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2 To: Busljrá’iyyih, Tabas, Tisrbat, Ktsbih, Sabzivár, Tihrán, Adbirbãyján.
work, except that they are unable to procure papers as to their previous status. A very few have found work and are thus able to pay about half their own daily expenses. Their anguish over the fate of the men, from whom no word comes—their poverty and enforced idleness are heartbreaking to witness. They have written and telegraphed in detail to H. M. the Shah, explaining what has befallen them and it is hoped that through his efforts the men will be freed and come to fran. It is clear that the Shah has read their petitions and taken steps on their behalf but the Soviet authorities have apparently failed to respond. Their only hope is in the unseen hand of God. Up to now Mashhad has received 68,000 riyals from the National Assembly and collected locally 9,636 riyáls for these refugees. They—who once led all the Friends in their bounteous giving, and of whom the Master said, “The Friends of ‘Ishqábád are the pride of the world in giving alms”—take this money with shame and weeping eyes, and bless the Assemblies for this aid. The important question of Bahá’i marriage continues unsolved. The Government sanctions only such marriages as are registered at the license bureaus of the four recognized religions, Muslim, Jewish, Zoroastrian and Christian. The Department of Justice states that the marriage must be performed according to the rules of the given religion at that religion’s license bureau and by its head; and further that no matters contrary to the practices of that religion are to be included in the license. An amendment to the marriage law since 1317, states that any person contracting marriage or securing divorce in any place other than the official bureaus or without an official license will be subject to from one to six months in prison. Since no bureau is provided for Baha’is the friends perform the Baha’i marriage, register it according to the Guardian’s direction on the official registration blanks of the three recognized non-Muslim religions, enclose with this a written statement of the marriage and send the whole by registered mail to the required departments, requesting also official directions for Baha’i marriage registration.
The Guardian directs that where both parties are Baha’is the marriage must take place according to Baha’i procedure; where one is a non-Baha’i, both the Baha’i and the non-Baha’i marriage procedure must be used. Occasionally, Baha’is in outlying districts have from ignorance of this teaching failed to contract Baha’i marriage, and have thus according to the Guardian’s direction been deprived of their voting right. To regain this, they have deliberately cancelled the non-Baha’i marriage and re-married according to Baha’i law. This adherence of Baha’is to their Faith has greatly astonished nonBaha’is and won their admiration. Up to some months ago, persons contracting Baha’i marriage were only rarely interfered with by the Department of Justice, and such marriages were tacitly permitted. Then, in Tihran and the provinces as well, the severest penalties were suddenly imposed, and even those Baha’is who had married in previous years were summoned for trial; not only the men, but the women, too, were prosecuted, and according to our present information, in Tihran alone over three hundred and fifty cases are in process of being tried. The questions usually asked by the authorities are these: Who performed your marriage ceremony? Who read the marriage sermon? What person drew up your marriage certificate? Why did you not appear at one of the four marriage hcense bureaus to contract your marriage? The Friends answer: In Baha’i marriage no one is appointed to perform the ceremony; the couple themselves perform the marriage by repeating the two marriage verses. As for the marriage sermon, a chant is used to bless the occasion, but it is not a requirement to marriage and no special person is appointed to chant it. Persons attending the marriage are witnesses and nothing more—the presence of witnesses being a requirement. The Baha’is cannot use the hcense bureaus since each of these is set apart for one of the four officially recognized religions; recourse to them would thus be a denial of that truthfulness which is the basis of the Baha’i Faith. After being questioned, the Friends are released on bail. The Baha’is are summoned in an unusual way; they are almost always called in on
