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- yili amerikalik fizik T.G.Meyman kanday asbobni yaratdi?Bu asbobga kanday nom berildi?

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Malaka oshirish Informatika (kirish.chiqish testlari)

1960- yili amerikalik fizik T.G.Meyman kanday asbobni yaratdi?Bu asbobga kanday nom berildi?

optikaviy diapazonda ishlaydigan asbobni yaratdi. Bu asbobga lazer nomi berildi


Lazer lokatori vositasida Oygacha bo‘lgan masofa necha metrgacha aniqlikda o‘lchangan?

4 m


Atom yadrosining tuzilishini o‘rganish kachondan boshlanib, juda katta muhim natijalarga erishilib kelinmoqda?

XX asr (asosan 30-yillar)


Uran 92U238 yadrosi uchta emirish va ikkita emirilishdan so‘ng, uranning qanday izotopini hosil qiladi?

Javob: 88Ra226


1654 yil Otto Gerike ...... isbotlash uchun Magdeburg shaxrida tajriba qildi.

atmosfera bosimi borligini.


o‘ta isitilgan suyuqlik ichida zaryadli zarra harakatlanganda hosil bo‘ladigan ionlar ustida bug‘ pufakchalari paydo bo‘lish usuli -

1952-yilda amerikalik fizik D.Gleyzer tomonidan ixtiro qilingan Pufakli kamera

Test for English teachers from majmua 4.1

1. What is the communicative approach?

a) The communicative approach is the best-known current approach to language teaching.

b) It is the style of learning a foreign language

c) It is a method

d) The communicative approach is a certain methodology
2. An approach is a way of looking at________________

a) teaching and learning

b) a certain method

c) a methodology

d) a technique
3. The communicative approach aim to make all the _________ attain communicative competence

a) learners

b) teachers

c) methods

d) techniques
4. The merits of communicative approach is to develop the________________ among the students

a) speech ability

b) listening ability

c) writing skills

d) reading skills
5. The merits of communicative approach teaches_______________________________

a) of different ways of expression

b) of teaching methods of foreign languages

c) of learning styles

d) of different lesson planning
6. The merits of communicative approach based on______________

a) the practical utility

b) the theoretical utility

c) teaching methods

d) reading skills
7. Demerits of communicative approach_________________

a) ignores grammar and structures

b) ignores interactive learning

c) ignores grammar-translation method

d) ignores international testing systems
8. The Audiolingual Approach to language teaching has a lot of __________with the Direct Method

a) similarities

b) differences

c) approach

d) directions
9. The direct method highlighted the teaching of vocabulary while the audiolingual approach focus on ____________________

a) grammar drills

b) listening skills

c) speaking skills

d) writing skills
10. What is the structural view to language?

a) It is the view behind the audio-lingual method

b) It is the view of methods

c) That is the approach of teaching

d) It is the main issue of teaching foreign languages
11. What is the objective of the audiolingual method?

a) It is an accurate pronunciation and grammar

b) It is just listening skill

c) That is the style of teaching

d) That is the approach of teaching foreign languages
12. What is ELL?

a) English Language Learners

b) English Level Labels

c) European Language Levels

d) European Language Labels
13. What do you understand when you hear the Linguistic intelligence?

a) Linguistic intelligence is revealed through specially designed grammar and vocabulary exercises based on pair work in dialogues.

b) Linguistic intelligence is just gained knowledge of the linguist

c) Linguistic intelligence is skills as like listening and speaking

d) Linguistic intelligence is skills as like reading and writing
14. When the Musical-rhythmical intelligence activated?

a) Musical-rhythmical intelligence is activated when children listen to and imitate intonation and rhythm, sing songs and recite verses.

b) Musical-rhythmical intelligence is activated when the learners began writing an essay

c) Musical-rhythmical intelligence is activated when the teacher began explaining new theme

d) Musical-rhythmical intelligence is activated when the pupils started singing the song
15. What is Logical-mathematical intelligence?

a) Logical-mathematical intelligence is based on solving problems and puzzles, counting, analyzing elements of the whole, doing “odd one out” tasks

b) Logical-mathematical intelligence is based on just solving mathematical tasks

c) Logical-mathematical intelligence is based on work in teams

d) Logical-mathematical intelligence is based on individual work
16. What is Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence?

a) Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence expresses itself in physical activities and movement: role-play, games, making posters and doing projects

b) Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence expresses itself in doing grammar exercises

c) Its just physical exercise which do in the lesson PE

d) Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence expresses itself in vocabulary exercises
17. What is Interpersonal intelligence?

a) Interpersonal intelligence is necessary in pair and group work, games and team activities

b) Interpersonal intelligence is necessary in teaching second language

c) Interpersonal intelligence is necessary in teaching foreign language

d) Interpersonal intelligence is necessary in individual work and activity
18. What is Intrapersonal intelligence?

a) Intrapersonal intelligence is based on silent individual work and self-reflection

b) Intrapersonal intelligence is based on pair and group work

c) Intrapersonal intelligence is based on games and activities in small group

d) Intrapersonal intelligence is based on self study
19. What are the essential methods of teaching EFL to young learners?

a) role plays, communicative methods, total physical involvement

b) interactive methods

c) the usage of ICT and multimedia

d) b, c
20. What should we do when we teach the pupils in elementary school?

a) to divide most children into groups based on the basic channel of perception

b) to work with each pupils individually

c) use only ICT during the lesson

d) to divide into small teams and learn by heart the songs and poems
21. Games can be found to give practice in all__________ (reading, writing, listening and speaking)

a) the skills

b) the methods

c) the techniques

d) the aspects

22. What is the project work?

a) it gives every student a good chance to show their creative individuality and develops their team spirit at the same time

b) it is just a method

c) it gives only one student a good chance to show their creative individuality and develops their individual spirit at the same time

d) it is a technique

23. Pair work________________________________________

a) provides opportunities for intensive listening and speaking practice

b) provides individual approach

c) provides special methods of teaching foreign languages

d) a, b
24. The psychological barriers that arise at the beginning of learning a foreign language at the age of ¬¬¬¬___________ years old

a) 10-11

b) 3-5

c) 18-20

d) 22-25
25. What is ICT?

a) Information Communicative Technology

b) Informing Communication Techniques

c) Involving Communicative Technologies

d) a, b
majmua 4.3
26. Distance education is _______________ the traditional education

a) different from

b) similar like

c) as like

d) a, c
27. What is WWW?

a) World Wide Web

b) Wonderful Wild Web

c) Wild Web Wonder

d) a, b
28. IELTS is……..

a) International English Language Testing System

b) Internal English Learning Testing System

c) Integrated English Learning Taking System

d) b, c
29. TOEFL is…………..

a) Test of English as a Foreign Language

b) Testing of English Followers Language

c) Taking of Especially Followers in Language

d) b, c
30. What is ETS?

a) Educational Testing Service

b) Education Taking System

c) Enrolling Testing Standard

d) Enriching Testing Standards
31. TOEFL iBT, what does iBT mean?

a) Internet-based test

b) Integrated Basement of Testing

c) International Baseball Team

d) International Booking Table
32. CEFR is…………….

a) Common European Framework References

b) Commonly English Foreigners Responsibility

c) Command of Eurasia Framework References

d) Communication English Framework References
33. FCE is……….

a) First Certificate in English

b) Foreign Centre of English

c) Freedom Connection of Europe

d) b, c
34. KET is…………….

a) Key English Test

b) Kingdom of English Testing

c) Keyboard English Testimony

d) a, b
35. IELTS is available in two formats –___________________training

a) Academic and General

b) Academician and Generalization

c) Generation and Education

d) b, c
36. Level C1 in CEFR means………

a) Effective operational proficiency, certificate in advanced English

b) First certificate in English

c) Preliminary English test

d) b, c
37. Level C2 in CEFR means………

a) Mastery, certificate of proficiency in English

b) First certificate in English

c) Preliminary English test

d) b, c
38. Authentic materials can involve the……………………

a) students to real language as it is used in real life situations by native speakers

b) teachers to forget about their own native language

c) people to use their skills in daily life

d) b, c
39. EFL is………….

a) English as Foreign Language

b) European Foreigner Learners

c) Eurasian Format of Language

d) Euro land of Foreign Languages
40.ESL is……………

a) English as Second Language

b) English as Secondary Level

c) European School Label

d) England Scholarship Leaders
41. Feedback is………….

a) evaluative information derived from such a reaction or response

b) just a comment

c) only negative comment

d) b, c
42. Incident process…………………..

