2. Structure of the discipline «Medical biology»:
Content module 1. “Biological features of human vital activities. Molecular-genetic level of life
organization. Organism level of life organization. Fundamentals of human genetics”.
Topic 1. Levels of living matter organization. Optical systems in biological investigations.
Topic 2. Cell membranes. Transport across the cell surface membrane (plasmolemma).
Topic 3. Cell morphology. Structural components of the cytoplasm.
Topic 4. Chromosomes morphology. Human karyotype.
Topic 5. The organization of the information flow in cell. Regulation of gene expression.
Topic 6. Cell cycle. Mitosis. Reproduction – the basic property of living matter.
Topic 7. Biological features of human reproduction. Gene’s and chromosomal diseases. Cytogenetics and
biochemical analysis of the human being.
розвитку, старіння організму.
Content module 2. Population, biocenoyic and biosphere levels of living metter organization
Topic 8. Medical Protozoology. Phylum Sarcomastigophora, Classis Lobozea. Phylum Ciliophora. Classis
Rimostomatea. Representatives of the Classi Zoomastigophora – human parasites.
Topic 9. Phylum Apicomplexa. Representatives of the Classis Sporozoa – human parasites.
Topic 10. Classis Trematoda: cat’s, lung and blood flukes. Classis Cestoidea: beef, pork tapeworms.
Classis Cestoidea: echinococcus, alveococcus, broad tapeworm.
Topic 11. Phylum Round worms (Nemathelminthes). Classis Nematoda:
large intestinal roundworm,
pinworm (seatworm) and whipworm – the causative agents of human diseases.
Topic 12. Phylum Round worms (Nemathelminthes). Classis Nematoda:
Strongiloides stercoralis,
Ancylostoma duodenale,
Trichinella spiralis the causative agents of human diseases.
Topic 13. Phylum Arthropoda. Classis Arachnoidea. Ticks (Acarina) are activators and vectors of human
diseases. Classis Insecta: lice (Anoplura), fleas (Aphaniptera), Diptera are
activators and vectors of
human diseases.