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In addition to the above table, the following observations can be made: 


Whilst Residential Cells 1 and 2 have similar ratios of POS to residential land area, the amount of local 

and neighbourhood parkland provided per head of population is significantly higher in Residential Cell B.  


In addition to the local and neighbourhood parkland provided in Residential Cell A, this area is abutted by 

significant Regional Parks and Recreation reserves, including Broz Park (5.69ha) and Riverside Park 

(6.7ha) providing further opportunities for active and passive recreation.  


Residential Cell B also contains Helena Valley Recreational Ground, which offers significant active 

recreation opportunities for local residents within its local catchment area (including Residential Cell C). 

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In addition to POS already provided, further provision of neighbourhood and local POS is also proposed for 

those areas with approved LSIPs.  This will ensure future residents of these new urban areas will also have 

convenient access and exposure to the amenity provided by local and neighbourhood parks. 



Movement networks 

The Helena Valley study area is located to the south east of a major metropolitan intersection between two 

strategic highway routes (Roe Highway and Great Eastern Highway), on the periphery of Perth’s urban 

suburbs and at the foothills of the Darling Scarp.  Only 30 minutes drive from the Perth Central Area, the 

Helena Valley is benefited by its close proximity to key metropolitan activity centres and attractors (Perth, 

Midland) whilst also being on the doorstep to the Perth Hills and the associated lifestyle opportunities that it 


From Perth, the Helena Valley is most directly accessed via the Great Eastern Highway/Great Eastern 

Highway Bypass, with alternative routes available via Abernethy Road or Guildford Road. The Great Eastern 

Highway provides easy access to the Perth Hills and beyond. 

Access to Helena Valley from the strategic road network is primarily via Scott Street (from Great Eastern 

Highway) or Clayton Street/Katharine Street (from Roe Highway).  Alternative routes are also available via 

Bushmead Road/Helena Valley Road or Midland Road.  



Roe Highway 

Roe Highway generally forms the western extent of the Helena Valley Study area, and is a major strategic 

road asset both in a local and regional context.  The highway is part of the AusLink national road network, 

forming a key component of the AusLink Perth Urban Road Corridor linking the Perth-Darwin, Perth-Adelaide 

and Perth-Bunbury corridors.  Running past Helena Valley in a north-south alignment, it carries major traffic 

volumes between Midland and other key destinations in eastern and southern metropolitan Perth.  

There is no direct road access to Roe Highway from Helena Valley.  Access onto the highway is generally 

achieved by one of the following routes: 


Northwards along Katharine Street to Clayton Street, and then west to Roe Highway (only southbound 

entry onto the highway); 


Westwards along Helena Valley Road/Bushmead Road (over Roe Highway) to Stirling Crescent, south to 

Great Eastern Highway Bypass and then east to Roe Highway; or 


Southwards along either Midland Road or Ridge Hill Road to Kalamunda Road, then onto Roe Highway.  

Liaison with Main Roads WA has confirmed that Roe Hwy (along with the Great Eastern Hwy Bypass) is 

planned as a freeway standard route with full control of access (i.e. no direct access to adjacent properties).  

Main Roads WA recently reviewed the Roe Highway Road Network from Clayton Street to Great Northern 

Hwy, which included consideration of Directions 2031 land use information in traffic modelling for the area. 

One of the options considered as part of the review was a possible southern extension of Farrall Road from 

Great Eastern Hwy southwards to Helena Valley road, however, an extension only as far as Clayton Street 

could be justified from a modelling perspective (and therefore be supported by Main Roads).  

Main Roads also confirmed that: 


Recent modelling identified Clayton Street in the vicinity of the Roe Hwy interchange will likely require 

widening to a 4-Lane dual carriageway standard.   


The Department of Planning has been reviewing a realignment of the Freight Rail Line through Midland. 

The current preferred alignment is for the line to deviate southwards near Military Road (west of Roe 

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Highway) – this will have implications for the Bushmead Road / Helena Valley Road flyover Bridge at Roe 

Hwy, as it severs the only route for High Wide Loads to Roe Hwy. The Bushmead Road / Helena Valley 

Road flyover Bridge will therefore need to be raised significantly and reconstructed to accommodate High 

Wide Loads on Roe Hwy. This will likely have additional land requirement implications adjacent to Helena 

Valley Road. 


The tri-level semi-directional ‘T’ interchange previously planned for the Roe Highway / Great Eastern 

Highway Bypass will be reviewed by Main Roads shortly. Main Roads envisages that the interchange will 

be developed to a standard trumpet type interchange with no connection to the local (Helena Valley) road 

network to the east. This revised layout may have additional land requirement implications, east of the 

current Roe Hwy reservation boundary.  



