Superconductivity, including high-temperature superconductivity
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APPENDIX A In this Section we derive the wave equations ͑1͒ within the framework of a model of conducting planes embedded in a dielectric background. To this end we direct the z axis perpendicular to the layers and assume that a constant exter- nal magnetic field H is also directed along this axis. We suppose that the permeability of the substance between the layers is equal to unity, ϭ1, and that its dielectric constant, ϭ(z), is a function of z. Under these assumptions, Maxwell’s equations, written in terms of the electric field E, ٌ͑div E͒Ϫ⌬EϭϪ
2 ץ 2 E ץ
2 Ϫ
c 2 ץ J ץ
, ͑A1͒
after the substitution of a wave of the form E l ϭE l ͑q,z, ͒exp͓i͑q Ϫ t ͔͒, lϭx,y,z ͑A2͒ become
Ϫq͑qE Ќ ͒ϩiq ͩ ץ ץ z E z ͪ ϩ ͩ q 2 Ϫ ץ 2 ץ z 2 ͪ E Ќ ϭϪ 4
Ќ ,
575 Low Temp. Phys. 26 (8), August 2000 V. M. Gvozdikov
E z ϭϪ 1 q 2 ץ ץ
͑iqE Ќ ͒, ͑A4͒ q 2 ͑z͒ϭq 2 Ϫ 2
2 ͑z͒. ͑A5͒ Here
, q, and are the in-plane coordinate, the wave vec- tor, and the frequency of the collective mode; E Ќ and J Ќ are
the in-plane field and current, respectively. Choosing q to be parallel to the y axis, we arrive at the following set of equations: ͩ ץ 2 ץ
2 Ϫq 2 ͪ E x ϭ 4 i
, ͑A6͒ ͩ ץ 2 ץ z 2 Ϫq 2 ͪ E y ϩU͑q, ,z ͒ ץ ץ z E y ϭϪ 4 iq 2 ͑z͒ J y , ͑A7͒ E z ϭϪ
q 2 ץ E y ץ
, ͑A8͒
U ͑q, ,z ͒ϭ ͩ
q ͑z͒ ͪ 2 Ϫ1 ͑z͒ ץ ͑z͒ ץ z . ͑A9͒ Thus we see that all three components of the electric field are determined by the two equations ͑A7͒ and ͑A6͒, which can be rewritten in the form of Eqs. ͑1͒ with the help of the constitutive equation relating the in-plane current with the field components:
␣ ϭ ͚ ,n ␣
,H ͒ ␦
n ͒E  ͑q, ,z ͒. ͑A10͒
The ␦ functions in Eq. ͑A10͒ take into account that cur- rents flow only within the conducting planes z ϭz
, and
␣ (q, ,H) stands for the conductivity tensor of a 2D layer in a perpendicular magnetic field. In this connection, note that only derivatives of the background dielectric constant enter Eq. ͑A9͒.
APPENDIX B In this Appendix an alternative derivation for the transfer matrix and the dispersion relation ͑30͒ for the bulk mode is given. The method is based directly on the calculation of the electromagnetic field between the conducting layers and matching them with the appropriate boundary conditions at the layers. Equations ͑A6͒–͑A9͒ in the bulk of the layered conductor may be rewritten in the form ͩ ץ
ץ z 2 Ϫq 2 ͪ E ␣ ϭ ͚ ,n ␦ ͑zϪz n ͒ ˜ ␣
␣ ϭϪ
͑q, ,H ͒V ␣ , ͑B2͒ V ␣ is a matrix with the components V 11 ϭV 12 ϭ1, V 21 ϭV 22 ϭϪc 2 q 2 / 2 . Writing the solution of Eq. ͑B1͒ be- tween the nth and the neighboring layer in the form E ␣ ͑n͒ϭC ␣ ͑n͒e Ϫq ͑zϪz n ͒ ϩD ␣ ͑n͒e q ͑zϪz n ͒ ͑B3͒ and using the boundary conditions at the layer E ␣ ͑z n ϩ0͒ϭE ␣ ͑z n Ϫ0͒
͑B4͒ and
ץ ץ
E ␣ ͑z n ϩ0͒Ϫ
ץ ץ
E ␣ ͑z n Ϫ0͒ϭ
͚  ˜ ␣
 ͑z n ͒, ͑B5͒ we have ͩ
␣ ͑nϩ1͒ D ␣ ͑nϩ1͒ ͪ ϭ ͚  T ˜ ␣ ͩ C  ͑n͒ D  ͑n͒ ͪ , ͑B6͒ T ˜ ␣ ϭ ͩ ͑ ␦ ␣ ϩ ˆ ␣ ͒e Ϫq
␣ e Ϫq
͑ ␦ ␣ Ϫ ˆ ␣ ͒e q
ͪ .
