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FISSION BY COLD POLARIZED NEUTRONS Kadmensky S.G. 1 , Bunakov V.E. 2 , Lyubashevsky D.E. 1 1 Voronezh State University, Voronezh, Russia; 2 Petersburg Inst. of Nucl. Phys., Gatchina, and S.-Petersburg State University, Russia Email: The coefficients ( ) D of T-odd asymmetries in angular distribution of α-particles emitted in ternary fission reactions by cold polarized neutrons are represented [1] as ( ) ( ) ROT TRI D D D . The coefficient ROT D for ROT- asymmetry caused by the influence of collective rotation of polarized fissile system to the unperturbed α-particle angular distribution 0 ( ) W is represented as 0 1 0 [ ( )] ( ) ROT ROT D a W dW d . The coefficient TRI D for TRI-asymmetry is practically independent from the angle and is caused by the influence of catapult and Coriolis forces connected with presented above rotation to nucleons of fissile nucleus neck participating in the formation of α-particles. Coefficients ( ) ROT D , TRI D and ( ) D , proposed in [1] have dynamical character and therefore must be close for neighboring target nuclei 233 U , 235 U , 239 Pu . But measured coefficients ( ) D for these nuclei change in the irregular manner. For the explanation of these result it was proposed [2] the unified mechanism for ROT- and TRI-asymmetries associated with different influences of the Coriolis interaction to even 0 ( ) ev A and to odd 0 ( ) odd A amplitudes of α-particles angular distributions, when 0 0 ( ) ( ) ev ROT ev dA D a A d ; 0 0 ( ) ( ) odd TRI odd dA D a A d where the coefficients ev a and odd a are defined by phase differences for amplitudes of ternary fission from different s-neutron resonance states of the fissile nucleus which strongly fluctuate for neighboring target nuclei. These coefficients ( ) ROT D and ( ) TRI D successfully explain the experimental dependences of ( ) D for nuclei 235 U , 239 Pu at all angles and for the nucleus 233 U in the region of 60 110 . It is necessary the additional testing of experimental results for nucleus 233 U in remaining area of angles. The appearance of the T-odd asymmetries for angular distributions of the evaporation neutrons and γ-quanta can be caused, firstly, by the anisotropy of named above distributions and, secondly, by the influence of the polarized fissioning system rotation to fission fragments angular distributions. Since these anisotropies are connected with the even orbital angular momentum of neutrons and quanta, the T-odd asymmetry for them must have the character of ROT- asymmetry, which is consistent with the experimental dependences of ( ) D . 1. A.Gagarski et al. // Proc. 4th Inter. Workshop Nucl. Fission. France. 2009. P.323. 2. V.E.Bunakov, S.G.Kadmensky, S.S.Kadmensky // Phys. Nucl. 2010. V.73. P.1474. 210 THE ANGULAR AND SPIN DISTRIBUTIONS OF THE FISSION FRAGMENTS WITH TAKING INTO ACCOUNT THE FISSILE NUCLEUS TRANSVERSE OSCILATIONS NEAR IT’S SCISSION POINT Kadmensky S.G. 1 , Bunakov V.E. 2 , Lyubashevsky D.E. 1 1 Voronezh State University, Voronezh, Russia; 2 Petersburg Inst. of Nucl. Phys., Gatchina, and S.-Petersburg State University, Russia Email: The angular distribution ( ) W of fissile fragments in internal coordinate system of fissile nucleus is localized in the narrow region near the conserved in fission process direction of symmetry axis of name above nucleus. This localization is defined [1] by zero transverse wriggling-vibrations of fissile nucleus near it’s scission point which led to the distribution of relative orbital angular moments of prescission fragments 1 2 ( ) exp[ (2 ) ] w w w W L L C C L [2]. For actinide nuclei the value w C is equal 132 and average value of orbital moments L is equal 14.4 w L . Distribution ( ) w W L coincides with the analogous distribution of fission fragments for conditions 0 w L J ? and w L L ? , where 0 J – the spin of the fissioning compound nucleus and 2 L – the change of orbital moment L of fragments connected with the nonsphericity of it’s Coulomb interaction. With usage of the distribution ( ) W as the spread δ-function, which is constructed by the replacing of L -distribution ( ) w W L into 2 0 ( ) 2 