Important Local Roads 

There are five key roads traversing the Helena Valley Study area that fulfil the role of ‘District Distributor 

Roads’ as defined by WAPC Development Control Policy 1.4 (Functional Road Classification Planning), and 

are proposed to be reserved as ‘Important Local Roads’ under draft Local Planning Scheme No.4. 


Helena Valley Road; 


Scott Street; 


Ridge Hill Road; 


Katharine Street; and 


Clayton Road. 

Helena Valley Road forms the primary east-west link traversing the study area, extending from Roe Highway 

in the west, along the course of the Helena River to the eastern extent of the locality.  Further east, the road 

continues unsealed before terminating near the Lower Helena Diversion Dam.   

Helena Valley Road is categorised as a ‘District Distributor A’ road under Main Roads WA Road Hierarchy, 

with an indicative average traffic volume of 8,000 – 15,000 vehicles per day.. Traffic counts from 2008 

measured approximately 7,000 vehicles per day, suggesting that further capacity remains to cater for 

additional development in the area.  


Road improvement works currently committed for Helena Valley Road include: 


$373,365 of federal ‘Black Spot’ funding via the Department of Infrastructure and Transport’s Nation 

Building Program.  Currently in the planning stages, these works will ultimately result in the provision of 

sealed shoulders, audible edge lines, guideposts and raised pavement centreline markers.   


Developer-funded construction of two new intersections (one chanellised 3-way intersection, and one 4-

way roundabout)  to provide access into future residential development of Lots 212 (No.1805), 213 

(No.2005), 214 (No.2215) and 236 (No.2160) Helena Valley Road. 

Whilst the ultimate design standard and plan for Helena Valley Road is still in development, the Shire of 

Mundaring does have interim plans for further Helena Valley Road improvements to provide kerbed road 

edges and complete a dual use path link between Scott Street and the Roe Highway intersections. These 

upgrades would be required as a minimum standard of any future development, enforceable through the 

subdivision process.   

Scott Street, Katharine Street, Clayton Road and Ridge Hill Road all typically fall under the ‘District 

Distributor Category B’ Main Roads WA classification, generally constructed as 2-way (single lane in each 

direction) roads capable of carrying traffic volumes of up to 6,000 to 8,000 vehicles per day.  They provide 

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key links to other surrounding neighbourhoods such as Boya, Koongamia and Bellevue, as well as linking to 

major transport corridors such as Roe Highway and Great Eastern Highway.  

As the Helena Valley locality continues to grow in population and activity, these roads will continue to fulfil a 

major role in the movement of traffic within, to and from the area.  Beyond those planned and anticipated 

improvements described above, there will inevitably be further improvements needed to formalise the role 

and function of these roads (e.g. kerbing works, line marking improvements etc) as well as improve traffic 

movements and safety (e.g. intersection upgrades).  



Other local road links 

Samson Street is currently constructed on the northern side of the Helena River only, extending from Clayton 

Street and providing local access to a small number of rural-residential properties, terminating at edge of the 

vegetated river bank/floodway. The road reserve extends across the river as far as Helena Valley Road, with 

only an unsealed informal access route (from Helena Valley Road to existing properties south of the river) 

designating its alignment. There is no constructed river crossing at present.   

Similarly, Fyfe Street (further east in the locality) also has a designated road reserve linking Clayton Road to 

Helena Valley Road, but is only constructed on the northern side of the Helena River.  Again, there is no 

constructed river crossing at present. 

With no other road crossings of the Helena River other than Scott Street, this presents significant challenges 

not only for day to day connectivity and movement (particularly in facilitating functional linkages between 

Residential Cells 1 and 2), but also in times of natural hazards such as bushfires, where only a single river 

crossing poses significant issues for both emergency access and egress.  



