The baha’i world
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part of
the world as well as in the United States and
Canada; to receive gifts, devises or bequests of money or other
property. (c) AU and
whatsoever the
several purposes and objects set forth in the written utterances of Bahi11làh. ‘ dul-Bah and Shoghi Effendi. under which
certain jurisdiction, powers and rights e granted
to Local Spiritual ssembliss. (d) To a and be
sued; to receive property by
devise or bequest, subject to the laws
relatir€ to
iran if er
of property by wlU; and to otherwise acquire and hold all property, real or personal. inclnding shares of stock, bonds and securities of other corporations; to act as trustee under any trust incidental to the principal objects of this corporation; and
to receive or administer and expend funds and property
mortgage, encumber, transfer upon trust, or otherwise Jispose of all property, real or psrsoral; to borrow money,
contract debts and issue bonds, motes and debentures -2-
438 THE BAHA’f WORLD i4 scour. the se; and g.na1ly to do all other acts n.c.aaary or i cp.o tent for .no adainistrstton of the affe ira &4 atteinmt of the pw-
poa,. of this cporation. Thirdi That
principal off i. fbr
the transaction of the of this corporation is to te located in
the City and County of San Francisco, tate of Californ
That there shall be nine (9) directors; that the naxees and eddrese.• of the peraor o uhall act as direct— ora until the election of their succesooro o as follows: Mr. La oy toes. 640 —
• san ‘rw-c taco • al if. trg.Uarr R. Incon 655 P’ol.k St., i.
Wa. 1±. Snith, i.avenwurU St.” C .r.
Juhe E. SflaiI, ll3 Brod.xicx 4t. ‘ hi.
4Uiouy C. Seto 41 Pail 5t,ret,, a1’5.
ie i.. “ ‘1 iaa Lacy J. i4arahail, 20 roderick ‘ C
.ias Honor .spton, 22O’ Van Ave., 1 tiaNadeen . Cooper1 748 Page Street1 Flfthi That Th. Spiritual
Franciaco has heretofore exiatco no an unincorratad association. and in oiopting this
inoorporetion, associeUon, unicn end faliowhip. and in selecting for Itself the designation of The Spiritual ,asenibly
of Can
an e hoc •
so as
aiinistrativa body of a
oo.aanity which has had continuous existence rasponsibi lit7 for over a sari years. In consequence of these acUviti.s The 3piritual Assebly of the BehI’ia of San Pranci aco
called upon to ad— ainiatar ouch en over—increasing diveroity end volune of affairs arid properties for the Hohais of Son ranciaco • that we, its mer., now feel it both deajj-ab] end nocunsary to giv. our colictdve functions oore d.tinit legal fern. This action is tekuri
in copl.te 1uianiity and with fuil racogni t.ion of the sacreci rulattonship thereby created. We acknoala&ge in behalf of
ourselves Cnd our successors in this corpor
ction the exalt.- ad religious ctandard established byrIah&u11&h for Saht ad.. alniatrctive
the utteranoer e ye of the
Merciful One among
seek th.
help øf God and Hi. guidance in order to fulfill
that exhortation. G ixth: All persons • firme, corpor ationa and assoc iationa eAtend ing credit to1 contracting with or having any claim egainat this ccrporation and it. officers, and
it. agents or
any thereof, end the members thereof1 or any character wratmoaver, whether legal or equitable and whether arising out of contract or tort, shall look solely to the funds of this corporation and to the property of this corporation for payment or indeiity,
for the payment of eny debt, damage,
judgment or
decree or any money that may otherwise become
payabl. from this corporation1 o that neither
the d freotors, ir any of them, nor any of the ir officers or
agents appointed by them hereunder1 nor any member or members of this corporation shall,
be personally liable therefor. eventb The
members by
a vote or written assent of the majority thereof shall adopt for the conduct of the affair. of this corporation, such by—laws, rules of proceure or reguisUons as or. r.quirwcl to define and carry on its administrative functions1 not Inconsistent with the terms of this instrument end all in
accordance with
the explicit instructions promeigatd to date by Shoghi
ff.ndi, Guardian of the Faith of Bih111h, which instruction. ar. already kno*i to the BahhLs
County of 5en ?ran c isco and accep ted by them in
the gov.rut and practic. of their re ]4g
ious affairs • 3ub- ject to the
rit of the members to adopt, amend or repeal bylaw, by-law other than a by-law or amendment thereof, changing the
authorized niber of dir.cto re, may be adopted, amend-
.4 or rep.aled by a majority vot, of the Board of Directors at any of it. regular or special meeting.; provided, that at least fourt.en days prior to the date fixed for said m..ting a copy of the proposed aendmsi t or awndmenta is nailed to each -4-
member by the Secretary. Eighth: These Articles of Incorporation may be amended from time to tim. in the manner provided by law. IN hITNESS WTREOF, The Spiritual tssemnbly of the 3ahis of Can F’rancisco, heretofore existing as an unincorporated association, has caused these Articles of Inc poration to be signed by its directors, this ]th day of November 1938,
Laroy Ipas 1a, Harry H. unaon Win. H. Smith rJohIl B, Shaur Anthony Y. Seth
Nadee G. Cooper
A coy
OF 3Me FR.NCiSCQ, ) Oa thia 17 day of __•
reai• FRANK RAHVEY a Notary Puhliq
and for ha City and C.zaty of an frarioiao, 3tata of ca1ifei!ia. por.aiiafly par.4 IERCY IOAS MRS.
