Speak about family(Oila haqida gapiring) Describe your family?

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Speak about family(Oila haqida gapiring)

Describe your family?(oilangizni tasvirlab bering?)

My family consists of 4 people. My father’s name is Khairullah, my mother’s name is Dildora, my sister’s name is Dilshoda and my name is Dilnura. Everyone in my family works. I study at university. Our family is warm and happy. I love my family. My mother is a very kind, sincere, friendly person. My father is angry, hard-working, blameless person. My sister is a kind and kind person, sometimes very angry.
Do you have a large or small family(Katta yoki kichik oilangiz bormi?)

I am not married yet. My family is a small family. Because we have my mother, father, sister and me in our family. It is convenient for me to have a small family. Because I don’t like many people living in the same house. Even if there were few people, we could live peacefully. I have one sister and I never get bored with her.

How much time do you spend with your family?(Oilangiz bilan qancha vaqt o’tkazasiz?)

I don’t get to spend much time with my family. Because in the morning I go to study and they go to work. I go to bed tired of studying and get up and do my homework until I fall asleep. I can’t talk to my family even after they come home from work because there are so many problems like classes, session, course work. In my family, I talk more with my sister and my mother. Neither they nor I will have time to talk to my father.

Do you go outside together?(Tashqariga birga chiqasizmi?)
I only go out with my family when we are visiting. I often go with my sister on business. If we organize some trips, we will definitely go together with my family members. Sometimes I go to weddings and entertainment without my family members. My trips are mostly spent with my classmates and friends. My family and I rarely go on tours together.

What is personal contribution to your family?(Sizning oilangizga shaxsiy hissangiz qanday?)

My contribution to my family will be as follows: 1. Bringing thanks to my parents through my education. 2. I pray for them in my prayers. 3. Helping them in every way by being the owner of both worldly and Islamic knowledge. 4. If I finish my studies, Insha’Allah, help me with money. 5. Taking care of housework, cooking sweet dishes, etc.

What type of task you do at your home to assist your family members?(Oila a’zolaringizga yordam berish uchun uyingizda qanday vazifani bajarasiz?)

I spend most of my time at university and on the road. Because there is a long distance between the University and my house. I will be very tired by the time I get home. To be honest, I don’t do any work at home. Only on Sundays do I eat, do laundry, and do my lessons as usual. My parents understand me. I will never be beaten. At home, I am called this student. Every day after I come home from class, I take a little nap and then study again. The day goes like this.

Whom you like most in your family?Why?(Oilangizda kimni ko’proq yoqtirasiz? Nima uchun?)

I love my parents more than my family. I can’t say that I like it by separating them from each other. They are my life. There are those that I will always be a happy lucky person. Their prayers for me are very necessary for my life. No one can give them the love they give. And I also love my only family member, my sister. We always make fun jokes with him. The person who always makes our family happy and makes us laugh is my sister. Each of my family members is precious to me. I love them very much.

What do you like to do together as a family?(oila sifatida birga nima qilishni yoqtirasiz?)

I like watching movies with my family members. I like to cook different things with my mother. I like to play different games, dance, sing, joke with my sister. I like to fix different equipment with my dad, I am very interested in it. Sometimes I fix some equipment even when my dad is not at home. All of my family members often cook together.

Do you get along well with your family?(Oilangiz bilan yaxshi munosabatda bo’lasizmi?)

I definitely get along well with my family members. Sometimes I argue with them. But I often regret this work. The people I relate to the best are my parents. My sister is the one I fight with the most and the one I talk to the most. Most of the time I can’t even communicate with them because my classes are so busy. They are always the most precious people for me.

Are people In your country generally close to their families?(Mamlakatingizdagi odamlar odatda oilalariga yaqinmi?)

In Uzbekistan, our country differs from other countries in the affection and sincere feelings of family members. Families have very good education for children. Children do not leave their parents when they grow up. They are always taken care of. A positive family relationship is the presence of an Islamic environment.

What types of families are more common in your home town?(Sizning tug’ilgan shaharingizda qanday oilalar ko’proq uchraydi?)

My hometown is Chirchik. I don’t know what families in the whole city are like. As for our neighbors, their families are always peaceful. I live in an apartment building, so I don’t know my neighbors well. I know some of them. From the houses of my comrades there is never a sound of war and strife. Our family is peaceful and happy as always.

How important is a family bonding to you?(Oilaviy munosabatlar siz uchun qanchalik muhim?)

Of course, family relations are the first priority for me. If the family is peaceful, everyone lives happily. If the relationship between my family members is negative, I don’t want to live. I feel like I’m alone in the world and nobody needs me. I don’t even pay attention to what is happening around me. For my life to be meaningful, my family needs to get along with me and with each other.

What is your favourite memory with your family members?(Oila a’zolaringiz bilan eng sevimli xotirangiz nima?)

My favorite day with my family is my birthday. Because every time on my birthday they make wonderful surprises. We have such a tradition in our family. We always make the most wonderful surprises for our family members on their birthdays. My mother’s birthday is the most wonderful day for me. Because when I see my mother’s happiness, I will be very happy. Every moment I spend with my family members is my favorite time.

Speak about yourself.(O’zingiz haqingizda gapiring.)

Describe yourself.(O’zingizni tasvirlab bering.)