Public transport 

Two public bus services currently operate in the Helena Valley study area: 



 service from Midland Train Station to Glen Forest, via Bellevue, Koongamia, Helena Valley 

(Frederick Street and Scott Street), Boya and Darlington.   This is a frequent daily service (at least once 

an hour) in each direction on weekdays, with an hourly service on Saturdays and two-hourly service on 




 service from Midland Train Station to Helena Valley (terminating at Helena Valley Road near 

Lakeside Drive), via Bellevue/Hazelmere. This is an infrequent service with only three services in each 

direction on weekdays (aligning with peak travel periods to/from Midland train station) and no weekend 


The Public Transport Authority (PTA) of Western Australia has confirmed that there are presently no plans to 

extend or improve the current level of service provision in the Helena Valley, although it will continue to 

monitor and review the adequacy of bus services in the area as further development occurs and demand 


The current pattern and frequency of bus service provision in the Helena Valley reinforces the apparent 

disconnect between the two major residential areas in the north and west of the locality.  Whilst residents in 

the older and more established area north of Helena River enjoy a relatively good level of service linking to 

key destinations both west and east, residents in the newer area south of Helena River are restricted to 

morning and evening peak commute services to/from Midland with no connections further east.  

Furthermore, there are no bus services passing the urban area around Ridge Hill Road, with these residents 

having to walk approximately 600m to access the 322 service on Scott Street/Marriott Road.   

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Unsurprisingly, given the lack of public transport services in the locality, residents are more reliant on the 

private vehicle for transport.  Helena Valley has very low proportion of ‘no car households’ and much higher 

proportions of two and three (or more) vehicle households compared to Greater Perth and WA averages 

(refer table below).  However, with an ageing population and the challenges associated with peak oil 

consumption (higher car ownership and running costs etc), there will likely be significantly greater demand 

for public transport in the future.  

Table 10:  Motor Vehicles Per Household, 2011 

Motor Vehicles Per 


Proportion of Total Households 

Helena Valley 

Greater Perth 


No motor vehicles 




One motor vehicle 




Two motor vehicles 




Three motor vehicles 




Number of motor vehicles 

not stated 







Path networks 

A network of pedestrian and dual use paths are currently provided in the Helena Valley study area, within 

and linking those key urban/residential areas north and south of the Helena River.  Key dual use path routes 

currently exist along: 


Katharine Street and Clayton Road; 


Davis Road, Glynden Way, Orana Way and Glenwood Avenue; 


Scott Street; 


Helena Valley Road; 


Torquata Boulevard and Riverdale Road; and 


Lakeside Drive. 

Whilst these path networks provide a high level of connectivity and circulation within each of the established 

residential areas, pedestrian connectivity between each of the areas is restricted by the physical barrier 

presented by Helena River.  Good connectivity exists between the area north of Helena River and adjacent 

residential areas to the north (Koongamia), east (Boya) and south (around Ridge Hill Road), however, there 

are only two paths currently linking the western residential area to northern and eastern parts of the locality: 


A dual use path running along the northern side of Helena Valley Road, approximately 1.2 - 1.6 

kilometres in length between the existing residential area and Scott Street.   


A partially constructed dual use path (the remainder being a dirt path) linking from Lakeside Drive to 

Katharine Street through the existing regional open space reserve (publicly vested south of the Helena 

River, but privately owned land north of the river). 

Whilst the partially constructed dual use path is planned to be completed as part of wider redevelopment and 

improvement works on Lot 800 Katharine/Wilkins Streets, there remains an opportunity to provide an 

additional path crossing of the Helena River within the Samson Street road reserve, either as a full road 

bridge or through construction of a pedestrian bridge. While an allowance for a bridge in this location was 

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made by the Department of Water in its 1:100 year flood modelling and mapping for the Helena River, a 

number of other critical issues would need to be investigated and resolved to facilitate construction of such a 

bridge, including: 


Aboriginal heritage investigations and necessary clearances; 


Environmental investigations and clearances, including agreement of the Swan River Trust/Department of 

Parks and Wildlife.  


Detailed engineering feasibility investigations.  



Emergency access/egress 

Easternmost portions of the Helena Valley are classified as having an extreme risk of bushfire hazard, given 

their steep topography and levels of remnant vegetation.  Accordingly, access to and from these areas is a 

major consideration in any land use and development planning in the locality.  During emergencies, Ridge 

Hill Road, Helena Valley Road and Scott Street will most likely form the key routes for residents leaving the 

area or emergency services vehicles gaining access.  

As previously noted, the lack of Helena River road crossings other than Scott Street this presents an issue in 

responding to natural hazards such as bushfires, where only a single river crossing poses significant issues 

for both emergency access and egress.  Furthermore, the reliance of properties in ‘moderate’ and ‘extreme’ 

bushfire hazard areas on only one point of access in and out of the area (e.g. Fyfe Street, The Crescent, 

Helena Valley Road east of Ridge Hill Road) presents an ongoing challenge, potentially addressed through 

the extension of these roads through to other escape routes.   



