The baha’i world
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* Addresses delivered before the New York and Chicago Assemblies, by ‘Abdu’lKarim Effendi. Translated by Alimad Sohráb. Persian-American Publishing Co., Los Angeles, 1924.
by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Hannen. Assurance of Immortality, a compilation on immortality. Four pages. * 191 6, a calendar compiled from the utterances of Bahá’u’lláh and ‘Abdu’l-Bahá. *Baha”I Congress, April 29-May 2, 1916, a combination program and compilation, Chicago, Ill. * Studies in Jewish Mysticism. Bahd’i Benediction, The. Music and words by Louise R. Waite. *Bahd’i Calendar for 1932. Consisting of twelve sheets of colored cardboard stock, one for each month, with Bahâ’i dates,
feasts, anniversaries and quotations in addition to the monthly calendar. Compiled and arranged by Doris Holley. 9 x 12.
‘Baha”I Faith, The, by a Methodist Layman, questions and answers suggested by personal experience. Bahd’I Faith, The, by Horace Holley. An explanation of the nature of the worldwide Bahá’i community. Baha”I House of Worship, The. A brief description of the Bahá’i Temple at ‘Wilmette, Illinois, quoting words of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá on the spiritual significance of Bahá’i Houses of Worship, with an outline of Bahá’i history and ‘Abdu’lBahá’s summary of Bahá’i teachings. Illustrated. 8 pp. *Baha?i Hymnal, words and music by Louise R. Waite. Paper. *Bahdi Indexes, by Charles Mason Remey. Newport, R. I., 1923. ‘Baha”I Manuscripts, by Charles Mason Remey. Newport, R. I., 1923. ‘Baha”I Martyrdovis in Persia in the Year 1903 A. D., by Uaii Mirzá Haydar-’Ali. Translated by Yünis Khán. Bahá’i Publishing Society, Chicago, 1907. *Bahdi Movement, The. Articles originally published in Vedic Magazine of Lahore. J.
L. Zuahlen, Vesey, 1916. ‘Bahd’I Movement, The: Its Spiritual Dynamic, by Albert Vail, reprint of a magazine article. Bahd’I Movement, The. A pamphlet outlining the history and aims of the Cause, with a statement on Bahá’i Administration and many quotations from the Writings. ‘Bahd’I Movement in Its Social Economic Aspect, The, by Helen Campbell. Bahã’i Publishing Society, Chicago, 1915. Bahd’I Movement, The, by Charles Mason Remey. Washington, D. C., 1912. ‘Baha”I Persecutions in Persia, reprint of letter written to the Shah of Persia, RicH Shah Pahlavi, July, 1926, by the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha’is of the United States and Canada. Bahd’I Procedure. Compiled by the National
Spiritual Assembly. A compilation and codification of secondary administrative material. 80 loose leaf sheets, with Index. ‘Bahd’I Religion, The, a reprint of the two Bahi’i papers presented at the Conference on Some Living Religions within the British Empire. Paper, 24 pp.
by Thornton Chase. Bahá’i Publishing Society, Chicago, 1909. ‘Baha”I Revelation and Reconstruction, The, by Charles Mason Remey. Baha’i Publishing Society, Chicago, 1919. ‘Bahd’I Teachings, by Charles Mason Remey. (Seven bound pamphlets.) Washington, D. C., 1917.
a statement submitted by the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’is of the United States and Canada to the United States Government in 1934 and to the Government of the Dominion of Canada in 1935.
J. E. Esslemont, briefly outlining the spiritual message of the New Day. *Bef ore Abraham Was I Am, by Thornton Chase, an explantion of the Station of the Prophet. ‘Bird’s Eye View of the World in the Year 2000, a reprint of article by Orrol Harper in The Bahd’I Magazine. ‘Brief Account of My Visit to ‘A/nra, A, by Mary L. Lucas. Baha’i Publishing Society, Chicago, 1905. ‘Brilliant Proof, The, by Mirzá Abu’l-Fadl of Gulpáyigan, a refutation of an attack on the Cause by a Protestant missionary. Contains both English and Iranian text.
by George Latimer, the significance of the return of the Messenger. *
a supplement to “Some Answered Questions.” Christians, Jews and Muhammadans, a reprint of Address by ‘Abdu’l-Raha at Temple Emmanu’el, San Francisco, in 1912. *Compilation, No 9, available in: English, Esperanto, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Chinese, Hungarian, Yiddish. *
by Charles Mason Remey. Bahã’i Publishing Society, Chicago, 1917. *Daily Lessons Received at ‘Ak/zd—1908, by
Helen S. Goodall and Ella G. Cooper. Bahã’i Publishing Society, Chicago, 1908. ‘Dawn of Knowledge and the Most Great Peace, by Paul Kingston Dealy. The Bahá’i Cause and ancient prophecy. Declaration of Trust, and By-Laws of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahd’Is of the United States and Canada, with amendments adopted to April 1, 1933. The legal instrument defining the nature and functions of the institutions existing in the American Bahá’i community, with the By-Laws approved for use by Local Spiritual Assemblies. (Reprinted from
24 pp., 6 x 9. Paper covers. ‘Divine Revelation, the Basis of Civilization, by Antun Haddád. Board of Council, New York, 1902. ‘Early Pilgrimage, An, 1898, by May Maxwell. Bahá’i Publishing Society, Chicago, 1917. Economics as Social Creation, by Horace Holley. 32 pp. ‘-Episodes in My Life, by Munirih Khánum. Translated by Al3mad Sohráb. Persian- American Publishing Co., Los Angeles, 1924. First Obligation, The, by Lady Blomfield. *
* From the World’s Greatest Prisoner to His Prison Friends, by Israel Fraser-Chamberlain. Tudor Press, Boston, 1916. *God and His Manifestations (compiled by Mrs. J. W. Gift), an outline for the study of such Bahá’i topics as the need of a Manifestation, the signs of His appearance, His influence upon civilization, the proofs of His cause, etc. Paper covers. Green Acre, a reprint of articles published in The Bahd’I Magazine. *
by Charles and Mariam Haney. *
by Louis
Gregory. Homo culture, by Stanwood Cobb. Image of God, The, reprint of Address by ‘Abdu’l-Bahá at Annual Convention of National Association for the Advancement of Colored People in 1912 at Chicago.
A key to the contents of Baha”l News from December,
1924, to November, 1933: No. 1 to No. 79. Paper cover, mimeographed, 58 pp. Index to Bahd’l News. A key to the contents of Bahd’l News from 1934 to 1936: No. 80 to No. 104. Paper cover, mimeographed, 25 pp. *In Spirit and in Truth, by A. S. Agnew. ‘Knoc/z and It Shall Be Opened Unto You, by Roy and M. 3. M.
