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Har kim yordam va yo’l-yo’riq ko’rsatish uchun Google for Education yordam forumlarida kimningdir postiga javob berishi mumkin

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Har kim yordam va yo’l-yo’riq ko’rsatish uchun Google for Education yordam forumlarida kimningdir postiga javob berishi mumkin.


  1. Boshqa o’qituvchilar o’z o’quvchilari bilan Google Drive’dan qanday foydalanishlari haqida fikr izlayotganingizda, qayerga qarashingiz mumkin? (Barcha tegishlilarini tanlang.)

  • Google qidiruv

  • Google for Eduvation yordam forumlari

  1. Siz yaqinda o’quvchilaringiz bilan Google Sheets yordamida yangi mashg’ulotni sinab ko’rdingiz va uni boshqa o’qituvchilar bilan baham ko’rmoqchi edingiz. Quyidagilardan qaysi biri o’z fikringizni dunyo bo’ylab boshqa o’qituvchilar bilan baham ko’rish uchun yaxshi joy?

Google for Education yordam forumlari

  1. PLN quyidagilardan qaysi birini anglatadi:

Shaxsiy ta’lim tarmog’i

  1. O’qituvchi PLNni yaratganda, uning PLN quyidagi odamlar guruhlaridan qaysi birini o’z ichiga olishi mumkin? (Barcha tegishlilarini tanlang.)

U o’z maktabida o’qituvchilar bilan ishlaydi
U o’tgan ta’lim konferentsiyalarida uchrashga o’qituvchilar
Uning mahalliy Google Educator Group (GEG) a’zolari
U shaxsan uchrashmagan, lekin internetda kuzatadigan odamlar

  1. Mahalliy Google Educator Group (GEG) ni toppish uchun faol guruhlar ro’yxatini Google Eduvator Group veb-sahifasida topishingiz mumkin.


  1. Which of the following has had a large impact on education now that the internet is so easily accessible:

The role of rote learning has decreased as students have instant access to the world’s knowledge

  1. How does technology help cater to individual student needs? (Select all that apply.)

  • Access to technology impacts learning more than teaching

  • Resources can be personalized for students

  • Students can take ownership of their learning

  1. Choose the statement that best reflects what we know about technology, teaching, and learning.

Technology is a tool to support teachers in their efforts to increase student learning

  1. Which of the following describes a digital classroom? (Select all that apply.)

  • A place where teachers are facilitators of learning

  • A place where students use technology to collaborate and communicate in authentic ways

  • A place where students have access to online resources that they can use to solve problems

  1. When selecting a digital tool to integrate into your class, where should you start?

With your learning objectives

  1. Which app allows you to analyze data?

Google Sheets

  1. If you wanted to create a custom logo for your blog, you could use:

Google Drawings

  1. Which is not an advantage of the Google tools?

Only available offline

  1. Google Meet can help students practice good online communication.


  1. What can all teachers do in their classrooms to help shape responsible students? (Select all that apply.)

  • Show students how to create strong passwords

  • Provide opportunities for students to practice good behavior

  • Create a safe environment for talking about digital citizenship topics

  • Integrate digital citizenship lessons in class

  1. Building _____ helps students cope better when faced with challenges online.


  1. How can image search be used to teach good online behavior?

Filter images by usage rights

  1. Which of the following are drawbacks to using a textbook? (Select all that apply.)

  • Textbooks can become out of date

  • Textbooks don’t have interactive components

  • Textbooks don’t have links to current events

  1. Which tool allows a teacher to put together a collection of videos on a specific topic?

YouTube playlists

  1. One benefit of augmenting a course textbook with digital resources is

Increases student engagement

  1. In what ways could students become partners with the teacher in augmenting the textbook with digital resources? (Select all that apply.)

Students could help build a Google Site of current events that link to the curriculum
Students could suggest YouTube videos that connect to the course content
Students could generate online flashcards or study guides with links to external content

  1. Your learning objective is to get students to understand the concept of projection when speaking. Where can you find video resources from professional speakers who record and share their own public performances? 


  1. Mrs. Jones is a seventh-grade teacher who is focused on making sure her students are doing everything they can to be safe and secure online. They go to the computer lab each week and do a lot of web browsing on sites that she’s gathered links for on a shared Google Doc. Students add their own notes and comments below each link as they do their research. They can also add new resources as they find them on the Internet.

