Tarix Quyidagi sur’atda aks ettirilgan inson turi, paydo bo’lgan davrda O’rta Osiyodagi qaysi hududda istiqomat qilmagan?

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1. Quyidagi sur’atda aks ettirilgan inson turi, paydo bo’lgan davrda O’rta Osiyodagi qaysi hududda istiqomat qilmagan?

A) Toshkent

B) Farg’ona

C) Samarqand

D) Xorazm

2. Qaysi xalqlar o’z yozuvlarini “xudolar kalomi” deya nomlashgan?

A) xitoyliklar B) hindlar

C) yunonlar D) misrliklar

3. Quyidagi sak qabilalari yashagan hududlari bilan to’g’ri moslashtirib berilgan javobni toping.

1) saka-tigraxauda 2) saka-tiay-taradarayya

3) saka-xaumovarka

a) Pomirning tog’li tumanlarida va Farg’onada

b) Hozirgi Toshkent viloyati va Janubiy Qozog’iston yerlarida

c) Orol dengizi bo’ylarida, Sirdaryoning quyi oqimida

d) Amudaryo bo’ylarida

A) 1-c, 2-b, 3-a B) 1-b, 2-c, 3-a

C) 1-b, 2-c, 3-d D) 1-a, 2-d, 3-b

4. Xorazmda quyidagi qaysi sulolaning hukmronligi X asrda boshlangan?

A) Afrig’iylar B) Ma’muniylar

C) Anushteginiylar D) Shayboniylar

5. Quyidagilardan IX asrda Arab xalifaligi taxtini egallagan xalifalarni belgilang.

1) Mu’tazid 2) Umar ibn Abdulaziz

3) Sulaymon 4) Ma’mun

A) 2, 4 B) 1, 4 C) 1, 3 D) 2, 3

6. Chig’atoy ulusida Kebekxon qanday islohotlarni amalga oshirgan?

A) ma’muriy va pul islohoti B) yer-suv va ma’muriy islohot

C) harbiy va soliq islohoti D) harbiy va pul islohoti

7. Xaritada belgilangan hudud (davlat) bilan bog’liq voqeani aniqlang.

A) mahalliy kelt qabilalari angl va sakslarga qarshi mardonavor qarshilik ko’rsatdilar

B) Avliyo Sofiya ibodatxonasi barpo etildi

C) ostgotlar o’z hukmronligini o’rnatdi

D) Sali haqiqati qonunlar to’plami joriy etildi

8. IX asrda arab xalifaligidan Eron, Xuroson, Movarounnahr va Misr mustaqillikka erishgach, abbosiylar qo’lida qaysi hududlar qolgan?

A) Kichik Osiyo va Shimoliy Afrika

B) Yaqin Sharq va Arabiston yarimoroli

C) Yaqin Sharq va Kichik Osiyo

D) Kichik Osiyo va Arabiston yarimoroli

9. Janna d’Ark va Jordano Bruno cherkov sudi tomonidan o’limga hukm qilingan yillarni belgilang.

A) 1420- va 1614-yillar B) 1431- va 1614-yillar

C) 1420- va 1600-yillar D) 1431- va 1600-yillar

10. Quyidagi shaxslardan qaysi biri geliosentrik nazariyaga asos soladi?

A) Nikolay Kopernik B) Jordano Bruno

C) Galileo Galilley D) Isaak Nyuton

11. Angliya taxtini XVIII asrdan to XIX asr boshlarigacha qaysi sulola vakillari boshqargan?

A) styuartlar B) tyudorlar

C) oranyelar D) gannoverlar

12. 1768-yilda Rossiya – Turkiya urushi boshlanishiga qaysi hukmdorning Rossiyaga hujum qilishi sabab bo’ladi?

A) Mahmud V Rishod B) Abdulaziz

C) Abdulhamid II D) Musatafo III

13. 1428-yilda “O’zbek ulusi” davlatiga asos solgan hukmdor Abulxayrxon kimning o’g’li edi?

A) Arabshoh B) Berka Sulton

C) Shaybon D) Davlatshayx

14. 1512-yilda Safaviylarga qarshi kurashgan Shayboniylar qo’shinining o’ng qanotiga boshchilik qilgan Muhammad Temur qaysi hukmdorning farzandi edi?

A) Mahmud Sulton B) Ko’chkinchixon

C) Muhammad Shayboniyxon D) Xo’ja Mahmud Sulton

15. Movarounnahrda Roboiynavislik taraqqiyoti Bobur Mirzodan keyin kimning nomi bilan bog’lanadi?

A) Muhammad Shayboniyxon B) Abdullaxon II

C) Ubaydullaxon D) Subxonqulixon

16. Quyidagi Qoraqalpoq shoirlaridan qaysi biri Zevar taxallusi bilan ijod qilgan?

A) Kunxo’ja Ibrohim B) Otash Olshinboy

C) Ajiniyoz Qasiboy o’g’li D) Berdaq

17. Turkistonlik yoshlarni chet elda o’qishiga katta yordam ko’rsatgan Mirkomil Mirmo’minboyev qayerlik edi?

A) Andijonlik B) Buxorolik

C) Samarqandlik D) Toshkentlik

18. 1885-yilda Buxoro amirligi Baljuvon bekligida ko’tarilgan qo’zg’alonga kim rahbarlik qilgan?