Thursday; since Thursday afternoon and Friday all offices are closed, they are thus imprisoned two days and two nights. From 200 to 400 tumâns bail is required of each person contracting marriage. Since other Bahá’is almost always furnish the bail and thus few persons are imprisoned for long, the authorities now ask for cash bail. The Assembly has appointed a commission to take charge of all such cases, and these persons with great self sacrifice stand ready to help at all times, personally attending court and smoothing every difficulty. The Assembly has likewise called a second commission to supply the cash bail. Besides the sums pledged by this second commission, its members have also offered funds for the aid of couples who have been imprisoned or dismissed from jobs as a result of the marriage. The National Assembly has directed that all Assemblies throughout Iran reserve a special fund for this purpose, so that imprisonment, and the suffering of families of contracting parties, will not result. On occasion some of the authorities are brutal, and some use obscene expressions in addressing Bahá’is, even the women; but others admit that the Bahi’is are innocent and say they are taking action only because they are obliged to. Some of the questioners and judges say they know the Bahá’is are trying to achieve official recognition by this means, but will never succeed; the Bahã’is answer that they are not trying to break the laws, as proved by the fact that they officially register and notify the authorities of all marriages, but that they cannot in conscience use the provided legal channels. The Friends, and especially the women, although they have never undergone such experiences before, have stood up wonderfully in the courts, demonstrating their sincerity and their knowledge of the teachings. In some cases the officials have been remarkably moved, and astonished that even peasants could respond as they have. Some of the Bahá’is have said they would be proud to go to prison for the Cause, and others, fully realizing the severe penalties, have not hesitated to contract Bahá’i marriages. Daily the authorities see that their persecutions, far from frightening the BahA’is have increased the number of marriages, and the
Department of Justice is being filled with talk of Bahá’i principles because Bahá’i married couples are constantly summoned for questioning. From eight days to six months’ imprisonment has been the penalty so far imposed; even women have been sentenced to imprisonment for some days. The Friends usually appeal the case; a fine can be substituted for a sentence of two months or less. Oddly, although the act is the same, the penalty always varies according to the degree of fanaticism of the judge. This Assembly has left the Friends free either to pay the fine or accept the prison sentence; in either case, this sentence, entered on the individual’s identity card, deprives him of civil rights for a number of years, varying with the penalty, and means his dismissal from any government position; it also means that for years no one else will employ him. In addition, certain laws that have been passed regarding penalties for Bahá’i marriage require that following imprisonment the BahI’i must remarry according to the laws of the country, at one of the four license bureaus. In other words the penalties might be imposed indefinitely. Victims of this law constantly petition the Department of Justice, the Cabinet and His Majesty. Recently when one of the Bahá’is presented a petition to the Royal Office, an order was sent (to Qazvin) saying that since the petitioner had broken the law and had further had the effrontery to tell his crime to the Shah, he was to be severely punished. Typical individual cases follow: In Káshán, Uasan Násih, ‘Abbás Baydá’i, and Ahmad Yazdani, were sentenced to from three to four months’ imprisonment. In Najafábid, ‘Abdu’l-usayn Jáni freely chose a month’s imprisonment rather than pay the fine. In Yazd, Aqay-i-Bayani, in Tihran Muaddiqi Taliqáni, have been sentenced to four months in prison. In Bandari-Jaz, for contracting BahI’i marriage, Mul ammad Sangi was sentenced to six months imprisonment.a Mashhad reports that among Bahá’is contracting marriage who have been Transiatofs note: This must be the Muhammad Sangi who died a hero’s death in a recent fire. See BAHA’i NEWS, January, 1941.
persecuted recently is Aqáy-i-Yazdán-Parast, who was questioned, sent to prison, and after some days released on 200 tumáns bail. Brought to trial, he was sentenced to two months and five days in jail but has appealed the case. Thaná’u’lláh Furdd of Sabzivár, was likewise imprisoned, then released on 200 tumáns bail, pending trial. Aqáy-i-áhiri was sentenced to seventy days in jail and has appealed the case. In Birj and, MubammadRidá Majidi wrote the Registry Office: “I have married Layli Khánum Majidi according to the procedure of my religion, ‘Bahâ’i.’ I request that you designate the manner of registering this marriage.” Following further correspondence he awaits trial. Following is a summary of the documents in a typical marriage case in Tihrán: Mflsá Thábit-i-Isfáháni, a twenty-five year old translator, married, father of a child, Iranian citizen, religion Bahá’i; and his wife Khánum Aghá,
eighteen, Iranian citizen, religion Bahá’ i. The defendants transgressed the marriage law, in marrying according to the regulations of the Bahâ’i religion and in not appearing at one of the official hcense bureaus or informing the Registry Office of their marriage. They admit their act and say in extenuation that since they cannot tell falsehoods and the bureaus would not register their marriage because they are Bahá’is, they married elsewhere . . .
