The ministry of higher and secondary special

The task of investigation

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The task of investigation: to determine the content and essence, goals and objectives of modern educational technologies in the education of the younger generation in the system of continuing education.
- to identify educational opportunities, applications, methods of using modern educational technologies in the educational process.
- to develop methodological recommendations for teachers working in educational institutions to conduct lessons on the basis of educational technologies.
The scientific novelty of the work is to create a system for more effective use of modern educational technologies and methods in the educational process in the education of industrial college students to the full, harmonious, intellectual potential, in the education of young people who have fully mastered their professional knowledge and skills.
The structure of the course work. The research consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion and a list of references and consists of 32 pages.
Introduction states the topicality of the issue, the purpose and objectives of the research, defines the object and the subject of the course paper, enumerates methods applied in the process of the research, expounds its practical and theoretical value and lays out the structure of the work.
Chapter I is about methods of English teaching, modern teaching process and English lessons in industrial colleges.
Chapter II is about modern pedagogical technologies and methods to increase the effectiveness the using of modern pedagogical technologies in English lessons.
Conclusion generalizes the results of the research and summarizes all the information provided in the course paper.
List of used literature comprises bibliography of literature used during the research.


    1. Organization of modern teaching process and its requirements

From the first days of our independence, raising a healthy, harmoniously young generation has become an important and priority task. This is the noble goal of our developing society, the task of building a great state of the future.
At all times, there has been a concern for the upbringing of a harmoniously developed generation, and this research continues to this day. Today, significant theoretical and practical experience in studying the problem of educating a harmoniously developed generation on the basis of modern educational technologies has been collected.
Nowadays, the term "modern lesson" is often used in pedagogy. A modern lesson is a lesson in which the teacher skillfully uses the available opportunities of the student, using his mental abilities and ensuring their development. The student, in turn, acquires a deeper knowledge and enters the cycle of spiritual perfection.
What is a modern lesson, what are its features, criteria, forms, style, methods used in the lesson, what are the didactic requirements? Naturally, such questions arise.
Modern course criteria and signs:
- The lesson is student-centered, based on the interaction between teacher and student;
- The teaching process is based on stratification and approach to personal abilities;
- The lesson focuses on the student's high level of interest, desires, mental activity, achievement;
- The lesson is based on the content of teaching materials, methods, tools, techniques [22];
The lesson focuses on activating the student's mental activity.
- The mechanism of the development of the student's personality, first of all, the student's self-control, is fully implemented in the lesson, thereby increasing his interest and desire for knowledge;
-use controls to ensure the quality and effectiveness of the lesson;
-time is used efficiently and purposefully in the lesson. Emphasis is placed on overcoming learning difficulties;
In the lesson, theory and practice are interpreted in relation to each other.
Didactic requirements for the lesson:
- clear and fluent definition of learning objectives, ensuring the developmental educational goals of the process of the sequence of stages of lessons;
- optimal definition of the content of education, adaptation of curricula, standards, compliance of students' preparation with the teaching process;
- prepare students to acquire skills by ensuring that they acquire knowledge;
-choose rational methods, techniques, tools in accordance with the content of the lesson
- to increase students' interest in learning to work individually and in groups;
- use of different didactic principles in the teaching process;
- create an environment for successful student learning.
Lesson plans make a difference in the educational process. They include: mixed lessons; lessons on acquiring new knowledge, lessons on formation of new skills, lessons on systematization of generalized experiences; lessons that systematize and control knowledge and skills; lessons that apply the knowledge and skills gained in practice.
Depending on the context, there are different types of lessons that can be visualized. These are as follows:
1. Illustrative and explanatory lessons. In such classes, the learning process is based on visual methods. These lessons focus on students' ability to hear and remember. Students' correct answers based on what they have heard and remembered will determine the effectiveness of the lesson. Explanatory lessons have a number of advantages over other types of lessons. These types of lessons save time, save teacher and student energy, and effectively manage the learning process.