*J Memoriam (Miss Lillian F. Kappers and Dr. Sarah Clock), by Dr. Susan I. Moody, Union Press, Camp Karachi. *In Galilee, by Thornton Chase. An interesting account of a visit to Haifa in 1907. *Knowing God Through Love, by Abu’lFadl. Farewell address. Bahá’i Assembly, Washington. Laboratory of Life, The, by Louise D. Boyle. On the reconciliation of science and religion. .:-Lectures by Jindb-i-Fddil, a series of lectures by a scholar appointed by ‘Abdu’lBahá to teach the principles of the Bahá’i Cause in America. Vols. 2, 3, 4, and S only. Lessons in Religion, by Shaykh Mubammad‘All Qi’ini, prepared especially for children. Translated by Edith Ráiyyih Sanderson. *Letter from Honolulu, by Charles Mason Remey. Privately printed. Feb. 17, 1917. ‘Letter written on behalf of the eeFriend5 of 1sf dha’n, Persia, to the American Believers, by Mirzá ‘Abdu’l-Ilusayn. ‘FLight of the World, by a group of Pilgrims. The Tudor Press, Boston, 1920. Manifestation, The, by Albert P. Entzminger. On the relations of the Prophet to God and to mankind. °Martinists’ Report, by M. Gabriel Sasi. An address concerning the Bahá’i Religion delivered at the Paris Exposition of 1900.
*Martyrdoins in Persia in 1903, by Ijãj I Mirzá Haydar-’Al’s, relating the circumstances in which seventy Persian Bahá’Is were martyred. °Map Showing Travels of the Bdb and Baha”u’lla’h. Drawn by 3.
F. Clevenger, 1927, 11’/zxl4’/z. *
*Message from ‘Akka’, Antun Haddãd. Most Great Peace, The, by Marion Holley. *Notes Taken at ‘Akka’, by Corinne True. Bahá’i Publishing Society, Chicago, 1907. ‘Observations of a Bahd’I Traveler, by Charles Mason Remey. Washington, D. C., 1914. Oneness of Mankind, The. Selections from words of Bahá’u’llah and ‘Abdu’l-Bahâ on interracial amity, compiled by Louis G. Gregory and Mariam Haney. 64 pp., paper cover. Oneness of Mankind, The, by Hussein Rabbani. An exposition of the Bahá’i teachings on the unity of races. 24 pp. Self cover.
°Passing of ‘Abdu’l-Baha’, The, by Lady Blomfield and Shoghi Effendi. Principles of the Bahd’I Faith. The new edition of the little blue “No. 9” Compilation. Path to God, The, by Dorothy Baker. An explanation of the Bahá’i teachings on the spiritual development caused by turning to the Manifestation of God. 24 pp. Self cover. Radiant Acquiescence, by Orcella Rexford. The principle of non-resistance applied to personal life. °Races of Men—Many or One, The, compiled by Louis G. Gregory. 40 pp., paper covers. °Rays from the Sun of Truth, Ida Finch. Religion and the New Age, by A. G. B., a brief introduction to the Bahá’I teachings. ‘Revelation of Baha”u’lldh, The, Isabella D. Brittingham. Bahá’i Publishing Society, Chicago, 1902. ‘Spirit of World Unity, The, selections from words of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá in America on religious, racial and scientific subjects. 24 pp. Paper covers. -Spiritual Opportunities of the Bahd’Is of the United States and Canada, selections from words of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá. The National Spiritual Assembly. Star of the West, November, 192 5, Peace Number. ‘Station of Manifestation, by Antun kladdad.
* Table Talks. Regarding Reincarnation and other subjects. ‘Table Talks at ‘Akkd, by ‘Abdu’l-Baha ‘Abbás, by Arthur S. Agnew. Baha’i Publishing Society, Chicago, 1907. Table Talks with ‘Abdu’l-Bahd, by Mr. and Mrs. George Winterburn. Bahã’i Publishing Society, Chicago, 1908. *
a collection of letters written by ‘Abdu’l-Baha to Japanese and to Americans serving the Cause in Japan. Foreword by Agnes Alexander.
by Charles Mason Remey. Private printing. °True Gardener, The (from notes by L.H.C.B.). Rangoon Standard Press, 1930. *Ten Days in the Light of ‘Akka!, by Julia M. Grundy. Bahá’i Publishing Society, Chicago, 1907.
by Mamie L. Seto. The Bahá’i teachings on trouble and difficulty. *
by Charles Mason Remey. *
by Howard MacNutt. °
by Charles Mason Remey. *
Persian-American Bulletin, Washington, D. C., 1912. *
by Margaret B. Peake. Grier Press, Chicago, 1911. *
by Dr.
J. E. Esslemont. American edition published by Louis Bourgeois, Chicago, 1921. What Is the Bahcl’I Faith? A brief explanation by the late Dr. J. E. Esslemont, author of “Bahá’u’lláh and the New Era.” Available in many languages. What Went Ye Out For to See? by Thornton Chase, a letter written in reply to an inquiry from a Christian. °Whence? Why? Whither? Man! Things! Other Things! by Arthur Pillsbury Dodge. Arid Press, Westwood, Mass., 1907. ::-World Economy of Baha”u’lldh, The, by Horace Holley. Bahá’i Publishing Committee, 1931. The Bahá’i explanation of current world depression and unrest, with
a summary of the principles revealed by Bahá’u’llãh to make possible international order, peace and social justice. 32 pp. Paper covers. (h) COMPILATIONS *Bahá’I Cause. Eight-page pamphlet prepared by the National Teaching Committee. Bahá’i Publishing Society, 1924. *Baha”I Calendar. Daily excerpts from the writings of Bahã’u’lláh and ‘Abdu’l-Bahá. Privately printed in Honolulu, New York and other cities.
By Charles Mason Remey. Bahá’i Publishing Society, Chicago, 1917.
by Louise R. Waite. Bahá’I Publishing Society, Chicago, 1904, New York, 1927. *Baha”I Message. Compiled by Horace Holley, Chicago, 1920. Bahá’i Scriptures. Compiled by Horace Holley, Brentano’s, New York, 1923. Bahá’i Publishing Committee, New York, 1929.
