The profit center


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ProAgri Zambia 25   













s a research and development com-

pany involved in seed production, 

processing, distribution and marketing, 

Seed Co Zambia is a major role player 

in the Zambian agricultural sector. Seed 

Co’s products include certified maize, 

hybrid and other seeds such as wheat, 

soy beans, sorghum, sugar beans, 

groundnuts and vegetable seeds. 

  Seed Co Zambia is a subsidiary of 

Seed Co International, which has been 

in existence since the 1940’s, operat-

ing in South Africa, Malawi, Swaziland, 

Zimbabwe, Botswana, the Democratic 

Republic of Congo (DRC), Tanzania, 

Kenya, and Uganda. They are listed 

on the Zimbabwe stock exchange. 

Their main clients are small-scale and 

emerging farmers, commercial farm-

ers, non-governmental organisations 

and the government. 

  Seed Co has a footprint of over 700 

agro dealers spread across the country, 

and owns depots in nine provinces, 

which serve as hubs for seed distribu-

tion to the market. With a processing 

factory which has a capacity to produce 

300 tonnes of seed per day, Seed Co 

distributes seed through its depots 

located in Lusaka, Choma, Kitwe, 

Chipata, Mpika, Mkushi, and Kasama. 

  With extension support second to 

none, Seed Co ensures that farmers 

and distribution partners enjoy the best 

possible advice and seed solutions to 

derive the best value from their 


  Seed Co has been and is still a 

major contributor to the E-voucher 

programme run by the Ministry of Agri-

culture, which was previously called the 

Food and Input Supplier Programme 

(FISP). The E-voucher has now been 

rolled out to all provinces of the coun-

try covering all 109 districts.

  Seed Co is strategically positioned to 

respond to the needs of over one mil-

lion farmers earmarked to benefit from 

this year’s E-voucher programme. Their 

aim is to ensure that the farmers have 

access to the best certified seed which 

enhances farmer productivity and in 

turn improves the food security situa-

tion of communities and the country at 


  Apart from serving the domestic 

market, Seed Co Zambia also exports 

seed to other countries in the region, 

including Angola, Tanzania, Malawi, 

Rwanda, Zimbabwe, Botswana, the 

DRC, Kenya, Uganda, Swaziland and 

South Africa.

  Seed Co pride themselves on the 

farmers' meetings they organise regu-

larly to transfer information on their 

leading edge agronomical technology. 

Their demonstration plots all over the 

country serve as learning centres for 

farmers. They are actively teaching 

farmers about productive methods of 

agriculture in order to raise producti-

vity – as they strongly believe a know-

ledgeable farmer is an empowered 


  Among the maize varieties that 

is your all-in-one seed solution

Seed Co provide is SC719, a late white 

semi dent hybrid variety, tolerant to 

green leafspot, maize streak virus 

and northern corn leafspot viruses. It 

takes between 140 and 148 days to 

mature and has a potential yield of up 

to 14 tonnes per hectare or 280 x 50 

kg bags. It is recommended for Region 

II and III of Zambia (which receive an 

annual rainfall of between 800 and 

1 500 mm).

  In the medium maturity range, they 

offer varieties like the new SC647, 

which is a white flint hybrid with very 

good cob and tassel smut tolerance. 

It has a good standing ability, takes 

130 to 136 days to mature and has a 

potential yield of up to 10 tonnes per 

hectare or 200 x 50 kg bags. 

  SC637 is another variety in the 

medium maturity range; a white semi 

flint, with low risk of lodging and very 

good tolerance to maize streak virus. It 

takes 130 to 136 days to mature and 

can yield up to 13 tonnes per hectare 

or 260 x 50 kg bags. 

The future of Zambian Agri-

culture is bright. Let us work

together, seize the opportunities

and make Zambia food sufficient.

