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- Destruction of the superconductivity of an inhomogeneous film in the mixed state by the transport current
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Translated by Steve Torstveit 552
Low Temp. Phys. 26 (8), August 2000 Eremenko
et al. Destruction of the superconductivity of an inhomogeneous film in the mixed state by the transport current A. I. Bezugly
͑Submitted April 6, 2000͒ Fiz. Nizk. Temp. 26, 755–761 ͑August 2000͒ The destruction of superconductivity by the transport current is investigated for the case of a wide film in a perpendicular magnetic field. The destruction of superconductivity occurs by two competing mechanisms: growth of a normal domain ͑ND͒, and instability of the viscous flow of the magnetic flux. Under conditions in which the first mechanism is dominant, analysis of the stationary domain states permits one to systematize all of the different types of current–voltage ͑IV͒ characteristics of a film with a local inhomogeneity and to find the dependence of the SN junction current from the values of the magnetic field B and the temperature
0 of the medium. It is shown that additional heating of a film with a ND on account of the dissipative motion of vortices in the S region can lead to vanishing of the hysteresis of the IV characteristic as B or T 0 is increased. The known results on the current at which the magnetic flux flow becomes unstable are used to obtain the field dependence of the crossover temperature of these two mechanisms for the destruction of superconductivity. The main theoretical results are compared with experiment. © 2000 American Institute of Physics. ͓S1063-777X͑00͒00208-5͔ 1. INTRODUCTION The mechanism of destruction of the resistive state of a wide superconducting film by a large transport current de- pends on whether the film contains regions with weakened superconducting properties, i.e., macroscopic inhomogene- ities. If there are no such regions, then, according to the Larkin–Ovchinnikov ͑LO͒ theory, 1 the destruction of the magnetic flux flow regime for temperatures close to T c is due
to the descending dependence of the viscosity coefficient on the velocity v of the vortices. At high enough currents this dependence (
lower branch of the current–voltage ͑IV͒ characteristic, which terminates in a voltage jump at a characteristic current density J * ͑see, e.g., the experimental papers 2,3 ͒. The quasi- particle heating in the superconductor due to the dissipative motion of the vortices was taken into account in Ref. 4, making it possible to explain the observed 2,3
dependence of J * on the applied magnetic field B. This made the LO theory agree with a rather large number of experiments 2,3,5–9
carried out under not very good conditions of heat removal from the film to the substrate. In a macroscopically inhomogeneous film there is an- other mechanism for the destruction of superconductivity by current, which involves the onset of the normal phase in a region of the film with a relatively low critical current ͑i.e.,
the formation of a normal domain ͒. In this case the destruc- tion of superconductivity is caused by the growth of the nor- mal domain ͑ND͒ on account of the Joule heat release in the normal phase. Therefore, for J ϽJ eq the ND is localized around an inhomogeneity, and the complete destruction of the superconductivity of the film occurs at current densities J ϾJ eq , when the state of the superconductivity is unstable with respect to the unbounded growth of a nucleus of the normal phase. The value of J eq is the current density at which indifferent equilibrium of an isolated nonisothermal NS boundary is established in a homogeneous film. Refer- ences to papers on the ND can be found in the review, 10 and a detailed analysis of the statics and dynamics of the ND in films with different types of inhomogeneities at B ϭ0 is given in Ref. 11. In the present paper we analyze the competition between the above-described mechanisms for the destruction of su- perconductivity in an inhomogeneous current-carrying film at B 0. For this purpose in Sec. 2 the theory of the ND elaborated in Ref. 11 is extended to the case of finite mag- netic fields. As a result, we establish the dependence of J eq on B, and we analyze all of the types of IV characteristics of the films and elucidate the conditions for hysteresis of the critical currents for the destruction and recovery of supercon- ductivity. In Sec. 3 we find the field dependence of the tem- perature at which the crossover occurs from one of the above-described mechanisms for the destruction of super- conductivity to the other. We also discuss the results ob- tained and establish their agreement with recent experiments with YBa
2 Cu 3 O 7 Ϫ ␦ films.
7 Thus the present study confirms the conclusions of the authors of Ref. 7 that in their experi- ments the mechanism for the destruction of superconductiv- ity changed from one of growth of the ND to instability of the magnetic flux flow as the temperature of the medium increased. In Sec. 4 we state the main results of this study.