However, these lessons have their drawbacks. In these lessons, teaching materials are provided in a ready-made way, the student's independent work and thinking are not organized. There is no individual approach to learning.
2. Problem-based lessons focus on creating a problem situation by its nature and solving it individually or in groups. Such lessons focus on the independent acquisition of knowledge, in which the student's thinking and interests are based. The technology of the educational process is solved by variability, consistency, complex approaches.
Difficulties also arise in the problem-solving process. The material should be appropriate to the student's preparation, age, and problem-solving. At the first stage of the lesson, it is important to make them understand the essence of the problem, the need for a solution.
The second stage of the lesson is the solution to the problem, which is solved by getting to the heart of the matter. At the end of the lesson, based on the solution, the student concludes that he has mastered it and learned the solution.
Problem-solving is solved through the creative independent movement of students. There is a growing interest in the learning process. The teacher's main focus is on problem solving, thinking about solutions, and developing students' ability to draw conclusions.
3. The programmed lesson is carried out mainly on the basis of a special lesson with the help of a computer. Programmed lessons are based on pre-designed projects. It facilitates the management of the learning process. In this type of course, the final results are planned in advance. The convenience of the programmed lesson is that it allows you to constantly monitor the student's mastery of teaching materials. As a result, his interests and aspirations do not fade, and the student's aspirations are preserved.
4. Computer lessons - lessons based on the latest technologies of didactics, the educational process is based on new modern, high-level achievements. Classes like these allow you to learn the material quickly and easily. If the computer is equipped with special software, the learning process will be more efficient. It's easy to manage, monitor, correct, manage, and gather information.
5. Non-standard lessons. Nowadays, non-standard lessons and their use in pedagogical activity are often discussed. The main purpose of non-standard lessons is to organize learning by taking into account the learning process, students' interest in the learning process, and their interests. Such lessons can be named according to the purpose, the task, the methods of transition. For example:
1. Drowning
2. Competitive lessons
3. Theatrical lessons
4. Peer-to-peer lessons
5. Judicial lessons
6. Exam selection lessons
In fact, we judge each person according to how mature he or she is. In particular, we call a perfect person, a perfect creation. And we compare great maturity to the perfection of nature. There are different aspects of puberty and maturity. Of course, the brilliance of these edges is no less than each other. The main policy of our state is also aimed at ensuring the independence of the next generation, creating the necessary conditions, educating them as mature people. Hundreds of colleges and lyceums, many sports facilities, computers and the Internet are at the disposal of our youth. Yesterday's peasant boy is learning the language and studying in places like London.
All of this is commendable.
It is well known that President Islam Abduganievich Karimov approached the concept of science from a national democratic point of view and defined it as follows: “Education gives creative activity to the spirituality of the people of Uzbekistan. All the best opportunities of the younger generation will be reflected in it, their profession and skills will be constantly improved, the wise advice and experience of the older generations will be highly understood and passed on to the younger, more harmonious generation” [7,103]. To achieve this goal, new models of education are being created, the theoretical foundations of which are being scientifically and practically proven by leading experts. This scientific and practical evidence is closely linked to the high level of technology in the educational process. As a proof of our opinion, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on May 28, 2012 "On measures to further improve the system of training qualified pedagogical personnel and the provision of secondary special, vocational education institutions with such personnel" we can make a decision. It was noted in the resolution that the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Center for Secondary Special Vocational Education will immediately introduce advanced pedagogical methods and technologies in the educational process, as well as joint training. , In-depth and comprehensive study of foreign experience in the use of "practical games", interactive teaching methods, information and communication technologies, e-learning resources and multimedia presentations.
Many innovative technologies have been developed to be used in educating the next generation, but all of them have not yielded the same results.
The system of continuing education is being radically reformed to achieve this goal. A differentiated approach to the educational process, ensuring that students study in various professional colleges, academic lyceums, sets high goals for modern pedagogy. For example, the creation of curricula and textbooks for these educational institutions in accordance with the state educational standards must meet today's requirements. Only when each is in different options can it serve the purpose.