A) Dukchi Eshon B) Vose

C) Abdurahmon jevachi D) Darvishxon

19. Dunyo ishchilari manfaati yo’lida xizmat qilgan II Internatsional tashkiloti qachon ta’sis etilgan edi?

A) 1867-yil B) 1879-yil C) 1889-yil D) 1900-yil

20. Nechanchi yildagi parlament islohotiga ko’ra Buyuk Britaniyada 50% erkak aholi saylov huquqini qo’lga kiritgan?

A) 1832-yil B) 1867-yil C) 1911-yil D) 1924-yil

21. XIX asr oxiri XX asr boshlarida qaysi hududdan AQSHga beda eksport qilingan?

A) Shimoliy Afrikadan B) Rossiyadan

C) Turkistondan D) Meksikadan

22. Turkistonda qachon “Musbyuro” tashkil etiladi?

A) 1917-yil B) 1918-yil C) 1919-yil D) 1920-yil

23. 1918-yil fevralda Turkiston Muxtoriyatini bostirishda jonbozlik ko’rsatgan “Dashnoqsutyun” partiyasi a’zolari qaysi xalq vakillaridan tashkil topgan edi?

A) ruslar B) armanlar C) gruzinlar D) nemislar

24. Dunyo tarixida birinchi ovozli kino qaysi shaharda namoyish etilgan?

A) London B) Parij C) Toshkent D) Nyu-York

25. Quyidagilardan qaysi biri Amerika prezidentligiga ketma-ket 4 marotaba saylangan?

A) Teodor Ruzvelt B) Vudro Vilson

C) Franklin Ruzvelt D) Gerbert Guver

26. Bugungi kunga kelib BMT ga a’zo 193 davlatdan nechtasida prezidentlik lavozimi joriy etilgan?

A) 125 ta B) 143 ta C) 168 ta D) 193 ta

27. Shavkat Mirziyoyev prezident etib saylangach, BMTning nechanchi sessiyasida nutq so’zlaydi?

A) 48 B) 53 C) 66 D) 72

28. 2008-yilda qaysi davlat MDHga a’zo bo’lish istagini bildiradi?

A) Turkmaniston B) Ukraina

C) Gruziya D) Afg’oniston

29. 2003-yil Iroqga qo’shin kiritilganda Buyuk Britaniya bosh vaziri kim edi?

A) Entoni Bler B) Gordon Braun

C) Devid Kemeron D) Tereza Mey

30. Quyidagi berilgan jadvaldan to’g’ri javoblar mos keltirilganini toping.






L. Torres Avstraliyani kashf etdi




J. Bruno Cherkov qaroriga binoan gulxanda yondirildi




Pyotr I imperator deb e’lon qilindi




T. Jefferson boshchiligida Mustaqillik Deklaratsiyasi tuzish uchun komissiya tashkil etildi




J. Garibaldi tomonidan Neapol qirolligi tugatildi


A) 1, 2, 3 B) 1, 3, 4 C) 1, 3, 5 D) 2, 4, 5


1. Choose the correct answer.

. . . some beef on the plate.

A) It isn’t B) Those is C) There are D) There is

2. Choose the correct answer.

Kevin took off his shoes and then he went . . . his room.

A) on B) of C) out D) into

3. Choose the correct answer.

Azamat won the lottery jackpot on Saturday, so he . . . be extremely happy.

A) must B) will have to C) needn’t D) can’t

4. Choose the correct answer.

In this cartoon a . . . hunts . . . .

A) cat/mice B) cat/mouse C) cats/mice D) cat/mouses

5. Choose the correct answer.

She was always dressed . . . green.

A) in B) for C) by D) at

6. Choose the correct answer.

Do the homework . . . ! I can’t help you.

A) you B) yourself C) me D) myself

7. Choose the correct answer.

Five days ago Mike told me that he would cut the grass, but he . . . it yet! It’s still there!

A) hardly did B) hasn’t done C) hadn’t done D) didn’t do

8. Choose the correct answer.

This is . . . student.

A) those B) an C) - D) a

9. Choose the correct answer.

You need to take an . . . exam to get into university.

A) education B) operation C) influence D) entrance

10. Choose the correct answer.

The employer said to the workman, “I cannot pay you higher wages.”

A) The employer told the workman that he could not pay him higher wages.

B) The employer told the workman to pay higher wages.

C) The employer told the workman that he could not been paid higher wages.

D) The employer told the workman that he cannot pay him higher wages.

11. Choose the correct answer.

The benefit was . . . great a success that the promoters of the action decided to repeat it.

A) as B) like C) such D) so

12. Choose the correct answer.

It was the first time when the two tennis players faced . . . in the court.

A) all others B) every other C) one other D) each other

13. Choose the correct answer.

There was a big party last Monday, . . . ?

A) was there B) was it C) isn’t it D) wasn’t there

14. Choose the correct answer.

If you needed my help, I . . . come and help you out.

