Tense degan atama bilan ifodalanadi. Macmillian English Dictionary for Advanced Learners lug'atida zamon, ya'ni tense

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Hamdam Atajanov

Ingliz tilida koʻp fe’llar predlog bilan qoʻllaniladi va oldingi mavzudagi qoidaga koʻra predlogdan keyin
fe’lning gerundiy shakli qoʻllanishi kerak. Quyidagi jadvalda eng koʻp qoʻllaniladigan fe’llar va ulardan keyin
keladigan predloglar keltirilgan.
succeed in
muvaffaqiyat qozonmoq
Have you succeeded in finding a job yet?
insist on
qat’iy turib olmoq
They insisted on paying for the meal.
think of/about
I am thinking of buying a house.
dream of/about
orzu qilmoq, tush koʻrmoq
I wouldn’t dream of asking them for money.
approve of
She doesn’t approve of gambling.
decide against
qarshi qaror qilmoq
We have decided against moving to London.
feel like
Do you feel like going out tonight?
look forward to
intizorlik bilan kutmoq
I am looking forward to meeting her.
apologise for
kechirim soʻramoq
You must apologise for not telling the truth.
object to
qarshi boʻlmoq
I really object to being charged for parking.
Eslatma: Yuqoridagi feel like birikmasidagi like soʻzi koʻmakchi hisoblanadi.
Yuqoridagi fe'llarning ba'zilarida predlogdan keyin gerundiydagi ish-harakat bajaruvchisi ham koʻrsatilishi

She doesn't approve of me gambling. (U mening qimor oʻynashimni ma'qullamaydi.)

We are all looking forward to Liz coming home. (Biz hammamiz Lizning uyga kelishini intizorlik
bilan kutmoqdamiz.)
Quyidagi jadvalda esa verb +object+preposition+gerund qurilmasida qoʻllaniladigan fe'llar keltirilgan.
congratulate (on) tabriklamoq
I congratulated Ann on passing the exam.
accuse (of)
They accused me of telling lies.
suspect (of)
Nobody suspected the man of being a spy.
prevent (from)
oldini olmoq
What prevented him from coming to see us?
stop (from)
oldini olmoq, toʻxtatmoq
The police stopped us from leaving the school.
thank (for)
minnatdorchilik bildirmoq I thanked them for helping me.
forgive (for)
Please, forgive me for not writing to you.
warn against
They warned us against buying the car.
stop somebody from doing something qurilmasida from predlogini tushirib qoldirish mumkin.

You can't stop me from doing what I want.

You can't stop me doing what I want.
Yuqoridagi fe'llardan bir nechtasi majhul nisbatda ham qoʻllaniladi.

I was accused of telling lies.

The man wasn't suspected of being a spy.

We were warned against buying the car.
Ingliz tilida quyidagi ibora va birikmalar oʻzidan keyin gerundiy talab qiladi.
1) it is no use/it is of no use/ it is useless/ it is no good +gerund = foydasi yoʻq, keragi yoʻq

It's no use crying over spilt milk.

It's no good trying to persuade me. You won't succeed.
2) There is no point in/There is no point+gerund = be'manilik, foydasi yoʻq
Hamdam Atajanov


There is no point having a car if you never drive it.

There was no point in waiting any longer, so we went home.
3) it's worth/ it's not worth + gerund = arziydi/arzimaydi

It's worth buying this shirt. It is cheap and good quality.

It was so late when we got home that it wasn't worth going to bed.
worth soʻzi oʻzi alohida sifat boʻlib qoʻllanishi ham mumkin va undan keyin gerundiy boʻlishi kerak.

I don't think newspapers are worth reading these days.
4) have difficulty/have trouble/have fun + gerund = qiynalmoq/ mazza qilmoq

I had difficulty finding a place to live when I first arrived in London.

We had fun dancing and singing last night.
5) be busy + gerund = band boʻlmoq

When I saw her yesterday, she was busy washing her car.
Eslatma: be busy birikmasi inkor ma’noda qoʻllanilsa, oʻzidan keyin to+infinitive talab qiladi.

He is too busy to receive anyone these days. (=he couldn’t meet people)
6)It is a waste of time/ money+ gerund = vaqtni/ pulni bekor ketkazish

It's a waste of time reading this book. It's rubbish.

It's a waste of money buying things you don't need.
waste soʻzi fe'l sifatida qoʻllanilganda bekor ketkazmoq degan ma'noda ham qoʻllaniladi.
to waste time/money + gerund = vaqtni/ pulni bekor ketkazmoq

I waste a lot of time day-dreaming.
7) to spend time/money +gerund = vaqt/pul sarflamoq

I spent two hours trying to repair the old clock.
8) go va come fe'llari gerundiy bilan qoʻllanilib, sport yoki hordiq olish turlarini bildirib kelishi mumkin.
shopping, swimming, fishing, sailing,
climbing, walking, riding, skiing,
sightseeing, waterskiing, jogging

Why don't you come fishing with us?

Have you ever been sailing?

I would like to go skiing.
9) What is the use of+gerund? = …nima foydasi bor?

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