Note that the transfer matrix T ˜ ␣ in Eq. ͑B7͒ differs from Tˆ ␣ of Eq. ͑24͒ ͑because of the difference in definition of the coefficients A ␣ (n),B ␣ (n) in Eqs. ͑18͒ and ͑19͒ from C ␣ (n) and D ␣ (n) in Eq. ͑B3͒͒. Nonetheless, TrT˜ ␣ ϭTrTˆ ␣ , and
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Low Temp. Phys. 26 (8), August 2000 V. M. Gvozdikov Magnetic exciton in a two-layer system E. D. Vol and S. I. Shevchenko *
͑Submitted February 18, 2000; revised April 7, 2000͒ Fiz. Nizk. Temp. 26, 787–791 ͑August 2000͒ The bound state of a light electron of mass m
and a heavy hole of mass m h (m h ӷm e ) is
considered for a two-layer system in a magnetic field. The field is assumed strong only for the electron (a B e ӷl 0 , where a B e ϭប 2 /(m e e 2 ) is the Bohr radius, and l 0 ϭ ͱ c ប/(eB) is the magnetic length ͒. A new method of calculation is proposed by which one can find the ground- state energy of a magnetic exciton and the spectrum of its excited states without assuming that the Coulomb interaction is small. The effective mass m * is found, and the dependence of the energy of the exciton on its momentum P is obtained. The behavior of the exciton in crossed electric and magnetic fields is investigated. The results can be used for analysis of experiments in real magnetic fields ϳ10 4
5 Oe for such semiconductors as InSb, InAs, GaAs, etc., where the ratio m
/m h Շ0.1. © 2000 American Institute of Physics. ͓S1063-777X͑00͒00608-3͔ The theory of the Wannier–Mott exciton in a high mag- netic field was first constructed by Elliott and Loudon 1 and by Hasegawa and Howard 2 more than thirty years ago. Later came the important studies of Refs. 3–5, in which the behav- ior of the magnetic exciton ͑ME͒ with arbitrary momentum P was investigated in the three-dimensional 3 and
two-dimensional 4,5
cases. In all of the papers mentioned it was assumed that the Coulomb interaction is small compared to the distance between the Landau levels of both the elec- tron and hole. This assumption is equivalent to the two con- ditions a
ӷl 0 and a B h ӷl 0 . Meanwhile, in real systems, where the masses of the electron and hole forming the exci- ton are often very different (m h ӷm e ), the simultaneous sat- isfaction of both of these conditions is an extraordinarily stringent restriction, requiring ultrahigh magnetic fields ϳ10 6
h ӷm e is met for a wide class of semiconductors which are actively studied experimentally, such as InSb, InAs, GaAs, etc. Because the standard methods for calculating the char- acteristics of MEs in such systems for the magnetic fields ϳ10
4 –10
5 Oe that are actually used can lead to unreliable results, we propose a new method of calculation which es- sentially consists in the following. Assuming that for the light particle ͑electron͒ the condition a B e ӷl 0 holds, we project the Hamiltonian of the system onto a subspace of states in which the electron is frozen at a fixed Landau level n. We go over to a representation in which the momentum P of the exciton is a specified quantity. In this representation the dynamics of the ME is determined by ͑besides P) the relative coordinate r ϭ(X e Ϫx h ,Y e Ϫy h ) ͑where X e and Y e are the