Khánum Aghá
is sentenced to one month in prison or payment of 6 riyáls a day, and Mflsâ to three and one- half months in addition to one and one-half months The above and further charges included in this document, were answered by ‘Abdu’l‘Ali ‘Alá’i, member of the commission for aid to Bahá’is contracting marriage, as follows: Although another calendar and money standard were used in the marriage certificate of the defendants, nevertheless the Iranian equivalent was also stated. . . .
In other countries marriage has two aspects, civil and religious, the latter being optional; in Iran no civil marriage exists. . . . Other religions besides Islam flourish in Iran, having their own temples, Parliamentary representatives and other rights, and no disorder results. . . .
The present marriage law refers only to members of the four recognized religions, and therefore does not apply to mem ber
of any other religion; for example, it obviously would not apply to Brahmins or Buddhists resident in Iran. . . .
Each of the four license bureaus is authorized to marry only members of the specific religion which it serves, and cannot marry non-members. Although the law refuses to recognize the religions practiced by half the population of the globe, that does not prove that those religions are non-existent, nor that Iranian citizens should be obliged to commit themselves to falsehood at the official government offices. . . .
The defendants truthfully stated that their religion is Baha’i, and the learned judge in passing sentence testified to this, when he described their religion as Bahá’i; now whether the law recognizes the Bahá’i rehgion along with the other four, or refuses to recognize it along with the remaining religions of the world—in any case the law applies only to members of the four religions specified, and therefore does not apply to Baha’is. As a result of the foregoing, the authorities agreed that Mflsá had shown proof of his informing the Registry Office by mail of his marriage. They added in substance that use in the certificate of a calendar and money standard other than Iran’s was not justified; that the license bureaus are really civil institutions intended merely to regulate marriage in an orderly way; and that, supposing an individual does have a special religion or even an imaginary one he can still contract marriage according to the law. Even if that legal marriage has a religious aspect and he thinks that religion to be false, it is better for him to obey the law than commit a crime, and then he can privately perform all the rites of his own religion. Mflsa’s sentence was then reduced to two months in jail or payment of 20 riyals daily. A second appeal was made by the Baha’i Commission in answer to the above, showing that the license bureaus are anything but civil, since each is dedicated to the practices of a given rehgion and the head of each, who according to law must perform the marriage, is chosen on a religious basis; and adding that the compromise which the authorities obviously wish the Baha’is to make would be dishonest and intolerable. The authorities, however, did not withdraw the last-men-
tioned sentence, on the grounds that “whatever Mósá’s religion may be, and with due regard to personal convictions, there is no reason why he should not obey the law.” Meanwhile the Friends, men and women, bravely confront all obstacles; they will obey all the laws of their country except those which are tantamount to a recantation of their Faith. It is hoped that the misunderstandings caused by fanatics will be dissipated and the Government will come to realize that the Bahá’is are true lovers of their homeland—blessed in Bahá’i history—and that the free exercise of their religion can bring to Iran only progress. During the year 95, as ever, the Friends have been subjected to other difficulties as well. Where matters of conscience are concerned, they are generally persecuted by the authorities; as a rule, and particularly in the provinces, local officials take advantage of their position to vent their personal spleen on the Friends—who, inspired by the Guardian, endure their trials patiently. This Assembly is in constant communication with government officials, urgently requesting the removal of these difficulties, examples of which follow. In Ardistán (1sf áhãn Division) Local Assembly representative Rafi’i sent a letter to the school superintendent to excuse all Bahâ’i children, about eighty boys and girls, from school attendance on the day of the Martyrdom of the Mb. When the children returned to school after their absence, the principal expelled them all, saying he had been so directed from Jsfáhán. Rafi’i was imprisoned for some time, but released following vigorous action, and the children were readmitted to school. Another reason for the persecution of Rafi’i was that when the Ardistán Friends were building the wall of their cemetery a local official had unfavorably reported this activity. General reports show that whenever the Friends list their religion in a Government bureau as Bahá’i, the bureaus refuse to employ them; those previously employed, when renewing their registration papers, are subjected to all sorts of difficulties if they describe themselves as Bahá’is. If, however, they leave the religions column blank, the officials fill it in themselves with the word