Follow us on Facebook; e-mail or visit our

website at

  ProAgri Zambia 25 















                               ProAgri Zambia 25     

ETG offers the products, support 

and know-how to advance farmers


he exciting activities of a new farm-

ing season are taking shape in our 

beautiful country, Zambia. Wherever 

you go, you can see farmers bustling 

to get all their inputs right for another 

successful season. In this process all 

farmers are firmly supported by ETG 

Inputs Zambia Limited, a private sector 

company which provides agricultural 

inputs such as fertilisers and agro 


With a wide range of agro chemicals 

such as herbicides, pesticides, fungi-

cides, and grain protectors, ETG plays 

an important role in Zambia’s agricul-

tural success, and regard themselves 

as an integral part of the farming 


Apart from excellent products, they 

also provide expert advice and exten-

sion services to farmers across the 

country. ETG helps farmers to raise and 

protect their crops with the same care 

and caution as nurturing a child.

This is the reason why ETG came 

up with a variety of blended as well as 

soluble fertilisers to provide the best 

nutrition for every kind of crop and 

every soil condition. 

Blended fertilisers include:

•  Crop specific

•  Soil specific

•  Lime enriched

•  Organic enriched 

Moreover, ETG understands the fact 

that Zambia is divided into three agri-

cultural regions, to wit:

•  Region 1, which includes the eastern, 

southern, and western provinces 

•  Region 2, which includes central, 

northern and Muchinga province

•  Region 3, which includes Luapula, 

north western and western provinces

These regions have different soil types, 

therefore different fertilisers should 

be applied to ensure optimum produc-

tion. ETG offers various crop specific 

fertilisers for all regions, as well as for 

different crop stages when the plants 

need different nutrients.

All the farmer needs to do, is visit 

one of the many ETG outlets all over 

the country. ETG can supply every-

thing needed by a plant to grow well, 

including a variety of foliar fertilisers 

to correct deficiencies that can rob you 

of as much as 25% of your yield if not 

rectified in time. 

ETG also provides herbicides that re-

duce labour and improve yields. These 

herbicides are also commonly known 

as weed killers. They are chemical 

substances used to control unwanted 

plants/weeds in the field. These herbi-

cides come in two categories, namely:

• Selective

•  Non selective  

Selective herbicides are available for 

pre-emergence, post-emergence, 

and early post-emergence for specific 


The needs of small-scale farmers are 

met with the provision of herbicides 

and pesticides in smaller packs includ-

ing 50 ml, 100 ml and up to 1 ℓ. The 

same applies to fungicides in quantities 

of 500 g up to 1 kg, including 250 g 

packets. All products are accompanied 

by free agronomical information and 

extension services.

ETG takes pride in growing and 

developing with farmers, and seeing 

how their products, services and ad-

vice help to advance farmers and the 

farming industry of Zambia, thereby 

helping to alleviate the poverty 

problem. Farmers are advised to take 

advantage from the FISP (Farmer 

Input Support Programme) that has 

drastically improved the lives of many 

farmers already.        

Feel free to visit ETG branches 

across the country for profitable crop 


ProAgri Zambia 25   













ith the grain industry stuck in 

a controlled price environment, 

more farmers in Zambia are diversify-

ing or switching to other crops to op-

timise their income. Planting potatoes 

may be your production solution, but 

be sure to use the best equipment 

developed in Africa for Africa. 

  Turnerland Manufacturing on the 

West Coast of South Africa was started 

in 1997 as a one man business, and 

has grown over the last twenty years 

into a full scale production facility 

incorporating a machine shop, sheet 

metal component fabrication, hydraulic 

fitting, machine assembly, belting divi-

sion, and spray painting.

  Turnerland also boasts its own 

in-house 3D CAD (Computer Aided 

Design) department where machinery 

is designed and constantly improved, 

guided by extensive practical experi-

ence gained in potato farming and from 

servicing the potato industry.

  Turnerland manufactures the TURN-

ER brand of machinery and equipment 

for the South African and African po-

tato industry and Zambian farmers can 

now also reap the benefits. 

  TURNER equipment comprises a 

complete range of solutions for small, 

medium and large scale potato farm-


  The range spans from the TL-280-

PH two row planter, to the flagship 

TL-8545-DTS single row trailed potato 

harvester with a four ton bunker capa-

city. Additions and improvements to 

the range are always in development 

and there are solutions for all applica-

tions to suit the small farmer or the 

larger commercial operation.

  Solutions range from soil prepara-

tion and planting to transportation and 

almost anything in-between.