coordinates of the center of the electron orbit, and x h and y h are the coordinates of the hole ͒, and one can find the important characteristics of the ME without invoking any additional assumptions. Let us consider two semiconductor layers separated by a distance d and found in a uniform magnetic field B applied perpendicular to the layers. In layer 1 the current carriers are the light particles ͑electrons͒ and in layer 2 the heavy par- ticles ͑holes͒. The Hamiltonian of an electron–hole pair can be written in the standard form H ex ϭH e ϩH
, ͑1͒ where H
ϭ ͑p x e ϩeBy e /2c ͒ 2
e ϩ ͑p y e ϪeBx e /2c ͒ 2
e , H h ϭ ͑p x h ϪeBy h /2c ͒ 2
h ϩ ͑p y h ϩeBx h /2c ͒ 2
h ,
c ϭϪ
2 ͉r e Ϫr h ͉ ϭϪ
e 2 ͱ ͑x e Ϫx h ͒ 2 ϩ͑y e Ϫy h ͒ 2 ϩd 2 . The charge of the electron is taken to be Ϫe, and the dielec- tric constant of the medium between the layers is assumed equal to unity. For the vector potential of the uniform mag- netic field B we use the symmetric gauge A ϭ(By/2, ϪBx/2) ͑we note that for the chosen gauge the field B is antiparallel to the z axis ͒. We project Hamiltonian ͑1͒ onto a subspace of states in which the electron is found at a given level n, which, for simplicity, we assume is the lowest Landau level. The result of the projection on this subspace will be denoted by a bar over the operator. Clearly we have H
h ϭH
, H
ϭ ͑⌸
e ͒ 2 ϩ͑⌸ y e ͒ 2 2m e ϭប e ͩ
ϩ 1 2 ͪ ͑2͒ and, consequently, H
e ϭប e /2, i.e., it reduces to a constant, which we shall henceforth omit. In Eq. ͑2͒ we have used the following notation:
⌸ x e ϭp x e ϩy e eB/(2c) and ⌸
e ϭp y e Ϫx e eB/(2c) are the components of the kinematic momentum of the electron, and a ϩ ϭl 0 ( ⌸ x e Ϫi⌸ y e )/(
ͱ 2 ប) and aϭl 0 ( ⌸ x e ϩi⌸ y e )/(
1063-777X/2000/26(8)/4/$20.00 © 2000 American Institute of Physics are the creation and annihilation operators for an electron at a specified Landau level. From the commutation relations ͓⌸
, ⌸ y e ͔ϭiប 2 /l 0 2 it follows that ͓a,a ϩ ͔ϭ1. The projection of the Coulomb energy operator V c is most conveniently done, following Ref. 6, by transforming to Fourier space: V c ϭϪ
2 2
͵ d 2
exp ͑Ϫ͉k͉d͒ ͉k͉ exp
͓ik x ͑x e Ϫx h ͒ ϩik y ͑y e Ϫy h ͔͒,
͑3͒ where
͉k͉ ϵ ͱ k x 2 ϩk y 2 . The coordinates of the electron in a magnetic field can be written in the form x e ϭX e ϩ
0 2
y e ,
e ϭY e Ϫ
0 2
x e , ͑4͒ where X e and Y e are the coordinates of the center of the orbit. They satisfy the commutation relations ͓X e ,Y e ͔ ϭϪil 0 2 and commute with ⌸ x e and
⌸ y e . In the representation ͑3͒, with allowance for ͑4͒, the projection of V
reduces to the projection of the operator exp
ͭ Ϫik x l 0 2 ប ⌸ y e ϩik y l 0 2 ប ⌸ x e ͮ ϭexp ͭ l 0 ͱ 2 ͑ka ϩ Ϫk¯a͒ ͮ onto the lowest Landau level. Here k ϵk
ϩik y . The projec- tion can be done in an elementary way: ͗ 0 ͉exp ͭ
0 ͱ
͑ka ϩ Ϫk¯a͒ ͮ ͉0 ͘ ϭexp ͭ Ϫ ͉k͉ 2
0 2
ͮ , ͑5͒ after which we obtain for V ¯ c V ¯ c ϭϪ
2 2
͵ d 2
exp ͑Ϫ͉k͉d͒ ͉k͉ exp
ͩ Ϫ ͉k͉ 2 l 0 2 4 ͪ ϫexp͓ik x ͑X e Ϫx h ͒ϩik y ͑Y e Ϫy h ͔͒.
͑6͒ The problem simplifies further if we consider the fact that the total momentum of the electron–hole pair, Pϭ ͫ Ϫiប ץ ץ Download 2,75 Mb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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