“Mushm” and discharge anyone who protests. When As’adu’l-Hukama reached Mashhad he stopped at the Milli Hotel in the center of town. Fearing it would be unwise if crowds of Bahá’is flocked to see him there, the Assembly transferred him to the kIairatu’l-Quds, where every night a reception was held for him. On Fridays he would stay at the home of an Assembly member and the crowds would be diverted to that place. In spite of these precautions, after a member of the Police Department, Aqã Náji, the son of a Bahá’i, had called socially at the k{a4- ratu’l-Quds and found some Bahá’i visitors in a room that had once been the hbrary and still had Bahá’i pictures on the walls— officials appeared and confiscated the pictures, one a large framed portrait of the Guardian done by a Bahã’i youth. The authorities then summoned Kázimi, Assembly member, charged that a meeting had been held and inquired who owned the 1Iairat’ul- Quds. He replied that there had been no meeting but a social gathering for the visitor, and that the property was in the name of Amin-Amin, whose representative was Mu’ayyad-i-Ghiyathi. They then summoned Ghiyáthi, and the head of the municipality fiercely upbraided him, finally ordering him to rent the building at once. A second official further directed that none but a Mushm tenant be accepted. The Assembly, however, decided to rent the building to MihrA’in, Assembly member, for his kindergarten, and this was done. The pictures have not yet been returned. Restriction by the Chief of Police of even small meetings was so severe in Záhidan that the Assembly was forced to discontinue social gatherings and classes for adults. Sangsar reports that when during a memorial for a Bahá’i woman Tablets were being chanted, some municipal officers came out of hiding and began to insult and abuse those present. They listed the names of all attending and prepared to carry off the women to the Municipality. Siyyid Báqir, brother of the deceased, was beaten and imprisoned. He was later freed, but the affair is not yet settled. The Sangsar Friends having closed their shops on the day of the Martyrdom of the
189 Báb, six of them were arrested and imprisoned for a day and night. A number of others were summoned for questioning. Following this the authorities drew up a list of certain Bahá’is and ordered their banishment from Sangsar. Early in 95 the Municipality of Kirmánshah stopped all Bahá’i gatherings, and immediately summoned for questioning those who gathered in even the smallest groups and forbade them to meet one another. The Municipality head personally forbade certain Assembly members to attend Assembly sessions and for a time these could not be held. Building of the local Hairatu’l-Quds of Khurramlbád was delayed for some time but permission for its construction was finally obtained. Burfijird authorities confiscated the Assembly seal, Bahá’i papers, census papers and the like. The Rasht Chief of Police entered a Bahá’i reception in Bandar-i-Pahlavi, confiscated all Bahã’i papers and forced the host to pledge that no more meetings would be held in that house. In Taft, a village near Yazd, a social gathering of Bahã’is was going forward when the Police Chief entered the house, confiscated several books and the Assembly records, and broke up the meeting. Jináb-i-Nüshábádi, who had gone to Kirmán to teach, was summoned by the police and forced to leave the town. In Qazvin, when the Friends were holding their election at the Hairatu’l-Quds, municipal authorities entered, confiscated the ballot box and arrested a number of persons, who are gradually being released. On their return from Haifa, Aqâyán Khâdim and Niinü went to visit the Friends in Nayriz. They took photographs of Bahá’i sacred areas in Nayriz and were chanting the visitation prayer in the Fort of Khájih, when suddenly they were surrounded by a group of leading Nayriz officials with about twelve of their staff members. The upshot was that Khádim and his party were taken in custody and forced to stay a day and night in Nayna. Finally through efforts of the Shiráz Assembly they were permitted to return to Tihrán but severe restrictions continued to be imposed on the Nayriz Friends.
