Rock Art in Central Asia
Research Status of the Site
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- Research Status and Documentation
- Akbidayik Location
- Besoba Location
- Kalmakemel Location
Research Status of the Site. The first reports about Tamgalytash and its images and inscriptions date to the late 19 th - early 20 th century. The map of the Western Siberian military district (1896) indicates a “stone Tamgaly-Tash” on the southern bank of salt Lake Tamgaly-Tuz on a highland (Tamgaly-Dzhar Gorge); a more detailed map of the same site (1920) ( Р .XIV. Л .8) indicates stone Tamgaly-Tash on the left slope of an erosion valley where Tamgaly Spring is shown at the mouth of the valley. When information was collected for military topographic maps, ethnographic information about images on the rock and their meaning for the evaluation of the Kazakhs along the Sarysu River was also collected. Rock Art in Central Asia 30 In 1895, an interpreter (Khasan Bekhodzhin) who accompanied a military doctor from Akmolinsk City, Kuznetsov A.-I., photographed and sketched signs on the Tamgalytas boulder and translated some inscriptions (Kuznetsov 1927: 123)). In 1936, the geologist Satpaev K.-I. explored Tamgalytas (1941: 69). In 1946, Margulan A.-H. explored the site and distorted the interpretation of an inscription translated by Bekhodzhin Kh. in order to draw a false historical conclusion about the origin of the site as if it related to the unification of Kazakh tribes and the proclamation of the Kazakh Khanate in the 15 th century (Margulan & Ageeva 1948: 131; Margulan 1997: 36-37; Margulan 2003, Fig. 361). His statement that “there are names of Ak-Orda khans Urus-Khan, Kuyichirk Barak and many others among the inscriptions” is also unreliable (Margulan 1997: 36- 37). In 2009, an expedition from KazSRI-Nomads (Rogozhinskiy A.-E.) made an inventory of the petroglyphs and photographed all the known surfaces; one more petroglyph site was identified near the Tamalytas boulder. Archeological Context. A Kazakh necropolis consisting of 20 burial structures of different types and different state of preservation is found on the terrace near the Tamgalytas boulder. There is a stone slab with an epitaph (a symbol of faith) and a tamga represented as two parallel lines on one of the mounds. The inscription dates to the late 19 th century. Neolithic stone artifacts were found on several sites along the shoreline terrace of the lake. Typology and Dating. The site is located on the southern shore of Lake Tamgalynur, in Tamgalydzhar Gorge. The shoreline terrace is cut across by many erosion valleys, with Tamgaly Spring located in one of them; several isolated outcrops of sandstone are above the spring along 200km on the left side of a small ravine. The loose substrate lends itself to handling and destruction; the rock surfaces are coarse, reddish-brown, covered with dark-brown and black patina (“desert patina”) in some places. The largest number of ancient signs and inscriptions were found on a sandstone outcrop, a remnant of “Tamgalytas stone”, closest to the spring. Higher along the dry riverbed, there are three more large sandstone outcrops with a large number of inscriptions and signs. Three temporally different groups of petroglyphs can be made out: ancient tamgas without accompanying epigraphy; Arabic inscriptions, sometimes accompanied by tamgas; Cyrillic inscriptions-graffiti of the 20 th century. The earliest tamgas are deeply (up to 0.5-2.0 cm) abraded and hammered into surfaces and fragments of Tamgalytas 1 and 3. A sign consisting of two or three parallel lines frequently occurs; others are sporadic. Matching these tamgas with those of Oguz and Kipchak people suggests a date of origin for the first Tamgalytas images within the 8 th - 12 th centuries. The second period at the site is that of the early Tamgalytas epigraphy; Beysenbiev T.