The baha’i world
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t eip4Z office PorU.nd Coirnty
the 48k of fili8g 14 Artick of frcorforatioa the—5th—d oj pii
;A, P. 1994tnd the amolrnt of ik organzzat#t fee dd 1k d OO4oO($5OO) Doil4rt. Jn cttinon tjtreof, I Iseve bereöntu s my hmd ati4 4ffredbto the .teJ of eke CorporaI1on Dep*8efltOf thi State of OreS r t k Cdp4toi 8t4m •n. thit —
— ft
y &t
IwrrLi (frrtifu 14g;/hqe
(7 “1Zk pnrrua ssthu ttoa$aBAna’Is.o! JEkSLY CJ3X, — -
P&4/9i(O/w //±LZ s:3z2-: —
In Erntiñünt Whtrrl’f.
—— ___ _____ Certificate of Incorporation of the Spiritual Assembly of the Bahã’is of Jersey City, New Jersey.
ArzvN -
Th >?IX!TtML LT )F 19*. Atja OF sir
crjy, NL The un4ei.jgne4 pezaa,
4oaNti to asecoipte theose1O8 into oirpc.pnInn purwi1t to t f rthe I i1sture ot te tta ot Ne 3eriey, entit1e Act to Inoororet. soLtj-s rr foz Peounbrpofjt epproved4rei11,
supplementt thereto1 do her0b Certif 1* Thet the ncrnq by which euoh ooreretjorL j t
Uf)j, JIUAL M’ X cW BI Q JY 1TY,NW ONL) Thct the purposo for tOt t ja forod je tø Rcmi1e the attc ire ot the Oeh’1
?njth for the beoetit of th onbtfs f Jerasy GLt, hew Jercey, in rdenee with thc relijous teceljn nd tx’rtjwj p niplu-e f the cze _____
he territory in whiob its edtivitiea eropreeipsI)y to be ben ucted .n Jorney City, hew Jereey- end the corporti is to be tdj tho city or JesovCity Oonty of Hwso 4
o thb
agent te4ii end in ohergo thez4- [of, od upon høe process rgciist the Corp ction ny be eerd ii -
Arthur Vector, øoret;ry, OURTU The sxnber of true We zhe 11 be I ‘
thq- shs11
hold ofrie, or one 70cr, or until their cuooewaors cre duly elected end qunlifled, The esnes nid pIes ot reidtnco of the truateoa e1oet’d to et cc ouch until the
o’e corpo tion to ho bald, April 2let,
1q39 ere ______
_øar oFrIfl ALMESf A4iN 316 union teet, Jersey
DtVXD 1U$OF 316 Union bt0et, Jorcey City ow Jeret U —UON 316 Pnion btrnet, Jer- ity, Jersoy -ILLI( BRODflAP $85 Nudsen Bouleviird Jersey city, Uew Jersey 4. Torznofle Avnue, Jez’ey City, New’ Jersey iJIE J. VQ3?U
41 i’onnelle Iweuue, Jersey City New ‘Jersey d O LL 316 Union 3teet, Jersey City, Nøw- Jersey U GOI.LW 41 Toxmelle Ayezrno, Jersey City, ew Jersey A1ZP AU?T
147 13erenood Pleas, North 3egen,New Jersey -
hXTNb1SS :1Rh?
herOwito cot our hends this sixth dsy’
) CoTflZ OP HUDSON b IT R k&.Rhj) th,t
of areh 199, ba1orø e, an Attox’oey t ew of New
personnily appeaxe4 jRLBRT AON DAVID
LLIXAN 4CBSON VILLIAM BRO$HEA1 JTHUR POSTER, ELANCBH 3 POSTER, WALTER M (0OWELLCM, &RN4RD E 0LIEB, ADOLPH HUPT, to me known, and known to me to be the pertie8 in nd who exeotod the foregoing inatrument an$ I h&wing first made knswn to thee the ootenta thereof, they did each duly acknQwle4ge to me that tIey signed,
sealed nd delivered the same as teii voluntary act and deed for tle uses end purposes therein expxessed. AT0RN1T AT
ENDORS: Receiyed ite ihzdon Go. h. J. fjer1cs Office Apr1145 A. 0. 1939. Roorded in G1rk Record No.rz on Page Clerk.” “ILRD A0J ENOORIRD Apr NO 1939
Thomas A Seoretay of Stte*Th LHTIFIO Or ID0OPOTXOo Qj
. : , FAnL’L
WILJ*ITTE, iUNOt. Alt Penn Atenue, -Pf stcPOP nhitots) )3s.