Reprint of press comments and Temple symbolism. Published by Louis Bourgeois, Chicago, 1921. *Compilation. Concerning the Most Great Peace. Tudor Press, Boston, 1918. :-
9. Available in different languages. *Compilation of Utterances from the Pen of ‘Abdu’l-BahcI Regarding His Station. 19 pp. November 26, 1906. *
Compiled by Victoria Bedikian. *Dream of God, The. By Albert Durrant Watson. A poem. Bahâ’i Publishing Society. Chicago, 1922. Foundations of World Unity. Compiled by Horace Holley, New York, 1927. Garden of the Heart, The. Compiled by Frances Esty. *God and His Manifestaticms. Compiled by Mrs. M. H. Gift. *God’s Heroes. By Laura Clifford Barney. A drama. Lippincott, London and Philadelphia, 1910. *Hymns of Peace and Praise. By Louise R. Waite. Chicago, 1910.
By Charles Mason Remey. Five preliminary sketches. Privately printed. *Mashriqu’l.Adhka’r. By Charles Mason Remey. (Bahá’i House of Worship.) Privately printed. *Mashriqu’l.Adhkdr and the Bahd’I Movement. By Jean Masson. Bahã’i Publishing Society, Chicago, 1921. *
From the utterances of Bahá’u’llãh and ‘Abdu’l-Bahá. Tudor Press, Boston, 1916. Oneness of Mankind, The. A compilation of the utterances of Bahá’u’lláh and ‘Abdu’l-Bahá by Mariam Haney and Louis Gregory, to assist the progress of interracial amity, 1927.
Translated by Shoghi Effendi. Boston, 1923. ‘Prospectus of a Series of Five Lectures upon the Bahd’I Movement, by Charles Mason Remey. *
Compiled by M. H. and M.M. *
By Rev.
J. Storer. Macmillan Co., New York, 1924. *
Persian-American Bulletin, 1912. *
Bahá’I Publishing Society, Chicago. (i) OUTLINES AND GUIDES FOR BAHA’f STUDY CLASSES
A series of thirty-six lessons in four sections, for teachers holding Bahá’i study and discussion classes for children. The course has been planned for weekly classes over a period of nine months. Complete series (four sections). Baha”I Study Course. An invaluable aid for individual students of the Teachings, and for Bahá’I Communities and Groups who desire to follow a definite course of study. The Course may be obtained with or without the three books needed for reference. Study Course with Bahá’u’lla’h and the New Era, Wisdom of ‘Abdu’l-Bahd and
Foundations of World Unity. *Bahd’I Teachings Concerning Christ. Corn-
piled by the Outline Bureau of the National Teaching Committee, 1928-1929. *Baha’I Teachings on Economics. A compilation prepared by the National Teaching Committee. 16 pp. The Dispensation of Bahd’u’lldh. Compiled by Study Outline Committee. A study outline. 14 pp. *
Compiled by the Outline Bureau of the National Teaching Committee, 1930. ‘Outlines for Study of Scriptures, compiled by the Outline Bureau of the National Bahi’i classes and meetings, compiled by Louis G. Gregory. Mimeographed. *
for Discussion in Bahá’i classes and meetings, compiled by Louis G. Gregory. Mimeographed.
An aid for classes and individuals in making a careful study of this historical work. Study Outline for Kitcib-i-fqa’n. (Book of Certitude.) Study Outline on Public Speaking. Mimeographed. °Study of Outlines of Science, compiled by the Outline Bureau of the National Bahi’i Teaching Committee. Mimeographed. Study Outline on the Essential Principles of Creative Writing. Mimeographed. Twenty Lessons in Bahd’I Administration. 28 pp.
Twenty Lessons in the Bahd’I Revelation. A valuable supplement to the Bahá’i Study Course and for the individual research of advanced Bahá’i students.
Deepening the Spiritual Life, by Horace Holley. Passages for meditation and discussion, arranged for six lessons, under subjects of: God’s Will for Man: The Purpose of Creation; The Soul: its Capacity to Know and Love God; Practice in Attainment of the Spiritual Life; Character the Foundation of Spiritual Effort; True Self-Realization: The Principle of Trustworthiness; Social Personality: The Pillars of Civilization. This Outline can be used by individuals or by groups. Fundamentals of Bahci’I Membership, by Study Outline Committee, 1939-1940. This Outline is designed for classes arranged by Spiritual Assemblies to prepare apphcant for admission into the Bahá’i Community, but is also adapted for completing and clarifying the knowledge of those already members of the Faith.
and on the excerpts from the Master’s Will and Testament, available in pamphlet form. This outline planned for use by Bahá’i study classes and individual believers already familiar with the Guardian’s book but desiring further knowledge of its most important topics. Comprehensive Study Outline for Children, in three parts. Creation, Progressive Revelation, Bahã’i World. Twenty-five lessons. For children in intermediate and upper grades.
BAHA’t PUBLICATIONS OF ENGLAND ‘‘Abdu’l-Bahd in London. Addresses delivered by ‘Abdu’l-Bahá during His visit in London, with description of His life and activities. Bahd’I Faith, The, by G. Palgrave Simpson. Bahd’I: Spirit of the Age, The, by Horace Holley. (See list one.) Published by Kegan, Paul. Bahd’u’lldh and the New Era, by J.
E. Esslemont. (See list one.) Published by George Allen & Unwin, Ltd.
Brief Account of the Bahd’I Movement, by Ethel J.
Rosenberg. Published by Burn- side, Ltd. Coming of eeThe Glory,” The, by Florence E. Pinchon. Published by Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co., Ltd., London. Drama of the Kingdom, The, by Mrs. Basil Hall, London, 1933. God’s Heroes, by Laura Clifford Barney. (See list one.) Hidden Words of Bahd’u’lldh. (See list one.)
THE BAHA’I WORLD Views of the first Bahá’i Summer School of (ran held in the vicinity of Tihrin in 1939.
Meditations of a Bahd’i Christian, by E. T. Hall. C. E. Bennett & Co., Manchester, 1912.
