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"Gazprom" ning Evropa bozorida asosiy maqsadi etakchilik mavqeini saqlab qolish, ishonchli gaz ta'minotini ta'minlash va marketing faoliyati samaradorligini oshirishdir. Evropa mamlakatlari 50 yildan beri Rossiya gazining asosiy iste'molchilari qatorida. Gazprom Evropa bozoriga tabiiy gazning eng yirik eksportchisi.

2018 yil davomida Gazprom Guruhi Evropaga 243,3 milliard kubometr gaz sotdi (Rossiyadan eksport ham, Guruhning chet elda sotib olgan gaz narxi ham). Gazni sotishdan olingan sof foyda (aktsiz solig'i va bojxona to'lovlarini hisobga olmaganda) 2 951,2 mlrd. Rublni tashkil etdi.

2018 yilda Rossiyaning Evropaga gaz eksporti (Gazprom Export va Gazprom Schweiz shartnomalari bo'yicha) rekord darajadagi 201,9 milliard kubometrga etdi, bu 2017 yildagi ko'rsatkichdan 7,5 milliard kub metrga (3,8 foiz) ko'pdir.
Gazpromning Evropa gaz bozoridagi faoliyati neft narxlarining ko'tarilishi va "to'lash" shartlari bo'yicha uzoq muddatli shartnomalar bilan qo'llab-quvvatlanadi. Kompaniya, shuningdek, qisqa va o'rta muddatli savdo-sotiq, svop operatsiyalari va spot-kontraktlarga asoslangan savdoning yangi shakllaridan foydalanadi.

Evropada gazni o'rtacha sotish narxi (QQS hisobga olingan holda, aktsiz solig'i va bojxona to'lovlari bilan)


Year ended December 31






RUB/1,000 m3






USD/1,000 m3






EUR/1,000 m3






1.3 Place/distribution

This Marketing Strategy element requires Gazprom to make some important decisions when developing its distribution plan. It should decide:

  • Whether the company wants to make the product available to targeted customer segments through its channels, or it needs a distribution partner to serve the customers' needs.

  • Whether the distribution will be direct (involving no middlemen), or indirect. If indirect distribution strategy is adopted, the number of middlemen must be selected (wholesalers, retailers etc.)

  • Whether it is interested in: traditional brick and mortar distribution network, online distribution or a combination of both. Certain online retailers like Amazon are available if online distribution strategy is chosen. The company can also develop its online website to sell the product.

Modern customers give high importance to the ‘convenience’ and ‘easy availability’. The selection of ‘right’ distribution channels will require Gazprom to:

  • Firstly, consider the product characteristics. Involving various middlemen to distribute perishable products will not be a wise decision if the product is perishable.

  • Analyse the market dynamics, customers' preferences and own resources and capabilities. If customers place high importance to personalised services and prefer shopping from traditional stores rather than online channels and firm also has enough resources to open their outlets, than distribution strategy should be set accordingly.

  • The competitors’ distribution strategies also need to be studied. A comprehensive cost-benefit analysis of each channel and comparison with own resources and capabilities will help Gazprom develop an effective distribution plan.

Marketing strategiyasining ushbu elementi Gazpromdan tarqatish rejasini ishlab chiqishda muhim qarorlarni qabul qilishni talab qiladi. U qaror qilishi kerak: • Kompaniya mahsulotni o'z mijozlari segmentlari orqali maqsadli segmentlarga etkazib berishni xohlamaydimi yoki mijozlarning ehtiyojlariga javob berish uchun tarqatish bo'yicha sherikga muhtojmi. Tarqatish to'g'ridan-to'g'ri (vositachilarsiz) yoki bilvosita amalga oshiriladimi. Agar bilvosita tarqatish strategiyasi qabul qilinsa, vositachilar (tanlab oluvchilar, chakana sotuvchilar va boshqalar) tanlanishi kerak.

Birlashtirilgan eksport kanali Birlashtirilgan eksport kanali "Gazprom" ning eksport strategiyasining asosidir. Gazni eksport qilish to'g'risidagi Rossiya qonunchiligiga binoan, Gazprom gaz quvurlari orqali gaz eksport qilish uchun mutlaq huquqqa ega. Qonun Kompaniyaga ishlab chiqarish va marketing bo'yicha kelishilgan siyosatni olib borishga imkon beradi va Rossiyadan ishonchli gaz eksportining qo'shimcha huquqiy kafolati bo'lib xizmat qiladi.