Oonlnñe true, do soleonily acer that at the annual ‘oootln4 of no rnmntars çf’tte njt4 oooru
tty of Ijiwotte, In fe’ wIllate of h1ntte, tour q of CooP, nd noate ct 111 n’r n hoe 21-t dapof kprl, 4.0. j93, fry that ruronee, the followint rsoh wore elected; ,Loinlt P. Bnwtholetw, ‘flo’tnle K. ib’nvnlnn, ::ar” ‘I, Pa rurd, Cowl A., l’aoron, otwlo C. Xatoon, Otla S. I. o’oy, Pluord D: St ‘urn, Canton K, lone, t, 4 ICon V. t or’, to be hoe S 4tuel ho Oh lai,a’io of holoohoe r. sooordao,n’oY h 0Cc po’ ple of
lanai C0n0 C etojiot,’ patton, stth ponoc hod Jut’ Os hor,ll ii’ to trustøos nd o,lLh fu1l rower to setabilnh 0 00 ‘uooatlcu .r’ in’rnlneftcr at forth, nuneb,’ declare toot “now rio ‘tt, tie ‘aer’, ‘noonsibtl101cc, rl’ts, an) ohltations vested In this Sp tu1 lss’wbly by’ aoetUtllth, w000dmr of tho 1t o, by Ubdohihotho, ‘to hote nn”'ter aol ‘fçr o7
by ic ;‘ 1. 2ff” di
Cf Croetl’n’o, arC t ‘a oh ‘neC
SplL’tiu’ 1 1-seably of Oh 0” ‘‘
IC tOr’ fh&t” ‘ at naoa wIth °i’adooertars instltitat ,,, coooohotlooo slOb too 00001’’ T”nobe ‘n Melqu’l-a,htb’an located 0 ‘ilNotte, IfIdhol:, Con di°y notithel canOn]. adniblo native art “ ty, sIll] o” oxeeeied a) “,‘
lot 0 on by the above non’ d Sntnlt’icl A-nw Thiy cod .0 aIr owl” ol ‘Clot anooon Ore under Lii’ Dornorato A eonent, l ‘ult u’t’tt’o,, am nO -r be4h1t0itn o:r’oe-te me, “tol”tot oh ‘eob’y ‘o’ lohi 1’ • ‘ t
. /r-t, , C”fln’t. sworn to I’’”’ t in[r’.X “ :.n.l”4t 5)001055 ‘:‘ :
My bosom I Certificate of Incorporation of the Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’is of Wilmette, Illinois.
of Conk 1,
fDWXK1) 1. NOL3e & tcr oC Dce&k 4z of cZcr&j • 1 R’c;l
f ,i :m I 1r S Cm ily, C ito Dv Cart tint Ui fCCo og S it trta tad own a haiogñtpe of’ tjn i catd of a cc -t;i’t Dr am a ‘di U it ni I, OStco ia,+ :,
ewny.,+_A, Tit ic ,
i cud rcttn’c I itcfl JIcOt& at P ‘a - - IN tfiT] \LOXY WUnLL3f I lit, ci bra mit,i at ai!’f daod;,lThce I my (ic,SSi ss , ,.
J,,, 2U: av of
fl I&U, , ,
- , , & Lted ‘, ,& , -‘, , , & , & a & ‘ ‘ -- :,
The Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’is of Peoria, Illinois.