A) could B) will be able to C) am able to D) can

15. Choose the correct answer.

Baseball became popular in Japan after World War II.

. . .

A) So did football B) So was basketball

C) Neither had hockey D) So does cricket

16. Choose the correct answer.

She smiled . . . .

A) sweetly B) sweetest C) sweetness D) sweet

17. Choose the correct answer.

If I was offered the job and the salary was OK, I . . . it.

A) would take B) took C) take D) will take

18. Choose the correct answer.

That night was terrible, to say the least of it. Jane remembers . . . all night through.

A) to pray B) say prayers

C) saying prayers D) to say prayers

Read the text and answer the questions according to it.

Some animals have parachutes which help them fly through the air. The flying squirrel is one of them. When a flying squirrel wants to get from a high tree branch to a lower one, it jumps into the air with its four legs spread wide apart. The skin between its front and back legs acts like a parachute. The squirrel can control which way it falls with its wide tail. Flying squirrels usually fly about 18 metres from branch to branch. But they can fly as far as 45 metres in one jump. The flying tree frogs of Asia have parachutes too. The frog’s parachute is a piece of skin between its long toes. But they cannot jump as far as flying squirrels. When the frog rests, the parachute is not visible. But when the frog jumps from trees, it stretches its toes apart to open its parachute.

19. What is the main idea of the passage?

A) All animals have hidden parachutes to fly.

B) The skin of all animals is considered as a parachute.

C) The whole body construction of all animals.

D) Some squirrels and frogs have parachutes to fly.

20. According to the passage, a flying squirrel can control which way it falls with its . . . .

A) tail B) head C) foot D) wing

21. According to the passage, what is the similarity between a flying squirrel and a flying tree frog?

A) They both jump from the ground

B) They both have tails.

C) They both have parachutes.

D) They both can jump very far.

22. All of the following statements are TRUE, EXCEPT . . . .

A) Flying squirrels can fly farther than flying tree frogs.

B) Some squirrels fly from trees to trees.

C) Flying squirrels do not spread their legs while flying.

D) The skin between flying squirrel’s legs is like a parachute.

Read the text and answer the questions according to it.

She was born in Albania in 1910 and her real name was Agnes. She was the youngest in the family. Her mother taught her to pray, to love and to help other people. Her parents always gave money and food to poor people. It was the lesson of kindness. When Agnes was only six, her father died and they became poor. But later her mother managed to open the shop and she did her business well. Agnes understood: "When life becomes difficult you must try, try and try again and never give up." It was the second lesson. In 1928 she left her family. She became a nun and chose a new name for herself - Teresa. Then she continued to help poor people. In 1979 Mother Teresa got the greatest award in the world - the Nobel Peace Prize. She received the prize because she loved and helped people all her life. She believed that “all people were equal”. She worked in hospitals, schools, different countries and continents. After her death the Missionaries of Charity continued helping the people.

23. What was Mother Teresa’s original name?

A) Teresa B) Agnes Teresa C) Sister Teresa D) Agnes

24. What was the second lesson for Agnes?

A) Setting up charities B) Feeding poor people

C) Never giving up D) Choosing a new name

25. What can be inferred about Mother Teresa since she was the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize?

A) She would go on to win the Medal of Freedom.

B) She was a U.S. citizen and won other prizes.

C) She received the highest honour awarded to nuns.

D) She continued helping people in the world.

26. After reading the passage, which of the following words could be used to describe Mother Teresa?

A) unemployed B) rude C) helpful D) unimportant

Read the text and answer the questions according to it.

Spices were known to Eastern peoples thousands of years ago. Arab traders skilfully kept a secret the true source of these spices. Spices became valuable items of sale early in the evolution of the spice trade and were introduced by Arab traders to the West. The initial uses of spices in very early times were in medicine and in the making of holy oils. People believed in the cure of spices, in a powder form, in the Middle Ages and even brought them into early medicine. It is not known when spices were first used in food. Certainly, the ancient Greeks and Romans used spices to flavour food and drinks because they discovered that spices helped to preserve foods, hid the flavour of spoiled meat in part, and also brought a change of flavour. Knowledge of the use of spices to preserve and flavour food slowly spread through Europe. Finally, in the last third of the 15th century, the Europeans decided to build ships and dared to go abroad in search of a route to the spice-producing countries.

27. According to the passage, initially, spices were . . ..

A) sold for very low prices B) sold in the West by Arabs

C) grown by Arab traders D) given in exchange for oil

28. According to the passage, spices were first used . . ..

A) in the West in the early Middle Ages

B) to make partially spoiled meat edible

C) mostly in medicine and religion

D) to change the flavour of foods

29. According to the passage, the ancient Greeks and Romans used spices for all the following, except . . .

A) in religion to please their gods

B) to keep food from going bad

C) in certain drinks to add flavour

D) to make food taste even better

30. According to the passage, all statements are TRUE, EXCEPT . . . .

A) Eastern peoples have known spices for a long time

B) Spices were expensive things

C) Ancient Romans never used spices to flavour food

D) Spices were used in medicine in very early times

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