланган силлабуси амалий машғулот №3

Машгулотда фойдаланиладиган Янги педагогик технологиялар

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Машгулотда фойдаланиладиган Янги педагогик технологиялар:

«Галерея буйлаб саёхат» уйинини утказиш

«Галерея буйлаб саёхат» уйинини утказиш усули
Иш жараёнида керак булади:

1.Алохида варакларда ёзилган саволлар.

2.Гурухдаги талабалар сонига тенг ракамлар (жеребьевка учун).

3.Тоза когоз вараклари, рангли ручкалар.

Ишнинг бориши:

1.Гурухнинг барча талабалари танлаш йули билан 3 гурухга булинадилар.

2.Хар бир гурух алохида стол атрофига йигилиб, тоза когоз ва ручка тайёрлайди.

3.Когоз варакда сана, гурух раками, факультет, шу гурухдаги талабалар исми-шарифи, иш уйини номи ёзилади.

4.Хар бир гурухдан бир талаба тайёрланган конвертдан биттадан савол олади. Барча гурухлар учун тайёрланган саволлар кийинлик даражаси бир хил булиши зарур.

5.Талабалар уз вазифаларини кагоз варакларига кучириб ёзадилар.

7.Хар бир гурух уз жавоб вариантини маълум бир ранг ручка биланёзиб кейинги гурухга узатади.

8.Хар бир гурух жабоб бериши учун 5мин. вакт берилади ва гурухнинг уз ручка ранги булиши керак.

9.Белгиланган вакт тугаши билан ишлар укитувчига топширилади.

10.Жавобларни укиб бахо беришда барча талабалар иштирок этадилар, энг тугри жавоб учун максимал балл берилади.

11.Мухокама учун 15мин. ажратилади.

12.Талабаларга рейтинг низомидаги назарий баллар хисобидан бахо куйилади.

13.Олинган баллар умумий бахолашда хисобга олинади.

14.Талабалар ишлари муаллимда сакланади.

15.Жавоблар ташхисли мухокама килинади.

Текшириш учун контрол саволлар:

1.Стоматологик креслоларга таъриф беринг.

2.Бормашина нима ва унинг таркибий кисмларини айтинг.

3.Стоматологик курилма нима?

4.УСУ-30га таъриф беринг.



1. Ким ва қачон илк бора оёқли бормашинани ишлатган?

а) 1870 йил Моррисон*

б) 1866 йил Джон Томс

в) 1770 йил Джон Смит

г) 1990 йил Лорен

д) 1953 йил Боровский Е.В.

2. Битта стоматологик қурилма учун ажратиладиган майдон?

а) 14 м.кв*

б) 12 м.кв

в) 10 м.кв

г) 9 м.кв

д) 7 м.кв

3. Қўшимча стоматологик қурилма учун ажратилган майдон:

а) 10 м.кв*

б) 8 м.кв

в) 7 м.кв

г) 6 м.кв

д) тўғри жавб йўқ

4. Имконияти чекланган беморларга стоматологик ёрдам кўрсатиш учун мўлжалланган қурилма:

а) автоном қурилма*

б) уланувчи қурилма

в) харакатланувчи

г) стационар

д) хамма жавоб тўғри

5. Турбинали бормашина билан ишлаганда тишга тушадиган юк:

а) 15-20 г*

б) 800-1000 г

в) 150 -200 г

г) 80-100 г

д) 25-30 г

6.Эконом класс стоматологик қурилмаларга киради:

а) Unik T STANDART *

б) Olsen Prinse*

в) Olimpik

г) Sinol

д) хаммажавобтўғри

7. Бизнес класс стоматологик қурилмаларга киради:

а) KavoPRIMUS 1058 S *

б) Castilini*

в) KD - 898

г) Ajiaх aj 16

д) тўғри жаврб йўқ

8. Элит класс стоматологик қурилмаларга киради:

а) Kavo ESTETIKA E – 80 T*

б) Dental ekspo*

в) Olimpik

г) Sinol

д) Xirodent

9.Эконом класс стоматологтк қурилмаларининг ижобий хусусиятлари :

а) нисбатан арзонлиги*

б) юқори сифат*

в) нисбатан қимматлиги

г) вазифалари чегараланган

д) тўғри жавоб йўқ

10Бизнес класс стоматологтк қурилмаларининг ижобий хусусиятлари :

а) нархини ўрта даражадалиги*

б) сифатининг яхшиланганлиги*

в) бошқарув тизимининг эргономикага мослиги*

г) вазифалари чегараланган

д) хамма жавоб тўғри

е) тўғри жавоб йўқ

11. Стоматологик қурилмаларда бўлади:

