The baha’i world
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- Miss Gertrude Eaton psssed away two weeke after her friend, Lady l3lomfield, having spent the last few days in Lady Blomfield’s house.—Ed.
EXPENSES Traveling alone, more frequently than not in third class accommodations, defraying her own expenses by her writing, for she was a journalist of note, she felt no sacrifice too great, no effort too strenuous, no privation too rigorous to impede her progress or dampen her ardor. Miss Root was lecturing in China when the siege of Shanghai necessitated the evacuation of the city and she with many other Americans was forced to leave at a moment’s notice for Manila. Arrived there she immediately began her work when the earthquake and subsequent fire consumed what very scant supply of clothing she had been able to carry from China. As soon as possible she took passage on a small Oriental steamer, third class for Bombay, and there she resumed her work. She visited all India and then went to Australia and New Zealand and she was just returning to America from there when she was obliged to leave the steamer at Honolulu because of illness. CARRSED PEACE BANNER
Commenting on her life today, a friend writes: “Miss Root’s passing will be mourned throughout the world and a day for general commemoration of her beautiful life will be observed in the near future. Like the disciples of old she carried the Bahá’i banner of peace and reconciliation into the very heart of religious fanaticism and prejudice, breaking down the barriers which have divided the human race, teaching unity and not uniformity, consultation and not competition, loving all, serving all, sacrificing for all, knowing no difference of color, race or creed. The world has produced no greater soul.”
MRS. THORNBURGH-CROPPER Mrs. Thornburgh-Cropper was the first Bahá’i in England and one of the first West- tern people to recognise the Revelation of Bahá’u’lláh. She received the name “Maryam Khánum” from ‘Abdu’l-Bahâ. Mrs. Basil Hall writes: “She put her car at the Master’s disposal during His visits to London. I can see her tall, graceful figure with her serene angel face shining beneath a crown of silver hair, her blue eyes, and the soft blend of blues and purples in her dress, gracious to all, and ready to be of constant service to our exalted Guest.” In a letter to Lady Blomfield, now published in The Chosen Highway, Mrs. Thornburgh-Cropper tells how she became aware of the new Revelation. “Early in 1900 I received a letter from Mrs. Phoebe Hearst, my life long friend from California, telling me of a wonderful new religious teaching she had contacted. She said that she felt it would be of great interest to me,
and that when she came to London, she would tell me all about it. A short time later I was searching in the encyclopedia for some information about King David, about whom I had had an argument. In turning over the pages, my eye was caught by a name “Báb.” . . . There was something so moving in this story of a martyr for His faith, that so moved me that I went to the British Museum to search for further information regarding Him and His teaching.” Mrs. Thornburgh-Cropper ace omp an i e d Mrs. Hearst to ‘Akká in 1902, and later made another pilgrimage in 1906, both times being received by the Master. Of her first encounter with Him she says: “Someone went before us with a small piece of candle which cast strange shadows on the walls of this silent place. Suddenly the light caught a form, that at first seemed a vision of mist and hght. It was the Master the candle light had revealed to us. His white
A Mrs. Thornburgh-Cropper, One of the First Bahá’is of the West
THE BAHA’! WORLD robe, and silver flowing hair, and shining blue eyes, gave the impression of a spirit, rather than of a human being. We tried to tell Him how deeply grateful we were at His receiving us. “No” he answered, “you are kind to come.” This was spoken in a very careful English. Then He smiled, and we recognized the Light which He possessed in the radiance which moved over His fine and noble face. It was an amazing experience. We four visitors from the ‘Western world felt that our voyage, with all its accompanying inconveniences was a small price to pay for such treasure as we received from the spirit and words of the Master Whom we had crossed mountains and seas and nations to meet. This began our work ‘to spread the teaching,’ to ‘mention the Name of Bahá’u’lláh, and acquaint the world with the Message’.” To many Bahá’is of the present generation Mrs. Thornburgh-Cropper was unknown personally. The infirmity of her declining years prevented her from active association with the friends, but she was known as a staunch and loyal servant, and it was a delight to hear from Lady Blomfield the story of how she sent an envoy to the great Tolstoy. She passed away on March 15th, 1938. The following account is written by a friend who wishes to remain anonymous. Nearly forty years ago (1902) the