My name is Dilnura. I am twenty one years old. I study at the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology of Nizamiy Tashkent State University of Education. My personality is sometimes aggressive and sometimes cheerful. I always like to help people. If someone asks me for help, I can’t say no. I am interested in writing and reciting poems. I have a channel called “Audio Poems”. I love me.

What do you do?(Nima ish qilasiz?)

I am currently studying at Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami. My profession is a student. The main thing I do is study and sleep, and enjoy eating. I rarely do anything at home either. To be honest, I’m lazy. In my free time from studying, I do my hobbies. I like to do what I like.

What do you do in your leisure time?(Bo’sh vaqtingizda nima qilasiz?)

When I have free time, I always read my own poems or other people’s poems in audio mode. I like painting nature scenes. My favorite thing is to listen to music again. I also read books in my spare time. I really like reading the Quran again. Of course, I always try to read the Qur’an. I often feel sleepy before I have free time. Sleep also helps me spend my free time productively. Some days I don’t even have free time

Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?(Keyingi 5 yil ichida o’zingizni qayerda ko’rasiz?)

I see myself as a university teacher in 5 years. In 5 years I will have a new family, children, my own captiva car and I will be wearing hijab. I have many dreams. After 5 years, my collection of poems will be published as a book. InshaAllah, in 5 years we will go to Mecca together with my husband.

Describe the place where you come from.(Siz kelgan joyni tasvirlab bering.)

I was born in the city of Chirchik. Chirchik is a wonderful city. The people are also good. There is a Christian church in the city of Chirchik. All people know the city of Chirchik through this. There are parks and gardens in the city of Chirchik. There is also a cinema in Chirchik. There are also many different places to eat. Chirchik market is also very big and you can find anything you want there.

Speak about education.(Ta’lim haqida gapiring.)

Describe your education.(Ta’limingizni tasvirlab bering.)

Our education system is as follows. Schools provide education from 1st to 11th grade. After the ninth grade, students who wish can go to colleges or lyceums. All students who have completed the 11th grade will be able to apply to universities. The quality of education in universities is satisfactory. Compared to other countries, it is relatively difficult to get into the universities of Uzbekistan, and it is easy to study. In other countries, it is easy to study, but it is difficult to study. The improvement of the quality of education is being carried out step by step.

What kind of school did you go to as a child?(Bolaligingizda qanday maktabda o’qigansiz?)

I studied at the 13th school in Chirchik city, I was admitted to the first grade in 2008, class 1-“v” and I studied there for 9 years. I respected and liked my teachers very much. My interest in poetry began during this period. I always got 5’s in art subjects. Because painting is my hobby

Did you go to a co educational school?(Siz umumta’lim maktabiga borganmisiz?)

Yes, I went to school in 2008. I studied in the 1st “V” class. I studied at school for 9 years. After that I will study in college. At school I studied for 3 4 grades. I used to get 5 marks in some subjects I was interested in. I don’t want to remember my school days because my classmates misbehaved with me.

What was your favorite subject as a child?(Bolaligingizda qaysi mavzuni yoqtirgansiz?)

I have been very interested in art since childhood, and at the same time I am very interested in singing, writing poetry, dancing, and even now I have a strong interest in sharia, and through this interest, my poems have been published in books, and I am very happy about it. It was my childhood curiosity that got me to this point.

Who was your favorite teacher?(Sizning sevimli o’qituvchingiz kim edi?)

My favorite teacher is my elementary school teacher. Their name is Muyassar. I knew them before I went to school. They taught me to write letters, count numbers and all knowledge and education. Next, my favorite teacher was Dilfuza, a teacher from Biology. We always had a good conversation with them. They would give me some of their bands to study. Because of this teacher, I studied biology very well.

What is the education system like in your country?(Mamlakatingizda ta’lim tizimi qanday?)

The education system in our country is as follows: 1. Children’s institution of preschool age from 2 to 6 years. 2. Primary education is from 7 to 10 years old. 3. High school students from 11 to 15 years old or from 11 to 17 years old. 4. College or lyceum is studied for 2 years from 15 to 17 years old. 5. Universities have no age limit if they have completed the eleventh grade of school. It is taught for 4 years. 5. Master’s degree is taught for 2 years specially for university graduates. Master’s studies are free for girls and women.

Do you think your country has an Effective Education System?(Sizningcha, mamlakatingizda samarali ta’lim tizimi mavjudmi?)

Yes, of course, an effective education system is being implemented step by step in our country, Uzbekistan, from preschool to universities. Today’s education system has changed for the better. The quality of education is also increasing through the disappearance of cases of corruption from the state. Where there is justice, all things work.

Speak about your Studies(O’qishlaringiz haqida gapiring)

What are you studying now?(Hozir nimani o’qiyapsiz?)

I study at Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami. Currently, I am preparing thoroughly in each subject as the session is going on. That’s why I don’t have time to read other kinds of books. Since my knowledge of English is not enough, I intend to study English in depth. If I get 50 (fifty) points in the exam, my love for English will increase.

What was your favorite subject in school?(Maktabdagi eng sevimli faningiz nima edi?)

My favorite subject at school was art class. I like drawing very much. Using them to coordinate colors gave me peace. My marks in this subject were 5. After finishing this subject, my favorite subject was mother tongue and literature, biology. My interest in writing poems was also introduced by our teacher who teaches mother tongue and literature.