Holley. Published by Sidgwick & Jackson. 1912. Mysterious Forces of Civilization, The. (See list one.) Paris Talks. (See list one, “The Wisdom of ‘Abdu’l-Bahã.”) Pubhshed by G. Bell &
Passing of ‘Abdul-Bahd, The. (See list one.) Promise of All Ages, The, by “Christophil.” Published by Simpkin, Marshall, Ltd., 1934. Universal Religion, The, by Hippolyte Dreyfus, an introductory work on the Bahã’i Cause by a French orientalist who has translated many of the writings of Baháu’ll ah. Universal Religion, The, by E. T. Hall. National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’is of the British Isles, 1927. Unity Triumphant, by Elizabeth Herriek. The Revelation of Bahã’u’lláh as the fulfillment of Christianity, with extensive quotations and bibliography. Published by Kegan, Paul. *Reconciliation of Races and Religions, The, by Thomas Kelly Cheyne, Dr. Lit., D.D. Religions of the Empire, edited by W. Loftus Hare. Published by Duckworth (London). Addresses delivered by representa— tives of the several religions invited to participate in the Conference on Some
Living Religions Within the British Empire, held at the Imperial Institute, London, England, from September 22 to October 3, 1924. Includes two papers read on the Bahá’i Cause.
pp. Cloth cover. Some Answered Questions. (See list one.) Published by Kegan, Paul. Traveller’s Narrative, A. The Episode of The Báb translated by Prof. E. G. Browne, M.A., F.B.A., M.R.A.S. Cambridge University Press. *
by J.
E. Esslemont, a reprint of chapter three of his larger work. Published by Burnside, Ltd. Wise Man from The East, A, by Felicia R. Scatchard. The Unity Press. London, 1912. *
by Sidney Sprague. The Priory Press, London, 1908.
by G. Townshend. London, 1939. Baha”u’lldh, by H. Bâlyiizi, London, 1939.
are consecrated to her memory. Miss Root’s book was completed in India and published in that country. BAHA’I PUBLICATIONS IN FRENCH Bahd’u’lldh et l’Ere nouvelle. Genève, 1932. Du Rêgne de Dieu et de l’Agneau, par Gabriel Sacy. 12 Juin, 1902 (brochure). Essai sur le Bahci’iisme, son Histoire, sa Porte ’e sociale, par Hippolyte Dreyfus. 2ème edition. Librairie Ernest Leroux, Paris, 1934. Le Baydn Arabe, traduit par A. L. M. Nicolas. Librairie Ernest Leroux, Paris. Le Baydn Persan, traduit par A. L. M. Nicolas. Librairie Geuthner, Paris. 4 volumes: 1911
a 1914.
Le But d’un Nouvel Ordre Mondial, lettre de Shoghi Effendi. Traduction de Lion
Karakeya. Librairie Ernest Leroux, Paris, 1936 (brochure). L’Economie Mondiale de Bahd’u’lldh, par Horace Holley. Traduction de Gabriel des Hons. 2ème edition. Paris, 1936 (brochure). Le Livre des Sept Preuves, translated by A. L. M. Nicolas, Paris, 1902. Le Machreqou’l-Azkar, d’Achqabad, par Hippolyte Dreyfus. Librairie Ernest Leroux, Paris, 1909 (brochure). L’EpItre au Fils du Loup, par Bahá’u’llih. Traduction française par Hippolyte Dreyf us. Librairie Ernest Leroux, Paris.
francaise par Hippolyte Dreyfus. ‘Les Préceptes clu Bahd’Iisme, traduit par H. Dreyfus et H. ChirazI. 1906. Le Vrai Bahd’I. Le cinquiême Chapitre de Bahá’u’lltIh and The New Era. Traduction par Edward Roscoe Mathews (brochure). L’Oeuvre de Bahd’u’lldh, traduction française par Hippolyte Dreyfus: Tome I:
La très sainte Tablette.—Les Paroles cachées.—Les Sept Vallées du Voyage vers Dieu.—La Lettre sur le Bayán. Tome II: Le Temple de Dieu.—Les Lettres aux Souverains. Tome III: Le Livre de la Certitude (Kitabou’l-Iqan). Librairie Ernest Leroux, Paris. *Paroles Cache’s, 1905. Tabiette tie Bahd’u’lldh, écrite a Adrianople pour un des Croyants de Qazvin (brochure). Trois Lettres il des Persans, par ‘Abdu’lBahá, Juin-Juillet, 1907 (brochure). Vers l’Apogée tie la Race Humaine, lettre de Shoghi Effendi traduite de l’anglais. Librairie Ernest Leroux, Paris, 1936 (brochure). 5.
BAHA’ PUBLICATIONS IN ITALIAN Bahd’u’lldh e Ia Nuova Era. Translation of J.
E. Esslemont’s book. ‘Che Cosa e ii Movimento Bahd’I?” (Leaflet.) Discorsi di ‘Abdu’l-Bahd (Paris Talks). I Principii Bahd’I. Booklet translation of the
6. Bahá’i Principles as given by ‘Abdu’lBahá at various times, taken from Paris Talks and other sources. 1925. Florence. Parole Velate (Hidden Words). Florence, 1926. Same Answered Questions (in preparation).
BAHA’i PUBLICATIONS IN DUTCH Alegmeene Beginselen der Bahd’I Beweging. De Verborgen Woorden (Hidden Words), Amsterdam, 1914. Rotterdam, 1932. ‘Bahd’u’lIáh and the New Era.” Rotter- Pamphlets and Leaflets in Dutch Taal pub- dam, 1933. lished in Pretoria, S. A. Kitáb-i-Iqán. Rotterdam, 1937. 7.
BAHA’ PUBLICATIONS IN DANISH Bahd’u’lláh ag hans Buds Jrab (Bahá’u’lláh and His Message), by J.
E. Esslemont. Translated into Danish by Johanne Sorensen. Copenhagen. December, 1926. “Baha”u’lldh and the New Era.” Nyt Nor- disk Forlag. Copenhagen, 1932.
J. E. Esslemont. Translated into Danish by Johanne SOrensen. Copenhagen. April, 1926. Kita’b-i-Iqtin (manuscript). Hidden Words (in manuscript).
9. BAHA’i PUBLICATIONS IN PORTUGUESE A Major Paz. Santos, 1922. Paris Talks. Para, Brazil, 1923. Que é 0 Movimento Bahd’I (pamphlet). Principles of Baha”I Faith (pamphlet 9). Some Answered Questions (manuscript). Hidden Words (manuscript). BAHA’i PUBLICATIONS IN ALBANIAN Fjale Ti! Fshehura (Hidden Words), New Kita’b-i-lqa’n, Tirane, 1932. York. Detyrat e Domosdoshe Besnikvet Bahd’I, Baha”u’lla’b and the New Era, Tirane, 1933. 1932. Libri i Beses, Tirane, 1932. 11.
BAHA’I PUBLICATIONS IN ESPERANTO Bahá’u’lláh: Kaiitaj vortoj, ella perso lingvo tradukis Lutfu’lláh S. Ilakim, John E. Esslemont, London, Brita Esperantista Asocio, jaro ne indikata, g0, 39 pp.