A superconducting film with macroscopic inhomogene- ity will be modeled by an SNS system in which the normal part
͑N͒, of length 2l, is in contact on both sides with a LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS VOLUME 26, NUMBER 8 AUGUST 2000 553 1063-777X/2000/26(8)/5/$20.00 © 2000 American Institute of Physics superconductor ͑S͒. The Joule heat released in the N region when current flows can heat the NS boundary to the critical temperature T c and transfer part of the superconductor to the normal state. This N-phase region will be called a normal domain
͑ND͒. The temperature distribution along the film at a fixed current density J can be obtained from the solution of the steady-state heat conduction equation: Ϫ
d 2
dx 2 ϩ ␣ ͑x͒͑TϪT 0 ͒ϭ
͑x͒J 2 . ͑1͒ The form of Eq. ͑1͒ presupposes that heat propagates along the system ͑i.e., along the x axis͒ only by heat conduction in the film, while the temperature of the insulator substrate, by virtue of its high thermal conductivity, is equal to the tem- perature T 0 of the surrounding medium. The second term on the left-hand side of Eq. ͑1͒ describes the heat removal at a small temperature difference of the film and substrate, when the heat flux is linear in this temperature difference. As in Ref. 11, in Eq. ͑1͒ the thermal conductivity and
the heat-removal coefficient ␣ are assumed to be tem- perature-independent, piecewise-constant functions: ͑x͒ϭ ͭ 1 , ͉x͉ Ͼl, 2 , ͉x͉ Ͻl, ͑2͒
␣ ͑x͒ϭ ͭ ␣
, ͉x͉ Ͼl, ␣ 2 , ͉x͉ Ͻl. ͑2a͒
We further assume that the resistivity of the film has the form:
͑x͒ϭ ͭ
, ͉x͉ Ͻl, 1 , l Ͻ͉x͉Ͻx B ,
͉x͉ Ͼx B , ͑3͒ where b ϭB/H c2 (T 0 ) is the reduced magnetic field. The last row in ͑3͒ takes into account the heating of the S region due to the dissipative flow of vortices under the influence of the transport current. The equation for the coordinate x
of the boundary of the ND is determined from the condition
͑x B ͒ϭT c , ͑4͒ where T c satisfies the relation H c2 (T c ) ϭB. Using the for- mula H c2 (T) ϭ͉dH
/dT ͉
(T c0 ϪT), we obtain the fol- lowing expression for the critical temperature:
ϭT c0 ϪB/͉dH c2 /dT ͉
, ͑5͒ in which T c0 is the critical temperature of the superconduc- tivity in zero magnetic field. We note that the possibility of analytical treatment of the statics of the ND in a resistive film is largely a consequence of the the model character of the temperature dependence of the resistivity adopted above. For example, Eq. ͑3͒ neglects the self-consistent change in the upper critical field H
to heating of the resistive region ͉x͉ Ͼx
. Here the real, con- tinuous change in the resistivity with temperature, described by the Bardeen–Stephen formula 12
c2 (T), is re- placed by a jump in at the boundary of the ND. At the same time, the comparison with experiment in Sec. 4 below shows that our adopted model gives an adequate description of the experimental data. The solution of the heat conduction equation ͑1͒ under conditions of continuity of the temperature and heat flux at the boundaries x ϭϮl and xϭϮx B does not present any dif- ficulties. Substituting the solution obtained into Eq. ͑4͒ gives the following equation for x
1 2
1 ϩbϩ͑1Ϫb͒ 1 Ϫ
˜ 1 ϩ ˜ y 2 ͬ ϩ f 2 Ϫ f 1 1 ϩ ˜ y ϭ1,
͑6͒ where we have introduced the notation y ϭexp͓Ϫ(x
Ϫl)/ 1
In Eq.
