The peculiarities of translation of the advertising text

Purpose of advertising header

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1.3 Purpose of advertising header
Nowadays translation of advertising texts is becoming as a completely separate line of work for translators, which requires from a translator an ideal knowledge of the stylistic subtleties, cultural nuances of English and Russian, a clear understanding of the purpose of advertising. In most cases word for word translation of advertising texts and slogans does not fully convey the meaning and the mood of the product, so they are extremely rarely translated verbatim. During the translation into another language, the same phrase might have different semantic shades that change its conception. So that in the process of translating advertising message, translator should take into account such features like the purpose of the advertising texts, the linguistic qualities of the original text, the nature of the consumer, the audience’s needs, the cultural aspects of the language. For many practitioners of advertising text of a foreign language is only a means to understand the idea of ​​an advertised product, the very same text is often written anew in the language of the consumer with regard to its national circumstances. In cases where exact translation is for any reason undesirable, "the translator uses an approximation within the meaning of phrases that must take into account traditional ethnic, national and social characteristics, patterns of behavior of a specific audience, which designed products designated in the ad text. Literary translation, as a poetic and the prosaic - art. Art - the fruit of creativity. And creativity is not compatible with literalism. 21 delimit the literal accuracy, the subscript on the accuracy of Art. He understands that the only art precision gives the reader into the circle of thoughts and sentiments of the author, visualize its style system in all its originality, that only the artistic precision is not embellishes and distorts the author. But once the translation - the art, have nothing in common with bukvalisticheskim craft, hence, the interpreter must be provided with the writer's gift. Art of Translation has its own peculiarities, and yet the writers and interpreters are much more similarities with the original writers, rather than points of difference. On this beautifully told in a Junkers AIKuprin: "... for translation from foreign languages​​know little, albeit excellent, the language, but should still be able to penetrate into the deep, lively, diverse meaning of each word in the mysterious power connection of one or the other words. "This decision created a problem, because in the third sentence it was no longer possible to use the translation of the phrase “the succulent meaty pieces” (juicy meat pieces) - it would be a tautology. Instead, they used a phrase "home-style tasty." To be honest, it is difficult to imagine home-like tasty cat food, but the phrase is perceived at the subconscious level: “home-like tasty” = “very tasty”.Fourth sentence how much he loves it. Again replacing the common expression "ask for supplements." The direct translation “you will see how he likes it” sounds clearly weaker than the adaptation “your cat will ask for supplements”.
And the end is a slogan. Russian analogue sounds even better than the original. In the phrase "resourceful cat" Felix will find "there is a rhyme, it sounds nice and quickly remembered - this is important for a Russian-speaking buyer. In the phrase "sewn" brand name, which contributes to sales. There is a separate category of commercials, which are inherently much closer to art than to the marketing tool. To translate such videos literally and without style adaptation is a real crime.Translation of such texts and commercials is a literary task and in its meaning is closer to the translation of literary texts. After all, such advertising should cause certain emotions. And the task of the translator is to create such a text in Russian, which will cause absolutely the same set of cognitive sensations.For example, take an ad for Johnnie Walker whiskey "Dear Brother". By the way, a very powerful advertisement, which by its emotions more resembles a plot from a movie. When translating English-language advertising texts, in some cases, Russian (Kazakh) translators do not translate the text, but give its "semantic equivalent." In the Russian-speaking environment there are a lot of untranslatable slogans that contain words from a minimum vocabulary of foreign words of an average high school student. This factor is largely due to the successful introduction of untranslatable slogans in the foreign language to the Russian market: Sports company Nike - Just do it. The company Sony - It's a Sony. The company Panasonic -... from Panasonic.The existence of foreign language advertising slogan in the Russian-speaking environment in the original language is possible. Practice of Translation of advertisement has shown that English slogans in Russian-speaking environment requires certain conditions. The first condition requires the target audience should know English. The second is that it emphasizes the foreign origin of the advertised product. The third condition is that the slogan should be extremely laconic in order it can be perceived well and remembered by the consumer. The difficulty is that the original ad text is a poem. That is, it was necessary not only to keep the mood and the presentation of the commercial, but also to transmit it in a poetic form.However, the translators handled it well. We shake hands with them. Advertising in Russian is perceived in the same way as in English. Poems do not correspond to the original size and rhythm, but the main thing - they convey the meaning in full.10 It is important.You can evaluate the result of the work of translators yourself. Here is a movie in Russian: Let's dig into the text a little bit. We will not consider the poetic correspondence to the original, because the translation of poems has always been at the highest level of difficulty for the translator.Nevertheless, experts very successfully convey the original style:«Когда дорогой юности пойдём.Родными тропами, где детство наше, где наш дом…»«… Изгони моих бесов и ступай, брат, со мной,покуда идти нам тропою одной...»Juicy literary language sounds very attractive. One wants to listen to him not only as part of a video series, but also as a full-fledged poem.The translators even managed to observe the timings, which mark the climax. The phrase “And my memory will never die” absolutely fits into the moment when, when you first watch, there comes a moment of awareness, which is actually described in the video. And this is the most important, because it is the culmination that generates emotions, for the sake of which the video was filmed and which later are associated with the brand. If you screw it up - all ads will be ineffective.It is difficult, because the translator is responsible not only for a competent translation, but also for his perception by the consumer. Therefore, the translator needs to be not only a linguist, but also a good psychologist.