Erosenko, Japanujo, loko kaj jaro ne indikataj, 8°, 23 pp. ‘Abdu’l-Bahá: Bahaj (Bahaaj!) instruoj, loko kaj jaro ne indikataj, 8°, 16 pp. Kompilajo, vortoj de Bahã’u’llah kaj ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Wandsbek, Germany, Bahaa Esperanto-Eldonejo, jaro ne indikata, 8°, 16 pp. Esslemont, Dr. J. E.: Baha”u’lla’h kaj la nova epoko, el la angla originalo tradukita de Lidja Zamenhof, Weinheim (Germany), Bahá’i Esperanto-Eldonejo, 1930, 8°, 191 pp. Religio kaj Scienco laut la lumo de ía Bahaja (bahaa!) rivelajo, London, Brita Esperantista Asocio, 1919, 8°, 28 pp. Baha”u’lldh kaj Lia Misio, Hamburg, Esperanto Komitato de la Bahaa Movado. 1926, 8°, 22 pp. Grossmann, Dr. Hermann: La esenco de la Bahaismo, Wandsbek, Bahaa EsperantoEldonejo, 1929, 8°, 8 pp. Historio, instruoj kaj valoro de la Baha”Imovado. Hamburg, Esperanto Komitato de Ia Bahaa-movado, 1925, 8°, 8 pp.
Kliemke, Dr. Ernst: Bahaismo kaj politiko, la stata idealo laft Ia instruoj de Bahá’u’Iláh, Wandsbek, Germany, Bahaa Esperanto-Eldonejo, 1929, 8°, 8 pp. Mühlschlegel, Adelbert: Parolado en ía dua Bahaa kunveno dum la XVIIIa Universala Kongreso de Esperanto en Genevo, Stuttgart, 1925, 8°, 4 pp. Root, Martha: Bahaaj sciencaj pruvoj de vivo post morto. Praha, 1927, 8°, 7 pp. Bahaaj pruvoj di vivo post morto, Wandsbek, Germany, Bahaa Esperanto-Eldonejo, 1928, 8°, 8 pp.
Priory Press, 1907, 8°, 24 pp. Lidja Zamenhof: Homo, Dio, Prof eto, Weinheim, Bahaa Esperanto-Eldonejo, 1931, 8°, 8 pp.
La Nova Tago. La internacia bahaa esperanto-gazeto. Weinheim (Germany), Ba— baa Esperanto-Eldonejo. Quarterly since
3. E. Esslemont. Officinas Graphicas de Fonseca Filho & Co., Rua Cruzeiro de S. Francisco No. 16, Bahia, Brazil. Kita’b-i-Iqdn (manuscript).
10. 732
THE BAHA’i WORLD Bahá’i literature and magazines please address Dr. Hermann Grossmann, Neckargemund b/Heidelberg, Goringstr. 37. GerBAHA’t PUBLICATIONS IN RUSSIAN
Latvia, 1930. Tablet from ‘Abdu’l-Bahá. Bákü, 1909. Lessons in Religion, by Shaykh Muhammad- Talk about Bahd’i Faith. Bákü. ‘Au Qã’ini. ‘Ishqibãd, 1912. Talk of ‘Abdu’l-BahcI in New York. ‘Ishqá Bahd’u’lla’h by Isabel Grinevskaya. Lenin- bad, 1922. grad, 1912. Tablet to the Hague, by ‘Abdu’l-Bahã. Lon Bah’Iyyat by M. Blanovsky. Moscow, 1914. don, 1922. Hidden Words of Bahd’u’lldh. Riga, 1934. No. 9. (Compilation.) New York, N. Y. Some Answered Questions (manuscript). 13.
Bahá’u’lláh: Tablett von Ishra’qát, Tablett von Tardzdt, Worte des Paradieses, Tablett von Tajalliydt, Frohe Botsehaften. Aus dem Englischen von A. Braun und E. Ruoff. Stuttgart, Selbstverlag der Bahá’iVereinigung. 1912, 8°, 73 p.
Bahi’u’lláh: Frohe Botsehaf ten, Worte des Paradieses, Tablett Tardzat, Tablett TajallIydt, Tablett Ishrdqdt. Nach der Englischen Uebersetzung von ‘Ali-Kuli Khan, Deutsch von W. Herrigel. Stuttgart, Verlag des Deutschen Bahá’iBundes, 1921, 8°, 123 p. Bahã’u’lláh: Verborgene Worte, Worte der Weisheit und Gebete. Nach der Engliscben von A. Braun and E. Ruoff. Stuttgart, Verlag der Bahâ’i-Vereinigung, 1916, 8°, 104 p. Bahã’u’llãh: Verborgene Worte, Worte der Weisheit und Gebete. Nach der Englischen Uebersetzung von Shoghi Effendi, Deutsch von Alice Schwarz und W. Herrigel. Stuttgart, Verlag des Deutschen Bahã’i-Bundes, 1924, 8°, 109 p. Bahã’u’llih: Das heilige Tablett, geoffenbart in Baghdad. Aus dem Englischen von W. Herrigel. Stuttgart, Selbstverlag der Babi’i-Vereinigung, 1911, 8°, 8 p. Bahá’u’lláh: Das Tablett voin Zweig. Aus
dem Englischen von Fr. Schweizer. Herausgegeben von den Bahá’is in Zuffenhausen. Ohne Jahr, 8°, 8 p. ‘Abdu’l-Bahá:
Englischen von W. Herrigel. Stuttgart, Selbstverlag der Bahã’iVereinigung. 1914, 8° 172 p. ‘Abdu’l-Bahá:
Stuttgart, Verlag des Deutschen Bahá’i-Bundes, 1921, 8°, 196 p. ‘Abdu’l-Bahá: Beantwortete Fragen. Nach der Englischen Ausgabe von L. Clifford Barney, Deutsch von W. Herrigel. Stuttgart. Verlag des Deutschen Bahâ’i-Bundes G.m. b. H. 1929, 8°, VIII und 392 p. ‘Abdu’l-Bahá: Eine Botsehaft an die Juden. Aus dem Englischen von W. Herrigel. Stuttgart, im Selbstverlag der Bahá’iVereinigung. 1913, 8°, 15 p. ‘Abdu’l-Bahá: Tabelle (Tablets) allgerneiner Belehrung. Deutsch von Fanny Knobloch. 1906, ohne Angabe des Ones, 8°, 12 p. ‘Abdu’l-Bahá: Tabelle (Tablets) an die Geliebten Gottes des Abendlandes. Deutscb von Fanny A. Knobloch. 1906, ohne Angabe des Ortes, 8° 8 p.