late Mrs. Thornburgh-Cropper in company with a group of friends made the pilgrimage to Haifa. It was during a casual conversation with an acquaintance at an hotel that she first heard of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá. Some weeks later after making independent inquiries and carefully considering the real purport of the account of this remarkable Personage, she decided to take the journey with the intimate friends who had been fired by her enthusiasm. They first went to Alexandria where they managed to secure accommodation on a steamer which would call at ‘Akká, the ancient seaport of Syria. This was a notoriously rough sea passage at the best of times but on the day of their disembarkation it was necessary for the ship to lower boats as she could not make the port. One can imagine the daring adventure for
these ladies accoutred in the voluminous apparel of that day when they had to make the tricky descent into a rowing boat which had been brought alongside the ship on the crest of an accommodating wave! Except for a soaking wet trip to the pier the party were none the worse for their experiences. They stayed the night at ‘Akká and the next day drove about a dozen miles to Haifa in a lumbering landau drawn by high- spirited Arabian horses. At this period of his life ‘Abdu’l-Bahá was virtually a prisoner in His large greyish stone house in Haifa. Although there was no
visible guard enforcing this incarceration it was believed that He was on parole not to leave the premises without permission from Turkish officials. Several members of His family lived with him and when the travellers arrived they were graciously received by the ladies of the household who showed them into a spacious room furnished only with a few small tables and upholstered seats against the walls. Armchairs were specially brought for the Western visitors. Then coffee and a variety of sweet meats were served. They had not long to wait before a turbaned figure clad in flowing white robes appeared in the doorway. It was the Master. It would be difficult to describe the effect created by the Master’s presence. As He sat there the light from an opposite narrow window focused upon His countenance revealing the finely modelled manly features and the large arresting grey blue eyes. In those eyes were mysterious depths; a glow of luminous inner power holding the secrets of a great soul. With the assistance of one of His daughters who spoke French, ‘Abdu’l-Bahá first welcomed His guests and then began to discourse upon the teachings of Bahá’u’lláh. This interview lasted about an hour. When the time came for leave-taking, the Master rose and made His way across the room with the light, noiseless step more like that of a supernatural being than of a man. They watched Him as He lingered awhile in the courtyard among His flowers in the brilliant sunshine—and then finally passed on to His private quarters for rest and meditation.
The friends returned the next day at ‘Abdu’l-Bahã’s invitation and had the privilege of sitting at His table. A simple repast was served, consisting of beautifully cooked rice and diced meat, besides numerous little dishes of condiments and followed by sweet meats and fresh fruit. During most of the meal the Master gave His audience further and more detailed accounts of the Bahá’i Cause. Before the visitors left, ‘Abdu’l-Bahá bade them spread the Word among their people. He also made a certain prophetic pronouncement, the general trend of which has in a large measure come to pass in the world’s history. The gist of His words is as follows: “There will be a great struggle among the nations for material gain; abysmal darkness will envelope the nations for nearly half a century before the Light comes to show them the true way to spiritual development.” When this group of friends returned to Europe they told those interested of their visits to the Master and gave out what they had gleaned from the teachings of Bahã’u’llãh. In 1906 Mrs. Thornburgh-Cropper again went to Haifa. On this occasion she was able to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the Message. There were present several interpreters with a working knowledge of English who could produce more complete translations. From that period onwards, willing helpers in Paris, London and in America not only gave material assistance but their unremitting labour in furthering the Cause. Many meetings of believers began to be held regularly in the great capitals of the world. The growth of the Bahá’i Movement together with records dealing with the Master’s visits abroad has been fully covered in pamphlets and books. Over a period of many years, Mrs. Thorn- burgh-Cropper gave unstinted help to the Cause and kept in close touch with ‘Abdu’lBahã and His family, not forgetting the younger generation who were completing their education in England. The latter always found in her a sympathetic generous friend who would never spare herself to assist them in their problems.