• MJ!3ON • H •
• knos .o e to be th. p.r. N. P. cane
io .x.mat.d th. with1 tnctruim.nt, and wli$e nimc are anbaicrihad th.r.te, ai4 .averal1 ao1 ,u,gai ta
IN WiTNESS I have hereunto act y hand and affixed ny official .ai at off to. in th. City ard Cowity ot San Franciaeo, SLota of Caiarzia t.he q
cartUteat.. first above writton. (SEAL) (3(10 1y
1oi’ ti CTy ad County of Smi Franoisco Steta of California.
_ day of December . hafor. an, Frank Harvey , a Motary Public in and for said CiLL7 and County of San Yranciaoo, Stat. of California. residing, duly ccissionad and sworn, q, LEROY IOAS and NADN G. COOPER. who, being sworn, cash f•r hIaneif deposes and say.: That the said LOY IOAS ii the and presiding officer of The Spiritual Assbly of the Bah’is
and that the said SADE1N
OOOP is the Secretary of Th. Spiritual As.bly the Behis of San Francisco; that. The apiritual Aaably of the
that said association has aly authoriasd its incorporation; that LOY IOAS and EADN G. COOP?R
have executed these articles of incorporation in their
official capacity and by aithority of such association. Leroy Iou Madsen 3. Cooper JB3I aud sworn to before n this 3rd day of — December • (SEAL) PRAIX HARVEY 1otary Public in aix! for the
State Of California.
trt if *nrrtfirni •ius1..&ss.eLh1. of the. .edie3 e of .Ume, OdA de.dgned, t
ttr deerog fozm not fo oof wider fqG Cop niO ot Oha, do hel)r r#%U$ cirst The nem of odd d,afl te. aLe —
SCO4D. Tb plect b this te whero tbr piwp.I office oEhe ppr $ to he lo*ted a .Cozety THIRD.
Th. Corpoutio. is ouiz4 for ligiue
purposee anti its pr b ies n4 ob3ecti ar 1 ronote the teeohixiga or liall4i ReUjion trie t adaijuieter its
sffaizø in eooozdeuee with the eligida tectobiuge M a iuistrati,e pineiplee ot this Faith, in— alu4ig the
aaisitenazce or a pleos Oz
aee of wohip en tesobiag, FOURTN The foUnwne pezaone d1I serve odd cOrpor*tn II to*teoe untI the ftt annwd mee*ig or othor mèetfpg esIed to eleet tp.teea. D 1tI*It AD000eE. 1. 1an A. Iske 815 West Elm $treet, ti Ohio , .si6Z emstet oo.. ;
Xoztb Westwoot Drive, Ob.ia . ,ElmaJ4iesa.lai te#two*4.•. Ohio 7 4O KOtb Collott 5tr.t, X..iae, Ohio 1: .r
IN WITNESS WHEREOF We beve hereunto eohw naoo. thi. doy of . /y :.._.,— soOeAroas N. fl Axlkle, will be eaueu.d mIete exoopeed by f4m ded4foe 1bt*oey ,geea
G. C. 8eZ342L Certificate of Incorporation of the Spiritual Assembly of the Bahã’is of Lima, Ohio.
-i 444
rigtuut bppatntrnEilt Lif wnt OI ii*.