What is your area of specialization(Sizning mutaxassisligingiz qaysi soha)

I study at the Toshken State Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology. My future field and profession is a teaching psychologist, a teacher of educational sciences. In the future, I have the goal of becoming a famous psychologist after completing my master’s degree, gaining great qualifications, and imparting my knowledge to young students at the university. I am proud of my chosen field.

How the education and helpful to shape a person’s life?(Ta’lim va inson hayotini shakllantirishga qanday yordam beradi?)

Education is the most valuable gift that is needed in human life. Education is a science that should be given to a child from a young age. If a child is interested in science and education from a young age, he will achieve great goals in the future.

Education will be given and help to receive it correctly so that every person can be formed and find his place in life. In life, it is necessary to engage in education, not just education.

What single aspect you would like to change in your school or university?(Maktab yoki universitetingizda qaysi jihatni o’zgartirishni xohlaysiz?)

It is necessary to completely change the education system in the school. In schools, the number of students in a class should not exceed twenty, lesson times should be set to 1 hour, 4 hours to 5 hours should be taught in 1 day. Students who do not come to class should re-read and hand over the missed lessons to the teachers. Education and training should be better organized, as in universities, attendance should be strictly considered. And in universities, it is necessary to return the class time to the previous state, to pay more attention to education than education.

Speak about your hometown.(O’z shahringiz haqida gapiring.)

Describe your hometown.(O’z tug’ilgan shaharingizni tasvirlab bering.)

I was born in the city of Chirchik. Chirchik is a wonderful city. The people are also good. There is a Christian church in the city of Chirchik. All people know the city of Chirchik through this. There are parks and gardens in the city of Chirchik. There is also a cinema in Chirchik. There are also many different places to eat. Chirchik market is also very big and you can find anything you want there.

What’s special about it?(Buning nimasi o’ziga xos?)

The peculiarity of this is that the city of Chirchik is located near the mountain, so the air is clean. The main thing is that the lights rarely go out in Chirchik. Gases are also high. All conditions are there. There are many mosques in Chirchik. The sound of the azan is heard 5 times in our house.

Where is your hometown located?(Sizning tug’ilgan shaharingiz qayerda joylashgan?)

My city is located in the city of Chirchik, Tashkent region, Uzbekistan. I do not regret that I was born in this place, this place is paradise for me. I am proud to be born in the country called Uzbekistan. I still live in Chirchik. It has been 21 years since I was born and raised in Chirchik.

Is it easy to travel around your hometown?(O’z shahringiz bo’ylab sayohat qilish osonmi?)

Of course, traveling in Chirchik is easy. Because there are not many cars on the roads. The roads are smooth. There are many parks to visit. You can go to the mountain through the city of Chirchik. I have visited many places in my hometown. There are no places I haven’t visited. I love my city very much. I love the people, the atmosphere, and the location.

What do people in Your town do?(Sizning shahringizdagi odamlar nima qilishadi?)

People in my city often work in the city. Jobs in my city have low monthly wages. Therefore, many people work in the city. Many people work in agriculture, handicrafts, tailoring. There are many schools in the city of Chirchik, because the majority of the city of Chirchik is made up of young people.

What languages are spoken in your hometown?(sizning tug’ilgan shaharingizda qaysi tillarda gaplashiladi?)

Uzbek is the main language spoken in my hometown. People in my city speak Tajik, Tatar, Kazakh, Russian. People in our city often speak Uzbek by adding more Russian words. I also often speak Russian and Uzbek mixed.

What are the advantages of living in your hometown?(O’z shahringizda yashashning qanday afzalliklari bor?)

Advantages of living in my city: my city has all the conditions, there are market stalls, hotels, restaurants, sports stadiums. I am satisfied with my city. One of the best aspects is that the light does not go out and the gas burns high. There are all conditions and the air is clean and pure.

What are some problems faced by your hometown?(Sizning tug’ilgan shaharingizda qanday muammolar mavjud?)

In my hometown, Chirchik, the main problem is the low salary, in many places only young professionals are needed, even if it is difficult for older people to find a job, their monthly salary is low. Like everywhere else, the price of onions is high, the gas station is closed, taxis are expensive.

Compare to your hometown with another city.(O’z shaharingizni boshqa shahar bilan solishtiring.)

If I compare the city of Chirchik with the city of Tashkent, my city is more valuable to me. Although it is very cold in winter, it is not very hot in summer. Because my city is located near the mountain. Products in Tashkent are very expensive, but here they are cheap. Nowadays, many lights go out in Tashkent, but in our house, the gas is high and our house is hot.

What are some environmental problems faced by your hometown?(Sizning tug’ilgan shaharingizda qanday ekologik muammolar mavjud?)

There is a chemical plant called “Maxam Chirchik” in the city of Chirchik. How many harmful fumes come out there every day. The saddest thing is that the factory is located in a residential area. But that factory is far away from my house. Another environmental problem is that most of the population burns waste and cuts down trees. But there are a lot of trees in my area.

Speak about weather(ob-havo haqida gapiring)

What’s the weather like in your country(Mamlakatingizda ob-havo qanday)

Weather in Uzbekistan is moderate. It snows in winter and it is cold. In the spring, flowers open and the weather becomes warm. In summer, fruits and vegetables ripen and the weather is hot. In autumn, the weather is moderate and it rains. Each season has its own weather. I am very happy that I was born in Uzbekistan.