(in manuscript).
For information on German and Esperanto many. 12
Baha!’lperlen (Worte von Bahá’u’llah und ‘Abdu’l-Bahá). Stuttgart, Verlag des Deutsehen Bahá’i-Bundes, 1921, 8°, 16 p.
‘Abdu’l-Baha: Religion and Philosophie, 1911, Paris. Shoghi Effendi: Die Weltordn’ung von Bahcl’u’lldh. Aus dern Englisehen. Herausgegeben vom Deutschen Bahá’i- Nationairat, Stuttgart, Marz 1930, 8°, 15 p. Shoghi Effendi: An die Geliebten des Herrn and an die Dienerinnen des Barinherzigen in der ganzen Welt. Aus dem Englischen. Herausgegeben vom Deutschen Bahá’iNationalrat, Stuttgart, April 1930 (vervielfältigt), Folio, 17 p. Bahiyyih Khánum: Brief an die Freande Gottes and an die Dienerinnen des Barnsherzigen im Abendland. Aus dem Englischen von A. Schwarz. Ohne Angabe des Ortes und des Jahres. 8°, 4 p. Blomfield, Sitárih, und Shoghi Effendi: Das Hinseheiden ‘Abda’l-Baha”s. Ohne Angabe des Ortes und des Jahres, 8°, 32 p. Brittingham, Isabella, D.: Die O/fenbarang von Baha”a’lldh. Aus dem Englischen von ‘W. Herrigel. Stuttgart, Selbstverlag der Bahá’i-Vereinigung, 1910, 8°, 47 p. Carpenter, Marion: Majnán and Layld. Nach Bahá’u’llah’s Erzahlung in den “Sieben Talern.” Deutsch von E. M. Gr. und Dr. H. Cr. Wandsbek, Weltgemeinsehaft 1926, 8°, 8 p. Chase, Thornton: Die Babd’Ioffenbarang. Aus dem Englischen von W. Herrigel. Stuttgart, Verlag des Deutschen Bahá’iBundes, 1925, 8°, XVI + 168 p. Chase, Thornton: Eke Abraham war, war Ich. Aus dem Englischen von W. Herrigel. Stuttgart, Verlag der Bahá’iVereinigung. Ohne Jahr, 8°, 8 p. Dreyfus, Dr. Hippolyte: Einheits-1{eligion. Ihre Wirkung auf Staat, Erziehung, Sozialpolitik, Frauenrechte und auf die emzelne Personlichkeit. Deutsch von W. Herrigel. Stuttgart, Verlag des Deutschen Bahá’i-Bundes, 1920, 8°, 40 p. Dreyfus, Dr. Hippolyte: BdbIsinns and Bahd’isinns. Deutsch von Margarete Platte. Frankfurt n.M. Neuer Frankfurter Verlag G.m.b.H., 1909, 8°, 61 p. Esslemont, Dr. John E.: Bahd’n’lldh and das Neae Zeitalter. Deutsch von H. K. und
H. Stuttgart, Verlag des Deutschen Bahá’i-Bundes, 1927, 8°, VIII H—
431 p. Esslemont, Dr. John E.: Was ist em Bahd’I? Aus dem Englischen ubersetzt und herausgegeben von der Bahá’i- Arbeitsgemeinschaft Esslingen. Ohne Jahr. (vervielfältigt), 4°, 20 p. Esslemont, Dr. John E.: Der Weg rain Fri eden. Sonderdruclt des Kapitels X aus “Bahá’u’llah und das Neue Zeitalter.” Herausgegeben von der Bahá’i -Arbeitsgemeinschaft Esslingen. Ohne Jahr, 8°, 8 p. Fadl, Mirzá Abu’l: Geschichte and Wakeheitsbeweise der Baha”I-Religion. Naeh der Englischen Uebersetzung von ‘AllQuli-Khán, Deutsch von W. H. Stuttgart, Verlag des Deutschen Bahá’i-Bundes G.m.b.H. 1919, 8°, XXIV +
FadI, Mirzá Abu’l: Gliinzendey Beweis (Burhane LIme). Aus dem Englischen von Fr. Schweizer. Herausgegeben von der Bahá’i -Vereinigung Zuffenhausen, ohne Jahr, 8°, 45 p. Grossmann, Dr. Hermann: Die soziale Frage and ihre Losang ins Sinne der Bahd’ILebre. Stuttgart, Verlag des Deutsehen Bahá’l-Bundes, 1923, 8°, 12 p. Grossmann, Dr. Hermann: Die Bahd’I-Be-. we gang, ibre Geschichte, Lehren and Bedeatang. Herausgegeben von der Baha’iBewegung. Hamburg, 1926, 8°, 8 p. Grossmann, Dr. Hermann: Das Wesen der Bahd’i-Lehre. Ohne Angabe des Ortes und des Jahres. 8°, 8 p. Grossmann, Dr. Hermann: Bahd’I-Erziehang. Wandsbek, Weltgemeinschaft, Deutscher Zweig, 1924, 8°, 8 p.
Grossmann, Dr. Hermann: Rosen giirtleinLehrstanden. Lehrproben zur Bahá’i-Erziehung. Herausgegeben von der Weltgemeinschaft, Wandsbek, ohne Jahr, 8°, 12 p. Grossmann, Dr. Hermann: Chanan. Eine ErzIhlung aus unserer Zeit. Wandsbek, 1927, 8°, 8 p. Grossmann, Dr. Hermann: Am Morgen einer neaen Zeit, Verlag Strecker und Schroder. Stuttgart, 1932. W. H.: Universaler Friede, Universale Religion. Die Bahá’i-Bewegung, ihr Zweck und Ziel. Stuttgart, Selbstverlag der Bahá’i-Vereinigung. 1915, 8°, 30 p. Hartmann, Pauline: Bahd’I-Weltansc/saaang.
Verlag des Geistigen Nationalrats der Deutschen Bahã’i. E. V., 8°, 24 p. W. H.: Die Ba/s cI’i-B ewegung irn Allgerneinen und ihre gross en W/irlzungen in Indien. Stuttgart, Verlag des Deutschen Bahã’i-Bundes, 1922, 8°, 56 p.
W. H.: Die Zeichen unserer Zeit irn Lichte der Bibel und der Bahd’I-Lehre. Stuttgart, Verlag der Bahã’i-Vereinigung. 1916, 8°, 16 p. Holley, Horace: Die Wellwirtschaft von Baha”u’lldh. Aus dem Englischen. 30 p. Geneva, 1934. Kliemke, Dr. Ernst (Heinrich Nienkamp): Bahd’i-Lehre und Politik. Das Staatsideal nach den Lehren Bahá’u’lláh’s. Ohne Angabe des Ortes und des Jahres. 8°, 8 p.