m W L L L , where m L L , the comparison of calculated [3] angular distributions of photofission fragments ( ) W in the laboratory coordinate system with analogous experimental distributions leads to the value 30 m L . Using the found above values w L and the relation 3 2 m L L for distribution 0 ( ) W L it can be get the value 21.6 m L , which has the essential deviation from found above value 30 m L . It is interesting to understand the reasons of this deviation. The fission fragment spin distribution coincides with the prefragment spin distribution 2 1 ( ) 4 ( )exp[ 2 ( ) ] w b w b W J J C C J C C of, constructed with usage [2] of zero transverse wriggling- and bending-vibrations of the fissile nucleus. For actinide nuclei the value b C is equal 57.3 and the average value of spin J is equal 8.6, which agree with experiment values of J . At the same time, the alignment of the fission fragments spins relatively of the symmetry axis caused by transverse wriggling- and bending-vibrations give possibility to explain the anisotropies angular distributions of the evaporation neutrons and γ-quanta. 1. S.G.Kadmensky et al. // Bull. Russ. Acad. Sci. Phys. 2011. V.75. P.989. 2. J.R.Nix, W.J.Swiatecki // Nucl. Phys. A. 1965. V.71. P.1. 3. S.G.Kadmensky, L.V.Rodionova // Bull. Russ. Acad. Sci. Phys. 2005. V.69. P.793. 211 APPLICATION OF FOUR-DIMENSIONAL LANGEVIN DYNAMICS TO STUDY DIFFERENT FEATURES OF HEAVY-ION-INDUCED FISSION Cheredov A.V., Nadtochy P.N., Adeev G.D. Omsk State University, Omsk, Russia E-mail: The four-dimensional dynamical model (4D) [1], which has been proposed and developed on the basis of the three-dimensional model (3D) by incorporating the tilting degree of freedom ( K-mode) into Langevin dynamics, was applied to the analysis of experimental observables from fusion-fission reactions induced by heavy ions. In the present study we investigate the reaction 20 232 252 Ne Th Fm, 24 208 232 Mg Pb Pu, 16 184 200 O W Pb, for which experimental data on the mass-energy distribution, multiplicity of prescission light particles, fission probability P f and anisotropy of angular distribution are available. Three collective shape coordinates plus the tilting coordinate were considered dynamically from the ground state deformation to the scission into fission frag- ments. In the present study we investigate the effect of the various deformation dependences of the friction parameter K (q), which controls the coupling between the orientation degree of freedom K and the “heat bath” [2], on the experimental observables at different values of a reduction coefficient from the contribution from the “wall” formula s k [3]. The 4D calculations for light and heavy nuclei allow to obtain a consistent de- scription of the mass-energy distributions parameters, prescission neutron multiplicity, fission probability, and anisotropy. Using the constant s k coefficient from the interval 0.25 < k s < 0.5 and deformation-dependent coefficient k s ( q) obtained from chaos-weighted “wall” formula [4] provides a good description of experimental observables in 4D calculations. To reproduce the experimental data on the anisotropy for light nucleus, the friction coefficient γ K with respect to the orientation degree of freedom should be increased up to 0.4 (MeV·zs) –1/2 (its value is dependent on the k s used). The calculated results demonstrate that the influence of the k s and γ K parameters on the calculated quantities can be selectively probed. The friction parameter γ K affects the angular distribution of fission fragment only. At the same time reduction coefficient k s affects mass-energy distribution, multiplicity of prescission light particles, fission probability P f and anisotropy of fission fragment distribution. The 4D dynamical calculations predict independence of the anisotropy of the fission fragment angular distribution on the fission fragment mass, and it is in agreement with the experimental data. This study was partially supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Research Project No. 13-02-00168 (Russia). 1. P.N.Nadtochy, E.G.Ryabov, G.D.Adeev // Phys. Rev. C. 2014. V.89. 014616. 