Uzoq muddatli shartnoma tizimi

Gazprom Markaziy va G'arbiy Evropaga gazni asosan hukumatlararo bitimlar asosida 25 yilgacha bo'lgan uzoq muddatli shartnomalar asosida eksport qiladi.
Yoqilg'i narxlarining ko'tarilishi va "to'lash" shartlari bilan uzoq muddatli shartnomalar barqaror va barqaror gaz ta'minoti uchun asosdir. Boshqa hech qanday shartnoma ishlab chiqaruvchilar va eksport qiluvchilar yirik gaz eksport loyihalariga ko'p milliardli sarmoyalar kiritishini va importchilar uzoq muddatli istiqbolda xavfsiz va uzluksiz gaz ta'minotidan bahramand bo'lishlarini kafolatlay olmaydi.
Hozirgi vaqtda "Gazprom" ning imzolangan uzoq muddatli shartnomalar portfeli Evropaga gazni shartnoma davrida 4 trillion kub metrdan oshiq hajmda sotishni ko'zda tutadi.
Uzoq muddatli shartnomalarning asosiy xususiyatlari quyidagilar:
oldingi olti oydan to'qqiz oygacha bo'lgan neft narxlarini hisobga olgan holda narx formulasi;

agar uzluksiz fors-major holatlaridan kelib chiqmasa, shartnomalarni bir tomonlama bekor qilishni taqiqlovchi qoidalar;

Shartnomaning katta hajmlari uchun sotib olish yoki to'lash shartlari, bunda xaridor sotib olingan yoki to'lanmagan holda barcha kontraktlangan gaz uchun haq to'lashi kerak, ammo keyin belgilangan yil uchun eng kam yillik hajmni olgandan keyin ortiqcha miqdordagi qo'shimcha haqni qaytarib olishi mumkin.

Aslini olganda, uzoq muddatli shartnomalar bu xaridorlarga kunlik hajmlar va yillik etkazib berishda moslashuvchanlikni amalga oshirishga imkon beradigan xizmat ko'rsatish shartnomalari, sotuvchi esa oldindan to'lash yoki to'lash hajmini etkazib berish majburiyatini oladi. Bundan tashqari, uzoq muddatli shartnomalar muhim vaqt ichida gaz etkazib berishni kafolatlaydi. Shu bilan birga, gazli gaz - bu mutlaqo boshqacha mahsulot bo'lib, kontrakt va spot narxlar o'rtasidagi to'g'ridan-to'g'ri taqqoslashni asossiz qiladi.

Biroq, neft bilan indekslangan shartnomalar dolzarbligicha qolmoqda. Yog 'indeksatsiyasi bu gaz sotib oluvchilar va sotuvchilar manfaati uchun uzoq muddatli biznesni rejalashtirishning muhim vositasidir. U quduqlardan tortib to oxirgi iste'molchigacha vertikal o'lchamda gaz sektorida investitsiyalarning uzluksizligi va barqarorligini ta'minlaydi. Jahon gaz bozorining ko'p yillik rivojlanishi davomida foydali bo'lgan neft indeksatsiyasi boshqa yirik eksport qiluvchilar tomonidan qo'llaniladi. Hozirgi sharoitda neft mahsulotlari gaz narxini formulasida universal deflyator vazifasini bajaradi, gaz narxini boshqa xom ashyo narxlari nuqtai nazaridan belgilaydi.

Evropaga gaz etkazib berish ishonchliligini oshirish

Gaz qanday saqlanadi va UGS qurilmalari nima?
Gazprom Evropa iste'molchilariga gaz etkazib berishning ishonchliligini oshirish bo'yicha bir qator chora-tadbirlarni amalga oshiradi, shu jumladan, gaz uzatish quvvatlarini etkazib berish, shartnomaviy quvvatlarni optimallashtirish va qayta taqsimlash, almashtirish bitimlarini amalga oshirish, uzilishlar va boshqa favqulodda vaziyatlarni yumshatish bo'yicha tizimli harakatlar.
Gaz ta'minoti ishonchliligini yanada oshirish maqsadida "Gazprom" Nord Oqim, Nord Oqim 2 va TurkStream gaz uzatish loyihalarini boshladi.
Nord Stream, Rossiya va Evropaning gaz uzatish tizimlari o'rtasida to'g'ridan-to'g'ri aloqa o'rnatgan tarixdagi birinchi gaz quvuri 2012 yilda loyihaviy quvvatiga yetdi. Nord Stream 2 2019 yil oxiriga qadar foydalanishga topshiriladi.
TurkStream - bu Rossiyadan Turkiyaga Qora Dengiz orqali Turkiyaga etkaziladigan yangi eksport gaz quvuri. Gaz quvurining birinchi qatori turkiyalik iste'molchilarga mo'ljallangan bo'lsa, ikkinchi qator gazni janubiy va janubi-sharqiy Evropaga etkazib beradi. TurkStream qurilishi 2017 yilda boshlangan. Quvurni ishga tushirish 2019 yil oxiriga rejalashtirilgan.
Evropada yer osti gazni saqlash (UGS) inshootlaridan foydalanish eksport etkazib berish barqarorligini sezilarli darajada oshirishga va Rossiya gazining sotilishini oshirishga yordam beradi.

Rossiya gazini Evropaga etkazib berish dinamikasi bir qator omillarga bog'liq, shu jumladan iqtisodiy o'sish sur'atlari va mahalliy tabiiy gaz ishlab chiqarish, boshqa energiya manbalari narxlari, xususan energetika sohasidagi narxlar va boshqa xalqaro bozorlarda gaz narxlari.