Pedagogical technology is the process by which a teacher (educator) influences learner under certain conditions through the means of teaching (education) and intensively forms the personality traits that have been defined before them as a product of this activity. Consistent practical activities of learners and teachers in the educational process, which lead to the formation of pre-defined qualities, can be considered as pedagogical technology. Pedagogical technology (or educational technology) is simply and primarily about how and to what extent a learner or learner performs in the educational process.
The technology of education is a branch of pedagogical science that explores the best ways and effective means of achieving educational goals based on a technological approach to the teaching process and reveals the laws and principles.
Interactive learning is learning based on the organization of a collaborative movement for the acquisition of knowledge, skills, competencies and certain moral qualities of the participants in the learning process.
Interactivity is the ability of the participants in the learning process to organize a movement based on cooperation, in the acquisition of knowledge, skills, competencies and certain moral qualities.
1.2. The current state of modern English lessons in industrial colleges
Today, industrial colleges offer new pedagogical technologies and interactive methods.
The main purpose of our research is to conduct research on which methods are most effective, and we recommend the organization of the teaching process in the teaching of pedagogy on the basis of the following methods:
A method of “teaching each other”
It is a well-known fact that the best way to learn is to try to teach others something. In doing so, a person takes a creative approach to the task, using all his knowledge and abilities. The method of peer-to-peer teaching is based on the same principle, in which students are asked to act as temporary teachers, and they teach other students in the group texts, rules, and arguments related to the topic being studied. or be able to teach them how to work with data. The same copy of any text is distributed to each student in the group. Students take turns teaching. The student acting as a teacher will be asked to: That is, after all the students in the group have read a piece of text
- Teacher:
- summarizes and explains the essence of the information in the text;
- Invents questions from the text and asks other students to answer them;
- re-explain places that are not clear to others and
tries to bite into their meaning;
- state and explain his / her hypotheses about what might happen in the next part of the text;
- Assigns to read the next part of the text and analyze it in detail.
At the beginning of this type of lesson, the teacher must first demonstrate the method to the student. That's why he tells the students to start the discussion on the first part of his text and asks them to watch the process carefully. Once the students know that they are teaching in this way, they will closely monitor the teacher's presentation and draw the necessary conclusions. Once the teacher has explained in detail to the audience the sequence of actions in the five steps above, it is important that each step clearly demonstrates what the individual should do. The teacher should also decide in advance how to divide the text into appropriate sections. The key to success is to be able to discuss the selected part of the text for 8-10 minutes. This means that when you divide a text into sections, you need to take into account the type and amount of information in each section.
“Case study” method
“Case study” technology (in English ―case - method, - study - problem situation; situational analysis or problem situation analysis) technology to find the most optimal options for students by analyzing a real, real or artificially created problem situation serves to form their skills. It teaches students to directly study and analyze any situation.
At the heart of the technology are elements that reflect the overall nature of the problem-solving process. These are: forms of education, teaching methods, teaching aids, methods and tools for managing the educational process, methods and tools of scientific research on problem solving, methods of data collection, their study and tools, methods and tools of scientific analysis, methods and means of educational communication between teacher and student (student), learning outcomes.
“6X6X6” method
Respondent students are grouped into 6 groups of 6 students. The text, which reveals the essence of the topic, is divided into 6 parts. Each group is given a sheet of paper covering a particular part of the general text, and group members are asked to study the content of that text.
Over time, groups work on the texts assigned to them. Once this process is complete, the groups are reorganized. Reorganized groups should focus on one member of the previous group. Each student in the new group tells the rest of the group what they learned in the previous text. In this way, in a short period of time, students gain knowledge about the general essence of the topic.