-K. who studied several inscriptions dates them to the end of the 19 th century. Some tamgas of different Kazakh tribes from the Minor and Middle Zhuses are dated to the same period. The final stage of the site’s history, judging by the dates of visitor’s inscriptions, covers a period of time from the 1930’s to the 1990’s. There is another small group of boulders with tamgas located 1.2km to the south-east of Tamgalytas on the right slope of the erosion valley. One slab was used to build the Tamgalytas site erected recently at the edge of the terrace. A total of 10 varieties of these signs are comparable to tamgas of the medieval period identified within the main location of Tamgalytas. Rock Art Sites in Kazakhstan 31 Central Kazakhstan Sites The middle part of Kazakhstan is occupied by a vast mountainous and steppe country –Saryarka (Kazakh Uplands). The unique landscape of Saryarka houses material evidence of the region’s ancient history left by ancient Stone Age hunters and Neolithic people, by shepherds and metal makers and by nomadic tribes from the Early Iron Age, Middle Ages, and modernity. The evidence includes rock drawings, although such sites are less numerous on the map of the central part of Kazakhstan. The area of the main watershed Saryarka is mostly represented by mountain rocks not very suitable for engraving. Those preserved are on isolated rocks at a great distance from one another, mainly on relatively smooth granites and diorites enclosed by natural ledges. Dravert P.-L. Grotto in the Bayanaul Mountains is a famous rock art site, discovered in 1926 on the south-eastern shore of Zhasybay Lake by a Russian geologist and poet, after whom it was named. Several humans facing the entrance of the cave were painted in ochre on its roof, so they could be seen from the depths of the niche. Paintings similar in contents and technique were also discovered later in other shelters in forested areas of the lake. The main motifs on the walls and roofs include humans, but also isolated animals, birds, a bow with an arrow and unsophisticated geometric shapes or signs. It is difficult to date them; it is unlikely that most would date beyond the Bronze Age, a period of active peopling of the area with Andronovo and Begazy-Dandybaev culture tribes. Rock paintings in central Saryarka were also made in another remarkable site –Tesiktas Grotto– located in the spurs of the Kyzyltau Mountains, in the upper reaches of one of the Sherubay-Nura River tributaries, far from Lake Bayanaul. Although the natural environment is quite similar, Tesiktas represents a different type of landscape and rock paintings. Petroglyphs in Akbidayik and Olenty in the north-eastern periphery of Saryarka –a rare type of archeological site for the area– are among the northernmost rock art sites in Kazakhstan. They represent the earliest examples of steppe-tribes’ rock art from the 3 rd to the first half of the 2 nd millennium BC, which permits us to trace some pictorial traditions of the Bronze Age common in the southern regions of Saryarka (Northern Near Balkhash Area, Ylitau) and farther in the Karatau and Chu-Ili Mountains. Terekty Aulie, 90km east of Zhezkazgan City and 20km north-west of Terekty Station in the Karagandy Region, is a remarkable rock art site in the south-west of Saryarka. It is small, both in terms of the space occupied and its number of petroglyphs on granite. The main series of Bronze Age petroglyphs is homogeneous and special. Many archeological sites belong to different periods, with Paleolithic, Neolithic and Bronze Age dwelling sites, Early Iron Age kurgans, remains of mining activities, a necropolis with medieval and 18 th - 19 th mausoleums. Terekty Aulie is one of the few rock art sites in Kazakhstan where rocks with ancient petroglyphs are part of a cycle of religious and cultic worship. The most ancient petroglyphs favor horse images. There are also two-humped Bactrian camels, bulls, goats, deer, snakes, a feline predator and a chariot. The integrity of the iconography and style of this Terekty Aulie rock art, attributed to the Seymin-Turbin pictorial traditions from parallels with items of those cultures, serves to identify rock art sites in the south- west of Saryarka (Baykonur Valley), south Kazakhstan (Karatau) and Central Asia (Fergana). A vast mountainous semi-desert exists from the Northern Near Balkhash area to the south of the main watershed of Sary-Arka (Kazakh Uplands). The harsh weather of this practically impassable region has preserved some remarkable ancient sites including petroglyphs. Some were discovered in the 1960’s by Margulan A.-H., geologists Medoev A.-G. and Aubekerov B.-Zh. and studied in 2007 by Rogozhinskiy A.-E., but, in general, this area of Kazakhstan is considered as poorly Rock Art in Central Asia 32 researched. Two famous sites –Besoba and Kalmakemel– are good examples of the rock art in the Northern Near Balkhash Area. The Most Important Sites of Central Kazakhstan Tesiktas Grotto Location. Tesiktas Grotto is located in the Shet District of the Karaganda Region, 13km north-east of the district capital (Aksu-Ayuly), 5km north-west of Aktobe Village, in the foothills of the Kyzyltau Mountains. Research Status and Documentation. The Tesiktas Grotto paintings were examined in the 1940’s by Magulan A.