The world bank monthly operational summary

Senegal River Basin Integrated Multimodal Transport

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Senegal River Basin Integrated Multimodal Transport: The ob-

jective is to restore the river transport vocation of the Senegal River

and to enhance the latter by connecting it to a system that integrates

all other types of ground transportation. Project Concept Review Meet-

ing scheduled for 28 April 2010. Environmental Assessment Category

A. US$ 430.0 (IDA Credit). Consulting services to be determined. Or-

ganisation pour la Mise en Valeur du Fleuve Senegal (OMVS), 46, rue

Carnot, Dakar, Senegal, Tel: (221) 823-4530, Fax: (221) 822-0163, E-mail:, Contact: Mohamed Salem Ould Merzoug

Merzoug, Haut Commissaire

Water, Sanitation and Flood Protection

(N) Gambia River Basin: The objective is to strengthen the man-

agement of the basin’s water resources, biodiversity and environment

by: (a) developing a framework for basin-wide water resources and en-

vironmental management; and (b) capacity building for OMVG re-

lated to water resources and environmental management. Project

Concept Review Meeting scheduled for 20 May 2010. Environmental

Assessment Category B. US$ 8.0 (GEFU). Consulting services and im-

plementing agency(ies) to be determined.

Burundi and Rwanda-Lake Victoria Environmental Manage-

ment: The objective is to prepare a second Adaptable Program Loan

(APL2) of the Lake Victoria Environmental Management Project II

(LVEMP II) that includes five basin countries: Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda,

Tanzania, and Uganda. Decision Meeting scheduled for 19 October 2010.

Environmental Assessment Category A. Project: P118316. US$ 30.0 (IDA

Credit). Consulting services and implementing agency(ies) to be de-



Energy and Mining

Electricity Access Scale-up and Sector Wide Approach (SWAp)

Development: The objective is to improve access to reliable and cost-

effective electricity services for households and priority public insti-

tutions. Bank Approval completed on 15 October 2009. Environmental

Assessment Categor y B. Project: P111567. US$ 70.0/10.0 (IDA

Credit/OPEC). Consultants will be required. Rwanda Electricity Cor-

poration (RECO), B.P. 537, Rwanda, Tel: (250) 573-666, Fax: (250) 572-

976, Contact: Rafique Cassamo, Project Coordinator

Health and Other Social Services

Second Community Living Standards: The objective is to support

the Government social protection and health policy reforms designed

to reduce extreme poverty, initially in 30 pilot sectors, and to expand

access to high-impact health, nutrition and population interventions at

the community level. Bank Approval completed on 16 March 2010. En-

vironmental Assessment Category U. Project: P117758. US$ 6.0 (IDA

Grant). No consultants are required. Ministry of Local Government,

PO Box 3445, Kigali, Rwanda, Tel: (250) 582-229, Contact: Laurent

Sedego, Minister

Public Administration, Law, and Justice

Sustainable Energy Development: The objective is to strengthen

and consolidate the Rwandan Renewable Energy market. Bank Approval

completed on 15 October 2009. Environmental Assessment Category

B. Project: P097818. US$ 3.8/4.5 (ESMP/GEFU). No consultants are

required. Rwanda Electricity Corporation (RECO), B.P. 537, Rwanda,

Tel: (250) 573-666, Fax: (250) 572-976, Contact: Laurent Sedego, Min-



(N) Transport Sector Support: The objective is to support Rwanda’s

economic and social development by improving communication and

reducing transport costs. Project Concept Review Meeting scheduled

for 7 June 2010. Environmental Assessment Category B. US$ 80.0

(IDA Credit). Consulting services and implementing agency(ies) to be


Sao Tome and Principe

Agriculture, Fishing, and Forestry

Adaptation to Climate Change: The objective is to enable the Gov-

ernment to implement priority climate change adaptation measures.

Decision Meeting scheduled for 20 July 2010. Environmental Assess-

ment Category B. Project: P111669. US$ 1.4/3.3/0.0/0.7/1.0 (ECEU/

GEFU/GPOR/GSPN/UNDP). Consulting services and implementing

agency(ies) to be determined.