(QULTY :t PbOb[b )
I , o1t iv 01 te Ltbtr o ti Conifl UttY 0 PQrt oalci in the ($ty of Pkoria, Comty of Peorlu La ftt 01 Ill1noI, n the blat y f rL1 . ll, 1or fit tfe follovtnj r Lcte: U1c. C><1 k. aLt, 7oe &y r, Ibh Tl uott Qh. rløtta VLy, I iorc e Ue L ih’, 1lu 0, qoo. u Chester I 3,rtt, t r T
O1’ tne
ori irk a ordnce viift toe rie1leb ol to€ Ioci.L
rUrnInitrt Lon ordred od fira1 u too hottor1 ?iritba. Aoobly of toe t.e ntt4 toto
tt lull 3 er to ebJj o u I tr SCt ortn, ueraby uece ti b frtn tLs tt tot poers, p’tLLtef, Lob ivileger obiotjoo Vetu In t($ xttul Assmuiy uy il1an1 I ooihtt o &ha I k olto
by t dU’l-dau, its tnterrrt tub Llttplor, by hoghi iJLeogi; &t oorciian, OkKI oy tOe atiooa1 hpirttua3. Isbly I tn 3ogu ol. tht boIted Etatoa .aybl Cuuidu, Ith OU.L t1.tutd ptruount aub eentl adrntnis— trL tLe outoo.rit> in so los hotn n.ztoa, uiull u. tity:jne. nh Inted by tOt atove nneI
rtuul si nob ineir duly oU1Leo ucoe, 5015 unoer (.ootJon sre€i, Ann SeLu tL tool 4SrrOly ndoto.l as its potate nase. in trituol snrnbly o tnt, I3bn&La’of ?eoria,’1 son ‘at onto nu ttLri tnit ‘o otr”1 s sworn to btfore,me this ol
—r 1 A. 0. 1940. NotaryPublic,’ y Coatainn L tresz Corporation Declaration by the Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’Is of Peoria, Illinois.
cJL Ii:i :LL .:i: f 1lr-
aLt :.
ny Q ..Ltj$ at ttcrL Fkd h- reenrd CcutLy
nra th— r of
S. Adorns. Cc UfltY Rflotdtr
afl:19d9 472
BOU34959 PAG[58 3
CORPORATE AFFIDAVIT THE SPIRIT Y OF THE OF WINNETA, ILLINOIS STATE OF ILLINOIS :SS. CDDN Y COOK I, ROBERT S. HAMMOND, do solemnly swear that at the annual meeting of The Bah’ i Coauni ty of Winnetka I ilinol a, held in Winnetka, Cook County, Illinois, o April 21, 1939, the following persons were elected: Robert S. Hamnond Helen J. flameond Harriet U. Hilpert Margery McCormick C. Frederick Simpson Clara Simpson Lois Soukoup Helen Becker Eva U. Zoul to be the Spiritual Assembly of the Bah’i’s of Winnetka, Illinois, according to the rules and usages of the local Bah’1 Iministra.. tion, recoized and affixmed by the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bah’Ls of the United States and Canada, with full power to establish a corporation as h.r.inaf tar set forth; and I hereby declare that from this date the powers, responsibilities, rights, privileges and obligations v.sted in this Spiritual Assembly by Baha’u’llah, Founder of the Bah’i Faith, by ‘Abdul’l-Baha, its Interpreter and Kejiplar, sogbi Effendi, its Guardian, end by the National Spiritual Aa.enbl5ytef the Bah’1s of the United States and Canada, its duly .aonetitut.d pramount and central adminietratire authority n nd for North America, shall be exeroised and maintained by the above-named Sjlritual Assembly of the Bah’is of Winnetka and their duly qualified maccessors. And at said meeting said Spiritual Assembly
the Bah’is of Winnetka adopted as its corporat, name, “Spiritual Assembly of the Bah&’ia of Winnatka.’ And said meeting this affient act.d as Chairm. 5u
ibed end srn to befor. me this day of _____,
A.D. l9.
Pub ii Corporation Declaration of the Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’Is of Winnetka, Illinois.
Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’is of Seattle, Washington.
rjrnrtnwni f tztr OrFtKO,,TH Of
I, BELLS REEVES., Secretary of Sto’e of the 3tste of Was ngfon, do hereltj ARTICLES OF XNCORPO1ATION oy rHz
UFTPI o l)mqljc Corporation, of 8eaEt1 Wtaington were On the+. daij of *UEt 19, J]9 .octock s filed for 2’eord in this offiee izncl now temoin on jUe herein, being thiy tecorde in floof 225 ncstie Corpoetions, IN TESPIMQNY WHEREOF, I hcwt hereunto set noy
hand and offlced hereto the Seat of the State
o lisa Capitol. l Ohjthf% this A D. i -
4#olotái $eae of ttate, Certificate of Incorporation of the Spiritual Assembly of the Bah’Is of Seattle, Washington.
j-L ‘AN
CTSO?OR?OR4i SPI JLt 0)’ TH! L’IOF WATL er zie 1 of f ae eoi citizen o th Uiiit.Stat.# oopartøx n1er Renington’ ]ev 4tute Or the Vaah1nto aph 38 o 37 nio beoeYo1it end bitb1 iops ot operatio fr profit, do hereby
toether an ms sign edaokiiowladge tire At o ortion, in t1iate. Th ot t.1 oøiparation sU be exid hereb’ is d.clare4 tobe RI1JAI ASsi2LY 0)’ Th
tr±oi. u The yuz’poeee fur whiob this eorporetion ta orgeniaei are to hiut$ter the affeire o tbø Eøbai r.liion for the bai of the City of ttle in strict cccot4*ue•,wtth th. religious teacbLns anç adminiet.rattye priiop1ss of seid feith, ARICL II • The territory in whieb this cooretion’ otivitie. ar
ARTIGE X, The principal pleas f worship Is t be 1OaelI Ia thø atr Q heattle Whtatan TlCh V. The auxaber o II atcs ot tae eorQrt1GS1 shell be uth.
ta saber sxid the zaaes ath lsc af resi2easø f the rs7ate ihe Shall Sat 55 S 4t until the first ennuel iiof the aoryurtlun, on the 3151 3ay orAiril era as rollows 503 they shall hull off toe until theIr SuuoeseGrs are eleatal eth çalif let as 3rovlIe6 by Ihe bywsi togsu 3 ator 0337 57th tee. .W. 8asttle, Wash. hrgrt Lotineider Rio aunt 3llsthS t. ce 716 third Aae. West 3ettle, Wash. en.aett Dora b36 No. 76th Dt 5e tIle, Wash. a illunfla hiahmonl Deaub Wash. CrLra &th hOSt 37th Ave. So. Seattle, Wash, helen Wilkes 505 W. 44th ht SebItle, WSSh, Snyder 1752 Joven AWe. teethe, WSsh. Thssia Ware 0765 50th Ave. SW, Seattle, Wash. TI0tE V. ThIS aororetion shell have 5eretu$ exi&tenoe, ylded ty th hews of the State o Weehington ana nberehi therein shall be lhaaitM to thoSe ahoe In eaSerdenee wIth the adathistretive priuniplee of hbs Sehel relIIoo as fully set forth In the by—laws, IN tat 75153 t3O, we, the I 6soatore ehd di,eetors shoWs prnaed, have hereunto set Our bends endseets! ,-,-,- -“-
Q IS I’S hSTII’Y that o thie day, efoe e, the a Nota7 ?‘ibiia in and to tha Stati of Vangtoi, duly n.isioned and $won, ieraonai1y apea1& I.SGU RTGR. M.RSd 6SII’ThEF, DOSIS L OUI SQR, LC]tE )tILUARN, RI IJtk, HJILS tii1tS, I1 1t? and DSin WZ t5 a• known to be thee jjdale arb,d in and who exeeue tb. foregoi Aatiolee of op’zation, ansi a ow1eed to me that tbf
etgaod and ealod the ama an the free and ro1uztery set and deed, oy thè uses and pu,o ass therein rsantloned nIvIu
NS laY 5A)1S MI) ICIAL sm
this 3o day
Qf July, 1S C in an fo the State of WahLngton, reeldind at Seattis.
THE WORLD ORDER OF BAHA’U’LLAH c/Zt1/ttç May , 1940.
I Hereby Certify the Attaobed to be a True Photoetatie Copy, Witnese the Great Seal or the Commonwealth.
479 ,?4’raeoretary o Thebommonwealth.
— 5-Z 3& N, 5161.