Does The weather affect your mood?(ob-havo sizning kayfiyatingizga ta’sir qiladimi?)

The weather affects my mood very well, for example, when the weather gets dark and the sky turns black, my mood rises for some reason, this is definitely my character. When the weather is clear, when the sun is shining, I feel a little down. Because I don’t like hot days. I like cold days.

How do rainy days make you feel?(Yomg’irli kunlar sizni qanday his qiladi?)

I really like rainy days. Because tears do not appear when it rains. When it rains, my music comes and I enter the world of music. It’s so fun to listen to music and sing when it’s raining. And I want to write more poems because the rain seems to share my pains, sorrows, and sufferings.

What’s your favorite season of the year?(Yilning qaysi fasli sizga yoqadi?)

I like the winter season of the year. Because in winter the earth looks like a white carpet, and the fall of fairy-tale snow gives me pleasure. Winter season is the end of the year and New Year’s holiday is celebrated in winter.
New Year means the renewal of this year. Another reason why I like winter is because I was born in winter. I really like the cold weather. I can’t stand the heat for some reason.

What do you like to do when it’s hot?(Issiq bo’lganda nima qilishni yoqtirasiz?)

As the weather warms, my mood drops. Because I don’t like summer at all. It’s very hot, it affects me badly, I can’t stand strong sunlight. On hot days, I like to drink more ice water and eat ice cream. I don’t want to go out on hot days. It’s comfortable for me to stay cool at home.

What do you usually do in the winter?(Siz odatda qishda nima qilasiz?)

I celebrate my birthday in December every winter. In winter, I cook a variety of dishes to celebrate the most wonderful holiday, the New Year. Before the New Year, I decorate the houses with fairy tales. I like to play in the snow when it snows in winter. The reason why I like winter so much is the holiday when Universities declare vacation and that vacation lasts up to 1 month.

How many seasons is your country have?(Mamlakatingizda necha fasl bor?)

There are 4 seasons in Uzbekistan. Every season comes in its place. In winter, it is cold and it snows. In spring, the day will be warm and the flowers will open. In the summer, the days are hot, fruits, vegetables, and citrus crops ripen. In autumn, the day is warm at first and then colder. A number of fruits and vegetables are ripening in the pot. I am proud to be born and live in Uzbekistan.

Have you noticed any changes in weather and atmosphere in the last few years?(So’nggi bir necha yil ichida ob-havo va atmosferada biron bir o’zgarishlarni sezdingizmi?)

In the last few years, the weather has changed very significantly, summers are getting very hot. It got a little cold in the winter. This affects us, the people of Uzbekistan, very hard and badly. Because on cold days, the lights go out a lot, so many families suffer from the cold. The price will go up. Climate change is affecting other things as well

How can you contribute to to improve the environment surrounding you?(Atrofingizdagi muhitni yaxshilashga qanday hissa qo’sha olasiz?)

To improve the environment, I should not throw garbage on the ground. By reprimanding those who pollute the streets, or by helping to clean the streets, I will be doing my part to improve the environment.

Speak about your home.(Uyingiz haqida gapiring)

Describe your home.(Uyingizni tasvirlab bering.)
I live in one of the apartment buildings. My house is on the 1st floor. Our house has 2 rooms. There are 6 rooms in total. Our house is cozy. A beautiful view of the trees is visible from the window. The garden is visible from our rear window. Since we have 4 people living in the house, our house is comfortable for us. I like living in an apartment building.

What kind of building do you live in?(Siz qanday binoda yashaysiz?)

Speak about your home.(Uyingiz haqida gapiring)

I live in one of the apartment buildings. My house is on the 1st floor. Our house has 2 rooms. There are 6 rooms in total. Our house is cozy. A beautiful view of the trees is visible from the window. The garden is visible from our rear window. Since we have 4 people living in the house, our house is comfortable for us. I like living in an apartment building.

How long have you live there?(U yerda qancha vaqt yashaysiz?)

I have lived in my house for nineteen years. Before that, we lived at my grandmother’s house. It is near our house.

Describe your room.(Xonangizni tasvirlab bering.)

My room is very cozy. There is one wardrobe, window, curtain, carpet, lamp, heater, flowers. My room is not very spacious. My sister and I sleep in this room. I really like my room.

Describe, what you do when you stay at home?(Ta’riflab bering, uyda qolganingizda nima qilasiz?)

When I’m alone at home, I often do my favorite thing, which is sleep. Sometimes I am busy with my hobbies. If I want to do something at home, I definitely can’t do it without music. And when I’m alone, I sing more music. If my family members are at home, I will do my chores as a smart girl.

Speak about traveling.(Sayohat haqida gapiring)

Do you like to travel(Sayohat qilishni yoqtirasizmi)

Yes, of course I like to travel. I mostly travel to parks. When I am at home, I like to travel only in the evening. Loves walking outdoors at night looking up at the sky and watching the moon and stars. I don’t like to travel alone. I always have to be company.

What’s the best place you’ve ever visited(Siz tashrif buyurgan eng yaxshi joy qaysi?)

The best place I have visited is the Botanic Gardens. Because there are different kinds of plants and trees. It will be great to travel there. The air of the birds chirping there is wonderful. I really liked these. I had gone there for my DTM test. I liked it because the exam was at night

What kind of places have you visited in your life?(Hayotingizda qanday joylarga tashrif buyurgansiz?)I have been to many museums, zoos and parks in my life. There are many places that make me happy when I travel

Which place would you really like to visit?Why?(Qaysi joyga tashrif buyurishni xohlaysiz? Nega?)

