11 A
11 B
Control Work 8
The aims of the lesson
Educational: - to control all learnt material in Unit 9
Subject competency: FLCC ,LC ,SC, PC
Developing: to develop reading and writing skill
Supporting competency: SC1, SC2,SC3,SC4,SC5, SC6
The type of the lesson:
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a giving new knowledge
Formulating skills and abilities/revising
consolidating K, A, S
mixed type (containing all of the types above)
The method of the lesson:
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CLT ( Communicative Language Teaching)
The Grammar-Translation method
The direct method
The audio-lingual method
The silent way
Community Language Learning
Total-Physical Response
Content-Based, Task-based and Participatory Approaches
Learning Strategy Training, Cooperative Learning and Multiple Intelligences
The way of teaching:
a) Deductive ( Presentation –Practice –Production)
( pair work, group work, individual work , plenary )
The equipment:
card-questions, , colored pictures card-test, , a glue, paper, posters, markers, the DVD of the book, multimedia equipment, pupils book, teachers book, control notebooks,
Learning outcomes:
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to build new word N+N=adjective, to talk about the working day • to talk about one’s working day
The block-scheme of the lesson:
Parts of the stage
Organizational part
Greeting, duty’s information and checking PP attendance , warm up
2 minutes
Revising previous lesson’s or unit’s learnt material. Checking homework
3 minutes
Work on new theme
30 minutes
Consolidate new theme
0 minutes
Assessing or marking pupils
2 minutes
Giving home task
Remember box; Exercises on the homework pages
3 minutes
Total :
45 minutes
The procedure of the lesson:
I. Organizational part: 1 a) Greeting and duty’s information b)Checking the previous lesson and homework (How? A)Traditional method B)Non-traditional method a )Self-checking method b)Inter-checking method)
. II. Revising: to revise previous lesson’s material by question cards
III. Work on new theme ( 2. Presenting and 3 .Practicing )
IV. Consolidating
The 11th form Control work 8
1. Make present perfect continuous sentence below. (I / not / sleep - I was reading)
A) I haven’t been sleeping since I was reading B) I hadn’t been sleeping since I was reading
C) I hadn’t slept since I was reading D) I have slept since I was reading
2.Write down the sentences with Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Continuous. Zuhra ______ (cook) dinner. Let’s go and eat! A) Zuhra has cooked dinner. Let’s go and eat! B) Zuhra have cooked dinner. Let’s go and eat! B) Zuhra has been cooked dinner. Let’s go and eat! D) Zuhra has been cooking dinner. Let’s go and eat!
3. The students ___________________ (fi nish) their exams. They’re very happy.
A) The students have finished their exams. They’re very happy.
B) The students have been finishing their exams. They’re very happy.
C) The students has finished their exams. They’re very happy.
D) The students had finished their exams. They’re very happy.
4. Read and match the words you have given to the following definitions.
1) To become better than before ________ 2) To make something understandable
A) Improve, Clarify B) Assignment, Evaluate C) Clarify, Summary D) Suggestion, Feedback
5. Find the literature person: -- (1936-2016) was an Uzbek poet, playwright, literary translator and statesman. “Appeal”( NIdo), “The breath of Morning” (Tong nafasi), The Rise of spirits”(Ruhlar isyoni) are very popular.
A) Arkin Vokhidov B) Abdulla Oripov C) Oybek D) Pushkin
6.Find the definitions of the given words: Suggestion, Feedback
A) A task or piece of work that somebody is given to do , To form an opinion of something after thinking about itcarefully B)The student, who has lessons online, An idea C) An idea ,Advice, criticism about how good somebody’s work is D) To become better than before , To make something understandable
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