Republic of tajkistan
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farm memb ers Total farm land (Ha) Affecte d land (sq. meters) % of the affected land vs total land holding Type of crops Average crops producti vity (kg/ha) Total affect ed produ ction (kg) 1 kg of produc ts (market value TJS) Annual crop value to be compe nsated (TJS) Allowanc e for loss of use rights (5 years annual crop value) TJS Allowanc e for severely affected househol ds (TJS) Allowa nce for vulner able house holds (TJS) Total compens ation for affected agricultu re lands (TJS) 38 1 20+025 Saidi Jobir' Halimov J. Individual 2 1.02 100 1.0% Wheat 4,500 45 1 70 350 420.0 39 1 20+100 Hoji Ismat' Azimov F. Individual 4 2.02 120 0.6% Wheat 4,500 54 1 80 300 380.0 40 1 20+400 Zaidulloev T. President ial 1 0.1 15 1.5% Onion s 20,000 30 1 70 350 420.0 41 1 20+250 Faizi Zamin' Solehov Kh. Individual 12 6 600 1.0% Wheat 4,500 270 1 270 1,350 1,620.0 42 1 20+100 Alimardon' Boboeva B. Individual 4 2 200 1.0% Wheat 4,500 90 1 90 450 462 1,002.0 43 1 20+100 Hoji Tojiddin' Rahimov T. Individual 2 1.02 130 1.3% Wheat 4,500 59 1 59 293 351.0 44 1 20+075 Shamsiddin' Ne'matov Sh. Individual 2 1.02 130 1.3% Wheat 4,500 59 1 59 293 351.0 146 45 1 20+400 Surush 2008' Giyoev N. Individual 4 2.02 30 0.1% Onion s 20,000 60 1 70 350 420.0 46 1 20+200 Faridun 2008' Karimov M. Individual 2 150 0.8% Wheat 4,500 68 1 80 400 480.0 47 1 20+225 Hoji Davron' Mirov D. Individual 4 2.02 240 1.2% Wheat 4,500 108 1 108 540 648.0 48 1 20+250 Boboi Homid' Sattorov M. Individual 4 2.02 200 1.0% Lucer ne 10,000 200 0 70 350 420.0 49 1 20+300 Mehrubon' Kabirov K. Individual 1 0.54 180 3.3% Wheat 4,500 81 1 81 405 486.0 50 1 20+325 Ziyoviddin 08' Odinaev M. Individual 4 2.03 200 1.0% Wheat 4,500 90 1 90 450 540.0 51 1 23+950 Sodiqzoda' Sharipov F. Individual 6 3.06 800 2.6% Wheat 4,500 360 1 360 1,800 2,160.0 52 1 22+650 Hasani' Odinaev Z. Individual 3.06 1,000 3.3% Wheat 4,500 450 1 450 2,250 2,700.0 53 1 20+000 Shafoati Olam' Dostieva F. Individual 4 2.03 400 2.0% Wheat 4,500 180 1 180 900 462 1,542.0 147 № of HH Larp No Road km Dekhan farm and the owner Type of Dekhan farm No of farm memb ers Total farm land (Ha) Affecte d land (sq. meters) % of the affected land vs total land holding Type of crops Average crops producti vity (kg/ha) Total affect ed produ ction (kg) 1 kg of produc ts (market value TJS) Annual crop value to be compe nsated (TJS) Allowanc e for loss of use rights (5 years annual crop value) TJS Allowanc e for severely affected househol ds (TJS) Allowa nce for vulner able house holds (TJS) Total compens ation for affected agricultu re lands (TJS) 54 1 20+300 Aloviddini I' Ibrohimov I. Individual 4 2 100 0.5% Wheat 4,500 45 2 96 480 576.0 55 1 20+150 Umed 1' Umedov M. Individual 2 1.02 100 1.0% Onion s 20,000 200 1 200 1,000 1,200.0 56 1 20+125 Usto Husein' Uroqov Kh. Individual 2 1 100 1.0% Wheat 4,500 45 1 70 350 420.0 57 1 20+175 Abduloiq' Qalandarov Kh. Individual 3 1.5 200 1.3% Wheat 4,500 90 1 90 450 540.0 58 1 20+175 Yusupov Yuldosh' Yuldoshev U. Individual 2 1.02 60 0.6% Wheat 4,500 27 1 60 300 462 822.0 59 1 20+100 Sharora' Boboev Z. Individual 2 1.02 200 2.0% Wheat 4,500 90 1 100 500 600.0 148 № of HH Larp No Road km Dekhan farm and the owner Type of Dekhan farm No of farm memb ers Total farm land (Ha) Affecte d land (sq. meters) % of the affected land vs total land holding Type of crops Average crops producti vity (kg/ha) Total affect ed produ ction (kg) 1 kg of produc ts (market value TJS) Annual crop value to be compe nsated (TJS) Allowanc