booth - a small, temporary, roofed market stall - budka
desperation - the state when you feel extremely hopeless - umidsizlik
simultaneously - at the same time - bir paytning o’zida
sample - a small quantity intended to show what the whole is like - namuna
sew - fasten or join by making stitches with a needle and thread - tikmoq
seal - close food containers to stop air getting in and spoiling the food - qadoqlamoq
pour in - come in great number or amount (phrase) - quymoq, oqizmoq
instant - ready for immediate use, with little or no preparation - darhol
bulk - a large quantity - ulgurji, optom
convenience - the state of being easy to use; without difficulty – qulaylik
ordinary - common; accustomed - oddiy
sediment - matter that settles on the bottom of a liquid - cho’kindi
foremost - most important; best - eng zo’r
concept - general idea or principle – tushuncha
fine - of very good quality - zo’r, ajoyib
catering - providing and serving food and drinks for groups of people - ovqat yetkazib beruvchi tashkilot
variety - different things of the same kind; a range of things from which something may be chosen - tur, turli
wild game - animals, birds, and fish which are hunted for food and for sport (phrase) - yovvoyi o’yin
inspire - encourage someone to do something - qo’llab-quvvatlamoq
renowned - famous - mashhur
temporary - not permanently; lasting only for a short time - vaqtinchalik
imitator - a person who copies, especially one who copies a style - taqlidchi
between them - together (phrase) - birgalikda
culinary - related to the kitchen or cooking - kulinariya, ovqat pishirishga oid
responsible for - the cause of (something) (phrase) - ... ga javobgar
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