The state has a democratic set-up.
The state provides only one social good.
There are two tax payers, A and B who will be benefit
from provision of the social goods.
There is equal distribution of income between these two
individuals A and B.
The production function of the social good is linear and
homogeneous so that there is condition of constant
With the help of these assumptions Lindahl simultaneous
determine sharing of tax and the extent of provision of social good
to these individuals.
Figure 15.1: Lindahl‟s ModeL
In the above figure, the volume of social goods provided by
the state measured along the horizontal axis. The left side vertical
axis measures the percentage of total cost A is willing to share and
the right side vertical axis measures that of B. The curve aa is A‘s
demand curve for social goods and the curve bb is B‘s demand
curve for social goods. These demand curves are drawn on the
usual assumption of diminishing marginal utility. That is to say, an
individual demands more of social goods only when he has to pay
less price (i.e. tax).
Now suppose that initially OL units of social goods are
provided by the state. To settle the costs of social goods thus,
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