What are some places where you would live to travel in future(Kelajakda sayohat qilish uchun yashashingiz mumkin bo’lgan ba’zi joylar)

My place of residence for future travel is Makkah. It is a great happiness for me if I go to kabatullah 5 times a day. I intend to go there and visit Medina Shahari. In addition, I intend to go to Great Britain to see ancient monuments.

Describe a place where you have recently been to(yaqinda bo’lgan joyingizni tasvirlab bering)

We recently went to “Magic City” together with our classmates before the New Year holiday. The place was decorated in a fairy tale. The great music there is a delight. I really liked the decorated Christmas trees there. Since there are Santa Clauses there, only taking pictures is paid. We went there for a fun trip. We will not forget all of them.

Speak about computers.(Kompyuterlar haqida gapiring.)

Do you think computers help society(Sizningcha, kompyuterlar jamiyatga yordam beradimi?)

Yes, of course, computers are very useful in society. Computer work is carried out in all professions and fields. Computers are especially useful for students. Tasks on the phone can be quickly performed on the computer.

Do you think computers are bad for health(Sizningcha, kompyuterlar sog’liq uchun zararlimi)

Yes, it is harmful to health if computer tools are used excessively. The main thing is that the light of the eye weakens. Visual acuity decreases, fatigue occurs, headache occurs. That is why it is necessary to prevent people who use computers for a long time without paying attention to their health.

How do you think computers have changed the world?(Sizningcha, kompyuterlar dunyoni qanday o’zgartirdi?)

The computer began to liberate the world from manual labor. People started managing some jobs with computer technology instead of manual labor. The introduction of computers and the Internet into the life of mankind began to free people from hard work and difficulties.

How long have you been using a computer?(kompyuterdan qancha vaqt foydalanasiz?)

I don’t have a computer. I know how much I use in a day on my phone. I always have a phone in my hand. I can never walk without it. I use it from the time I wake up to the time I go to bed in a day.

What do you mostly do in a computer?(kompyuterda asosan nima qilasiz?)

I’ll say my phone because I don’t have a computer. I mostly go to telegram you tube on my phone. I write with my loved ones on Telegram, I watch videos on YouTube. And to prepare my lessons, I go to google, power point, word a lot. I rarely talk on the phone.

Do you use internet(internetdan foydalanasizmi)

Yes, of course I use the Internet. He can say that you can’t live. We have Wi-Fi in our house. I definitely need the Internet to prepare lessons, watch videos when I’m bored, and correspond with my friends. That’s why I use it.

How do you interact with your friends(do’stlaringiz bilan qanday munasabatta bo’lasiz)

I get along well with my friends. I try to talk to everyone with a smile. Since I don’t have time these days, I chat with them online. I write and send voice messages and video messages through Telegram.

Speak about internet(internet haqida gapiring)

Do you use the internet much during the day(siz kun davomida internetdan ko’p foydalanasizmi?)

Yes, of course I use the Internet. He can say that you can’t live. We have Wi-Fi in our house. I definitely need the Internet to prepare lessons, watch videos when I’m bored, and correspond with my friends. That’s why I use it.

What do you usually do on the internet(odatda internetda nima qilasiz)

Usually I teach online. Internet is required for all classes. To prepare for the session, to do independent work, you need the Internet. There is no life without internet for me. I talk to my friends on the Internet. I do all my work through this internet.

What are some advantages of the internet?(internetning qanday afzalliklari bor?)

Usually I teach online. Internet is required for all classes. To prepare for the session, to do independent work, you need the Internet. There is no life without internet for me. I talk to my friends on the Internet. I do all my work through this internet.

What are some disadvantages(qanday kamchiliklari bor)

The disadvantages of the internet can also lead people down various wrong paths. Some people face very bad consequences due to not using the internet properly. I think the best way to use the internet in a fair and honest way is to bring up topics that people can benefit from.

Do people in your country use the Internet a lot?(mamlakatingizdagilar internetdan ko’p foydalanadimi?)

With the development of the Internet in our country, many people use it. Nowadays, most of the Internet users are young people. Since the Internet does not work well in villages in Uzbekistan, they almost do not use the Internet. There are many wi-fi networks in my city, including in our house.

Do you shopping on the internet(Internetda xarid qilasizmi)

I used to shop online. Then the items I purchased are not as shown in the picture. The picture is different and the original is different. That’s why I try not to shop online as much as possible these days. I advise others not to buy online at all. Because they do not take back their sold products.

Speak about e-mail(e-mail haqida gapiring)

Do you send and receive email regularly(Siz muntazam ravishda elektron pochta xabarlarini yuborasiz va olasizmi?)

No, I don’t understand such things at all. I don’t think I have any need for email. I always use Telegram when I want to send a message.

Who do you usually communicate with?(odatda kim bilan muloqot qilasiz?)

I usually communicate with my best friends and classmates through the Internet. Through my personal channel “Audio Poems”, I communicate with my subscribers through comments.

How often do you check your email(elektron pochtangizni qanchalik tez-tez tekshirasiz)

I always check the messages received by telegram rather than by e-mail. Since my phone is always connected to the Internet, I always check and respond to messages. I often write to others myself.