The above are typical of many other cases, not reported here for lack of space. Bahá’i Youth Committees were the following: the Central Bahá’i Youth Committee appointed by the N. S. A. This important committee has national powers in youth work. Local Youth Committees were: Public Speaking (for boys and girls, meeting separately) ; Sports (for boys) ; Teaching (boys and girls separately). In
95 the National Youth Committee directed that Bahá’i Youth Day (February 24) be held all over Iran. An account of the Tihrán youth activities on that day follows: The Bahâ’i youth gathered in seventeen different meeting places and carried out the following program: opening chant; brief history of International Bahá’i Youth Day and its importance as stated by the Guardian; duties of youth in this turbulent age, and their need of unity to attract Divine confirmations; brief biographies of Bahá’i youth who died as martyrs to the Faith; music by the Youth Orchestra; consultation of youth activities; taking of pictures and signatures of those present. Pictures, suggestions and related documents were sent to the American Bahã’i Youth. Bahã’i child training is going forward satisfactorily throughout the country despite current restrictions. In Tihrán every Friday seventy-five children’s and youth classes in character building and other Bahá’i teachings, for boy and girls both in separate and mixed groups, are held,
pupils attending. Throughout Iran likewise several thousand Bahá’i children are receiving Bahá’i teachings and character building lessons. Twelve Divisions report 2,500 students in 263 classes, and classes also meet in the remaining Divisions. The children thus sacrifice their one free day to study the lessons in character building and other phases of the Cause, with praiseworthy results. Exact restoration of the House of Bahá’u’lláh in Tákur, as directed by the Guardian some years ago is, through the devoted efforts of Siyyid Mubsin Asási, almost completed; the exterior and interior ornamentation is soon to be done. Aqáy-i-Asási has also had a well- constructed dam built across the village water-course and the Hizár
River, to protect the building against threatened floods. The following list of Committees for the year 95 gives a summary of Bahá’i activities in fran: Central Committees: Teaching; Youth; Teaching Instruction; Unity of East and West; Iran Mashriqu’l-Adhkar; Shrine Areas; Census; Bahá’i Real Estate; Bahá’i World; Children’s Trust; National Fund; Bahá’i Pubhcations. Tihran Local Committees, most of which are duplicated in the provinces, are: Welfare (to supply the needs of Bahi’i poor); Reception (to entertain travelers) ; 19 Day Feast; Teaching; Census; Ilagiratu’l-Quds; Teaching Instruction; Claims Committee (to settle financial claims between believers) ; Appeals Committee (to retry cases appealed from Claims Committee) ; Service (to put on memorial meetings, find jobs for Bahá’is out of work, etc.); Library; Bahá’i Cemetery; Tablets Committee; Bahá’ I Funds; Training Committee (to instruct the Friends as to Bahá’i moral teachings and see that Bahá’i laws are observed) ; Youth Committees as described above; Fellowship (to contact and bring into the group believers who have been out of touch with activities); Confirmation Committee (to instruct those about to become Bahi’is); Bahá’i Refugee Committee. A recent traveler visiting us was Dr. Mubammad- Iusayn Luqmáni of India, who returned home from Haifa by way of Tihran and BCsshihr, and made the pilgrimage to the House of the Mb in Shiráz. He brought the good news of the official recognition of the Cause in Austraha and New Zealand. The Guardian, having given him a photograph of the Australian Government’s document of recognition, had directed him to spread this news among the Friends. A second traveler was Salim Jflri, member of the ‘Iraq National and the Baghdad Local Assemblies, who came to Iran with the Guardian’s approval to visit the Shrines and tell the Friends of his pilgrimage to Haifa. He stayed some time in Tihran, traveled to see the Friends in many centers, and returned home by way of Hamadán. Of miscellaneous interest are the following: the Bahá’i Youth of Shiráz have opened