Health and Other Social Services

(R) Social Sector Support Additional Financing: The objective is

to scale up critical activities in the social and health sectors for greater

impact to better respond to people’s social needs in both the access

and the quality of service delivery. Bank Approval completed on 4 May


Environmental Assessment Category B. Project: P113113. US$

2.1 (IDA Grant). Consultants will be required. Agencia Fiduciaria e Ad-

ministrativa do Projecto, Largo das Alfandegas, Edificio da Planifica-

cao Economica, 1E, Sao Tome and Principe Tel/Fax: (239) 224-665,

E-mail:, Contact: Alberto Leal, Project Coordinator

Public Administration, Law, and Justice

Capacity Building: The objective is to strengthen the economic, fi-

nancial and budgetary management and building up institutional and

legal infrastructure in key sectors such as human and natural re-

sources, environment, and finance. Preparation is underway. Envi-

ronmental Assessment Category C. US$ 0.8 (IDA Grant). Consulting

services to be determined. Governance Capacity Building, Technical

Assistance PIU, Largo das Alfandegas, Caxa Postal 168, Sao Tome, Sao

Tome and Principe, Tel: (239) 227-302, Fax: (239) 222-182, E-mail:, Contact: Jorge Menezes, Project Co-



Agriculture, Fishing, and Forestry

(R) Food Security Additional Financing: The objective is to allevi-

ate the food crisis in rice production and productivity. Bank Approval

completed on 10 May 2010. Signing scheduled for 26 May 2010.


ronmental Assessment Category B. Project: P116301. US$ 10.0 (IDA

Credit). Consultants will be required. PDMAS, B.P. 22 579, Ponty,

Senegal, Tel: (221-33) 869-6262, Fax: (221-33) 869-6264, E-mail: pdmas@,, Contact: El Hadji Amadou WONE,


Energy and Mining

(R) Sustainable and Participatory Energy Management-Phase

2: The objective is to increase the availability of diversified household

fuels in a sustainable and gender equitable way, and to increase the

income of participating communities while preserving the forest ecosys-

tems. Negotiations completed on 28 April 2010. Bank Approval sched-

uled for 24 June 2010.

Environmental Assessment Category B. Project:

P120629. US$ 15.0/4.4 (IDA Credit/NDF). Consultants were hired to

prepare the Economic and Financial analysis, procedures manual, and

gender assessment. Direction des Eaux et For, Parc Forestier de Hann,

B.P. 1831, Dakar, Senegal, Tel: (221-33) 831-0101, Fax: (221-33) 832-2789,

E-mail:, Contact: Baba Sarr, Director

Public Administration, Law, and Justice

(R) Economic Governance (Cr. 47030-SN): The objective is to help

contribute towards improving economic governance through an en-

hanced investment climate, and improved performance of the judicial

system. Signing scheduled for 31 May 2010. Environmental Assess-

ment Category C. Project: P113801. US$ 8.0 (IDA Credit). No con-

sultants are required. Cellule d’Execution Administrative et Financiere

du Programme Sectoriel Justice (CEDAF), Rue 55 x 70, Fann Hock,

Senegal Tel/Fax: (221-33) 842-7299, E-mail:, Con-

tact: Ahmadou Tall, Coordonnateur

JUNE 2010

Monthly Operational Summary


(R) Fourth Poverty Reduction Support Credit: The objective is

to strengthen the Government’s policy making and institutional capa-

bilities by supporting selective reforms to: (a) accelerate broad-based

growth, (b) improve access to social services, (c) mitigate vulnerabilities

and (d) foster good governance. Negotiations completed on 20 April 2010.

Bank Approval scheduled for 1 June 2010.

Environmental Assessment

Category U. Project: P117273. US$ 43.0 (IDA Credit). No consultants

are required. Ministry of Economy and Finance, Dakar, Senegal, Tel:

(221-33) 889-2118, Fax: (221-33) 821-1630, E-mail: aliounendong@ya-, Contact: Alioune Ndong, Adviser


(R) Transport and Urban Mobility: The objectives are to: (i) improve

effective road management, maintenance and safety, both at national

level and in urban areas; and (ii) help improve safety, efficiency and

environmental quality of public transport in the Greater Dakar Area.