͑6͒ the
dimensionless parameters f i ϭ i J 2 / ␣ i (T c ϪT 0 ) (i ϭ1,2) and
2 ), where ϭ ͱ 1 ␣ 1 / 2 ␣ 2 . The thermal lengths
ϭ ͱ
i / ␣ i repre-
sent the characteristic spatial scales for changes in the tem- perature in the homogeneous part of the film (i ϭ1) and in the region of inhomogeneity (i ϭ2). Let us now consider inhomogeneities of short length, l Ӷ 2 ͑corresponding to the experiment of Ref. 7͒, which were called local in Ref. 11. ͑The case of an extended inho- mogeneity, l ӷ
, can be treated in an analogous way. ͒ For a
local inhomogeneity Eq. ͑6͒ simplifies to ͑ f 1 /2 ͓͒1ϩbϪ͑1Ϫb͒y 2 ͔ϩ⌬ f yϭ1, ͑7͒ where
⌬ f ϭ( f 2 Ϫ f 1 )l/(
). The parameter ⌬ f character- izes the difference in heating of the inhomogeneity and the homogeneous part of the film. We further assume that ⌬ f is a positive quantity that can be of the order of unity even though l/ 2 is small, possibly on account of large values of 2 , for example. The condition ⌬ f Ͼ0 means that in the N state the inhomogeneity is heated more strongly by the cur- rent than is the homogeneous part of the film. Two important relations follow from Eq. ͑7͒. If we set y ϭ0 ͑i.e., x B ϭϱ) in Eq. ͑7͒, we will arrive at the equilib- rium condition for a nonisothermal NS boundary in a homo- geneous resistive film: f 1 ϭ2/͑1ϩb͒. ͑8͒ For y ϭ1 Eq. ͑7͒ yields the condition for nucleation of a ND:
1 ϩ⌬ f ϭ1. ͑9͒ Equation
͑7͒ has two solutions: y 1,2
ϭ 1 1 Ϫb ͭ ⌬ f f 1 Ϯ ͫͩ ⌬ f f 1 ͪ 2 Ϫ ͩ 2 f 1 Ϫ1Ϫb ͪ ͑1Ϫb͒ ͬ 1/2
ͮ . ͑10͒ Of these solutions, y 1 corresponds to unstable states of the ND and y 2 to stable states. ͑A stable ND grows with increas- ing heating of the inhomogeneity, i.e., d y 2 /d( ⌬ f )Ͻ0.͒ For analysis of the quasistatic dynamics of a ND upon changes in current it is convenient to use the parameter plane shown in Fig. 1, f 1 –
respectively, the line of nucleation of the ND and the line of equilibrium of an isolated nonisothermal NS boundary. The third line is the semiellipse C, which is determined by the equation
͑⌬ f ͒ 2 ϩ͓͑1ϩb͒f 1 2 Ϫ2 f 1 ͔͑1Ϫb͒ϭ0 ͑11͒ 554
Low Temp. Phys. 26 (8), August 2000 A. I. Bezugly
and is the curve on which the stable and unstable domain solutions coincide. The straight lines A and B are tangent to the semiellipse C at points with coordinates (1;1 Ϫb) and (2/(1 ϩb);0). The double inequality 0рyр1 taken together with the condition of nonnegativity of the left-hand side of Eq.