-H.; in the 1980’s, the paintings were recorded by Novozhenov V.-A. (Novozhenov 2002). In 2007, the site was studied by Rogozhinskiy A.-E. Archeological Context. A kurgan burial site, west of the rock with paintings on the adjacent plain, is dated to the Early Iron Age. Ten kilometers east of the paintings, there is a vertical stelae-shaped rock. Typology and Dating. Two isolated towering granite rocks in the piedmont plain are at some distance from the low hills. The upper part of one of the rocks has a large open niche with paintings on its high arch. At the centre of the arch, one can see two short-horned oxen and several cross- like signs; nearby are amorphous spots of red ochre –traces of other unpreserved images-, which could only be sketched in the 20 th century. One of the animals was outlined, only part of the second remains. On the second surface of the arch, there is one more noticeable contour figure, possibly an animal depicted less realistically. Beyond the open niche, on the side rocky surfaces, traces of other paintings are nearly completely obliterated and indiscernible. An opening forms a wide passage in the rock oriented south to north, while the legs of preserved animal images point to the east and their heads face south. Possibly, the orientation of the drawings in relation to cardinal points was less significant, since during the days of low solstice, one can observe rays passing through the opening in the rock lighting the paintings and creating an impressive view. The age of the Tesiktas paintings has not been determined but researchers attribute them to the Bronze Age (Margulan 2007: 20; Novozhenov 2002). Akbidayik Location. Akbidayik Gorge is in the Ekiastuz District of the Pavlodar Region, 1.5-2km south-east of Maykain Station. The drawings were executed on the smooth reddish surface of a large (15 × 25m) sandstone outcropping 0.5-0.7m above its surroundings. The central part of the rock with petroglyphs was severely damaged by the extraction of building stones; its western part, with several spectacular compositions, is well preserved. Research Status and Documentation. Akbidayik rock art was discovered in 1990 by Mertz V.-K. (Pavlodar Archeological Expedition). In 2004, the exploration of the site and a baseline documentation were carried out in partnership with Rogozhinskiy A.-E. to file for state protection: an archeological map of the complex, an inventory list, indexed panorama, photos and copies from engraved surfaces were made; Iskakov K.-T. (assistant of conservation specialist) studied the state of preservation of the petroglyphs and recorded damages. Archeological Context. More than 30 archeological sites were identified in the vicinity of the petroglyphs including dwelling-sites/workshops from the Stone Age (Lower Paleolithic, Neolithic Rock Art Sites in Kazakhstan 33 and Eneolithic/Chalcolithic), settlements and burial sites (Bronze Age – Early Iron Age), petroglyphs as well as remnants of a railway embankment dated to the early 20 th century. Typology and Dating. At Akbidayik, there are engravings from three/four stages of cultures in the north-eastern periphery of Saryarka: Neolithic, Eneolithic, Bronze and Early Iron Ages. It is not improbable that some drawings may date to later periods . Nearly 100 petroglyphs in several groups were discovered on horizontal and inclined rock surfaces. The most expressive drawings are concentrated on the north-western surface; there are cases of superimpositions. The most ancient petroglyphs include schematic humans with widely spread arms, legs and a pronounced phallus. Next to them are barely-discernible zoomorphic images. Some drawings are damaged due to wind erosion of the rock surface. Petroglyphs were apparently pecked with a rough stone tool. An archer is overlaid by a horse. These drawings may date to the Stone Age. The most numerous group includes large animals realistically depicted, with a multi-figured panel including over 30 different images with large (30–75cm) figures of horses, Asiatic wild asses, oxen, goats, schematic humans and unidentified signs. On the right is another group of drawings with deer and horses. Naturalistic horses are prominent in most compositions. The same technique was used to peck their silhouette regularly. Despite the fact that many figures overlap, most