a) This teaching style involves a case study format, but the process is not so rigid as a full case study training session. The focus is on learning how to solve real problems that involve real people. Small groups of participants are provided details from actual incidents and then asked to develop a workable solution

b) is the task of grouping a set of objects in such a way that objects in the same group (called a cluster) are more similar (in some sense or another) to each other than to those in other groups

c) a group activity in which learners have a free and relatively unstructured discussion on an assigned topic as a way of generating ideas.

d) is about a person, group, or situation that has been studied over time. The case study method often involves simply observing what happens to, or reconstructing the case history‘ of a single participant or group of individuals (such as a school class or a specific social group)
43. Cluster is………………

a) is the task of grouping a set of objects in such a way that objects in the same group (called a cluster) are more similar (in some sense or another) to each other than to those in other groups

b) This teaching style involves a case study format, but the process is not so rigid as a full case study training session. The focus is on learning how to solve real problems that involve real people. Small groups of participants are provided details from actual incidents and then asked to develop a workable solution

c) is about a person, group, or situation that has been studied over time. The case study method often involves simply observing what happens to, or reconstructing the case history‘ of a single participant or group of individuals (such as a school class or a specific social group)

d) b, c
44. Brainstorming is…………….

a) a group activity in which learners have a free and relatively unstructured discussion on an assigned topic as a way of generating ideas

b) is about a person, group, or situation that has been studied over time. The case study method often involves simply observing what happens to, or reconstructing the case history‘ of a single participant or group of individuals (such as a school class or a specific social group)

c) This teaching style involves a case study format, but the process is not so rigid as a full case study training session. The focus is on learning how to solve real problems that involve real people. Small groups of participants are provided details from actual incidents and then asked to develop a workable solution

d) b, c
45. Case study is………………………

a) about a person, group, or situation that has been studied over time. This method often involves simply observing what happens to, or reconstructing the history of this method a single participant or group of individuals

b) a type of co-operative activity in which each member of a group has a piece of information needed to complete a group task. Often used in reading work when each learner or group of learners reads and understands a part of a text, then takes part in pooling information to establish the meaning or message of the whole text

c) teaching style involves a case study format, but the process is not so rigid as a full case study training session. The focus is on learning how to solve real problems that involve real people. Small groups of participants are provided details from actual incidents and then asked to develop a workable solution

d) b, c
46. Skill building exercises (writing) have been divided into ___________ categories

a) three

b) two

c) six

d) seven
47. The Direct Method also called………………..

a) Natural Method

b) Unnatural Method

c) Simple Method

d) Super segmental Method
48. The Direct Method was established in ………………………

a) Germany and France

b) England and Poland

c) China and Japan

d) Uzbekistan and USA
49. The Direct Method was established around ………….

a) 1900

b) 2010

c) 1995

d) 1920
50. The Direct Method appeared as an answer to the shortcomings of the……………..

a) Grammar Translation Method

b) Interactive Method

c) Unusual Method

d) Indirect Method
51. The Method of Discussion is………………………………………………….

a) This type of interactive method requires studying and teaching material on the theme before starting discussion

b) a type of co-operative activity in which each member of a group has a piece of information needed to complete a group task. Often used in reading work when each learner or group of learners reads and understands a part of a text, then takes part in pooling information to establish the meaning or message of the whole text

c) teaching style involves a case study format, but the process is not so rigid as a full case study training session. The focus is on learning how to solve real problems that involve real people. Small groups of participants are provided details from actual incidents and then asked to develop a workable solution

d) b, c
52. The Method of Role Playing is………………………………………………….

a) It is also one of the activity used in teaching innovative methods. They are made to improve the efficiency of teaching. It involves the learners into active work by positively influencing on their inner activity.

b) teaching style involves a case study format, but the process is not so rigid as a full case study training session. The focus is on learning how to solve real problems that involve real people. Small groups of participants are provided details from actual incidents and then asked to develop a workable solution

c) a type of co-operative activity in which each member of a group has a piece of information needed to complete a group task. Often used in reading work when each learner or group of learners reads and understands a part of a text, then takes part in pooling information to establish the meaning or message of the whole text

d) b, c
53. What is Multimedia learning?

a) It is the combination of various media types as text, audio and video materials by the help of which teacher presents information to the learners.