а) шифокор блоги*

б) ассистент блоги*

в) бошқарув блоги*

г) вентилятор

д) цанга

е) ЭОД

12.Бизнес класс стоматологтк қурилмаларининг ижобий хусусиятлари :

а) янги технологиялар асосида ташкил этилган *

б) оригинал дизайн*

в) компьютером билан таъминланган*

г)программалаштирилганбошқарув тизимига эга систему*

д) қимматлилиги

е) ёмон сифат

ф) вазифасининг чегараланганлиги

ж) нету правильного ответа

  1. Расмда стоматологик қурилманинг қайси модели берилган?

  1. Эконом класс модели (Олсен)*

  2. хиродент

  3. синол

  4. КСЭМ-03

  5. КСРД-1

  1. Расмда стоматологик қурилманинг қайси модели берилган?

  1. Бизнес класс модели (Каво)*

  2. синол

  3. олимпик

  4. КД - 898

  5. БЭС-10

  1. Расмда стоматологик қурилманинг қайси модели берилган?

  1. Элит класс модели ( Дентал экспо)*

  2. сано

  3. ajiax ji 16

  4. хирано

  5. КС-9

Амалий кўникма: “Бормашинани ёқиш ва ўчириш”

Мақсад: Талабаларни техника хавфсизлиги билан таништириш ва бормашинани ёқиш ва ўчиришни ўргатиш.

Кўрсатма: Бормашинада ишлаш.

Жиҳозлаши: Стоматологик бормашина ёки қурилма.

Бажариладиган босқичлар қадамлари

1. Ерга уланган ҳимоя қилувчи симни текшириш.

2. Бормашинани токка улаш ва ёқиш тугмасини босиш

3. Тезлик дастасини керакли белгига қўйиш




4. Ёритиш лампасини ёқиб, ёруғлигини тўғри йўналтириш.



Lasers are devices that produce beams of coherent and very high intensity light. A large number of current and potential uses of lasers in dentistry have been identified that involve the treatment of soft tissues and the modi- fication of hard tooth structures . The word laser is an

acronym for "light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation." A crystal or gas is excited to emit light pho- tons of a characteristic wavelength that are amplified and filtered to make a coherent light beam. The effects of the laser depend on the power of the beam and the extent to which the beam is absorbed.

Several types are available (Table 7-2) based on wave- lengths. The lasers range from long wavelengths (infra- red), through visible wavelengths, to short wavelengths

CHAPTER 5 Instruments and Equipment for Tooth Preparation

f I G .7-27 Contemporary air-turbine handpiece (circa 1994). Most handpieces are being re- designed to withstand the rigors of routine sterilization. A, Contrangle air-turbine handpiece

connected to air-water supply line. B, Ventral view of handpiece (Star 430SWL) showing port for air-water spray (s) onto bur at cutting site, and epoxied end of fiber-optic bundle (I) to shine light at cutting site.


C H A P T E R 5 Instruments and Equipment for Tooth Preparation

(ultraviolet). Excimers are special ultraviolet lasers. At the present time, CO,, Nd:Y AG, and Er:Y AG lasers have shown the most promise. For any application it is im- portant to select the correct wavelength for absorption of the energy and prevention of side effects from heat

Scientific and commercial lasers produce highly colli-

mated beams, but such a beam is potentially dangerous in clinical situations. The collimated beam is directed via a flexible fiber-optic light pipe or mirror train to the point of application, where it is normally focused by a lens to a focal area near the tip.

Once the beam is focused, the total energy it delivers is a function of the intensity of the beam, the time of ex- posure, and the area affected. These are used to calcu-

late the exposure dose (ED, joules/cm2). ED = (W)(t)/ (A) where W is the power (watts) emitted from the light guide, t is the time (seconds) of the total exposure, and A is the area (cm2) of the beam spot on the substrate .26

The effect of this energy depends on whether or not the wavelength of the energy is absorbed by the surface. The absorption wavelengths for various hard and soft tissues are different. The best results are obtained when the laser wavelength is matched to an absorption band of the sub- strate. In some cases, the substrate must be coated with an absorbing dye to facilitate beam interaction.