Maxwell, May: Jos, der Schiiferknabe, ‘Abdu’l-Bahd nacherziihlt. Aus dem Englischen von Dr. H. Gr. Wandsbek, Weltgemeinschaft, Deutscher Zweig, 1924, 8°, 8 p. Muhlschlegel, Adelbert: Melodrarn urn dritten Deutschen Bahd’i-Kongress 80. Ohne Angabe des Ortes, September, 1924, 8°, 8 p. Muhlschlegel, Adelbert: Ridva’n 81, Pest- spiel. Stuttgart, Bahá’i-Bund, Deutscher Zweig, 1925, 8°, 8 p. Najmajer, Marie von: Qurratu’l-’Ayn. Em Bild aus Persiens Neuzeit. Wien, 1894. Phelps, Myron H.: ‘Abdu’l-Bahd ‘Abbas, Leben und Lebren. Aus dem Englischen von W. H. Stuttgart, Verlag des Deutschen Bahá’i-Bundes, 1922, 8°, 248 p. Remey, Charles Mason: Das neue Zeitalter. Die Bahá’i-Offenbarung. Deutsch von W. H., Verlag des Deutschen Bahã’iBundes, Stuttgart, 1923, 8°, 32 p. Remey, Charles Mason: Binheit. Die Offenbarung des Bahá’u’liáh. Deutsch von Fanny A. Knobloch. Ohne Angabe des Ortes und des Jahres. 8°, 8 p. Rosenberg, Ethel J.:
Die Bahd’I-Lehre, deren ethische und soziale Begriffe. Aus dem Engiischen von Fr. Schweizer. Stuttgart, Selbstverlag der Bahá’i-Vereinigung, 1908, 8°, 8 p. 5. 5.: Pin Jahr unter den Bahd’I in Indien und Birrna. Aus dem Englischen von W. H Stuttgart, Selbstverlag der Bahã’iVereinigung, ohne Jahr, 8°, 46 p. S. S.: Die Geschichte der Bahd’I-Bewegung.
Aus dem Englischen von W. H. Stuttgart Selbstverlag der Bahá’i-Vereinigung, 1913, Zweite auflage, 1913, 8°, 22 p. A Dritte auflage, 1919, 8°, 22 p. Schwarz, Alice: Die universale Weltreligion. Stuttgart, Verlag des Deutschen Bahá’iBundes, 1919, 8°, 35 p. Wright, A. H.:
Einige Erlauterungen zur Bahá’i-Bewegung. Aus dem Französischen von Albert Renf tie. Stuttgart, Verlag der Bahá’i-Vereinigung, 1916, 8°, 16 p. Erweiterte Auflage, Stuttgart, 1928, Verlag des Deutschen Bahá’i-Bundes, 8°, 24 p.
Wandsbek, Weltgemeinschaft, Deutscher Zweig, 1925, 8°, 8 p.
Hamburg, Bahá’i-Verlag, 1918, 8°, 42 p. Die Bahd’i-Bewegung. Flugblatt. Stuttgart, Verlag des Deutschen Bahá’i-Bundes, ohne Jahr, 8°, 4 p. Was ist die Bahd’I-Bewegung. Flugblatt. Ohne Angabe des Ortes und des Jahres. (2 Ausgaben: Hamburg und Wien), 8°, 8 bezw. 10 p.
1933, Schmal 8°, 4 p. An der Schwelle eines neues Zeitalters. Flugblatt. Stuttgart, W. H. Ohne Jahr. 8°, 10 p. Bericht vorn ersten Deutschen Bahd’i-Kongress 1921. Herausgegeben von der Bahá’i - Arbeitsgemeinschaft Esslingen (vervielfaltigt) 4°, 54 p. Weihnachtsbeilage für Kinder. Dezember 1921. Beilage zur Sonne der Wahrheit, 8°, 8 p. Treuhandschaftserklänmg und Satzung des Nationalen Geistigen Rates der Bahá’i in Deutschland und Oesterreich nebst Satzung des Geistigen Rates der Bahã’i in Stuttgart. Herausgegeben vom Nationalen Geistigen Rat der Bahã’i in Deutschiand und Oesterreich e.
V., Stuttgart, 1935, 8°, 32 p. Nabil’s Narrative: The Dawn-Breakers (in manuscript). Dispensation of Bahd’u’lldh (in manuscript). Prayers and Meditations of Bahã’u’lláh (manuscript)
BAHA’f BIBLIOGRAPHY 735 14. BAHA’t PUBLICATIONS IN BULGARIAN Bahd’u’lldh and the New Era, Sofia, 1932. Words of Wisdom (in manuscript) Hidden Wurds, Sofia, 1937. Seven Valleys (in manuscript) Kitdb-i-Iqdn (in manuscript). 15.
BAHA’f PUBLICATIONS IN RUMANIAN Baha”u’lla’h and the New Era, Bucharest, Ce Esle Miscarea Bahd’I, Bucharest, 1934. 1934. 16.
BAHA’j PUBLICATIONS IN CZECH Kitdb-i-lqdn (in manuscript). World Religion, Prague, 1937. Bahd’u’lldh and the New Era, Prague, 1932. E. G. Höflin and Milos Wurm: jer Hnuti Some Answered Questions (in manuscript). MIrového. Bahajské Zjeveni (No. 9). Pamphlets, 1934. 17. BAHA’t PUBLICATIONS IN SERBIAN Bahd’u’lldh and the New Era, Belgrade, Kitdb-i-Iqdn (in manuscript). 1933. World Religion, Belgrade, 1937. Hidden Words, Belgrade, 1936. World Economy of Bahd’u’lldh (in manu Boo of Prayers, Belgrade, 1936. script). 18.
BAHA’ PUBLICATIONS IN HUNGARIAN Bahd’u’lldh and the New Era, Budapest, Hidden Words (in manuscript). 1933. 19.
BAHA’i PUBLICATIONS IN GREEK Bahd’u’lldh and the New Era, Athens, 1934. 20.
BAHA’f PUBLICATIONS IN MAORI Te Whakatikenga Pahai, Pamphlet by G. G. Paul, Auckland, New Zealand, 1933.
BAHA’ PUBLICATIONS IN SPANISH Qué Salisteis A I/er? Dr. Carlos A. Stoppel’s translation of What Went Ye Out for to See? by Thornton Chase. Published by La Sociedad Teosófica de Mendoza, Argentina, 1920. Qué es el Movimiento Bahd’I. Booklet.