b) a type of co-operative activity in which each member of a group has a piece of information needed to complete a group task. Often used in reading work when each learner or group of learners reads and understands a part of a text, then takes part in pooling information to establish the meaning or message of the whole text

c) teaching style involves a case study format, but the process is not so rigid as a full case study training session. The focus is on learning how to solve real problems that involve real people. Small groups of participants are provided details from actual incidents and then asked to develop a workable solution

d) b, c
54. Brainstorming is……………..

a) its technique for generating new ideas on a topic

b) its just simple method

c) its unusual method

d) b, c
55. What is Competence-based approach?

a) This approach in the system of higher is intended to increase attention to the effective and technological formation of professional competences.

b) its unusual method

c) a type of co-operative activity in which each member of a group has a piece of information needed to complete a group task. Often used in reading work when each learner or group of learners reads and understands a part of a text, then takes part in pooling information to establish the meaning or message of the whole text

d) Indirect Method
56. Vocabulary is a ………………………. of words and phrases in language

a) collection

b) selection

c) reflection

d) direction
57. What is teaching approach?

a) Its one’s viewpoint toward teaching or refers to what one believes in, regarding teaching, upon which are based on teaching behaviors

b) Its just process of education

c) Its only method of teaching

d) b, c
58. What is learner based approach?

a) It starts from the belief that the learner is at the center of the learning process and not the syllabus and as such they are self-directed equals in the learning process along with tutors, teachers

b) is about a person, group, or situation that has been studied over time. The case study method often involves simply observing what happens to, or reconstructing the case history‘ of a single participant or group of individuals (such as a school class or a specific social group)

c) teaching style involves a case study format, but the process is not so rigid as a full case study training session. The focus is on learning how to solve real problems that involve real people. Small groups of participants are provided details from actual incidents and then asked to develop a workable solution

d) b, c
59. What is the performance based approach?

a) Its an education which enables pupils to use their knowledge and apply skills in realistic situations

b) teaching style involves a case study format, but the process is not so rigid as a full case study training session. The focus is on learning how to solve real problems that involve real people. Small groups of participants are provided details from actual incidents and then asked to develop a workable solution

c) is about a person, group, or situation that has been studied over time. The case study method often involves simply observing what happens to, or reconstructing the case history‘ of a single participant or group of individuals (such as a school class or a specific social group)

d) b, c
60. What is problem-based learning?

a) In this approach, the roles and responsibilities of both teachers and learners are different from those in more traditional types of school-based learning. Generally, in this approach, the teacher acts as a coach for or facilitator of activities that students carry out themselves.

b) it gives only one student a good chance to show their creative individuality and develops their individual spirit at the same time

c) is about a person, group, or situation that has been studied over time. The case study method often involves simply observing what happens to, or reconstructing the case history‘of a single participant or group of individuals (such as a school class or a specific social group)

d) Its only method of teaching
61. What is TPR?

a) Total Physical Response

b) Typical Phrase of Reference

c) Totally Prepared Reader

d) b, c
62. What is LAD?

a) Language Acquisition Device

b) Long Advanced Distance

c) Live Admire Dialogue

d) Lost Alphabet Dictionary
63. TPR was developed by………………

a) James Asher

b) Mark Twain

c) Vinogradov.V.V

d) A.S Pushkin
64. James Asher worked in…………………….University

a) Jose State

b) Oxford

c) Cambridge

d) Westminister
65. TPR built on coordination of ……………………

a) speech and action

b) writing and action

c) listening and action

d) reading and action
66. TPR relying on…………….. learning hypotheses facilitate and inhibit foreign language learning

a) three

b) five

c) seven

d) ten
67. What are the main 3 hypotheses of TPR?

a) bio-program, brain lateralization, and reduction of stress

b) bio-programming, brain globalization, reflection of stress

c) biology, language, phonology

d) linguistics, language in action, deduction of stress
68. Learners in TPR have the primary roles of ……….. and …………….

a) listeners, performers

b) readers, showers

c) speakers, listeners

d) writers, readers
69. In the teaching learning process using TPR method, teacher plays ……… and …………..

a) an active, direct role

b) passive, indirect role

c) super, main role

d) activeness, secondary role
70. What is Second language?

a) a language that is usually absorbed in the social environment, where it is a real means of communication

b) just well-known language

c) just unknown language

d) a language that is unusually bordered with the social environment, difficult to learn and teach

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