Interactions with the substrate can occur in photo- thermal, photochemical, or other ways. Generally, dental lasers produce photothermal effects, with soft or hard tissue being ablated by the action. At low temperatures, below 100° C, thermal effects denature proteins, produce hemolysis, and cause coagulation and shrinkage. Above 100° C, water in soft or hard tissues boils, producing explosive expansion. Above approximately 400° C, car- bonization of organic materials is completed with the onset of some inorganic changes. As the temperature in- creases from 400° to 1400° C, inorganic constituents change in chemistry, may melt and/or recrystallize, and

FIG . 7-28 Example of laser use. A, Nd:YAG laser unit with a power supply, control panel, fiber-optic wave guide, and probe. B, Laser probe and beam emanating from probe tip. C, Lased area on dentin (from Nd:YAG operated at 1.06 gm wavelength, 167 mJ/pulse, and 207 J/cm 2 power) showing physical modification produced by a single pulse. The hy- droxyapatite crystals on the surface were melted and recrystallized with partial closure of the tubules. Surface roughness from tooth preparation was eliminated by the lasing. The area immediately adjacent to the lased site seemed to be unaffected. (A, Courtesy of American Dental Technologies, Inc., 5555 Bear Lane, Corpus Christi, Tex.; B, Courtesy of Dr. Art Vassiliadis, Sunrise Technologies, Freemont, Calif.; C, Courtesy of Dr. Joel White, Department of Restorative Dentistry, UCSF School of Dentistry, San Francisco, Calif.)


may vaporize. The actual temperatures depend on the initial composition of the tissue involved. When the laser and tissue are well matched, like the infrared lasers and enamel, energy can be absorbed very rapidly. Even low energy densities for short times can cause enamel to melt and recrystallize. High energy densities and/or longer times produce vaporization with drilling or cutting of the surface. For dentin, the same effects occur at lower energy densities. An example of lased dentin is shown in Fig. 7-28. Such surfaces can be produced to seal the

dentin and assist bonding of restorative materials. While infrared lasers produce their effects by heating at the focal point, ultraviolet laser beams involve pho- ton energies coincident with bond energies of cellular constituents and are capable of directly disrupting the

bonds that hold the molecules together." For this rea- son, it is necessary to avoid those wavelengths that are absorbed by proteins such as DNA and RNA.

For dental applications, excessive heat must be avoided to protect the dental pulp. High surface tem- peratures for short periods of time are acceptable, as long as there is sufficient time or path for heat disper- sion. Lasers may be operated as continuous wave (cw) or pulsed (p) lasers. To control the beam energy, it is common to pulse the beam. Normally the operator can select the pulse rate (20 to 1000 Hertz or cycles per sec- ond) and pulse duration (1 to 50 microseconds). Pulsing occurs rapidly and is not the same as the operator turn- ing the beam on or off. Local temperatures during lasing can reach many hundreds of degrees Celsius, but as long as the heat is dissipated effectively, pulpal temper- atures will not be affected. Clinical studies indicate that lasers can be used correctly without causing pulpal damage.33 Generally,pulpaltemperatureincreasesof more than 4.5° to 5.5° C are considered damaging.

Several lasers are of practical importance to medicine and dentistry (Table 7-3). The ones of most current in- terest to dentistry are Nd:YAG (Neodymium:yttrium- aluminum-garnet; wavelength = 1.064 um; see Fig. 7-28, A), Er:YAG (Erbium:yttrium-aluminum-garnet; wave- length = 2.94 um), Or CO2 (carbon dioxide; maximum

wavelength = 10.6 um). Argon, helium-neon, Ho:YAG, and excimer lasers are being evaluated as well. A laser may produce more than one wavelength of photon en- ergy. In the case of CO2 lasers, the 9.6 um peak is much more readily absorbed by hydroxyapatite than the stan- dard 10.6 um peak. This wavelength may be selected by filtration to eliminate longer wavelengths.

It is no longer a question of whether lasers will be used by dentistry but rather when they will become common- place. Current units are relatively expensive and must be used frequently in a dental practice to justify the ex- pense. At the moment, lasers are used primarily for ei- ther soft tissue applications (see Table 7-3) or hard tissue surface modification (see Fig 7-28, C. They generally are not used for tooth preparations because they are ineffi- cient and awkward for removing large amounts of enamel or dentin, and that process with a laser can gen- erate intolerable amounts of heat. Therefore lasers may never replace a high-speed dental handpiece. However, at least one commercial Ho:YAG laser instrument has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use with hard tissues in primary teeth .25

Special safety precautions are prescribed when using a laser. A door is required to close off the room where lasers are being used, and appropriate signs are needed to indicate the presence of laser equipment. Eye protec- tion is required for the operator, assistant, and patient to protect against any inadvertently reflected laser light. The FDA will most likely expand the number of sanc- tioned applications in the near future.

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