2. J.P.Lestone, S.G.McCalla // Phys. Rev. C. 2009. V.79. 044611. 3. A.J.Sierk, J.R.Nix // Phys. Rev. C. 1980. V.21. P.982. 4. G.Chaudhuri, S.Pal // Phys. Rev. C. 2001. V.63. 064603. 212 POST-SCISSION DISSIPATIVE MOTION AND FISSION-FRAGMENT KINETIC ENERGY Chushnyakova M.V. 1,2 , Gontchar I.I. 3 1 Omsk State Technical University, Omsk, Russia; 2 Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk, Russia; 3 Omsk State Transport University, Omsk, Russia E-mail: Theoretical description of the fission fragment (FF) kinetic energy distribution is a longstanding and still unresolved problem [1, 2]. When describing theoretically this distribution it is usually thought that the values defining it are frozen at the scission point [2, 3]. In this work we focus on the question whether the post-scission motion can influence the FF kinetic energy. For this aim we calculate the energy dissipated during the flying-off of the FFs. As the first step we develop an algorithm approximating the dumbbell prescission shape by two separated fragments just after scission. The quadrupole and octupole deformations of FF are taken into account, the FF configuration is supposed to possess axial symmetry (the FF are positioned pole-to-pole). Then we model the FF post-scission motion using the trajectory model with surface friction developed by us in [4]. The nucleus-nucleus potential which is the core quantity in this model is calculated within the double-folding model with M3Y NN forces [5]; the Coulomb energy is calculated using the double- folding approach as well. The dissipative force is constructed according to the method proposed in [6]. Our calculations show that depending on the initial pole-to-pole distance the dissipated energy can reach up to 10% of the experimental FF total kinetic energy. 1. Yu.A.Lazarev // At. En. Rev. 1977. V.15. P.75. 2. G.D.Adeev et al. // Phys. Part. Nucl. 2005. V.36. P.733. 3. S.K.Samaddar et al. // Physica Scripta 1982. V.25. P.517. 4. M.V.Chushnyakova, I.I.Gontchar // Phys. Rev. C. 2013. V.87. 014614. 5. M.J.Rhoades-Brown et al. // Z. Phys. A. 1983. V.310. P.287. 6. D.H.E.Gross, H.Kalinowski // Phys. Rep. C. 1978. V.45. P.175. 213 PRECISE MULTIDIMENSIONAL POTENTIAL ENERGY SURFACES FOR ALPHA-CLUSTERING, BINARY AND TERNARY FISSION Pashkevich V.V. 1 , Unzhakova A.V. 2 1 Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia; 2 St.Petersburg State University, St.Petersburg, Russia E-mail: The microscopic description of fission process involving different cluster formation is presented. The comparison with other modern theoretical approaches to nuclear potential energy calculations (PES) aimed to describe the nuclear clustering is done [1, 2]. The non-restricted axial shape parameterization used [3] displays the effect of the strong magic shells formation on the nuclear potential energy landscape. The internal structure of nucleus is assumed to be equilibrium at each step of the collective motion so the internal degrees of freedom are described within the adiabatic approximation. It is the shell- correction part of the nuclear energy that is responsible for the multi-modal structure of the PES in the deformation space of high-dimension. In [1], the minima of the PES are found by variation of the charge and mass numbers of two fragments out of the three constituents and the distances between them. The calculations agree with the recent experimental results on the collinear cluster tri-partition [4, 5]. There are the ruptures of two necks separating the middle cluster belonging to the nearly ternary nuclear system and two outer magic fragments. In [2], the alpha-decay process was described as the evolution of the system in the collective coordinates of the mass asymmetry and relative distance between the center of mass of clusters. The strong relationship between the reflection asymmetry and alpha-clustering was obtained. In our model collective parameters of the system such as neck radius and asymmetry value are not used in the shape parameterization, they are determined only after calculation of the resulting shape by minimization in ten deformation parameters. The choice of the collective parameters gives us a unique possibility to describe various fission processes such as conventional multimodal binary fission, different ternary type configurations [1,4,5] and effects of the alpha- clustering in heavy nuclear by means of general high-dimensional PES consisting of the several sheets. Each sheet of the PES is responsible for the strongest shell correction effect. 