Do students need to be taught how to make or request repairs?
Is the adjacency pair really crucial to language teaching, or is it just saying
people take turns to speak, just as tennis players hit the ball alternately?
Further reading
Two books that give a wealth of information on the language teaching classroom
are: Chaudron (1988)
Second Language Classrooms: Research on Teaching and
Learning, and Ellis (1990)
Instructed Second Language Acquisition.
The use of authentic
texts in teaching is described in Little
et al. (1988)
Authentic Texts in Foreign
Language Teaching: Theory and Practice. A useful book on
the role of the first lan-
guage in the classroom is Macaro (1997)
Target Language, Collaborative Learning
and Autonomy; an account of dual language
programmes can be found in
Montague (1997) ‘Critical components for dual language programs’ in
Research Journal 21: 4. A clear introduction to Conversation Analysis can be found
in Seedhouse (2004)
The Interactional Architecture of the Language Classroom.
reading 169