The Spiritual Assembly
of the Bahâ’is of Boston, Massachusetts. Ft
We, *1&n. ,irn I’tdtnt Yctor U. Ao bauVt eIen AOnmaUt Clerk or Seretgry and /( Roeahn Wilk sOnJobn L,oZs •!loan U,Orioff t,oi. LGaiSam S,42(k1stet u 1sh)OgAtY L$ia W,E11r
being a aorhy h the diret ors, or has4ng the powers of d1rctort under authttriy of wetion 7 of chapter l80 General Eaws of Tke $p 1.tual As*e1y of the Baha’ # f he City of Bostan. in complianCe with tjee requirements of sectiOn
of chapter 8O of the GenereL Uws, do heteby state sh*t the following it a true copy of the egreemetl of a ociatkrn to form taid corporetion with the names of
subscril,ers thereto— We, whme Ilamef are hereto subscribed, do by this agrecolenc, associate ourselvt*
the intention df fdnxtissg ksrporaiion under the pro oxsol chapter 180 of the General Laws The name y whkh the corporation shell be known is The 8piritua1 AeeezsbW of theE&a&is Of the City
as the ttme and place for holding Sam nrst meeting. -- IN Wrnnm WfleaaOr, w have hereto aign our names this O1tb day of in the yrer nineteen hundred and morty
•- %444.4RA9 44 .i_ 9i1 I
4 ia
u. a.
+L -
‘f flk?
.-. 4 ?eeq (?— -ioi Prope First Name should be
Written in Full Initsals and abbreviations arc not sufficient
Tlklpcatltmn ohe printipal nOire of the corporation to be in Maseaehusetts is the City of oetot at 175 DartnOuth $teet The purposesfor wblh the corporation is formed are as follows>— The est.eblishmeflt aM maintenance of religiotra woreltip and spiritual aotvities in
aceordance with the
principleB of the aha5i Taithae establiehed b $a1&ul1ah5its ?ounder,bAbdu’l
Interpreter and C1hy Shoghi ffe iits Ctzazdiaand by the Bational Stiritual Aseembty of the Baha5is of the United Statee and Genada,its duly - oonstitttted,paremnurat and centrn Mainistrative authority in fld for North £merioaar$ the doing of eli thinge naceessary eM incidntal thereto ermieoble IUI4er
(Ihaptex’ 180 of the
tner8l Laws - -
ItFStOZNVS M.souser or Si-wa - (cii-i o nmw5( si-asar mso Nu,sStX) Sumcszsap eni
Certificate of Incorporation of the Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’Is of Boston, Massachusetts.
: 2 = That thc irst rneting uf the subscribers to aid sgrcernent as hold on thd TGUth 4ay ø April iã the year
ninetesui hundred’ and Lbry’ø
has a capital stock dii in the foileswin ‘Thg the amount f capital stock now to be issued if sharet of ptcf etred StGC1t hare of cmrnon stock
b fr as foUowt
0 kIM $01 Y$E’E * 1% Ts PaoPicY; Real Istatc _..... — Lo.ation,. Peional Property Accounts rcej iablo. .....:... .. Notet rcceivable.... .. ,. .,:.,....,..,,:....+..:.. .—“.,... Supplies. Machinery.... _.:.........,. Motor vehicles ad rajlero,.. ......,, Equipment and too ,_._.
Furniture and tixturvs.......,,,..,.., Patent rights...-...,_., ... ... ,. Trademarko,., ............... ,,.—..—.“..,———
___..____ .. *Scrviecs — .... .., .... ... .. ...... .. ..
‘E*penset.. .__..___. ..:_._.,... ._.__
,. 481
IN C4s I fulL., ._. ._._ .._....... .... ..,...,.... ,.. ..——.-—.. . — By instalments ... .,..,, ,..... ... at inotolmenu to fe p.tid bdme commenon5 boaina.
... ..