were apparently created within one period in a specific order. Akbidayik horses have analogies in the eastern and south-eastern regions of Kazakhstan as well as in the Turbin-Seymin pictorial tradition at the start of the Early and Advanced Bronze Age. In addition to these two groups of the most ancient petroglyphs at Akbidayik, there are images of bulls (Bos primigenius) with horns lowered and pointing forward, overlapping mountain goats, saiga antelopes, deer and other animals. These images date from the Eneolithic to the Early Bronze Age (3 rd – early 2 nd millennium BC) and to the Early Iron Age (7 th – 4 th centuries BC). Olenti Location. The petroglyphs are on the right bank of the Olenti River, 10km south-west of Tay Village in the Ekibastuz District of the Pavlodar Region. More than 50 petroglyphs were found on 17 surfaces of large blocks of light-brown sandstone rocks on the slopes of the river terrace. Research Status and Documentation. The Olenti petroglyphs were discovered in the early 1970’s by a regional ethnographer Mool O. In the 1990’s, the site was explored by Mertz V.-K.; in 2005, the petroglyphs were examined by Samashev Z. Archeological Context. A systematic research of the district revealed a great number of temporally different archeological sites: Neolithic and Eneolithic dwelling sites, Bronze Age burials and kurgans of the Early Iron Age nomads. Typology and Dating. All the engraved rocks are on the steep slope of a terrace; their surfaces are encrusted with a thick layer of lichen. Individual drawings are pecked, but in the soft rock, most engravings were created by using a technique of deep carving, some even appearing as bas- reliefs. Petroglyphs form small compositions consisting of several animal and human figures. Often, the drawings are grouped around one or two images centrally positioned: a human is in the center of one of the rocks with a panther, oxen, and other poorly discernible images. There are erotic scenes. Animals include oxen with long horns curved upwards, horses with a fringe on their heads, deer, saiga antelope, and others. Rock Art in Central Asia 34 According to their stylistic specifics and iconography, two major pictorial traditions were identified at Olenti. The first includes a series of humans (erotic couples, a birthing woman, archers) and oxen with horns either long or curving upwards, while the second one includes horses carved in a manner indicative of the Bronze Age Turbin-Seymin pictorial tradition. Early images at Olenti have no accurate analogies among known Kazakhstan rock art sites; their repertoire, technique, style, and iconography are akin to images on bas-reliefs in the Apsheron Peninsula. These early Olenti petroglyphs are supposedly dated to the Eneolithic – Early Bronze Age, and thus related to the earliest images of rock art in Northern Saryarka. Besoba Location. The Besoba Valley petroglyphs are located in the Karaganda Region, 45km north-east of Sayak City, on the right bank of the Turanga River, along the eastern slope of the Semizbugu Mountains. Research Status and Documentation. Sites in the Semizbugu Mountains and Besoba Valley were discovered and researched in the 1960’s by geologists Medoev A.-G. and Aubekerov B.-Zh. An archeological and geomorphological map of the area was then made (Medoev 1979). In 2007, Rogozhinskiy A.-E. studied, recorded and photographed petroglyphs at Besoba, and drew up an archeological map. Archeological Context. The Besoba plain stretches along the eastern slopes of the Semizbugu Mountains. A large complex of dwelling-sites/workshops dated to the Paleolithic and Neolithic, kurgan burial sites from the Early Iron Age, wintering grounds and cemeteries dated to the 19 th - early 20 th centuries were discovered. The topography of the sites points to an erratic frequentation of the region at certain historical periods. The most favorable conditions for life existed, apparently, in the Neolithic and Bronze Age. Typology and Dating. Petroglyphs are pecked on diorite porphyries 2-3m above their surroundings. The rocks stretch from north to south in several rows along the valley for 5–10km and form natural galleries with ancient drawings. A total of about 300 surfaces with rock art were recorded with nearly 1,000 petroglyphs. In some places, vertical and inclined surfaces of rocks stretch for tens of meters. There are many images on rocks closer to the river. Neolithic artifacts were also found. Petroglyphs are rarely found on sites far from