Volumes *

Under contracts of Gazprom Export and Gazprom Schweiz





Bosnia and Herzegovina






Czech Republic


































United Kingdom




Other sales by Gazprom Group**




1.4 Promotion

This is one of the most important elements of Gazprom Marketing Strategy. Gazprom can blend above and below the line promotional strategies to achieve its marketing objectives. The above the line promotion options for Gazprom are- television, radio and print advertising. Below the line promotion options are- catalogues, tradeshows and direct mail campaigns.

The promotional plan of Gazprom Marketing Strategy requires the company to consider the following factors:

  • Start with clearly defining your unique selling propositions and understand why customers need the product and how it is different from available alternatives.

  • Craft the message content and evaluate how the crafted message will help customers in creating a clear image of the offered product. Consider the AIDA (awareness, interest, desire, action) when developing the message.

  • The promotional strategies like direct selling or high profile advertising will suit if the company wants to push the product. However, the pull strategy will require the development of a prestigious brand image that could attract the customers towards the offered product.

  • Collect the following target market information- who will buy the product? (Age, gender, income and social status), what is price sensitivity level? And what are customers’ desired communication modes? Incorporate this information into the promotional plan.

  • Filter out the promotional options based on the above information and conduct a cost-benefit analysis of selected promotional alternatives.

    • For example, the selection of TV advertising as a promotional strategy will allow the company to target the mass market, increase brand awareness and brand recall. However, it is an expensive promotional strategy and suits if the company has adequate resources available for the promotional efforts.

    • The popularity of social media marketing has raised significantly during the last few years. Use of this promotional strategy will enable Gazprom to reach the mass market economically. It will also offer an opportunity to actively interact with customers, develop a personalised relationship and manage e-WOM to get better results. However, the risk of uncontrollable negative e-WOM remains there.

  • Lastly, consider the budget constraints and allocate budget to chosen promotional strategies according to their nature, importance and frequency.

2 Customer Analysis of Gazprom

The development of effective marketing mix strategies depends on Gazprom’s knowledge of its potential customer base. The strategies will be more effective if the company understands the needs, expectations and attitude of its customers. The detailed analysis leads towards the identification of different customer profiles or segments (as explained in detail in the next section).

Gazprom can follow three steps to conduct customer analysis:

  • Firstly, Gazprom should clearly define who current and potential customers are? At this step, a whole group of customers is identified so that it could be divided into different segments based on their motivations, traits and characteristics. Identification of potential customers can be more challenging than current customers.

  • The customer analysis should offer information about how the needs and expectations of different groups differ from each other and what can be possible reasons.

  • Lastly, Gazprom should analyse how it’s offered product/service serves the needs of different groups and which customer groups have more profit and growth potential. This information will help Gazprom develop customer profiles and personas.

Gazprom can consider following factors when developing the customer profiles:

  • The customer analysis must identify the total market size including current and potential customers that could be divided into small measurable segments.

  • The customer profiles must have some observable differences.

  • The company should also conduct behavioural analysis to identify the psychographic profiles. It involves identifying and weighing the relative importance of factors considered when making a purchase decision or more commonly called buying criteria. Common buying criteria are- prestige, convenience, quality and price.

  • Gazprom can then develop the customer personas. Important elements to be included in developing customer personas are:

    • Demographic information (e.g. gender, family, age, location etc.)

    • Preferred communication channels.

    • Possible influencers (publications or celebrities they follow)

    • Challenges they face due to unserved needs and desired solutions.

The customer analysis and development of segmentation strategies run in parallel. Gazprom can use the information obtained from the customer analysis to develop the segmentation, targeting and positioning strategies as discussed below:

3 Segmentation of Gazprom

The development of Gazprom Marketing Strategy requires identifying segmentation basis to understand the specific buying behaviour of customers. The needs, expectations and buying behaviour of customers are heterogeneous and depend on multifaceted factors- like:

  • Age

  • Gender

  • Income

  • Lifestyle

  • Values etc.

By using the segmentation technique, Gazprom can narrow down the large, diversified target audience into specific and narrowly defined groups. Market segmentation surveys are common methods of obtaining the customer-specific information that could be used to create groups sharing common characteristics.

After understanding the unique buying behaviour of customers and getting the required information through surveys, Gazprom can divide the market into small homogeneous groups. It can be done by exploring the geographic, demographic, behavioural and psychographic characteristics of customers.

The company can use one or more of these segmentation strategies to choose the right market segments and develop an effective Marketing Strategy.

  • The geographic segmentation divides the market according to geographic areas, like- city, country and region.

  • The demographic segmentation will require Gazprom to divide market according to demographic characteristics, like- gender, age, income and ethnicity.

  • If Gazprom chooses behavioural segmentation, then customers will be divided according to their buying pattern like usage frequency, benefits sought, usage occasions and brand loyalty.

  • Use of psychographic segmentation will result in customers' grouping according to their lifestyles, interests, attitudes, values and traits.

Gazprom can combine the different segmentation strategies for more specific targeting as explained in the next section.

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