‘No ,totk oh*l1 be it ny time isouad unless th cash, on for a duo, or the nropery sejrkm at ovpenneo fat whrh t was adthori.e4 to be Ssur4 has betn artoatly eecefvd or icrred bit, or ernweyed or rernttrod to, the eotyaration, or is in o passessbn as ourphts; oar otisIt aay ontO er,evidenct of badness, armored or unstrured, of any prrsan to tohono stock is fsautd, be deemed to he paymont yherefor and doi pr&dern, treasurey and drmztors sladi be iantly and severally liable to any ttockhalder tot the orporitioO for 5usl 4ainagea coined to hits
‘State dearly the toatore ot sorb oroices or evpenses intl the asotoonot at stock to he h*soeot tbtrefor, $esvicea otosat have been rendend asyd eapernes incurred befor* *tock is issued thrftst.
482 THE BAHA’f WORLD ii: 3
Th name reidece and patciffie ad$ess f of the oces ar a % NAt o1 OcE -
]osr-Ornci Aouiss (CtyorTwn) tChairman HLrafl Ober Eliot ,Maine 430 Paxk is. Bldg. oeton,JLa*s. Jreasurer Victois amba1t Arlington,Ma5$ 3 Pilgisia Roa&
retary)en L,Afc11au1t1ArlitOn,a PilgriaRoad Dircto (ur Officcrf havog
power of retor), Vioe Cheirman Roiehan ft1kneon, BrpO1ine)a8$ 1232 Beacon Street. .LcCie Bostaa,Kaas 331 fluntingion Ave Roan U.0rIff, Beton1ea 20 Ohar1eegateWe&t, ioia A. Gorhom, BoatonKaes 25 Park Drive . 30 olyOke Stfeet, Lelia WjtiUr (East )BoatonJaas 1061 Baisatoga st 6
.0 WBIREoF nd undrr th f priury wc have bcreto ignd or r ne
fhs QUt iy of April n th yca nhwtrrinrndred rnd forty (?
$a :4
Sbr eomlunnweatt4 at RECEIVED WRITE NOTHING -)
5c..0j_ APR 5— 1940 orfr.raltoa Sod
.Meik1z. ckt the
B.ha!4_ °‘
the City
of Boston, The .. Articles of Organization C
Groom, i oms, toonno ISO, S.oo*o 7 I -
Filed in
‘he office of the hnrflaey of the ro,rmooown:rh, ° F ‘-.ç1v -s
OI %oL
,jjr’ .TI3:S
1 I,erohc ocrttiy char it q’cara, oocn 50 rt0000.,ttOO of rho rrith,o sort le, of orgorcic.,rror, the agreement o5 nmororiott, the I c Iamt sn-I the rtorrrrla of tht in otp.rtotcrt. 4017’ itlrtnitttd oritin, hit rI,e rrqtrrn,nrnrs of ‘So Gtt,etoi lam. touting to the rr4atnstnnoi titrionooma hit e lottt orrttpiitd toith, •ttd I botchy gpprott said ardelro rio’ 1 doy of
Al._n.0k 1044 (irottot to he sent to — __ _•_ - —. -‘--- - -?
to/.n. fJV’h
44° L
We the i2nsd do here certify to the National Spiritual Aeerabiy of the Bahaa f the Guited StaSea tod Qanade that we have c olarsion frsed tNe lcel SpirinwLL Aeaesbiy of the SeNL Is
of ‘i
i ,
citF state province on the date of April 21, i4f in aç cadence with the following cunditionc end re— quirewenta 1. AU applicants have annerted their full acceptance of the qualifications of a. a&i by zndivAdwliy aigniog the enroiiuaOt card provided by the Nation— ai Spiritual ANseably for ragietfetion of beilavayn cat csaeheoa of en eatabijed— gj 2. All nine applicants hereby assert their t’uil acceptance, individually and ccl— lectively, I the functions of a local Spiritual seably as set forth i the Will cad £etarcent of 1AMal_flsh, in the writinga of L3cagbi gtTeztdi, and in the Gonstitutioca and d-hawe of the National Spiritual Asaeahty, eon their cow— plate reanicesa to accapt such farther oavalopeeOt of thoae,functicna as say frOm tire to ties be explained by th Guardian of the Bao ‘i faith or by the National Spiritual Aeaeably of the Gah’is of the United States and Canada. S. AlL otne are residuoto of this one eaae civil Oo5awdty, 4. AU caine are twenty—one or anre years of ege Our purpose in eubaitalng this Certification no the National Spiritual Asoerbiy in to request recognition of th Spiritual macholy of the Bes of this sue its earoileent in the Adeawbif lieS aaintaaaeu by the National Spiritual Ase-. bay. We severally wit.ues* Shed thu following signatures ware iritwa in the presence f each othøf. 1,7 :4(
+ 1
./‘ S._________________ 4/’3 And we further report that fOLtowici the fora5tton of the olot declaration, iSa wenbera proceeded tc , lJhairaaa ‘xc - ,
Secretary whi b Nlectiop. ineerti.fiad,for t1o bato Note if ore other eddreee than that of the Secretary is to he ucd for corraspon.-. cencC 00 at eceiviitg copiee of Sab Newa, please indicate •
icotod in addition to thosø pvi4ød in the above tCra add their s. Certificate of Formation of the Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ls of Mexico City, Mexico.
