The Power of Positive Affirmations
The key to reaching this state of mind is to prepare yourself psychologically
before every sales call. Stop
and take a couple of seconds; then say to yourself,
“I like myself ! I like myself ! I like myself !”
Talking to yourself positively is like pumping yourself up. Just like pumping
up a tire, you pump up your self-esteem. First thing in the morning when you get
out of bed, start
talking to yourself by saying, “I like myself, and I love my
work! I like myself, and I love my work!”
Whatever you say to yourself with feeling is accepted
by your subconscious as
an instruction, a command. Your subconscious mind will then give you the
words, actions, and feelings consistent with the message that you have sent to it.
Before going in to see a prospect, say to yourself, “I
am a great salesperson,
and this is going to be a great call!” Repeat that several times. Get yourself
psychologically prepared for a good experience.
When you then walk in to see the prospect, your subconscious will give you
the words,
the feelings, and the body language consistent with a person who is
excellent at what he does. Talking to yourself positively makes you more
confident. It causes you to relax and perform better. Your level of self-
confidence and calmness has a strong impact on the person you are talking to.
Positive self-talk leads to positive sales results.