a library near the House of the Bab, calling it “The Library of the Holy House.” The Egyptian N. S. A.’s Balrci’I Laws of Personal Statits has been translated into Persian under the supervision of our National Assembly. The book Bahd’I Administration has been translated into Persian by Abu’l-Qasim Faydi. A compilation of all the Guardian’s instructions to Iran relative to such matters as: teaching, refraining from concealment of one’s Faith; marriage; Baha’i elections—has been issued. In Tihran, the foundation of a Baha’i archives has been laid. Steps have been taken regarding such matters as: making Baha’i wills; completing the census; establishing hospices for travelers; assisting the Children’s Trust; spreading the Guardian’s instructions relative to Baha’i workless days, and the blessed prophecies as to Iran’s bright future. We corresponded during
with the following National Assemblies: U. S. and Canada; British Isles; ‘Iraq; India and Bursua; Egypt; and the Local Assemblies of Haifa, Paris, and ‘Adasiyyih. The following telegram was received from the Guardian on Riclván 12: “Hearts of Friends in East and West grieving over ascension of the Master’s consort to the Abba Kingdom. Joys of Ridvan darkened. Festive gatherings of Sovereign Feast changed to memorial meetings in all centers. Shoghi.” The expression of Iran’s heartfelt sorrow was at once telegraphed to Haifa, and the day devoted to befitting memorials in Tihran while the provinces were likewise notified. Memorial gatherings for Queen Marie of Rumania were held in Tihran and the provinces, and a letter of condolence in both Iranian and English was sent to the King of Rumania and the Royal Family. Among the Baha’is who passed away in Iran were: Mahmfld Badi’i, National and Tihran Local Spiritual Assembly member, on 29 Mihr 1317; a large gathering attended his burial at the Baha’i cemetery. The well- known Baha’i teacher ‘Abdu’llah Muçlaq passed away on 1 Sultan 95, and the veteran teacher Siyyid Abu’l-Qâsim Mumtâzi Anari passed in Abádih. NATIONAL SPIRITUAL AsSEMBLy o IRAN
‘ALI-ARBAR FURfiTAN, Secretary
iRAN—i 939-1940 SINCE it was impossible to hold a Convention, the National Spiritual Assembly for 97 was elected by letter. The same members were elected as in the previous year, and officers continued as before. During 97 the following areas sacred in Bahá’i history were acquired: the house of the mayor of Tihrán, where Táhirih was imprisoned; the burial place of Quddfls in Bábul (formerly Bárfurfish); the house in Najaf-Abád (near Ifáhán) where the body of the Báb was placed for a time; the house of Mullá Nasru’lláh the martyr, in Shahmirzád, the place of his death. Other activities of the Shrine Areas Committee include: dispatch of a commission to report on the Fort of Kinár-Gird and the village of Galin, where the Mb spent some time; preparations for purchase of the Fort of Afchih, blessed by the presence of Bahá’u’lláh; dispatch of a commission to report on Murgh-Mahallih, the summer home of Bahá’u’lláh; investigations to determine the home of Sulaymán Khán, the martyr, the homes of Mirzá Ridá-Quli and Ja’far-Quli Khán, where Bahá’u’lláh stayed for some time, and the home of Háj MuhammadIIusayn, husband of the sister of Aqá Muhammad-Karim-i-’Attár, where the body of the Báb rested; preparations for purchase of the