The Turnerland vision is to create sus-

tainability in the African potato indus-

try, by manufacturing a robust brand of 

equipment to international standards 

that is developed in Africa for African 


  Globally food prices are on the rise, 

impacted more and more by ever 

increasing fuel, steel, equipment and 

input costs. These constantly rising 

costs and the increased use of highly 

sophisticated electronics in imported 

equipment also have an adverse effect 

on empowering the average Southern 

African potato farmer.

  One of Turnerland’s main long term 

goals is to constantly innovate and 

design, not only more cost effective 

machinery, but also more efficient 

farming methods. All equipment is de-

signed with simplicity, durability, ease 

of use and affordability in mind. The 

thinking behind this approach is that a 

farmer can have the best machine on 

the planet, but if he/she is not using 

efficient farming methods that compli-

ment what the machine was designed 

for, then the whole concept of efficient 

and cost effective farming goes out the 


  Turnerland would like to partner 

with and empower African farmers and 

businesses in creating a future which 

not only benefits people on the African 

continent, but also brings Africa to the 

world stage as a serious contender that 

consistently can produce high quality 

potato harvests to aid in relieving the 

growing global food crisis.

Contact Turnerland on +27 83 

258 5083 or +27 22 723 1413 or Also visit to look at

the whole range of equipment.

With TURNER equipment you can 

turn around your whole potato 

production process from beginning 

to end.

Turner turns potatoes 

into profit




Sorting and processing


By Annemarie Bremner

  In 1954, Zetor established their own 

research and development facility. Their 

first result was the Zetor Super 35 – 

a tractor with a 31 kW four-cylinder 

diesel engine. This model also featured 

a central axle with blade springs and 

a spring under the driver’s seat. The 

driver’s cab was also heated. Between 

the years 1955 and 1960 21 500 

tractors of this model were build.

  Zetor constantly developed and 

enhanced their tractors. In 1960, 

they were the first to introduce the 

concept of unified elements in their 

first generation unified tractor series. 

This concept allowed them to use 

identical parts for different models. This 

simplified manufacturing and services, 

and enabled them to develop a wide 

range of models and styles.

  In 1968, Zetor launched the 

CRYSTAL in their second generation of 

unified tractors. It was built for heavy 

operations and featured the first safety 

cab in the world. For the first time in 

the world they also equipped their four 

cylinder engine with balancing spindles. 

It dropped the noise level in the cab 

to below 85 decibels. The new torque 

multiplier allowed for gear selections 

under load and doubling of the gears 

when the traction force was increased.

  The fall of communism in 1989 

introduced the age of privatisation. 

On 1 July 1993, part of the assets of 

the state owned Zetor was transferred 

to the joint-stock company Zetor, a.s. 

whose majority share was held by the 

Consolidation Bank.

  In 2002, the Zetor brand was 

bought by the Slovakian company, HTC 


  Zetor is one of the few tractor 

companies in the world who builds 

their own engines and transmissions. 

Since their humble start in 1946, Zetor 

produced 1,3 million tractors and today 

they build about 4 000 tractors per 

year, which are currently exported to 57 

countries worldwide.

Zetor today 

The six main models produced by Zetor 

today are the UTILIX, HORTUS, MAJOR, 


They also manufacture a wide range of 

front-end loaders and material handling 


  In November this year, Zetor 

launched their futuristic Major HS80. It 

was launched at the huge trade show, 

AgriTechnica, in Hanover, Germany, 

in November. This attractive tractor 

introduces the company’s new styling 

and was designed by Pininfarina studio

who designed many trains, buses and 

cars, including Ferrari. 

Zetor in Zambia

Zetor is an aggressive exporter and this 

year they introduced their tractors to 

Kenya, the Philippines, Uzbekistan and 


But this is not the first time Zetors 


rompt action is vital for any 

farming operation. Soil preparation, 

planting, haymaking, and even manure 

removal cannot wait… and for all these 

important tasks, the farmer needs a 

dependable, affordable tractor – like 


  Just after the Second World War, 

a tractor was born in the former 

Czechoslovakia. In those days, 

there was a desperate need for an 

inexpensive, mass produced, light 

tractor to pull the country out of the 

devastation of the war.