Do you think writing email has strengthened or weakened people’s writing skills?(Sizningcha, elektron pochta yozish odamlarning yozish qobiliyatini kuchaytirganmi yoki zaiflashtirganmi?)

I can’t answer for everyone. It affects everyone differently. For example, it has improved my writing skills for me. People now use only electronic correspondence to communicate with each other. If I want to send a message to someone, I will definitely send it via the Internet.

What are some disadvantages of email(elektron pochtaning qanday kamchiliklari bor)

Since I don’t know about email, I want to tell you about the disadvantages of using all internet networks. Disadvantages of using the Internet is that a person is stuck in online life and not in real life. Close people talk only through Internet networks. Relatives do not go to see each other. I think that these are the only disadvantages. It only affects people very badly.

Speak about your friends(Do’stlaringiz haqida gapiring)

Describe a friend(do’stni tasvirlab bering)

A friend should be by his side in any situation, cheer him up when he is sad, and rejoice with him when he is happy. A friend should think that he will be together not only in this world but also in the next world. A friend speaks for his friend’s benefit even if he speaks bitterly. Therefore, friends should not be upset with each other.

How long have you known each other?(bir-biringizni qancha vaqtdan beri bilasiz?)

My friend’s name is Shoxida. We have known him for 2 years. We have known each other since the day we came to study at the university. We are the closest friends with him. My only friend in this world and hereafter is Shoxida. I love him very much.

What do usually do together?(Odatda birga nima qilish kerak?)

We usually prepare more lessons together. We laugh at each other during our free time and during class. I really want to Namoz with my friend. I want him to be with me always. I value him more than myself. I’m never depressed when I’m by my side. He and I are always happy.

What do you like the most about him/her(Uning nimasi sizga ko’proq yoqadi)

I like him real virginity. She appreciates me. She knows Islamic teachings well. She always reminds me of Allah. Namaz times remind me to pray. Always helps me. She doesn’t say no to me. A very kind girl, my dearest person to me is Shaxida.

How often do you see each other?(bir-biringizni qanchalik tez-tez ko’rasiz?)

I see my friend on study days. We talk by telegram on Sundays. There is not a single day that we do not talk to each other. We are such best friends.

Speak about your favorite places(Sevimli joylaringiz haqida gapiring)

Describe a place you like to go.(Siz borishni yoqtiradigan joyni tasvirlab bering.)

My favorite place to go is Mecca. Kabatullah is located in the city of Makkah, only Muslims stay there, whatever is intended will come true, and there are also zam-zam waters.

Why is this place special to you(Nima uchun bu joy siz uchun alohida)

Because this place is very important for me, not only for me but also for the Muslims of the whole world because it is the house of Allah. There is only prayer, there are no evils.

When did you first visit this place(Siz bu erga birinchi marta qachon tashrif buyurgansiz)

I haven’t visited there yet. InshaAllah, I want to send my father and mother first and then I want to go there myself. After visiting there, I intend to visit all their cities.

Where is this place located?(Bu joy qayerda joylashgan?)

It is located in Makkah and Madinah, Saudi Arabia. You can get there from here by various means of transport. People even went there on foot.

What languages is spoken here? Do you speak this language?(bu yerda qaysi tillarda gaplashiladi? Bu tilda gapirasizmi?)

Arabic is spoken in Saudi Arabia. I don’t know Arabic yet but I want to learn. If I learn Arabic, I can easily read the Koran. Although Arabic is a very complicated language, I intend to learn it.

Speak about your hobbies(Hobbiyingiz haqida gapiring)

Do you have any hobbies?(Sizning sevimli mashg’ulotlaringiz bormi?)

Yes, of course, I have hobbies. These are: 1. Writing poetry. 2. Reciting poetry in audio mode. I also have my own telegram channel where there are audio poems. 3. Drawing I draw different nature pictures, and my favorite is drawing a picture of the moon. 4. Listening to music and singing, I mainly like to sing the songs of Singer Rayhan. 5. I read mostly detective stories. 6. Reading the Quran. 7. Of course, if everyone is sleepy, lie down and sleep

What are some of your hobbies(Sizning sevimli mashg’ulotlaringiz qanday)

Yes, of course, I have hobbies. These are: 1. Writing poetry. 2. Reciting poetry in audio mode. I also have my own telegram channel where there are audio poems. 3. Drawing I draw different nature pictures, and my favorite is drawing a picture of the moon. 4. Listening to music and singing, I mainly like to sing the songs of Singer Rayhan. 5. I read mostly detective stories. 6. Reading the Quran. 7. Of course, if everyone is sleepy, lie down and sleep

When did you first develop this hobby?(Ushbu sevimli mashg’ulotingizni qachon rivojlantirdingiz?)

I have been developing my hobbies since my school days. I have been interested in writing poetry since I was in the fifth grade. Because I have many hobbies, I can’t develop just one, but I can’t develop all of them to an ideal level. I deal with all of them individually. As the years pass, my skills and abilities continue to evolve.

What are some of the advantages of having a hobby?(sevimli mashg’ulotga ega bo’lishning qanday afzalliklari bor?)

Having a hobby has the following advantages: 1. In stressful situations, doing a hobby gives peace of mind. 2. Helps to use free time effectively. 3. Developing hobbies at a high level helps to achieve big goals.