This is the first Bahá’i Community of Latin America. Mexico City has the First Spiritual Assembly to be formed in that part of the new world and possesses a newly opened Bahá’i Center and reading room.
Membership card used in enrolling new believers in the Bahá’i Faith in the City of Mexico.
The belief of the Bahá’is is that this is the Day in which God has established the promised union of all religions, and this is my belief also. The Cause of God appeared through the Manifestation of the Báb; and through the Manifestation of Bahá’u’lláh the Laws of God were revealed for all humanity.
The administrative institutions of the New World Order were made known by ‘Abdu’lBahá, the Center of the Covenant made by Bahá’u’llah and the Interpreter of His Word. According to the sacred Testament of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá the Guardian guides the establishment of the World Community. And I, with all my heart, desire to live under this New World Order.
Bahá’is of the newly established community of Mexico City, Mexico.
El sentimiento de los Bahâ’is es que este es el Dia, en el cual Dios ha cumplido Ia union prometida por todas las religiones, y es, tambien el sentimiento mio. La Causa de Dios aparecio por Ia Manifestacion del Báb; y, por Ia ManifestaciOn de Bahá’u’lláh, las Ieyes de Dios fueron reveladas para toda la humanidad. Las instituciónes administrativas del Nuevo Orden Mundial fueron dibujadas por ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, El Centro del Pacto hecho por Bahá’u’lláh y El Intérprete de Su Palabra. En acuerdo con el sagrado Testamento de ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, El Guardian guiá Ia construcción de La Communidad Mundial. Y, yo, con todo corazon, deseo vivir en El Nuevo Orden Universal.
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irty Hand and the Seal of the Trade Marks Offirt this....ZflfltYtrfltt, of..,,Q,otq)ixtzsjS3ftra Registrar of Trade Marks, Trade mark certificate obtained from the Government of the Commonwealth of Australia covering the name “Bahá’i” and the symbol of the Greatest Name.
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Bahã’I Marriage Certificate adopted and enforced by the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahã’Is of Egypt and Südán.
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Bahá’i Marriage Certificate adopted and enforced by the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’is of ‘Iraq.
490 THE BAHA’I WORLD :;Lii 1JAPLiI •&s
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k,}’:I, 4iia’i, Bahi’I Divorce Certificate adopted and enforced by the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’is of Iran.
THE WORLD ORDER OF BAHAU’LLAH 491 I ( .fjI;jj i (‘ ‘
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Bahá’i Divorce Certificate adopted and enforced by the National Spiritual Assembly of the BaM’is of Egypt and Siidán.
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Marriage License Issued by the State of Illinois authorizing the Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’is of Chicago, Illinois, to solemnize Bahá’i marriages, with explanatory letter.
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Text in frnian
of the Outline of Bahá’I Laws regarding Matters of Personal Status submitted for recognition to the Egyptian Government by the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahã’is of Egypt and Si’idán.
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THE BAHA’ WORLD Map of Bahã’i holdings showing extension of properties surrounding and dedicated to the Shrine of the Báb on Mt. Carmel.
flnnttmiwtat attxrcafl! tgt,dc.s H,eh hgrE
LJz -
ma'muriyatiga murojaat qiling