Negotiations completed on 19 April 2010. Bank Approval scheduled for

1 June 2010.

Environmental Assessment Category B. Project: P101415.

US$ 55.0 (IDA Credit). Consultants will be required. Conseil Execu-

tif des Transports Urbains de Dakar (CETUD), Route du Front de Terre,

Dakar, Senegal, Tel: (221) 859-4722, Fax: (221) 832-5686, E-mail: ce-, Contact: Soudou Diagne, Directeur General. Agence Au-

tonome des Travaux Routiers (AATR), Rue David Diop-Dakar Fann,

Dakar, Senegal, Tel: (221) 869-0751, Fax: (221) 864-4833, E-mail: ndi-, Contact: Ibrahima Ndiaye, Directeur General



Development Policy Loan: The objective is achievement of econo-

mic stabilization and initiation of structural reforms in public sector,

social sector reforms covering health and education, and improve-

ment of social protection system. Bank Approval completed on 5 No-

vember 2009. Environmental Assessment Category U. Project: P114822.

US$ 9.0 (IBRD). No consultants are required. Ministry of Finance, Sey-


Public Administration, Law, and Justice

(R) Second Development Policy Loan: The objective is to support

Seychelles economic reforms on public administration and private

sector development. Project Concept Review Meeting scheduled for mid-

May 2010.

Environmental Assessment Category U. US$ 9.0 (IBRD).

Consultants will be required for private sector development policy di-

alogue needed during preparation. Implementing agency(ies) to be de-


Sierra Leone

Energy and Mining

(N) Energy Access: The objective is to improve energy access through

generation and transmission and distribution investments. Project

Concept Review Meeting scheduled for 15 September 2010. Environ-

mental Assessment Category B. US$ 40.0 (IDA Credit). Consulting ser-

vices and implementing agency(ies) to be determined.

Health and Other Social Services

Reproductive and Child Health Phase 2: The objective is to con-

tribute to the ten year goal of reducing maternal and child mortality

by increasing utilization of a basic package of essential health services

(BPEHS) by pregnant women and children under the age of five and

strengthening the health system. Bank Approval scheduled for 30

April 2010. Environmental Assessment Category B. Project: P110535.

US$ 20.0 (ACGF). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Health and

Sanitation, 5th Floor, East Wing, Youyi Building, Brookfields Bank of

Sierra LeoneBuilding, Freetown, Sierra Leone, Tel: (232-22) 242-

119/240-068, Fax: (232-22) 241-527, E-mail:, Contact: Dr. Magnus Gborie Mr. Michael

Dauda, Coordinators

South Africa

Agriculture, Fishing, and Forestry

(R) Development, Empowerment and Conservation in the Siman-

galiso Wetland: The objective is to protect the exceptional biodiver-

sity of the greater Saint Lucia wetland area through conservation, sus-

tainable resources use, planning for rational land use and local economic

development. The loan was signed on 24 March 2010. Environmental

Assessment Category B. Project: P086528. US$ 9.0 (GEFU). Consul-

tants will be required. Saint Lucia Greater Wetlands Park Authority,

Kwazul Natal, Private Bag X05, Saint Lucia 3936, South Africa, Tel: (27-

35) 590-1633, Fax: (27-35) 590-1602, E-mail: wetlandsauthority@mweb., Contact: Andrew Zaloumis, CEO

Energy and Mining

(R) Eskom Power Investment Support (Ln. 78620-ZA): The ob-

jective is to enable Eskom South Africa to enhance its power supply

and energy security in an efficient and sustainable manner so as to sup-

port both economic growth objectives and South Africa’s professed long

term carbon mitigation strategy. Bank Approval completed on 8 April

2010. Signing scheduled for 16 April 2010. Environmental Assessment

Category A. Project: P116410. US$ 3750.0/2000.0 (IBRD/ZMUL).

Consultants will be required. Eskom, Megawatt Park, South Africa, Tel:

(27-82) 414-8118, E-mail:, Contact: Ms.