“Black box” method
Responding students are attached to pairs and complete the following task: on the cards issued by the teacher, specific diseases (e.g., cardiovascular disease, skin diseases, kidney and urinary tract diseases, nervous system diseases, respiratory diseases, etc.) and they should note the adverse working conditions that cause or adversely affect their development. After the allotted time, the teacher will review the status of the assignment. For example, as diseases of the nervous system and the adverse working conditions that cause them, students should be able to: For example, as diseases of the nervous system and adverse working conditions that cause them, students should be able to: Work with toxins, noise, vibration, uncomfortable microclimate, activities that require constant attention, air pollution with excess gas or dust, work on high-powered mechanisms. The correct answers are recorded on the board and the teacher asks the students to explain the essence of the answer options. The student who answers correctly acts as a teacher and assigns the pairs the following task: to cover on the cards the actions that cause occupational damage. After the allotted time, the student acting as the teacher, under the guidance of the teacher, learns the status of the task in pairs, and the correct answer is reflected on the board. The correct answer should indicate the following actions: lack of sanitary and hygienic knowledge of the essence of new types of raw materials, incomplete observance of labor and technical safety, exposure to substances with toxic and allergic properties during labor. application, use of imperfect technical means, violation of the technological regime, as well as non-compliance with sanitary-technological standards.
“Travel” Game
Shortly before the game, a jury is appointed and several groups are formed. Each group consists of 5-6 people, the groups appoint a captain. Game participants are required to build cities, in a certain sequence, for example city 1, erudite 1 unexpected question unsolved mystery 1 and… In each city the captains receive assignments in special envelopes, which contain 1 main and 2 additional questions. The group has the right to move on to the next stage only after the group has completed this task and verified. The goal of each group is to be in as much of the city as possible. The answers are accepted in a certain system: the number of answers, creativity, good at solving problems, the group is always taken into account.
The game "Erudite"
Before the end of the work on the topic, students are asked to write a card on the topic and give it to the jury. The jury consists of 2-3 people.
Together with the jury, we will highlight the most interesting questions. Cards are poured on the table before the game starts. Each group member comes and chooses 4 questions for their group. Time will tell. The problem solution increases the collective in each group. The answers obtained will be taken to the jury. Each group that has difficulty finding a solution will be able to swap cards, but the total number of points will be reduced. At the end of the game, the jury will analyze the children's answers and evaluate the questions they have prepared independently.
“Discussion” method
This method provides students with information on a specific topic, and the topic chosen for the discussion is "stormed" by the students, resulting in a detailed study of the information on it.
“Find your place” method
If there is a debate in the audience on a particular topic, the solution to the problem is determined using this method. It is mainly used in the introductory part of the lesson; it is said that there are different approaches to the topic. This is on the one hand. Second, students have the opportunity to express their opinions, to change. Finally, at the end of the lesson, the teacher assesses the level of mastery of the topic.
1. Two posters are hung in opposite corners of the auditorium. One of them is written "I agree" and the other "I do not agree". Posters can sometimes contain conflicting opinions on a topic. For example: "figs bloom and the fruit is finished" or "figs bloom without fruit".
2. The rules of lesson organization are discussed.
3. Students are invited to go to a poster that matches their thoughts on the problem being studied.
4. Students are asked to justify their views. At this time, the transition from one group to another is allowed and thus all students are involved.
5. Once opinions on a problem have been expressed, students may change their point of view during the discussion within the group or move on to another group. In such cases, they must justify the reason for this.
6. Participants will identify the students who have the most convincing opinion on the problem among their opponents.
“Debates” method
The main purpose of organizing a lesson on the basis of "debates" is to convince others of the correctness of their approach to the student in finding a solution to the problem. “Debates” are an effective method of expressing one’s opinion clearly and succinctly, forming the ability to find the right evidence and conclusion for it [17].
“Brainstorming” method
It is a method of collecting free opinions and comments expressed by students on a problem and using them to come to a definite solution.
“Problem situation” method
It is a method aimed at developing students' skills in analyzing the causes and consequences of problematic situations and finding solutions to them. The complexity of the problem chosen for the “problem situation” method should be appropriate to the learners ’level of knowledge. They must be able to find a solution to the problem, otherwise, if they can not find a solution, it will lead to a loss of interest of students, a loss of self-confidence. When using the method of "problem situation", students learn to think independently, analyze the causes and consequences of the problem, find a solution.

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