Theme : Using authentic materials in teaching lis contents introduction chapter I. Theoretical review

CHAPTER II. Audio lingual features of language teaching

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Chapter II. Audio lingual features of language teaching

CHAPTER II. Audio lingual features of language teaching

    1. The importance of audio methods in the Foreign language classroom

The research is a quantitative research which explaining phenomena by collecting numerical data that will analyze by using mathematically based on Audio Lingual method. In addition, Bambang Setiadi states that research in teaching foreign language has a very important role to improve the outcome of the process of learning the language." It means that the researcher involves himself in the teaching learning process.
The researcher would use the quantitative research in the form of experimental design. According to Daniel, experimental designs are known as the scientific method' due to their popularity in scientific research where they originated.40
"This research involves two variables, there are independent and dependent variable. The independent variable is audio lingual (X) and dependent variable is the students listening comprehension (Y). The rescarch would conduct the research in the eight grade of SMP Purnama Trimurjo.
According to Kumarsingh, research design is mapping strategies". Thisrescarch would be an experiment research which would be conducted a quantitative, it would be held in SMP of Purnama Trimurjo. The researcher would investigate the Eight grade in the academic year of 2019/2020.

  1. Population, Sample, and Sampling Technique

    1. Population

Population or universe means the entire mass of observation, which is the parent group from which a sample is to be formed.41 It means that the population is all subject that would be observed in this research.
Daniel Muijs defines the population is the group that want to generalize your discover. Besides that, John W. Creswell stated that a population is a group of individuals who have the same typical.
The entire group of people or set of objects, including those not in the study.42
The population of this research is the students of SMP Purnama Trimurjo. The researcher would investigate the eight grade in the academic year 2019/2020, it is about 30 students, which consist from 2 classes.
Below was the data of the population:
Arikunto states that sample is part of population being researched. Burke also says that sample that it is a set of elements taken from a larger population according to certain rules. So, it can be concluded that sample is a small portion of a population assigned according to certain rules.
Sample is a number of individuals for a study in such a way that the individuals represent the larger group from which they are selected. Furthernmore, they state that a sample is always smaller than a population,and it is often much smaller.
Based on the theories above, the researcher decides to take class VIII B, which the amount of students in this class is 15 students, only because they are objects of this research and they want to face listening national final examination.

    1. Sampling Technique

Prof. Dr. Samy Tayie explains that a sample is a subset of the population that is taken to be representative of the entire population. Similarly, John W. Creswell describes a sample is a subgroup of the target population which the researcher plans to study for generalizing about the target population. In an ideal situation, you can select a sample of individuals who are representative of the entire population.43
The sampling technique would be used in this research is take sampling. Donald Ary explained, "purposIve sampling-also referred to as judgment sampling-sample elements judged to be typical, or representative, are chosen from the population." The researcher takes one class of the eight grade to be became respondent. The chosen classis VIII B, consists of 15 students.
In this research, the researcher would take one class, which is Class VIII A consist of 15 students. It can be presented below:
All of this research activity and treatment is to know whether audio lingual has any positive and significant influence on the students’ listening comprehension.

  1. Operational Definition of Variable

John W. Creswell stated that a variable is a feature or attribute of things that (a) researchers can measure or observe and (b) varies among things studied. There are two variables in this research, consist of using audio lingual and students listening comprehension. The operational definition of variables in this research as follows:

    1. Independent Variables

According to Evelyn Hatch, "The independent variable is the major variable which you hope to investigate. It 1s the variable which is selected, manipulated, and measured by the researcher.
An independent variable is an attribute or characteristic that infuences or affects an outcome or dependent variable. The arrows show how the independent variable influences the dependent variable through the intervening variable. " In this research, independent variable is partial dictation.
The research uses the quantitative research, which pre-test and post-test design. In this design, the pre-test and post-test intended to
investigate whether using Audio-lingual method can be used to influence students listening comprehension significant.
This variable would be measured by giving pre-test and post-test. Pretest and posttest instruments consist of 10 questions in form of essay. Question with the range score 0 - 100.
When the students can answer the entire question correctly they would get 100 score, and when the students cannot answer the entire question correctly they would get 0 score. The alternatives provides include essay.The time to the test is 30 minutes.
Some indicators that indicate the students are able to achieve the goals in listening comprehension by using partial dictation, as follows:

      1. Language learners are able to comprehend the foreign language when it 1s spoken at normal speed and concerned with ordinarymatters.

      2. Language learners are able to speak in acceptable pronunciation and grammatical correctness,

      3. Language learners have no difficulties in comprehending printed materials.

      4. Language learners are able to Write with acceptable standards of Correctness on topics within their experience.45

By this measurement, the researcher would know the user performance in applying audio lingual to learn listening comprehension activity at the eight grade of smp purnama trimurjo.4

    1. Dependent Variables

A dependent variable is an attribute or characteristic that is dependent on or influenced by the independent variable. You may find them labeled in the literature as the outcome, effect, criterion, or consequence variables. Dependent Variable in this research 1s the students listening comprehension that the students comprehension is to listen and understand words, sentences, or phrase. It would be conducted by the scores achieve from the test. The test would be used to measure the students listening comprehension after and betore giving the reatment of audio lingual in learning process.
Moreover, based on the explanation above that is indicator a good category in listening comprehension are:

      1. Find the main idea of the given information

      2. Find the explicit meaning

      3. Find the implicit meaning

      4. Guess the meaning of words from context.

This variable would be measured by giving pre-test and post-test. Pre-test and post-test instruments consist of 10 questions in form of essay. Question with the range score 0- 100.
When the students can answer the entire question correctly they would get 100 score, and when the students cannot answer the entire question correctly they would get 0 score. The alternatives provides include essay. The time to the test is 30 mimutes.