    Which of the following contemporary skills is Mrs. Jones developing in her students? (Select all that apply.) 

  • Communication

  • Collaboration

  1. What are ways students can ensure that their information is not saved in their Chrome browser when they are done in the computer lab each day? (Select all that apply.) 

  • Use an incognito window

  • Clear the browsing history

  1. Which of the following tools are part of Google Workspace for Education Fundamentals, and thus covered by the Google Workspace for Education Fundamentals Terms of Service? (Select all that apply.) 

  • Google Sites

  • Google Drive

  1. When trying to select the right tool to integrate into your class, you should always start with:

The learning goal

  1. Parents are looking for guidance on what to tell their children about being safe online. If you could give three simple tips that underlie everything, what would they be? (Select all that apply.) 

  • Don’t click on items from unknown senders

  • Respect yourself and others

  • Do everything you can to protect yourself

  1. What are some benefits of using online resources in curriculum? (Select all that apply.)

  • Updated content

  • Content can be engaged with to extend learning

  • Can be linked to related content

  1. Rather than just reading about a location in a textbook, a great tool to help visualize a location and consider its impact on history would be:

Google Maps

  1. When you want to provide your students with the steps for how to do an Advanced Google Search, which of the following is the best place to look first?

Google Help Center

  1. Anyone can reply to someone’s post in the Google for Education Help Forums to provide help and guidance.


  1. When you are looking for ideas on how other educators are using Google Drive with their students, where could you look? (Select all that apply.)

  1. You recently tried a new activity using Google Sheets with your students and you would like to share it with other teachers. Which of the following is a good place to share your idea with other teachers around the world?

Google for Education Help Forums

  1. PLN stands for which of the following:

Personal Learning Network

  1. When a teacher creates a PLN, her PLN may include which of the following groups of people? (Select all that apply.)

  • Teachers she works with in her school

  • Educators she has met at past education conferences

  • Members of her local Google Educator Group (GEG)

  • People she hasn’t met in person but follows online

  1. To find your local Google Educator Group (GEG), you can find a list of active groups on the Google Educator Group webpage.


  1. Google Educator Groups are only open to teachers that have passed the Google for Education Level 1 Exam.


  1. If you wanted to find a local Google expert who could show you some interesting new ways to use Google Maps in your classroom, you would search for which of the following?

Google for Education Certified Innovator

  1. If you wanted to find a local Google expert who could come to your school to do specific training around Google for Education tools with teachers, you would search for which of the following? (Select all that apply.)

  • Google for Education Certified Trainer

  • Google for Education Partner

  1. Which of the following is NOT available to search for in the Google for Education Directory?

Google Certified Principals

  1. Anyone can request to be listed in the Google for Education Directory.


  1. Which of the following online resources could you use when you want to search for how to do something with a Google tool? (Select all that apply.) 

  • Google Search

  • Google Help Center

  • Google for Education Help Forums

  1. If you want to contribute your expertise to a community of educators doing similar tasks as you, which of the following would you use? (Select all that apply.)

  • Google for Education Help Forums

  • Google Educator Groups

The correct answer was "Google for Education Help Forums, Google Educator Groups".

  1. Which of the following are reasons you might join a Google Educator Group? (Select all that apply.) 

  • To connect with other educators using Google tools with students

  • To plan social events for people to share how they use Google tools for learning

  • To get new ideas from other educators in your area

  • To share the amazing things happening in your classroom with other educators

The correct answer was "To connect with other educators using Google tools with students, To plan social events for people to share how they use Google tools for learning, To get new ideas from other educators in your area, To share the amazing things happening in your classroom with other educators".

  1. Which online group or location would be the best place to post a question so that other educators who already use Google for Education tools can help answer? 

Google for Education Help Forums

  1. Of the following, which primarily refers to individuals? (Select all that apply.) 

The correct answer was "Google for Education Certified Trainers, Google for Education Certified Innovators".

  1. You can add content to Google Drive by dragging and dropping files from your computer directly into your Google Drive.


  1. You can share and/or color code folders in your Google Drive.


  1. I can upload the following to Google Drive: (Select all that apply.)

  • Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel documents

  • Most movie files

  • Most photo files

  • PDFs

  1. Google Drive is accessible anywhere in the world. Even if you lose an internet connection, all you need is a Google account to access your information from the cloud.