Advertising translation is a difficult task, because the company's profits depend on the right advertising. This is a class for top pros. What do you think? The translation preserved a short and capacious form, a clear rhythm, and most importantly - rhyming with the name of the brand. The slogan is actively used by the company to this day.But there are situations when it is absolutely impossible to convey a message. In this case, marketers either completely rework advertising, or do not launch it at all in the market of another country. Let's look at the Felix cat food ads from Purina.For example, in 1994, the company widely used the slogan "Cats like Felix like Felix".
An idiom's figurative meaning is separate from the literal meaning. There are thousands of idioms and they occur frequently in all languages. There are estimated to be at least twenty-five thousand idiomatic expressions in the English language. It’s raining cats and dogs means a downpour. Where this phrase comes from still remains a subject of discussion. The most widespread explanation is that in the Middle Ages cats and dogs used to spend their time on the thatched roofs. That’s why heavy rains from time to time washed them away. There’s no evidence whether it was true or not, but possibly there were sunk dogs and cats which could be carried out by the water torrent of the town drainage systems during heavy rains. The article illustrates that the present day English can't be considered full of value without idiomatic usage, as the use of idioms is the first sign of a certain language's developing. Idiomatic sentences replenish a language and the knowledge of idioms signal that the speaker knows the language on the level of a native speaker. Anthropocentric paradigm of modern science requires a revision of the traditional approach to language learning, highlighting the problems related to the role of language in the process of categorization and conceptualization of reality and consolidation of the results obtained in the form of a global image of reality, or world picture.
The picture of the world in the broadest sense is an open system, correlated with a set of personal knowledge and understanding of the essence of the surrounding reality in a certain historical period, set out in the form of thematic frames.There are conceptual and linguistic sides in composed world picture. The linguistic world picture is a sign way of conceptual linguistic picture verbalization. This is because that the concept as a product of human thoughts and a phenomenon ideal has the full concrete material expression only in the language. Taken together, the world picture is a bridge between reality and the world of human culture, i.e., the man himself, which is necessarily reflected in the language and in the units of its concrete implementation.
The interest to the linguistic world picture is found in the works of von Humboldt, who wrote that "languages are different bodies for the nation of their original thinking and perception." By the end of the twentieth century there was a lot of work on this problem, - works by G.A. Brutyan, S.A. Vasiliev, G.V. Kolshansky, N.I. Sukalenko, M. Black, D. Hymes and the others.The varieties of languages reflects the variety world pictures as every language in the world has its own way of conceptualization, i.e. every language has a particular world picture and the linguistic identity is obliged to organize the content of statements in accordance with this picture. In that is manifested specifically human perception of the world, inscribed in the language.The language is the main way of formation and existence of human knowledge about the world. Reflecting in the active process the objective world, man captures in a word the results of cognitions. The totality of this knowledge embodied in the language form is the fact that in a variety of concepts is called something like "language intermediate world", as "linguistic picture of the world."The world picture is a central concept of the general concept of human. Language is directly involved in two processes associated with the world picture. Firstly, in its nucleus is formed the language world picture ─ one of the most deep layers of human world picture. Secondly, the language itself, through the special vocabulary expresses and makes explicit the other picture of man world. With the help of language the expert knowledge received by individuals is converted to collective property, collective experience.Each culture creates its own world picture which is always difficult to understand. The notion of world picture is one of the central fundamental notions expressing the specificity of man and his beings, his relationship with the world, the most important conditions man’s existence in the world, it is the image of world which is the result all spiritual activity of man and arises in the course of man contact with the world. The term ‘world view’ was introduced by physicists in the late 19th early 20th centuries. H. Hertz was one of the first scientists who began to use this term in relation to physical world interpreted by him as ‘a set of internal images of external objects from which we can obtain information about the behavior of these objects in a logical way’ According to Heidegger saying the word “picture” we first of all think about displaying anything and “the world picture” essentially understood does not mean a picture, reflecting the world but the world understood as a picture .Bloch M.I. defines the world picture as “reflective” intellectual and border to him sensory content of consciousness, which is mediated by the language.The world picture may be represented with the help of temporal, spatial, ethical quantitative and other parameters. On its formation are influenced such social factors as language, nature, upbringing, traditions and so on. Thus the world picture discovers the properties of the world in that form, in which they are comprehended by their carriers and integrate the whole psychic life of a man. It should be noted that the world picture is not a simple reflection of subjects, phenomena, properties and so on it includes not only reflected objects, but the position of reflected subject, his attitude to these objects Thus the role of language includes not only in message transmission but primarily in internal organization of that the subject of communication.11While investigating LWM, a special attention must be given to metaphors and idioms, because of their very important role in forming of what we call "language world model". The operation of metaphor is closely linked with the so-called "human factor in language." For humans there is no other way to think about different