Tamara Babayan, Director


Water, Sanitation and Flood Protection

Southern Sudan Water Supply and Sanitation: The objective is to

increase access to safe water supply and sanitation in all states by

building a sustainable management system and developing the knowl-

edge on water resources in Southern Sudan. The grant was signed on

16 February 2010. Environmental Assessment Category B. Project:

P111061. US$ 30.0 (MDSS). No consultants are required. Ministry of

Water Resources and Irrigation, 11 AXII, Hai el-Cinema, Juba, Juba,

Sudan, Tel: (249-811) 823-557, E-mail:, Con-

tact: Engineer Isaac Liabwel, Undersecretary


Health and Other Social Services

(R) HIV/AIDS and TB: The objective is to assist the Government of

Swaziland in fighting HIV/AIDS by addressing the major gaps in im-

plementing its HIV/AIDS national strategic plan, particularly in health

system strengthening and HIV/AIDS related social protection. Ap-

praisal completed on 5 May 2010. Negotiations scheduled for 28 May 2010.

Environmental Assessment Categor y B. Project: P110156. US$

20.0/18.0 (IBRD/ECEU).

Consultants will be required. Ministry of Fi-

nance, Finance Building, Usuthu Road, PO Box 443, Mbabane, Swazi-

land, Tel: (268) 404-8146, Fax: (268) 404-3187, Contact: Dumisani

Masilela, Permanent Secretary. Ministry of Health and Social Wel-

fare, PO Box 5, Swaziland, Tel: (268) 404-2431, Fax: (268) 404-2092, Con-

tact: Dr. Steven Shongwe, Principal Secretary. National Emergency

Response Council on HIV/AIDS, PO Box 1937, Swaziland, Tel: (268)

404-1708, Fax: (268) 404-1692, Contact: Derek von Wissel, Director

Public Administration, Law, and Justice

(R) Local Government: The objective is to strengthen the capacity

and resource mobilization functions of the local governance system to

deliver and sustain basic services, in particular to benefit the poorer

sections of the population. Negotiations scheduled for 24 May 2010.

Environmental Assessment Category B. Project: P095232. US$ 16.1

(IBRD). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Housing and Urban

Development, Mhlabanyasi Rd., PO Box 1832, Mbabane, Swaziland,

Tel: (268) 404-1741/43, Fax: (268) 404-4085, E-mail:,

Contact: Paul Nkambule, Acting Permanent Secretary


Agriculture, Fishing, and Forestry

(R) Second Agriculture Sector Development Additional Fi-

nancing: The objective is to: (a) help the Government respond to the

global financial crisis by strengthening agricultural sector; and (b) ex-

pand small-scale irrigation in drought-prone areas under the Agricul-

tural Sector Development Program. Negotiations completed on 15 April


Bank Approval scheduled for 27 May 2010. Environmental As-

sessment Category B. Project: P120930. US$ 35.0 (IDA Credit). Con-

sultants will be required. Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security and


Monthly Operational Summary

JUNE 2010

Co-operatives, PO Box 9192, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, Tel: (255-22) 286-

2480, Fax: (255-22) 286-2075, Contact: Mr. Mohamed S. Muya, Per-

manent Secretary

(R) Seventh Poverty Reduction Support Credit Supplemental Fi-

nancing: The objective is to help the Government respond to the im-

pact of the global economic downturn by providing the authorities

with additional fiscal space to maintain the course with the imple-

mentation of their poverty reduction strategy. The credit was signed on

29 January 2010.

Environmental Assessment Category U. Project:

P117345. US$ 170.0 (IDA Credit). Consultants will be required. Min-

istry of Finance, Madaraka Avenue, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, Tel:

(255-22) 211-1174/6, Contact: Elvin Rustamov, PIU Director


(R) Second Secondary Education Development Program: The

objective is to address secondary education challenges by designing

an optimal and sequenced program to yield a cost effective model for

secondary school expansion while improving education quality. Ne-

gotiations completed on 22 April 2010.