house of the late Muhammad-Karim-i‘Aççár where the body of the Mb rested; of the burial place of Badi’in Galandflk; and of the remaining blessed lands of Badasht, etc. Teaching work has continued in full force during this period, an analysis of this activity being given herewith: The following twenty teachers worked in the localities specified during 96, exclusive of the teaching activity in Tihrán: Tarázu’lláh Samandari — Kirmánsháh, Hamadán, Isfáhán, ‘Iraq, Yazd, Rafsinján, Kirmán; ‘Abbás ‘Alavi, Yazd, Khurasán; AdharMunir—Tabriz; Ishráq-i-Khávari—Qazvin, Kurdistán, Kirmánsháh, Isfáhán; SiyyidIjusayn Hashimi-Zádih — Mázindarán; Munir Nabll-Zádih— Adhirbáyjan; Fáçlil-i Yazdi—Kirmá
and Káshán; ‘All Adhari— Khurásán, Yazd; Háj-Aqá Rahmãniyán— Mázindarán; Fáclil - i - Tihrani — Káshán, Shiráz; Thabit-i-Sharqi — 1sf áhán; IIájMulsammad Zá’ir — Yazd; Haydar-’Ali Uskfl’i — Adhirbáyján; Sa’id-i-Radavi — Hamadán; Nsiru’llah Akhtar-i-Khávari — Tabriz, Yazd; Mawhibatu’lláh Há’i—NajafAbád; Khudá-Bakhsh ‘Attár—Mázindarán— ‘Iraq; Husayn Muhtadi—’IrIq; Birjand and Záhidán. áj-Muhammad Tahir-i-Málmiri and Micra
Hasan-i-Nfishábádi have both been imprisoned. Volunteers who made teaching trips: ‘Azizu’lláh Misbáh, member of the Central Teaching Committee, (and Mrs. Misbá5) went by invitation of the Qazvin Assembly to that city, and is now teaching there. Fadlu’lláh Nfsri went to Shah-Ridá, Abádils and Sh’sráz on a three months’ teaching trip. Riçlá Sa’ádati, who went to Tabriz last year, this year went to Shiraz, Jahmm and Káshán, for teaching purposes. Abu’l-Qásim Faydi and Mrs. Faydi made a teaching trip to ‘Iraq. Jihãng’ir Aqdasi traveled and taught in the environs of Káshán, till severe illness necessitated his return to Tihran. Dr. Arjumand and Muhammad Ishráqi went on behalf of this Committee to Qazvin with notable results. Tuba
Khánum Shamsi of that city donated to the N. S. A. six months’ expenses for a teacher to locate isi Qazvin and environs. Mihdi Samandari, son of Tarazu’llah, took a three months’ trip with his father to Qazvin, Hamadán and Kirmánshah, especially to meet and work with Bahá’i youth. Isma’il ‘Ubfldiyyat went to southern Iran.
Early in 96 Adhar-Munir was invited to Zanján and Qazvin, from Tabriz; then he came on to Tihran and despite his advanced age and failing sight begged to continue teaching; he therefore went on with this work in the Tabriz region, but toward the end of the year he fell ill and passed away. Háshimi-Zádih Mutivajjih spent 96 in
The house of the King of Martyrs and the Beloved of Martyrs, the famous Bahá’i brothers of I1fáhán, which has recently been purchased by the Bahá’is of fran to be preserved as an historical site in that city.
Mázindarán and Gurgán, following up his previous work there. In 95-6, 31 of the many taught, became believers. In 96, a Spiritual Assembly was established in Bihshahr. He made repeated journeys through that region. The young Nfiru’llâh Akhtar-i-Khávari volunteered to teach in Nayriz, where he established character building classes, regular 19 Day Feasts, and also photographed and listed the Bahá’i sacred areas in that locality; later he went to Yazd where he is teaching the youth. Ishráq-i-Khávari went from Rasht to Kurdistán, seeing the Friends everywhere en route. He is now teaching in Ifáhán where the Cause flourishes, largely due to the efforts of Mul3ammad Thábit-i-Sharqi, who now teaches in the surrounding areas. Fádil-i-’Alavi went from Yazd to Khurásan, meeting many seekers and renewing his acquaintance with prominent people and leaders of thought in that region. Tarazu’llah Samandari’s many journeys took him also to Yazd, land of many historic martyrdoms for the Faith, where he comforted the believers for recent trials that have beset them.