SITARIH KHANUM (SARA, LADY BLOMFIELD) A Brief Account of Her Life and Work by Her Daughter MAn BASIL HALL She, whom ‘Abdu’l-Bahá named “Sitarih Khánum” passed away peacefully on the last day of the year 1939, at the age of eighty. In the overwhelming sorrow of parting from a wonderful personality and a deeply loved mother, it is hard to rejoice in the gladness that is hers, but that must be the predominant note in this account of her beautiful life by one who knew and loved her so well. For I can remember, from the earliest days, her valiant spirit meeting sadness and difficulties with radiant acquiescence and invincible faith. It was as if she knew what rare privilege awaited her, since she it was who welcomed ‘Abdu’l-Bahá to her home when he came to England. She was one of those “Waiting Servants” who, down the ages, have recognized and acclaimed the Messengers of God in their Day. How ‘Abdu’l-Bahá came to London, and my mother’s part in welcoming Him, how she first heard of the Bahá’i Revelation, the prelude to this wonderful visit, is fully told by herself in her book The Chosen Highway, which she completed on the eve of her passing. I can see her, eager, vital, full of sublime enthusiasm, never losing a word or a movement of the Master’s, fully realising that this visit was an event which belonged to the world. At this time she had the beauty of a mature soul. The moulding of her face was lovely, and she remained beautiful to the last. Her facial expressions, ever changing, reflected the spiritual harmony within. Her dress, not fashionable in the ordinary sense, was distinctive and individual, without being strange. She wore garments with long flowing lines which made her seem taller than her natural height, and she was as upright always in her outward stature as she was in her soul. Her favourite color was blue, and she would wear it with her grey or black dresses, in a scarf or a veil which she sometimes bound about her head. I can see her, her eyes shining, welcoming the
pilgrim guests to the presence of the Master. “Isn’t it wonderful!” she would exclaim. “I’t it wonderful?” and her hands would emphasize her words in an emphatic movement, difficult to describe because it was never the same. In after years she would say “Isn’t it wonderful?” of any triumph of the Cause, or of some shining event in the spiritual life of mankind, and often the response would be dull and uncomprehending. Those who heard her could not always rise to her selfless level of rejoicing. At those disappointing moments, a shadow of pity would come into her eyes for the one who could not share her gladness. At the outbreak of war we were in Switzerland, but soon came to Paris, where my mother, my sister Ellinor and I helped as V.A.D.’s under the French Red Cross in the Haden Guest Unit at the Hospital Hotel Majestic. Any kind of suffering touched my mother
profoundly, but the sight of young men maimed for life, and the new and horrible experiences she had to endure during the dressing of their wounds, her mental agony reflecting their pain, tortured her beyond words. After that first heart-rending morning in the wards, we were silent as we walked back to the Hotel D’Jena for luncheon. We imagined ourselves unable to touch any food. But my mother’s courage and strength of mind prevailed. She said quietly: “We must eat, or we shall be ill ourselves. Then we shall not be able to help.” The hospital unit moved from Paris in March, 1915, and we returned to London in April. During the rest of the War, my mother helped in various hospitals, was a member of a number of Committees, and kept open house for the Anzacs who were recovering from their wounds. She never neglected the sparsely attended Bahã’i Meetings, which were held when and where circumstances permitted, and kept in touch
Lady Blomfield, “Sitãrih Khánum,” Pioneer Bahá’i of England
with ‘Abdu’l-Bahá at Haifa, and the friends abroad whenever correspondence was possible. When the War was over we intended to go to Haifa, but were prevented from going, to my mother’s lasting regret, by some domestic affairs at home. I shall never forget the day news came of the passing of the Master. The Guardian was in London at the time, and his grief was heart- breaking to witness. My mother travelled with him to Haifa, and, I believe her companionship and help were of service to him, stricken with overwhelming sorrow as he was. When she had been there some weeks, Munirih Khánum, the widow of ‘Abdu’lBahá, in a letter to my husband explaining some point of teaching for which he had asked an interpretation, said: “We are all very glad to have the honour- able lady, Sitarih Khánum, Lady Blomfield in our midst. Her presence gives us much joy. We look upon her, not only as a friend, but as one of our own dear family.”
While she was staying at Haifa, she gathered together some of the notes from which she compiled The Chosen Highway. She also wrote a letter which was published as a pamphlet, called
The rest of the material for The Chosen Highway was garnered from witnesses of the early days of the Revelation during her second visit to Palestine, eight years later. Before her first visit to Haifa, and in the intervening period between that and her second visit, my mother spent some years at Geneva. She attempted to inculcate the principles of the Bahá’i Faith in a way which showed her discrimination and wisdom perhaps more markedly than in any other work she had done for the Cause. The problem my mother had to face was this. How could the attention of people working in the League be attracted? How could those who were not already interested be brought in? How could the influence of the Cause be widened in the city where
is so much needed? Divine guidance showed her the way. She called her spiritual campaign the movement for the World’s Supreme Peace mean-