the water. No sites from the 2 nd millennium BC were identified, but more than half the Besoba petroglyhs date to the Bronze Age. Images include numerous horses, scenes with humans and a two-wheeled cart. The Early Saki petroglyphs, which are rare, are hammered on good horizontal surfaces. They often include contour figures of deer and panthers as well as horses hooves, many re-carved in later periods. Drawings of the Saki Period are nonexistent, thus suggesting a gap in rock art tradition in the second half of the 1 st millennium BC. During the medieval period, artists often re-carved and modified ancient petroglyphs, for example Bronze Age horses were refreshed with added details of harness and riders. Lineage tamgas form a special type of petroglyphs. A final period of rock engravings dates to the 19 th - early 20 th centuries and is attributed to the settlement of Argyn Kazakh tribes in the region. Their tamgas are found near wintering grounds. Rock Art Sites in Kazakhstan 35 Images of horse hoof tracks were replicated many times, and ancient images were also re-carved at that time. Kalmakemel Location. The Kalmakemel Mountains are in the Karaganda Region, 70km north-west of Sayak City. Research Status and Documentation. In 2007, the Kalmakemel petroglyphs were researched and documented by Rogozhinskiy A.-E. who drew up an archeological map and photographed the petroglyphs. Archeological Context. A broad valley, with habitation sites dated to the Neolithic, the Middle Ages, and the 19 th - 20 th centuries, and Early Iron Age kurgan burial sites, intersects with a low mountain massif from east to west. The most ancient sites include two identified dwelling- sites/workshops from the Upper Paleolithic. On the left slope of the gorge, petroglyphs are found in especially large quantities in the middle part of the valley, with a total of about 2,000 images, which makes it the most important Northern Near Balkhash Area site. Typology and Dating. Most engravings date to the Bronze Age, with numerous horses, hunting scenes, solar signs and others. Other periods are represented to a lesser degree, but also with expressive images, such as deer in Early Saki style, a medieval image of a dog in a heraldic pose, and others. The most ancient Kalmakemel petroglyphs are superficially pecked, apparently with a stone tool. Hundreds of images are of horses; other animals were rarely depicted – ox, deer, dogs; images of humans are sporadic. The horses, similar and realistic, are short-legged with a drooping abdomen and a massive head with a small mane. They are followed by mares with foals. Their legs are connected to one line below. Humans are shown controlling the animals by flinging a rope on their necks or hunting and striking them with an arrow. The opposition between humans as masters and animals is emphasized by specific drawing techniques or the skillful use of nuances on the surface. A couple of harnessed horses proves that ancient Kalmakemel petroglyphs depicted a community of early cattle-breeders, where animal hunting and taming went along with the use of domesticated animals. Iconographic and stylistic parallels with artistic bronze objects of the Seymin-Turbin type date the petroglyphs to the first half of the 2 nd century BC. Among Kazakhstan rock art sites, the Akbidayik engravings of northeastern Saryarka are closest in content to the Kalmakemel petroglyphs. In the south-east of the region, analogies include engravings at Terekty Aulie and Baykonur River Valley, distinguished by the presence of Bactrian camel images. Late Bronze Age engravings are prominent, even if not very numerous, at Kalmakemel with horse- drawn chariots, battle scenes and solar scenes –i.e. the whole range of Kazakhstan themes for that period. The repertoire of petroglyphs from early and medieval nomads is much richer than at Besoba, but their quantity is still small, with isolated silhouettes of a deer, horse hooves and other animals in the style of Western Mongolia and Altai “deer” rocks. A composition with human figures vividly resembles original drawings of the Tagarian culture in the Minusinsk Basin. Medieval petroglyphs are inexpressive, but they include tamgas, also found on other sites from the Altai to Tarbagay to the Chu Valley. Later petroglyphs are concentrated near wintering grounds dating to the late 19 th - early 20 th centuries, represented with quite realistic engravings; Kazakh tamgas are frequent. |
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