in livestock farms, which were provided by “Boysunfarm” LLC, which was present in the Boysun District
of the Surhondarya region.
LANOLIN - is a substance that is cleaned, discolored, degassed, similar to wax, obtained from sheep
wool. It contains no more than 0,25% water. Dark, viscous, a substance with a specific light odor, whose
color ranges from light yellow to Orange.
As a result of centrifugation, the separating our mass wool wax washed in water and cleaned o f dirty
impurities, we took 0,1 g cake from it, put it in the test tube and dissolved it by inserting 5ml chloroform on
it, then when we put 5ml of concentrated sulfuric acid, a ring of bright red color was formed at the middle.
When we took 0,1 g of pure lanolin and fulfilled the same reaction, a ring o f bright red color was formed at
the combined point of the liquids, two reactions gave the same result .
Results: according to Government pharmacopeia XI, when we conducted a quality reaction to lano
lin, the same result was obtained in both reactions, a ring of bright red color.
Conclusion: when the qualitative reaction to the lanolin substance, separated from sheep wool grown
in the territory of Uzbekistan, it was determined that it would meet the normative document requirement.
Xabibullayeva Sh.M., Farmanova N.T.
Toshkent farmatsevtika institute
e-mail:, tel.90 934-41-45
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