How much time do you spend on your hobby?(sevimli mashg’ulotingizga qancha vaqt sarflaysiz?)

I spend at least 1 hour on my hobbies. 3 or 4 hours at most. I get special pleasure while doing my hobby. I enjoy my hobbies. I have fun with them. I feel that I have fallen into another world far away from the events around me

Speak about films/movies(Filmlar haqida gapiring.)

Do you enjoy watching movies?(Filmlarni tomosha qilishni yoqtirasizmi?)

I like watching movies. I especially like to watch movies about ships and airplanes, that is, fantastic movies, because there all kinds of emergency situations happen there and they overcome it. I get strength from such movies. And again I like both romantic movies and Islamic movies. But mostly I like watching cartoons more than movies.

What’s your favorite film?(Sevimli filmingiz qaysi?)

My favorite movie is “Qo’rqmas” which is divided into parts, I like the fight scenes, friendships, how to deal with opponents, who really becomes a friend and who becomes an enemy at the end of the movie, this movie kept me focused. Attracted me and I have watched all of this movie without putting it down and I am ready to watch it again and again.

Who are you favorite actors?(Sevimli aktyorlaringiz kimlar?)

My favorite actor is Yoo seung hoo from the movie “Qo’rqmas” as mentioned on the previous page, this actor played himself very skillfully and became one of my favorite actors. This actor is from Korea. I like Shahrukh Khamdamov from Uzbek actors.

How often do you watch film?(Siz qanchalik tez-tez film tomosha qilasiz?)

I can’t spare much time to watch movies. Because I’m a student, I need to study, I need to become a master of my profession in the future, but still, I distract myself by watching movies in my spare time. I like watching cartoons more than watching movies.

Speak about sports(sport haqida gapiring)

Do you like sports?(Sportni yoqtirasizmi?)

Yes I like doing sports. I am especially interested in sports such as tennis and swimming. A person who does sports will always be healthy and beautiful

Do you enjoy watching sports?(Sport tomosha qilishni yoqtirasizmi?)

Yes, I like to watch sports. I sometimes watch sports like football, boxing, karate, wrestling. I often enjoy watching these with my dad.

Do you enjoy participating in any sports?(Har qanday sport turi bilan shug’ullanish sizga yoqadimi?)

No I don’t like to do any kind of sport. He especially dislikes things like running that require a lot of effort. I want to do sports that do not require heavy effort. For example, table tennis, swimming.

Which sports are most popular in your country?(Mamlakatingizda qaysi sport turlari eng mashhur?)

The most popular sports in Uzbekistan are boxing, wrestling, and chess. In these, Uzbek sportsmen take proud first places and bring gold medals for our country. We are proud of them!

What is your favorite sport?(Sizning sevimli sportingiz qaysi?)

My favorite sports are swimming, basketball, fencing, archery, checkers. I really like them. But I don’t have enough time to do those sports.

When did you first become interested in sports?(Sportga birinchi marta qachon qiziqqansiz?)

I have been interested in sports since I was young. I don’t remember how old I was. It has been many years. There is a passion for sports, but not in practice. If I can apply these interests in practice, I can achieve great success.

How often do you participate to in sports?(Siz qanchalik tez-tez sport bilan shug’ullanasiz?)

To be honest, I don’t have time to do sports at all. I go to study, I return home, I teach, I sleep, you see, I don’t have time for this.

What equipment do you need for your favorite sport?(Sevimli sportingiz uchun qanday jihozlar kerak?)

I need one hall for my favorite sport, and I need a ball, basketball board, one pool, table tennis, etc. It would be great to have the equipment I listed near my home.

Speak about shopping(Xarid qilish haqida gapiring.)

Do you enjoy shopping.(xarid qilishni yoqtirasizmi.)

I have a bit of a hard time shopping for clothes for myself. Because my taste is a little more delicate. That’s why I like to dress tastefully. I like to dress more classically. Because this clothes makes me feel comfortable and I feel like a grown man. I spend a lot of money when shopping, but I don’t regret the clothes I buy.

How do you feel about shopping?(Xarid qilishga qanday munosabatdasiz?)

When buying, I pay more attention to its cut, stitching and appearance. Because the clothes on me should be comfortable and compact for me. I definitely want to be comfortable for those around me and for myself. I don’t go shopping alone, I definitely go with my friend or sister.

Do you like shopping on the internet?(Internetda xarid qilishni yoqtirasizmi?)

No, I don’t really like shopping for clothes online. I’ve bought clothes online once and it wasn’t what I expected. I bought another dress in the photo and it arrived completely different and I had to wear it. It suited me because I have a beautiful figure. I promised not to repeat this mistake.

Do you have any favorite stories?(Sevimli hikoyalaringiz bormi?)

Many of the most memorable and fun times for me are when I come across clothes I want without knowing it, and I buy it right away, which is a huge boost for me.

What don’t you like about shopping?(Xarid qilishda sizga nima yoqmaydi?)

For me, when I buy clothes, the first thing is the seller’s attitude. I don’t like it if the seller doesn’t give me information about this garment or a product. The seller should meet the buyers and give full information about the product. This is my opinion of course. The next thing I don’t like is that every item of clothing is not made to the correct size and is a second-rate product that annoys me.

Which is the most popular place to shop in your hometown?(Sizning shahringizda xarid qilish uchun eng mashhur joy qaysi?)