  In June 1945, after the nationalisation 

of the heavy industries, the National 

Committee decided that there should 

only be one state owned tractor 

manufacturer. They invited a few 

manufacturers to compete for this 

appointment. František Musil worked 

day and night in the Zbrojovka 

engineering plant in Brno to meet the 

deadline which was set at six months. 

With his passion and discipline, he 

could inspire his team right through 

the arduous process, despite the low 

financial remunerations of the post-war 


  On 14 November 1945, the final 

product was presented and that was 

the birth of the winning tractor - Zetor. 

The model name was Z 25. The name 

is a combination of the letter “Z” which 

is the first letter of Zbrojovka and the 

last two letters of tractor – “or”.

  On 15 March 1946, the first three 

Z 25 tractors were delivered to 

customers during a small celebration 

in the Zbrojovka Brno factory. On 

17 August 1964, the Chamber of 

Commerce and Craft registered the 

name, Zetor.

  150 000 of the Z 25-models were 

build. It could drive at 32 km/h, 

compared to the 20 km/h average 

speed of other tractors. It is recorded 

that some farmers could even reach up 

to 50 km/h with Zetor tractors! That 

was very dangerous and the sixth gear 

had to be blocked.



The perfect tractor 

for Zambian farmers

by Du Preez de Villiers

The Zetor 25A was one of the first tractors to roll out of the factory in Brno.

Today it is displayed in the Zetor Gallery.

About 4 000 Zetor tractors are 

produced every year by state-

of-the-art factories in the Czech

Republic and Slovakia.










                               ProAgri Zambia 25     

are sold in Zambia. Between 1979 

and 2000, nearly 700 tractors were 

exported to Zambia before it was 

interrupted. In 2017, AgriServe Agro 

picked up the reigns again when they 

sealed a deal with Zetor at AgriTech 

show in Chisamba. The Czech Minister 

of Agriculture, Marian Jurečka, 

attended the show himself to hand 

over the newly bought tractors to their 


  “The Zetor tractor has a very 

good reputation in Zambia as a very 

reliable machine and we believe in 

this product. We’ve invested a lot of 

resources to establish and support 

this brand,” Willem van Zyl, Technical 

Director of AgriServe Agro, says. 

  AgriServe Agro and Zetor decided to 

introduce the PROXIMA and FORTERRA 

series to Zambia as they will suit 

the local circumstances and tough 

conditions. Zambian farmers prefer 

versatile and reliable tractors which are 

easy to maintain. 

  The PROXIMA series is a basic 

tractor and consists of three models, 

the CL, GP and HS. They all have four 

cylinder Zetor engines and mechanical 

transmissions. The CL delivers 60 to 74 

kW, the GP 60 to 82 kW, and the HS 60 

to 90 kW.

  The FORTERRA series consists of 

three models. The basic CL is equipped 

with a four cylinder engine with a 

power range of 72 to 101 kW and 

a 24/18 gearbox. Unlike the basic 

model, the HSX is equipped with a 

more modern 30/30 gearbox with a 

hydraulic reverser. The highest model

the HD, delivers up to 110 kW. It has a 

more robust body, suspended axle and 

multifunctional control panel.

  AgriServe Agro intends to employ 

Czech technicians from Zetor who 

will transfer their skills and train their 

Zambian colleagues over the next two 

years. “We have invested in a strong 

after sales service team as well as a 

qualified technical team from the Czech 

Republic to support our clients,” Willem 


  AgriServe Agro is also developing a 

Czech Centre of Excellence in Kasisi, 

where demonstrations and training 

will be offered to farmers and farm 


A Zetor tractor is within your 

reach. Contact Willem van Zyl at

+26(0) 96-562-0775,

or send an e-mail to

A new look for Zetor is on the horizon. This concept design was done by the

famous Pininfarina studio.

► His honourable President Edgar 

Lungu was very impressed with

the Zetor PROXIMA at the AgriTech 

show in Chisamba this year.

The Czech Minister of Agriculture,

Marian Jurečka, hands over the

keys of one of the newly acquired

Zetor tractors to Stuart Cooke, a

farmer near Chisamba. Willem van

Zyl, Technical Director of AgriServe

Agro, and Milan Mackovich, Head,

International Business Development,

Zetor Tractors, are very impressed

with their partnership.

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