BAHA’f PUBLICATIONS IN NORWEGIAN Bahd’u’lláh and the New Era, Oslo, 1935.
World Religion, Oslo, 1937.
Kitab-i-fqdn (manuscript).
Pamphlet. 23.
BAHA’i PUBLICATIONS IN CROATIAN Some Answered Questions (in manuscript).
24. BAHA’f PUBLICATIONS IN POLISH Bahd’u’lldh and the New Era (manuscript). Will and Testament of Abdu’l-Bahá (manuscript).
Some Answered Questions (manuscript).
BAHA’ PUBLICATIONS IN ICELANDIC Baha”u’lldh and the New Era, Reykjavik, 1939.
26. BAHA’i PUBLICATIONS IN ORIENTAL LANGUAGES IRANIAN Book. of Mubin, Tablets of Baha”u’lla’h, The. Bombay. Book of Iqtiddr, Tablets of Baha”u’lla’h, The. Bombay. Kalimát-i-MaJzninib (Hidden Words). Ishrdqát, Tara’zdt, TajallIya’t, The. Bombay.
Tablets from Baha”u’lla’h. Cairo. Kitdb-i-fqdn, The. Cairo and Bombay. Tablet of Bahd’u’lláh to the Shah of Persia. Cairo.
Tablets and Prayers from Bahd’u’lldh. Cairo.
The Seven Valleys. Cairo and Bombay.
Bahia, 1934. The
Kitdb-i-fqa’n (in preparation). Baha”u’lla’h y la Nueva Era.. Traduccion espaliola por Leonora Stirling Holsapple. Bahia, Brazil, 1933.
Ad’Iyiy-i-HadratMahb (Book of Prayers). Cairo. Some Answered Questions. London. Lawi-i-Maqs1d. Traveller’s Narrative, The. London and Táshkand, 1916. Bombay. Prayers from rAbd,lBh Tihrán, 1930. MudunIyyih, The, by rAbdu,lBahá. Cairo and Bombay. Natljatu’l-Baydn, compiled by Mirzá Na’im. Tablet to the Shah of Persia. Cairo.
SIya’sIyyih, The, by ‘Abdu’l-Baha’. Bombay. Will and Testament of Abdu’l-Bahd, The. Bombay and Cairo. Epistle to the Son of the Wolf, The. Bahá’u’lláh. Cairo. Addresses of ‘Abdu’l-Bahd in Europe. Cairo. Tablets of ‘Abdzt’l-Baha’, The. Vol. 1. Cairo. Tablet to the Hague by ‘Abdu’l-Bahi. Cairo. Tablets of rAbdul-Baha, The. Vol. 2. Cairo. Addresses of ‘Abdu’l-Bahj. Cairo. Tablets of ‘Abdu’l-Baha’, The. Vol. 3, Cairo. Tablet of rAbdul_Baha to Dr. Forel. Cairo. Al-Fara”id, by MIrzã Abu’l-Fadl. Cairo. Kashfu’l-Ghied’, compiled by Siyyid Mihdi Gulpáyigani. ‘Ishqábad. Letters of MIrza’ Abu’l-Fadl. Cairo. Bahd’u’lla’h and the New Era. Haifa, 1932 History of the Martyrs of Yazd, The. Cairo. Dald’ilu’l-’Ir fan, MIrzd IIaydar-AlI. Bombay. Bihjatu’s-.Sud2r, MIrzá Iaydar-’AlI. Bombay. Aydt-i-Mu’arrakhi, by MIrzá Abu’l-Fadl, China. Risdliy-i-.Istidldliyyih, by Mirzá Abu’l-Fadl, Egypt. IstidldlIyyiy.iAfshar. Bombay. The Brilliant Proof, by MIrzá Abu’l-FadI. Tdrikh-i-JadId. Bombay. Bahru’l-’Ir fan, by Muhammad Afshár, Bombay. History of rahirih, The. Cairo. Travels of ‘Abdu’l-Baha’, The. Vol. 1 and 2, MIrzá MaI?mud Zarpáni. Bombay. Early Tablets of Bahd’u’lldh, The, compiled by Baron Rosen, St. Petersburg. Memorials of the Faithful, ‘Abdu’l-Bahd. Haifa.
Table talks collected by Laura C. Barney. Kegan, Paul, London, 1908. Mashriqu’l-Adhkar. Twenty-two page booklet written in fránian on the Bahá’j Temple. Published by the Bahá’I Assembly of Washington, D. C. HadIqatu’l-Baha’Iyyjh. Bombay, 1927. Kavdkibu’d-DurrIyyih. Cairo. Irtibdt-i-Sharq va Gharb. Tihran, 1931. Questions and Answers (Appendix to Kitdbi-Aqda’s). Tihrán. Baha”Iism and Socialism. ‘Ishqábád. Mundziratu’dDiniyyih. Cairo. Durasu’d-DIya’nih (Lessons in Religion). Cairo and Tihrán. Mat hnavI (NabIl’s chronological poem). Cairo. Poems by Nayyir. Tihrán, 1930. Istidla’liyyih, I and II, by Na’im, Tabrlz, 1911 and 1912. Maga’liy-i-Baha’I. Delhi, 1915. Poems, by Na’iin. TabrIz, Tihran, Cairo and Bombay. The 19 Talks. Cairo.
Usil-i-TadrIs. Tihrán. Bahd’Iism and Socialism. ‘Ishqábád. Fard ‘it/u’d-.DInIyyih. Mashhad. Tuhfiy-j-Tdhjrjh. Delhi, 1933. The Passing of rAbdulBahd. Delhi, 1933. The Bahd’I Calendar. Tihrán. URDU
Bombay. Translation of Ishrdqdt, Bisha’rdt, Kalimdt, Tardzdt, TajallIydt, of BahcI’u’lldh. Agra, 1918. Paydm-i-Sulh. Seven Valleys, The. Bombay, 1929. Bahd’I TdlIm (The Hague Tablet). Hyder-. abad, 1923. Hidden Words, The. Bombay. Why People of the World Could Not Know Their Promised One. Tablets of ‘Abdu’l-Baha’, The. Words of ‘Abdu’l-Bahd, The. Paygjhdm-i-Sulh. Agra. Kitdb-i-Iqdn. Al-Mi’ydru’s-SahIh. 1910. Tablet to the Hague. Hyderabad, 1923. Traveller’s Narrative, A. 1908. |
ma'muriyatiga murojaat qiling