abstract notions, various phenomena of nature or emotional world of a person except as in terms of anthropocentric paradigm.Anthropomorphic principle operates in different languages through different language incarnations of metaphor. The most important role in the formation of linguistic world picture is played by expressive metaphor, which appears to have rather complex structure if compared with other types of metaphor, such as nominative or conceptual metaphors. Being the bearers of some national associative stereotypes expressive metaphors reveal some very special landmarks in understanding of the objective world by certain ethnic collective.According to V.A. Maslova, "linguistic world view matches the logical reflection of the world in people’s minds in general." This is explained by the unity and universality of an abstract nature of human intellection, a single categorical system and a single biological organization of a man .Y.D. Apresyan’ view is of a particular note. He substantiated the idea that the linguistic world image is "naive." It completes some objective knowledge of reality, often distorting them .Most linguists agree that the conceptual world view entails a broader concept than a linguistic world view. As E. Kubryacova notes: "The world image is how people draw the world in their imagination, the phenomenon is more complex than a linguistic world image, i.e. the part of the conceptual world of man, which is attached to the language and has its refraction through language forms".Language world picture forms a type of man's relationship to the world (nature, animals, himself as a member of the world). It sets the standards of human behavior in the world, defines his relationship to the world. Each natural language reflects a certain way of world perceiving and organization ("conceptualization"). Value expressed in it is added in a certain uniform system of views, a kind of collective philosophy, which is imposed as a mandatory to all native speakers. The concept of world picture (including the language ones) is based on the study of human ideas about the world. If the world is a man and the environment in their interaction, the world picture is the result of information processing about the environment and the man. Thus, representatives of cognitive linguistics rightly claim that our conceptual system is displayed in the form of a language world picture, depends on the physical and cultural experience and is directly connected with it.Each of the world picture as a reflected world fragment represents the language as a special phenomenon, defines its own language vision and in its own way defines the principle of language acting. The study and comparison of different language visions through prisms of different world pictures has to offer to linguistics the new way of penetration in the language nature and its cognition, it gives the opportunity the relationship of language and thought, as well as to show the role of language in shaping the world picture in people's mind. A linguistic personality is a level of language proficiency as well as a degree of a certain human's influence upon the language development, first of all literal. The communication is not just a conversation between two individuals, it is their grasp of culture of this or that nation, society, as the culture (spiritual culture) reveals a measure of human and sociable in a man. This feature of a linguistic personality is revealed in language knowledge, in the ability to use it, in style, in syllable, and, finally, in concrete sentences. A linguistic personality is a level of language proficiency as well as a degree of a certain human's influence upon the language development, first of all literal. The communication is not just a conversation between two individuals, it is their grasp of culture of this or that nation, society, as the culture (spiritual culture) reveals a measure of human and sociable in a man. This feature of a linguistic personality is revealed in language knowledge, in the ability to use it, in style, in syllable, and, finally, in concrete sentences. Kornilov suggests to allocate two imperative of introduction to scientific use of concept PW: CULTUROLOGICAL and LINGUISTIC. Representatives of these two sciences felt need for creation and use the cape - the litelny artifact which received this very figurative designation. Acquaintance to any culture, its studying will always be incomplete and somewhat even superficial, if under review the person who addressed to this culture, won't appear such fundamental component as the WAREHOUSE of thinking of the nation and national logic of attitude very laconically and precisely Edward told about communication of culture and language Sepir in work "Language. Introduction to studying of the speech"."Culture it is possible to define some how that this society does and thinks. Language is how think".Having agreed with such definition, we have to recognize that we get into the image thinking of the nation, in its way of vision of the world,we understand features of mentality of carriers of this culture and this language, only having learnt the plan of the maintenance of this language, and deep acquaintance to semantics of foreign language, in turn, assumes, on our belief, mastering language picture of the world (LPW) this national language as system of its vision world. according to A. Vezhbitskaya data on national character appear result of the linguistic analysis, but not its initial prerequisite" At such approach of LPW -- it is a database on the basis of which research only and it is possible to do the conclusions about features national outlook.That language--this window in national attitude and outlook, we really submitted the provision things also didn't close an eye to the obvious fact: acquaintance to LPW the nations -- this necessary condition of acquaintance to national culture, with national mentality, but not sufficient. It surely it has to be supplemented with studying of all complex of elements of national culture: stories, folklore, poetry, painting and many other, including physical geography of the country. for example on commercials' Sony electronics' which are made in Japan, were shown jellyfishes as a beauty symbol. but for most of Russians of a jellyfish can hardly appear a bait for acquisitions of the new camera" there is only one way to overcome such international misunderstandings - the appeal to national character and mentality and establishment of communications of the last with means of language. By N. Chomsky's some facts we can define or khow that each of us and any animal sees the world differently.12

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