e for loss of use rights (5 years annual crop value) TJS Allowanc e for severely affected househol ds (TJS) Allowa nce for vulner able house holds (TJS) Total compens ation for affected agricultu re lands (TJS) 60 1 20+400 Muhammad i L' Azimov L Individual 1 0.03 30 10.0% Wheat 4,500 14 1 59 295 1,386 462 2,202.0 61 1 20+425 Fathulloev K. President ial 1 0.1 15 1.5% Onion s 20,000 30 1 50 250 462 762.0 62 1 20+440 Azimov I. President ial 1 0.1 30 3.0% Wheat 4,500 14 1 30 150 462 642.0 63 1 20+460 Umedov M President ial 1 0.09 40 4.4% Wheat 4,500 18 1 18 90 462 570.0 64 1 20+480 Jalilov S. President ial 1 0.05 30 6.0% Wheat 4,500 14 1 14 68 462 543.0 65 1 20+500 Azimov N. President ial 1 0.05 30 6.0% Wheat 4,500 14 1 14 68 462 543.0 66 1 20+516 Azimov I. President ial 1 0.05 30 6.0% Wheat 4,500 14 1 14 68 462 543.0 67 1 20+532 Nozimov S. President ial 1 0.05 30 6.0% Wheat 4,500 14 1 14 68 462 543.0 62 Total segment 2 152 590 31,895 23,899 14,940 74,600 27,720 10,626 127,886.0 68 1 27+200 Abdullo' Abdulloev Hikmat Individual 6 4.09 700 1.7% Wheat 4,500 315 1 315 1,575 462 2,352.0 69 1 27+850 Gulnora' Sharipov Gairat Individual 2 0.91 300 3.3% Wheat 4,500 135 1 135 675 462 1,272.0 149 № of HH Larp No Road km Dekhan farm and the owner Type of Dekhan farm No of farm memb ers Total farm land (Ha) Affecte d land (sq. meters) % of the affected land vs total land holding Type of crops Average crops producti vity (kg/ha) Total affect ed produ ction (kg) 1 kg of produc ts (market value TJS) Annual crop value to be compe nsated (TJS) Allowanc e for loss of use rights (5 years annual crop value) TJS Allowanc e for severely affected househol ds (TJS) Allowa nce for vulner able house holds (TJS) Total compens ation for affected agricultu re lands (TJS) 70 1 27+300 Abubakr' Mirzoev Mirzomurod Individual 3 1.8 400 2.2% Onion s 20,000 800 1 800 4,000 4,800.0 71 1 27+350 Amon' Amonov Haqrizo Individual 2 2.07 500 2.4% Wheat 4,500 225 1 225 1,125 1,350.0 72 1 27+450 Hoji Ubaid' Narzulloev N. Individual 4 3.37 500 1.5% Wheat 4,500 225 1 225 1,125 1,350.0 73 1 28+050 Shodmon' Khomurodo v R Individual 4 4.7 800 1.7% Lucer ne 10,000 800 0 240 1,200 1,440.0 74 1 28+150 Hoji Faizullo' Sharipova Gavhar Individual 2 1.37 300 2.2% Onion s 20,000 600 1 600 3,000 3,600.0 75 1 28+050 Bozgar' Rasulov Mahmad Individual 2 0.9 300 3.3% Onion s 20,000 600 1 600 3,000 3,600.0 150 № of HH Larp No Road km Dekhan farm and the owner Type of Dekhan farm No of farm memb ers Total farm land (Ha) Affecte d land (sq. meters) % of the affected land vs total land holding Type of crops Average crops producti vity (kg/ha) Total affect ed produ ction (kg) 1 kg of produc ts (market value TJS) Annual crop value to be compe nsated (TJS) Allowanc e for loss of use rights (5 years annual crop value) TJS Allowanc e for severely affected househol ds (TJS) Allowa nce for vulner able house holds (TJS) Total compens ation for affected agricultu re lands (TJS) 76 1 28+000 Hoji Manon' Tolibov Giyos Individual 6 9 1,200 1.3% Onion s 20,000 2,400 1 1,680 8,400 10,080.0 77 1 27+750 Sorbon 2008' Hamdamov Akbar Collective 3 5 300 0.6% Wheat 4,500 135 1 135 675 462 1,272.0 78 1 27+800 Sharof 2008' Uroqov Zafar Individual 4 3.18 300 0.9% Onion s 20,000 600 1 600 3,000 3,600.0 79 1 ---- Mansurov Khurshed President ial 1 0.07 100 14.3% Tomat oes 16,000 160 1 112 560 1,386 2058 80 1 ----- Yusupov Inoyat President ial 1 0.07 100 14.3% Tomat oes 16,000 160 1 112 560 1,386 2058 81 1 ----- Gaffurov Bekmurod President ial 1 0.07 100 14.3% Veget ables 16,000 160 1 112 560 