  1. Microsoft Office documents are compatible with Google Drive.


  1. Which of the choices below are options when sharing a Google document? (Select all that apply.)

  2. Which of the choices below are options when sharing a Google document? (Select all that apply.)

  • Edit

  • View

  • Comment

  1. What are the key benefits of using the Google Docs suite? (Select all that apply.)

  • There’s only ever one version of a document, meaning you never have to compile different revisions from group members

  • You can easily share documents using a URL instead of attaching a document to an email

  1. If you have a file saved on your desktop, what are the steps you would take to be able to edit it using Google Docs?

Upload the document from your desktop to Google Drive and use the built-in feature to automatically convert it to a Google Doc

  1. The Responses option allows you to create custom charts from the collected forms data.


  1. Options for questions in Google Forms include: (Select all that apply.)

  • Objective Questions

  • Subjective Questions

  • Images

  • YouTube Videos

  1. When you click Send Form on a Google Form, what are the options for sharing? (Select all that apply.)

  • Auto-generated public URL

  • Posting directly to social media channels

  • Embed HTML

  • Inviting only specific people to view your form

  1. What are the destination options for storing and viewing responses to Google Forms? (Select all that apply.)

Store in a new spreadsheet
Store in an existing spreadsheet

  1. Classroom teachers have a lot of files saved on their own computers and are unsure about Google Drive. Which features of Drive do you think are most important to help ease their nerves? (Select all that apply.)

  • Microsoft Office files can be uploaded and edited in Drive

  • Resource documents saved as PDFs can be saved in Drive

  • Images and video files can be stored and shared in Drive

  1. Since Google, and Google Drive, are internet enabled apps, there is no way to access your Google Drive files when your computer does not have access to the internet.


  1. You are preparing for an after-school session with teachers to train them on Google Docs. You’ve created a great ‘Getting Going Guide’ that you want them to have and keep for reference. What sharing setting should you set for the doc? 

Anyone with the link can view

  1. Students are going to be working on a project together. How can they add collaborators to their Google Doc? (Select all that apply.)

  • The blue “Share” button

  • Under the File menu > “Share”

  • (From Drive) Select the file(s) > "Share"

  1. What are good uses of Google Forms in the classroom? (Select all that apply) 

  1. Why would you want to have people fill out a Google Form rather than simply sharing a Google Doc with them to collect their responses? (Select all that apply.) 

  • There’s the option to use a number of different question formats (like multiple choice, true/false, scales, etc.) with Google Forms

  • You can use the "Responses" section in the Form to see a graphic breakdown of all responses

  • All Form responses are saved in a Google Sheet and the results are easier to see

  1. Your Gmail account for work can be accessed on which of the following device(s)? (Select all that apply.)

  • Home computer

  • Smart phone

  • Tablet

  • School site computer

  1. One benefit to using the translate feature in Gmail is:

It opens up trusted lines of communication with families and community members who would otherwise be left out of the school conversation

  1. When using the mobile Gmail app, users are able to attach documents directly onto any email.


  1. The translate feature only allows users to translate messages that are sent directly to them.


  1. You can search Gmail using the following criteria: (Select all that apply.)

  • Sender

  • Subject

  • Content

  • Attachment

  1. When creating a filter in Gmail, one action you can apply to incoming messages is to attach a label.


  1. A benefit to using labels in Gmail is: (Select all that apply.)

  • You can apply more than one to any message

  • You can search messages by label

  • You can color code labels to find messages more efficiently

  1. Which title below is one of the default section titles given in a ‘priority inbox.’


  1. What are the benefits to using Google Chat with your students? (Select all that apply.)

  • Students are able to find answers from other students before relying on the teacher for an answer

  • Students receive real-time feedback even when they are away from the classroom

  • You can monitor the conversations of many groups from your one device

  • You can share announcements and important information with your students even after they have left the classroom

  1. The mobile Chat app gives you the opportunity to mute conversations so that you are not constantly receiving notifications.


  1. Google Chat can be accessed in all of the following ways EXCEPT:

Google Groups

  1. When you delete a conversation in your Google Chat list, the conversation is still visible for any other person involved in the conversation until they also delete the conversation from their Chat list.


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