Bank Approval scheduled for

27 May 2010. Environmental Assessment Category B. Project: P114866.

US$ 150.0 (IDA Credit). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Ed-

ucation and Vocational Training, PO Box 9121, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania,

Tel: (255-22) 211-0146, Fax: (255-22) 211-3139, Contact: Charles Philimon,

Deputy Director, Secondary Education, Ministry of Education

Energy and Mining

(R) Backbone Transmission Investment: The objectives are to

strengthen the National grid capacity and improve the quality and re-

liability of power supply of TANESCO’s Transmission and distribution

systems, capture the unmet demand and provide wide access to elec-

tricity. Decision Meeting scheduled for 15 June 2010. Environmental

Assessment Category A. Project: P111598. US$ 150.0/63.2/36.1/134.5/


Consultants will be re-

quired. TANESCO, Ubungo Umeme Park, PO Box 9024, Dar es

Salaam, Tanzania, Tel: (255-22) 245-1224, Contact: Decklan Mhaiki, Gen-

eral Manager Transmission

Energy Development and Access Expansion Additional Fi-

nancing: The objective is to accelerate renewable and rural energy de-

velopment in Tanzania through an establishment of a credit line amidst

the severe liquidity crisis that is affecting local and regional commer-

cial project financing institutions. Bank Approval completed on 6 April

2010. Environmental Assessment Category B. Project: P117260. US$

25.0 (IDA Credit). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Energy and

Minerals, 754-33 Samora Avenue, PO Box 2000, Dar es Salaam, Tan-

zania, Tel: (255-22) 211-7156/9, Fax: (255-22) 211-7790, Contact: Eng.

Bengiel. H. Msofe, Director for Technical Services


(R) Housing Finance (Cr. 47120-TZ): The objective is to improve

access to affordable quality housing in Tanzania. The three components

will be rolled out through a carefully phased approach that recognizes

existing market constraints while strengthening the regulatory and in-

stitutional framework to progressively remove these constraints. The

credit was signed on 31 March 2010.

Environmental Assessment Cat-

egory B. Project: P117242. US$ 40.0 (IDA Credit). Consultants will be

required. Ministry of Finance, Madaraka Avenue, Dar Es Salaam, Tan-

zania, Tel: (255-22) 211-1174/6, Contact: Mr. Joseph Massawe, Direc-

tor of Strategic Planning and Performance Review

Pension Reform DPL: The objective is to support a comprehensive

reform of the Tanzania pension system. Decision Meeting scheduled

for 30 August 2010. Environmental Assessment Category U. Project:

P117531. US$ 300.0 (IDA Credit). Consultants will be required. Bank

of Tanzania, 10 Mirambo Street, PO Box 2939, Dar es Salaam, Tanza-

nia, Tel: (255-22) 212-7952, Fax: (255-22) 212-7954, Contact: Mr. Joseph

Massawe, Director, Strategic Planning and Performance Review

Health and Other Social Services

(R) Second Social Action Fund Second Additional Financing: The

objective is to improve access of beneficiary households to enhanced

socioeconomic services and income-generating opportunities. Nego-

tiations completed on 30 April 2010.

Bank Approval scheduled for 27

May 2010. Environmental Assessment Category B. Project: P120881.

US$ 35.0 (IDA Credit). Consultants will be required. TASAF Man-

agement Unit, Old Kilwa Malindi Street, PO Box 9381, Tanzania, Tel:

(255-22) 212-3583, Fax: (255-22) 212-3582, E-mail:, Con-

tact: Dr. S.B. Likwelile, Executive Director

Second Health Sector Development Additional Financing: The

objective is to achieve improvements in the provision of quality health

services through continuing to support the reforms, capacity devel-

opment and improved management of resources while focusing on qual-

ity. Bank Approval completed on 22 December 2009. Environmental

Assessment Category B. Project: P119067. US$ 40.0/260.0 (IDA Credit/

ZBIL). Consultants will be required. Ministry of Health and Social

Welfare, PO Box 9083, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, Tel: (255-51) 116-684,

Fax: (255-51) 139-951, Contact: Elvin Rustamov, PIU Director

Public Administration, Law, and Justice

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