-- 823. 129, Geeat Code, KNOW AU. MEN 3Y THESE PRESENTS That .. h,..
,,1 oL_Et.a.._. i. -
— .U.u. Count, Ow. natural peroo
and reaident of said county. The iritu1
Annezbly ø
_. ii located, ia bexeby appointed as th person
t whom proeeaa, ta oc*icea and dcmancl, against _..may
bc erveL
N ot Lta The Spi.Eit.nal Atb1. øt
, .hai f. 4tu O)e — - , %,X ‘? -,tZ ,.
.....a4 , .a .. a.,
a,, • ,
.. •.. Ohio
*i L.*,.haU of Limb lio . Gentlemen: I herrby accept the ppcintent sa th representatfee of your companyizpm whom process, tax notices, or demsnds may be servod
- +
Stte of Ohio, • .
County oL.. +
Personally peated bcfore sue, the undessi*ed a Notary Public in and for said County, 19$+. theabovename4 ,.who acknowledged
SiFuing of the oregoiug ., A5*n
use. and purposes therein mentioned, WITNESS my hand and official seal
laat aforesaid Notary
for +_CounOhi Z1y ‘
- —
Pre*infly eptnrn tb. • *utht. in n4 fo seid ø*rn fi*$ øorotc7
L 4!
gpt rk mezX Y! ;kttpwtLlltrc thr ecAtccc he tt ttl ,cttt tt frt tcd thrt4 lutr hhe atui pst<*
ntil ttet *lct &ty
øred ye hst Ørnd ($EAL)
/ 1t
*iJ A . , ; *etC *e let 9hcb tctel pe,*eca te* ate t that whata the Ceh eteakee fee the tthet el *f ieerpeesttee n 4ate4 efe..ea ef ped qt ae pah edt taep#te *ht*ee eheh he ferttc*f ccl etrt* ettf eat llllAL Aev eer.e cct eeee ccet tees ee t,ae • rirt a eh.ta eea dtt*mt, a the iJe,tad, tetee t att a ear tee ecr tar pratt h, eel dllrta
btrthlda* ea$ Mtag ra eht ahao he ad t.te Cl retC tettatr. IcCCap after called eetkh* .*ttht lecfkr
earparetian ll The place ta thi. atete whaaa the petrattpol ada ad tha
epeee4kee to to ha
t, The perpeee Cr epeeeo fee wfrleh to .p 4 The caere. errt poatrr4tea erfrfeaaar4 of *t. et tser .er lea, the. thre. ‘ette eat to, eee oath th, fret aetetoat eterttrsg or ether ededttIft called ha maca L to de,tred
t4o Optfah oat CS top .ttredrea* .d the tparttepematrn lt 11 deatrmrf, cay raaltocatleac lee ,eepheeehtpr to otth campae*traer hay torrId peoecaen wIdth racy IcC datoe*ri far the parepoae of Setde* lfha a, eseefedec tire emmtoe ad the pcreree cr1 th, dCtC*dOttr cad tI
*fr, ttrretecr med tIthe era e}rarto at 01 caret tfo,t d tceraeftter em fee the perpara, a1 recorrac cc defracaty etobt. cad pece$aIot cr1 the raao,Imtea martare tera.Iaca Aar pteeitorrtr w4CU#1COrl to
he 1cr char retr4ataccr at tact cccrparccrlecr aray
to 4aeatatc 1aatr1ad cc .cccadcctc tcrca, Ne care. atey Ira earaf rtherh ,1c41 ha Irkale tar the pbUrt.
I I L I i I
a, , 4 1: H I
Ii r I HI , I roe
H e 4
I I i
The Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’is of Philadelphia, Pa. Taken at the Nineteen Day Feast, Jan. 19, 1939.
The Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’is of Lima, Ohio. It
I I1
THE WORLD ORDER OF BAHA’U’LLAH 447 1n re 1. 7 Charter at the /
ecnber Term, 193S SPTRTAI AS$E’BL OP aAi{A’Is of the ity- of Philadelphia ia, Download 8.87 Mb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
ma'muriyatiga murojaat qiling