Statistical, Ecosystems and Competitiveness Analysis of the Media and Content Industries
blogs and citizen journalism websites. Online, news agencies, broadcasters, newspaper
publishers and ‘new’ news providers meet each other as competitors, but also benefit from
linking to each others’ content. The news sector has thus drastically expanded and changed,
first radio and TV broadcasters entered as competitors for newspaper publishers, followed
during the past two decades by online news providers.
While acknowledging that the news sector is multifaceted, the focus in this sector study is on
the newspaper publishing industry and its transformation as a result of digitization and the
internet. This focus enables a study of the transformations in the value chain and market
structure of a particular subsector resulting from digitization and the internet. In analysing the
market developments we will take into account the ways in which newspaper publishers have
responded to competition from other news providers such as TV news and ‘native’ online
news publishers, but we will not provide a comprehensive analysis of developments in the
market position of these other news providers.
This chapter starts in Paragraph 0 with a description of the production process, the main
economic characteristics of the traditional newspaper publishing sector and its market
structure. In Paragraph 0 the main economic developments are discussed. Paragraph 0
contains a brief overview of the major technological innovations in the past decades,
focussing on the impact of digitization on the production and distribution process in the
newspaper publishing sector. In Paragraph 0, the main conclusions are summarized.
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