There is one big market in my small town. I have my personal favorite store there because I can always find clothes that are comfortable and well made. I have been buying clothes from that store for many years.

Speak about foods (taomlar haqida gapiring)

What are some of your favorite foods?(Sizning sevimli taomlaringiz qanday?)

My favorite dishes are osh manti and honim tok oshi, and when it comes to fas food, I like lavash danar. I love these foods. I will never say no to more meaty foods.

What foods are popular in your country?(Mamlakatingizda qaysi taomlar mashhur?)

In my country, Uzbekistan, soup is a very popular dish. There is probably no one who doesn’t like soup. Many guests from foreign countries are also interested in the preparation of the soup and eat it. Soup is considered to be the dearest food and there are 12 different styles of cooking in 12 regions of Uzbekistan. In Uzbekistan, 8 tons of soup was prepared and included in the Genis Book of Records.

What are some of the famous dishes of your country?(Mamlakatingizning mashhur taomlaridan qaysilari bor?)

In my country, Uzbekistan, soup is a very popular dish. There is probably no one who doesn’t like soup. Many guests from foreign countries are also interested in the preparation of the soup and eat it. Soup is considered to be the dearest food and there are 12 different styles of cooking in 12 regions of Uzbekistan. In Uzbekistan, 8 tons of soup was prepared and included in the Genis Book of Records.

Do you enjoy cooking?(Ovqat pishirishni yoqtirasizmi?)

Yes, of course I like to cook. My family always praises the food I cook. I mostly make doughy dishes with love and taste. My family members also like me to cook such dishes.

Speak about holidays(Bayramlar haqida gapiring)

What is the most important holiday in your country?(Mamlakatingizdagi eng muhim bayram qaysi?)

In our country, every day is a holiday, because the state has declared the days of the year as holidays and they are celebrated in a special way, however, there is one important holiday for Muslims, which is the last day of the month of fasting, Eid. .

How do people celebrate this holiday?(Odamlar bu bayramni qanday nishonlaydilar?)

People fast for 30 days in the fasting month and believe. They do good for Allah. Because only angels will be on earth in this month and celebrate Eid after 30 days of fasting. On this day, various dishes are prepared, such as hoarse chak-chak.

What special food is associated with this holiday?(Ushbu bayram qanday maxsus taom bilan bog’liq?)

Uzbek national dishes are prepared on the Eid holiday. For these, pilaf, chak-chak, somsa, and various sweets are prepared. This holiday differs from other holidays in terms of national cuisine.

What special activities are associated with this holiday?(Ushbu bayram bilan qanday maxsus tadbirlar bog’liq?)

On Eid, everyone gives gifts to each other. Gifts such as money or sweets are distributed. It is donated to many people. On this day, all Muslims wear clean and new clothes

What do you enjoy most about this holiday?(Ushbu bayramda sizga ko’proq nima yoqadi?)

May all my best wishes come true on this holiday. I am only happy that there are angels on earth. Eid is the most important holiday of Muslims.

Do you think holidays are important for a society?(Sizningcha, bayramlar jamiyat uchun muhimmi?)

I think that this holiday is really important for the society because it is obligatory for every Muslim, it is up to the person to fulfill it fully or partially, but it is the duty of every person. Members of the community. On this holiday, they don’t fight, they don’t get angry, they smile at each other, they share love. Evil will disappear from society.

Speak about turizm(turizm haqida gapiring)

Which place has world you recommended to a visitor to your country?(Mamlakatingizga tashrif buyurgan kishiga dunyoning qaysi joyini tavsiya qildingiz?)

I would recommend the Samarkand, Bukhara, and Jizzakh regions to the tourists who come to our country, because there are many ancient minarets and carvings of our national fabrics, from dishes to hats. The tourists who visited there are learning about the history of Uzbekistan and leaving with praise

Do a lot of tourists visit your country’?(mamlakatingizga ko’p sayyohlar keladimi?)

Yes, of course, many tourists visit our country, most of them visit our country with cameras and binoculars, because they are interested in all the buildings and structures of our country.

What do they usually do to there(Odatda u erda nima qilishadi)

Beachgoers usually come to rest because the clean air of Uzbekistan and the sun shines its rays to every corner. Many beaches are visited because the distance is sky. Ancient buildings, manuscripts attract tourists. Many tourists come because the hospitality of the national roofs of Uzbekistan is very popular among tourists.

How has tourism changed your country?(turizm mamlakatingizni qanday o’zgartirdi?)

Tourism has brought great change to our country. The more beaches that come to our country, the more its reputation will increase, and the more buyers of quality products, the more its reputation will increase. As more tourists come, the value of Uzbekistan increases.

Is your country expensive for most tourists?(Sayyohlar uchun mamlakatingiz qimmatmi?)

No, it’s not expensive, it’s not expensive. It is a land of great value. If tourists have come once, they will try to come again. His career has grown in value over the years.

What are some famous landmarks in your country?(mamlakatingizda qanday mashhur diqqatga sazovor joylar bor?)

Speak about turizm(turizm haqida gapiring)

I would recommend the Samarkand, Bukhara, and Jizzakh regions to the tourists who come to our country, because there are many ancient minarets and carvings of our national fabrics, from dishes to hats. The tourists who visited there are learning about the history of Uzbekistan and leaving with praise
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