Services and utilities 




Scheme water is currently available throughout the study area via the Greenmount Gravity Water Supply 

Scheme.  Water mains are provided throughout urban developed areas and along key local roads including 

Helena Valley Road, Katharine/Clayton Streets, and Scott Street.   

Discussions with the Water Corporation (WaterCorp) have confirmed that the delivery of new water 

infrastructure to support development will be planned in response to new zonings and the identification of 

land in appropriate planning frameworks.  In this regard, early and proactive liaison with the DoW during the 

preparation of further strategic plans and/or rezonings for the locality is recommended to ensure sufficient 

lead in times and maximise the coordination of water service planning across the area.  

Refer Figure 16 for a plan of existing utilities infrastructure in the area. 





Only the westernmost urban area of Helena Valley (north and south of Helena Valley Road), along with a 

very small area in the older established area north of Helena River (around Frederick and Noel streets), is 

connected to the metropolitan sewerage system (refer Figure 16). The remainder of the locality, including 

older established urban areas north of the Helena River and around Ridge Hill Road, is reliant on on-site 

effluent disposal systems.  

The minimum size for a residential lot without a sewerage connection is generally set at 2000m


, or a 

maximum residential density of R5, with some exceptions (notably those existing older established areas 

with lots already smaller than 2000m


).  The Shire of Mundaring is currently advocating review of Sewerage 

Policy to allow more flexibility and site specific considerations, acknowledging that in many instances site 

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characteristics would allow for on-site effluent disposal for a particular development without risk to the 

environment or public health.  

Until recently, the reticulated sewer network in the western urban area was serviced by a temporary pump 

station near the intersection of Parkview Gardens and Lakeside Drive (with pressure mains traversing the 

Helena River at the point of the northern pedestrian bridge, then extending north into Koongamia).  The 

temporary pump station is now running near capacity, necessitating construction of a new Type 40 

permanent pump station near the intersection of Allamanda Gate and Carabeen Avenue (incorporating a 

30m buffer to residential properties).  This new pump station is to be constructed as part of civil works being 

carried out on Lot 206 Helena Valley Road, prefunded by the Water Corporation and allowing the temporary 

station to be decommissioned.  

Liaison with the Water Corporation with regard to the provision of new sewerage infrastructure to the area 

has confirmed the following: 


In the long term, there are plans to extend the Maida Vale Sewer Main northwards (to the west of Roe 

Highway) to Hazelmere, which will convey waste water to the Woodman Point WWTP.  This will ultimately 

provide for a significant increase in the wastewater capacity of the area, however, is a long term prospect 

with a significant cost.  In the meantime, sewer planning will need to based on engineering advice 

considering temporary (medium term) arrangements.  


The study area currently sits within two sewer districts – Midland and Helena Valley, with the Midland 

Flora Street pumping station currently overloaded. 


For new development areas, development sequencing will be largely determined by the provision of 

gravity / pressure mains to convey wastewater into the wider metro sewer network.  Again, coordinated 

planning is required to ensure the optimal/efficient provision of sewer infrastructure, prefunded by private 



Any proposed future urban zoning/development of land south of the Helena River and west of the Primary 

School will need to consider the requirement for a pump station(s) to convey wastewater further west.  


For that area of ‘Rural Landscape Living’ zoned land north of the Helena River, the provision of new 

sewer infrastructure may be cost prohibitive unless sufficient yields are achieved. Furthermore, the 

requirement for sewer mains to be brought down from the north west (potentially through highly 

constrained rural lots) may negatively impact on feasibility.  


Helena Valley is not currently on the list of planned sewerage infill areas. For existing urban (unsewered) 

areas to be included on the program, there would need a clear commitment to increasing density codings 

and incentivisation of further subdivision/development through local government planning frameworks.  

Although there are a number of existing urban lots/areas that could be reasonably subdivided in a logical 

pattern, much of the northern established area is highly constrained by the pattern of road/lot layouts and 

not easily converted to higher densities.  

From the information provided above, it can be concluded that while the provision/extension of sewer 

infrastructure is not a fatal flaw or critical constraint for additional urban zoning/development within that area 

south of the Helena River, the provision of necessary pump station infrastructure will be a key requirement 

given the topography of the site. The remaining rural (MRS) zoned areas immediately north of the Helena 

River are, however, heavily constrained in their ability to extend sewerage infrastructure given land access 

requirements and the critical mass of development likely required to fund such a scheme.  The extension of 

sewer to these areas as a by-product of any infill program being rolled out to the adjacent urban zoned area 

would appear unlikely or long term at best.  

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