ing spiritual, as well as political Peace. Under its auspices she gathered together weekly at her hotel, as many as a hundred people at a time, to hear speakers of high intention and thought from all over the world. Pioneers of non-sectarian philanthropic movements would explain their work. These meetings were attended by people of many races and creeds. The subject of each address would illustrate one principle of Bahá’i teaching, which my mother would explain from the Chair. Occasionally a meeting would be addressed by a Bahá’i teacher of international repute. The whole series constituted a moral synthesis the full expression of which could be found by the earnest seeker only in the Revelation of Baha’u’llah. “Who is this Persian Prophet you quote so much?” individuals would ask, in the quiet conversations my mother had with them after the meetings. She would tell them, and thus the seed was sown. These conferences were much appreciated as the attendance showed. Busy people have no time to go to meetings which do not interest them. Each would write his or her name and address in a book which my mother kept for further “contacts” She would spend hours writing to them of the Cause, and answering the questions which came in return. She had a leaflet printed in English and French, which she sent to all the Delegates, the result of which she kept in a record of those who sympathised with her aims, or promised active support of the principles. At this time she formed two sincere friendships. One was with Eglantyne Jebb, the Founder of the Save the Children Fund, whom she was privileged to help in securing the famous “Declaration of Geneva” for the salvation of the world’s starving and refugee children. The other was with Gertrude Eaton,1 the fearless international worker for the amelioration of the lot of the world’s prisoners. Gertrude Eaton had travelled all over Europe visiting prisons and exposing to the League and thus to the world the abuses of those systems which disgraced civilisation. She was one of the speakers at a conference 1
THE BAHA’I WORLD for the World’s Supreme Peace. Sir Jagadis Bose, the great Indian scientist, was another. The names and addresses of all those who signed my Mother’s leaflet are being kept by the Bahá’is of the British Isles for future use in spreading the Cause. In this way my mother’s work at Geneva will continue to have its effect, for those to whom she spoke or wrote to of the Bahá’i Revelation will assuredly hear more. As a result of this an invitation came to the “Bahá’i National Assembly” to become a Corporate Member of the League of Na— tions Union, which invitation was accepted with the reservation that no connection with Politics was desired. They wished only to be associated with the Religions and Ethics Activities. “The Bahá’i National Assembly” has now been formally elected a Corporate Member of the “League of Nations Union.” After her second visit to Haifa in 1930, my mother returned home to the house we were sharing in Hampstead. During the last ten years we have had many joyful meetings of the friends, and have had the pleasure of entertaining many Bahá’i travellers from all parts of the world. My mother worked assiduously at her book, and after some heartbreaking setbacks, which need not be described she at last finished
before she passed on. She had given it into the hands of David Hofman, to be published by the Bahá’i Publishing Trust, and had asked Ilasan Balyuzi to write a foreword. When going through my beloved mother’s papers I was amazed to find how much she had written, not as professional writers express their thoughts in a more or less orderly sequence of filed manuscripts, but on odd pieces of note paper, in engagement books, or diaries, as if she had to write, but did not imagine anyone would consider what she had written worth publication. Some were accounts of dreams and visions she had experienced, some the effulgence of her beautiful soul, like the song of a bird, irrepressible, ecstatic. Here is a poem I found, the otily one she ever wrote, as far as I know: Ah! Who can understand that which I dream? And the unheard desires, which without end,
Like tumultuous waves, tumble deliriously Terrible and at the same time sweet as honey In my soul, immense as the sky! A dream which came to my soul, heavens high, Vastness reflecting, Brought desires like waves lashed by the wind In wild delirium breaking. Terrible, monstrous now, now soft as the zephyrs breathing. My soul has penetrated far beyond the Choir Through clouds of opal to the blue dwelling of causes!
She saw there the Ineffable, and of all these things She has made an Idol, and has set it in my heart. My beloved mother was not ill long. There is a strange significance in the fact that during the last days when she seemed to be recovering, she refused all food, which was the only remedy that would have preserved her life. She must have known that the time had come for her to enter the radiant Kingdom to which she so truly belonged. Afterwards I read again her account of the Passing of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, and these words met my eyes: “He lay down again, and as some food was offered him, he remarked in a clear and distinct voice: ‘You wish me to take some food, and I am going?’ He gave them a beautiful look. His face was so calm, his expression so serene, they thought him asleep. He had gone from the gaze of his loved ones.” I was not with her at the end, though I had visited the nursing home twice that day. They told me her passing was iieaceful. “A beautiful death,” they said. In faith I know that she is rejoicing in the presence of the Master and the friends she loved so dearly. I know that she is radiant in the Kingdom of God. I know that her devoted service to the Cause, which was never for one moment separated in her heart from the Cause of the Eternal Christ, has gained her a high place in the Celestial Garden, and I know that her love is still shining on the friends and dear ones she has left on earth. I will end with a beautiful prayer, which I found so faintly written in pencil, on such
Rahmatu’lláh ‘Alá’i of Iran Rahmatu’lláh ‘Alã’i was one of the well-known Bahá’is of Iran. He traveled extensively throughout his country promoting the interests of the Faith, teaching and inspiring his fellow-workers. His willing spirit and example will be greatly missed by the believers of I ran.
The coffin bearing the remains of Rahmatu’lláh ‘Alá’i of Tihran being borne to the Bahá’i cemetery. December 3rd, 1939.
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