͑11͒ defines the existence region of the domain states in the f 1 –
1 р2/(1ϩb) the re- gion of stable solutions lies above the semiellipse, and for 0 р f 1 р1 it lies above the line of nucleation of the ND. The points on the f 1 – ⌬ f plane which correspond to the unstable solutions belong to the region bounded by the semiellipse, the line of nucleation of the ND, and the abscissa. To systematize the IV characteristics it is convenient to use the following parameter that characterizes the inhomoge- neity:
ϭ ⌬ f f 1 ϭ ͩ 2 ␣ 1 1 ␣ 2 Ϫ1 ͪ 1 2 . ͑12͒
We note that upon variation of the current I the parameters f 1 and ⌬ f vary in such a way that their ratio remains con- stant. In other words, the point ( f 1 (I); ⌬ f (I)) moves along the straight line ⌬ f ϭ f 1 . This point crosses the lines A, B, and C at the currents I c1 , I eq , and I c2 . The sequence of these crossings with increasing ͑decreasing͒ current determines the form of the IV characteristic. It is easily seen that the straight lines
⌬ f ϭ(1Ϫb) f 1 and ⌬ f ϭ 1 2 (1 Ϫb) f 1 ͑see Fig. 1͒ sepa- rate different types of IV characteristics. If Ͼ1Ϫb, then a ND is nucleated at a current I
and increases monotonically with increasing current; this corresponds to the nonlinear part of the characteristic. At a current I eq the entire film passes into the normal state. The IV characteristic for Ͼ1
Ϫb is shown in Fig. 2a. The case (1 Ϫb)/2ϽϽ1Ϫb differs from the case con- sidered above in that the IV characteristic exhibits hysteresis ͑see Fig. 2b͒. Now the domain nucleated at the current I
corresponds to an unstable solution. Since there is also a stable solution at the current I
, the system passes into that state through growth of the ND, and a voltage jump appears on the IV characteristic. ͑The dynamics of the transition from the unstable to the stable domain state is considered in Ref. 11 for B ϭ0.͒ The length of the ND in the stable state is x B Ϫlϭ 1
͓(1Ϫb)/(2Ϫ1ϩb)͔. With increasing current the ND grows quasistatically in a manner analogous to the case Ͼ1Ϫb. A quasistatic decrease in the length of the ND occurs down to a current I c2 , at which the domain length is 1
͓(1Ϫb)/͔. Upon further decrease in the current the ND vanishes, and the voltage jumps back. The points I c1 and I c2 are sometimes called the critical currents for the destruction and recovery of superconductivity. Their ratio, i.e., the amount of hysteresis, is given by I c1 I c2 ϭ 2 ͑1Ϫb͒͑ϩb͒ 2 ϩ1Ϫb 2 . ͑13͒ In particular, formula ͑13͒ has the important consequence that the IV characteristic depends on both the parameters of the film and on the reduced magnetic field. For inhomogene- ities with Ͻ1 the transition between the hysteretic and non- hysteretic characteristics occurs at b ϭ1Ϫ. For
Ͻ(1Ϫb)/2 the IV characteristic ͑not shown in Fig. 2 ͒ differs in that I c1 ϾI eq , and therefore the ND that arises immediately spreads over the entire film. In analogy with the case (1
Ϫb)/2ϽϽ1Ϫb the diminishing of the ND begins at the current I eq and ends at I c2 , where the voltage across the ND jumps down to zero. The IV characteristic possesses hysteresis with a ratio I c1 /I c2 given by formula ͑13͒. FIG. 1. Existence regions of stationary states of a normal domain in a superconducting film with a local inhomogeneity in a reduced magnetic field b ϭ0.5. A — the line of nucleation of the normal domain; B — the line of equilibrium of the nonisothermal NS boundary in a homogeneous film; C — the line of coincidence of the stable and unstable domain states. Region I between lines A and B corresponds to stable and region II to unstable stable domain solutions. In region III both stable and unstable solutions are real- ized. The dashed lines have angular coefficients ϭ1Ϫb and ϭ(1 Ϫb)/2, which separate different types of IV characteristics ͑see the main text
͒. FIG. 2. The IV characteristics in the constant-current regime for b ϭ0.2, ϭ0.85 ͑a͒ and ϭ0.45 ͑b͒; V ND is the voltage across the normal domain; the IV characteristics are calculated according to formula ͑10͒. The direc- tions of traversal of the parts of the IV characteristics with changing current are indicated by arrows. 555 Low Temp. Phys. 26 (8), August 2000 A. I. Bezugly
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