1,386 2058 82 1 ------ Sadulloev Bahrullo President ial 1 0.07 100 14.3% Veget ables 16,000 160 1 112 560 1,386 2058 151 № of HH Larp No Road km Dekhan farm and the owner Type of Dekhan farm No of farm memb ers Total farm land (Ha) Affecte d land (sq. meters) % of the affected land vs total land holding Type of crops Average crops producti vity (kg/ha) Total affect ed produ ction (kg) 1 kg of produc ts (market value TJS) Annual crop value to be compe nsated (TJS) Allowanc e for loss of use rights (5 years annual crop value) TJS Allowanc e for severely affected househol ds (TJS) Allowa nce for vulner able house holds (TJS) Total compens ation for affected agricultu re lands (TJS) 83 1 ----- Hasanov Alimardon President ial 1 0.07 100 14.3% Veget ables 16,000 160 1 112 560 1,386 2058 84 1 ----- Narzuloev Karim President ial 1 0.07 100 14.3% Veget ables 16,000 160 1 112 560 1,386 2058 85 1 ------ Sharipov President ial 1 0.07 100 14.3% Veget ables 16,000 160 1 112 560 1,386 2058 86 1 ------ Hafizov Haitmurod President ial 1 0.07 100 14.3% Veget ables 16,000 160 1 112 560 1,386 2058 87 1 ----- Nizomov Qutbiddin President ial 1 0.07 100 14.3% Veget ables 16,000 160 1 112 560 1,386 2058 88 1 ------ Olimov Lutfullo President ial 1 0.07 100 14.3% Veget ables 16,000 160 1 112 560 1,386 2058 89 1 ------ Qurbonov Sharif President ial 1 0.07 100 14.3% Veget ables 16,000 160 1 112 560 1,386 2058 90 1 26+575 Yusupov Shomurod President ial 1 0.07 100 14.3% Veget ables 16,000 160 1 112 560 1,386 2058 91 1 Iqbol' Sharipova S. Individual 5 4 500 1.3% Wheat 4,500 225 1 225 1,125 1,350.0 152 № of HH Larp No Road km Dekhan farm and the owner Type of Dekhan farm No of farm memb ers Total farm land (Ha) Affecte d land (sq. meters) % of the affected land vs total land holding Type of crops Average crops producti vity (kg/ha) Total affect ed produ ction (kg) 1 kg of produc ts (market value TJS) Annual crop value to be compe nsated (TJS) Allowanc e for loss of use rights (5 years annual crop value) TJS Allowanc e for severely affected househol ds (TJS) Allowa nce for vulner able house holds (TJS) Total compens ation for affected agricultu re lands (TJS) 92 1 27+800 29+400 Somonion 1100' Kamolov F Collective 20 86.22 8,000 0.9% Wheat 4,000 3,200 1 3,200 16,000 19,200.0 93 1 29+500 31+000 Navruz' Salimov Sh. Collective 2,700 62 14,500 2.3% Wheat 4,000 5,800 1 5,800 29,000 34,800.0 94 1 32+500 32+900 Soleh 2007' Soliev A. Family 7 2 1,000 5.0% Wheat 4,000 400 1 400 2,000 2,400.0 95 1 32+900 33+200 Firdavs' Sharipov T. Family 25 11 5,000 4.5% Wheat 4,000 2,000 1 2,000 10,000 12,000.0 96 1 33+500 33+600 Bahromion' Zokirov Kh' Family 15 3 600 2.0% Wheat 4,000 240 1 240 1,200 462 1,902.0 97 1 33+600 33+700 Isozoda' Isoeva M. Family 12 5 500 1.0% Wheat 4,000 200 1 200 1,000 462 1,662.0 98 1 33+700 33+800 Qiyomiddin' Hikmatov A. Family 10 3.28 900 2.7% Wheat 4,000 360 1 360 1,800 2,160.0 99 1 33+800 33+900 Training center of MoD of RT Supportiv e - 3.41 900 2.6% Wheat 3,500 315 1 315 1,575 1,890.0 100 1 34+000 34+100 Hokim' Ochildiev H. Family 5 1.94 500 2.6% Wheat 4,000 200 1 200 1,000 462 1,662.0 101 1 34+200 34+300 Eshonqul' Eshonqulov a Z. Family 2 0.78 200 2.6% Wheat 4,000 80 1 80 400 462 942.0 102 1 34+300 34+400 Hikmat' Mahmadov S. Family 3 2.03 600 3.0% Wheat 4,000 240 1 240 1,200 462 1,902.0 103 1 34+500 34+600 Ravshan 32' Bobokhono v U. Family 15 3.48 300 0.9% Wheat 4,000 120 1 120 600 1,386 462 2,568.0 Download 254,31 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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