1. A.K.Nasirov, W.von Oertzen et al. // arXiv:1503.03158v1. 2. T.M.Shneidman, R.V.Jolos, W. Scheid et al. // Eur.Phys. J. A. 2011. V.42. P.481. 3. A.V.Unzhakova, V.V.Pashkevich, Y.V.Pyatkov // Proc. of the 5th Int. Conf. Fission and Properties of Neutron-Rich Nuclei 2013 , Sanibel Island, USA. P.218. 4. W.von Oertzen,Y.V.Pyatkov et al. // Acta Physica Polonica. 2013. V.44. P.447. 5. Yu.V.Pyatkov, D.V.Kamanin et al. // Physics of Atomic Nuclei 2014. V.77. P.1518. 214 COLLINEAR NUCLEAR FISSION INTO THREE COMPARABLE FRAGMENTS Karpeshin F.F. D.I. Mendeleyev Institute for Metrology, Saint-Petersburg, Russia E-mail: Ternary fission is usually understood as the nuclear fission on two normal fragments accompanied with emission of the third light charged particle, usually alpha particles. Long time it was considered that at low energies of the fissile nuclei under tens MeV, division into three comparable fragments is extremely improbable. Only rather recently, the idea of collinear fission into three fragments gained distribution. Purposeful searches of this mode resulted in experimental values of relative probability about 10 –3 in comparison with binary fission [1]. This revives old interest in the question. Usually two mechanisms are considered which can realize this type of fission. One of them is, at first sight, obvious: this consecutive nuclear fission, at first on two fragments, one of which in turn undergoes fission into two others. Both events can be considered occurring in a random way, independently from each other. The other mechanism is usually called real ternary fission. However, for a long time this mechanism was not concretized. In work [2] it is shown that this mode can be related with the corresponding doorway states. In the report it is shown that this mechanism is caused by hexadecapole deformation of the nuclear surface, whereas binary fission occurs through the quadrupole oscillations. Estimates on the mass relations of splinters are received as 1:1.87:1. Dynamics of formation and scattering of collinear splinters is shown. The calculated probability of truly threefold division of P 3f ≈ 10 –3 corresponds to the observed values. 1. D.V.Kamanin, Yu.V.Pyatkov. // Lect. Notes in Phys. 2013. V.3. P.183; Yu.V.Pyatkov, D.V.Kamanin, A.A.Alexandrov et al. // In International Symposium on Exotic Nuclei EXON-12, Vladivostok, Russia, 1-6 October 2012, Conference proceedings. P.407. 2. F.F.Karpeshin, A.Vieira, C.Fiolhais, J.da Providencia Jr. // Europhys. Lett. 1998. V.42. P.149. 215 EFFECT OF THE ELECTRON SCREENING ON NUCLEAR REACTIONS Karpeshin F.F. 1 , Trzhaskovskaya M.B. 2 1 D.I. Mendeleyev Institute for Metrology, Saint-Petersburg, Russia; 2 PNPI Kurchatov center, Gatchina, Russia E-mail: Effect of the electron screening on the alpha decay rate of typical nuclei is considered. To this end, the adiabatic approach is exploited, which consecutively takes into account the adiabaticity of the motion of the alpha particle through the shells [1]. The results of the calculation are presented in the Table. The effect is found to be of the order of one tenth to one hundredth of a percent for the considered representative nuclei. The method can be applied to description of nuclear reactions of synthesis, which take place in stellar plasma or at laboratory. The effect is expected to be much stronger in the nuclear reactions at small energies, ~ 30 keV and lower. Nuclide Q (MeV) T 1 /2 Y (%) 144 Nd 1.905 2.29∙10 15 yr 0.24 214 Rn 9.208 0.27 μs 0.02 226 Ra 4.871 1600 yr 0.23 252 Cf 6.217 2.645 yr 0.28 241 Es 8.320 9 s 0.12 294 118 11.81 0.89 ms 0.27 Table. Results for the relative change in half-periods in bare nuclides (last column). 1. F.F.Karpeshin // Phys. Rev. C. 2013. V.87. 054319. |
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