Mun’sr Nabil-Zádih is now actively spreading the Faith in Tabriz and environs, where he has greatly furthered the teaching work. Shaykh-Husayn Muhtadi, a learned divine of Qá’inát, known to all in that region for his erudition and holy hfe, became a believer some years ago. Recently, as a result of the Guardian’s letters and the action of the Spiritual Assemblies of Birj and and Záhidán, he left his teaching position and has arisen to serve the Faith. Great confirmations are awaited from his efforts. The Bahá’i teachers Aqáyán Tahir-iMálmiri and Nfishábádi have spent the entire year 96 in a Tihrán prison. They are grateful for this suffering in the service of the Cause, and their only regret is that they are cut off from all teaching activity. The Friends are allowed to visit them. This year in Tihrán 758 people received instruction in 56 BahI’i classes, 90 of those attending being women. Seventy- two persons have thus far accepted the Faith as a result, eight of them women. Since no one may attend the 19 Day Feast without a Bahá’i identification card, and since new believers do not have such a card,
the Tihrin Teaching Committee has arranged weekly gatherings where new and old believers can meet and the new be thus prepared for reception of the required card from the Census Committee. A women’s Commission has also been appointed to cooperate with the Teaching Committee regarding confirmation of nonBahã’i wives of Bahá’i husbands, and the giving of Bahá’i instruction to their children. Its members are: Mahbflbih Na’imi; Bahiyyih Rawshan-Damir; Furfiqiyyih Munádi; Khánum-i-Faclil; Bahiyyih fzadi; Tal’at Iqrári; Rflangiz Akhtar-Khávari; Gawhar Khushbin; Riihangiz Valsid; Ruhangiz Khusrawi; Mu’allimih Sinâ- Zádih; Ahá Muvaddat; Najmiyyih ‘Alá’i; Siránash ‘Uyfldiyán; Mihrangiz Vahid; Khánum Yigánih. In addition to classes for Bahá’i teachers held by: Jináb-i-Fádil-i-Mázindaráni; Abmad-i-Yazdáni; Furfltan; Dr. Afrflkhtih— a new class for women is conducted by Val3id-i-Kashaf i and another for highly educated men students by Jináb-i-Fádil-iMázindaráni and Mihdi Arjumand. Supplying four months’ expenses, the Tihrán Teaching Committee sent Ijlusayn-i‘Askari to Fashandak and áliqán, where he especially taught Bahá’i and nonBahá’i children; another teacher is now planned for this rural district, to do follow-up work.
Seven men and women were dispatched to villages around Tihrán on short weekly trips; they were: Khánum-i-Yigánih; Khádim-iMitháq; ‘Abbás Mal3mfldi; Ijusayn Yigánih; ‘Tnáyatu’lláh FI’iz; Mflsá Amãnat; Firaydfln Khushnfldiyãn. The last-named volunteered for a year’s trip to wheresoever the Teaching Committee desired. Although he had felt it imperative to return every month to superintend his business in Tihrán, he has foregone this necessity and is being greatly confirmed in his teaching work. This Committee’s delegates to each teaching meeting turn in written reports every week. In addition they hold a monthly consultation period with Committee members. From time to time a Committee member attends each class in an advisory capacity. A frequent problem is the presence of too many Bahá’is or inquirers at a given class. Thirty teachers conduct these various classes. Their names follow: The men: Taráz; Siná-Zádih; ‘Atã’u’lláh Bahji; Mustawfi; Vahid-i-Kashf 1; Ishráq; Nflr-i-Din Mumtázi; Ahmad-i-Yazdani; ‘Abbás Mahmfldi; Fádil-i-Mázindaráni; Kayván; Khusraw Muqbil; ‘Abdu’lláh Fálil; Darghám; Mihr-A’in; Akhtar-i- Khávari; ‘Ali-Akbar Furfltan; Dr. Rásikhi; Sulaymán Shakibá; Avárigán; Shari’at-Mudaryán; Khushnudiyán; Shahidi. The women: Mariyam Barafrakhtih; Khushbin; Na’imi; Manshádi; Imam; Samandari; RiThá ‘Atifi.
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