  1. Data Collection Method

The researcher would use some methods to obtain the accurate data in the eight grade of SMP Purnama Trimurjo. In collecting the data,the researcher would use the method such as:

    1. Test

Test is a way that is used to measure a person ability or knowledge in a given domain." In this research, the researcher would use the test to know the students English ability especially listening comprehension. Class VIII B would be given pretest and posttest test.

  1. Pre-test

To know whether audio lingual influence in students listening comprehension. In this case, pre-test would be given by the researcher before the treatment. From the result, the researcher would know the result of listening before giving the treatment. The test would be oral and written test by giving them recording of audio lingual tape with special direction of each part and answer sheets as the place for students to answer. The examine is the students of class VIII B of SMP Purnama Trimurjo as the sample of this research. The test would consist of 10 questions, in the form of essay. Question with the range score 0- 100. When the students can answer the entire question correctly they would get 100 question Score, and when the students cannot answer the correctly they would get 0 score. The alternatives provides essay. The time to the test is 30 minutes.

  1. Post-test

After the researcher knows the result of studeents in listening compreension. And the researcher would treat the Studcnts caning process in listening by using audio lingual, ne Tes carcher would give the students final test, and it is the post-tes. post-test Is used to know how significant audio lingual influences the students' listening comprehension. The test would be Oral and written test by giving them audio lingual tape With special direction of each part and answer sheets as the place students to answer. The examine is the students of class VIII B of SMP Purnama Trimurjo. The test would consist of 10 questions, in the torm of essay. Question with the range Score 0 -100. When the students can answer the entire question correctly they would get 100 score, and when the students cannot answer the entire question correctly they would get 0 score.
In this research the instruments use for documentation method are books. the researcher would use the documemtation method to collect the data about the students listening comprehension result of the eight of SMP Purnama Trimurjo. The researcher would get the data:
Documentation about the condition teachers, official employees and students of SMP Purnama Trimurjo in the Academic Period 2019/2020.
Then, the researcher would select this data to elect an appropriat database on Focus and objective of the study. Furthermore, the
documentation would elect in order to get the physical condition at SMP Purnama Trimurjo and the students' listening comprehension result.
Observation is "A systematic method of data collection that relies ona researcher's ability to gather data through his or her senses".47Observation also defines as "technique collecting data it done with doing observation with detail note and systematic. In this research the researcher used the non participant observation because the researcher Only observes it and notes it. The researcher observes the localio of the research, the condition of the students directly to get the data. The research uses the observation sheet to note intormintion in that observation.
The object observation based on the observation guidance, as follow:

  1. Observation the location sketch of SMP Purnama Trimurjo.

  2. Observation of Jearning facility of SMP Purnama Trimurjo

  3. Observation about infrastructure of SMP Purnama Trimurjo.

It is not uncommon that language learning depends on listening. Listening is the language skill that is used most often in everyday communication. O’Malley informs us that “we listen twice as much as we speak, four times as much as we read, and five times as much as we write”. Furthermore, listening comprehension is the foundation upon which the other language skills are acquired.
Listening provides the aural input that serves as the basis for language acquisition and enables learners to interact in spoken communication.5
Thus, listening comprehension not only plays a crucial role in first language communication, but it is also “at the heart of second language learning” [3, 20]. Teacher’s task is to inform and show students how they can adjust their listening behavior to deal with a variety of situations, types of input, and listening purposes. They help students develop a set of listening strategies and match appropriate strategies to every listening situation.
Unfortunately, this essential language skill has often been neglected in the language classroom. Teachers sometimes assume that students are developing their listening skills just because they are listening to the teachers use the target language. Yet listening is a complex process that requires phonological, semantic, syntactical, discourse, and pragmatic knowledge of the language as well as understanding of the context and of nonverbal communication. Learners then have to apply this knowledge in a range of contexts, both unidirectional (e.g., lectures, radio broadcasts) and bidirectional (e.g., classroom discussions, conversations) listening situations, and while using a variety of technologies (e.g., telephones, computers, digital audio players) [2, 14]. Taking into consideration the complexity of the listening comprehension process and the contexts in which it occurs, it cannot be supposed that a learner’s listening skill will develop on its own. Teachers must make conscious and systematic efforts to develop this skill in learners6.
Listening skills are usually divided into two groups: bottom-up listening skills and topdown listening skills.
Bottom-up listening skills refer to the decoding process, the direct decoding of language into meaningful units, from sound waves through the air, in through our ears and into our brain where meaning is decoded. To do it students need to know the code. How the sounds work and how they string together and how the codes can change in different ways when they are strung together. In other words bottom-up decoding shows how meaning moves from recognition of individual sounds to recognition of the meaning of whole utterances. It is not uncommon that most students have never been taught how English changes when it is strung together in sentences. The example of bottom-up skills:

  • Recognizing individual phonemes;

  • Recognizing phoneme sequences which form words;

  • Recognizing word boundaries;

  • Recognizing stressed syllables;

  • Recognizing intonation patterns;

  • Recognizing syllable reduction due to weak forms and/or elision;

  • Recognizing catenation;

  • Recognizing assimilation.

It is obvious that they tend to be phonological, and that is why teacher’s goal is in focusing systematically on phonology during the course for students to better teach bottomup processing skills.7
Top-down skills or processing refers to how we use our world knowledge to attribute meaning to language input; how our knowledge of social convention helps us understand meaning. These are the skills that listening teachers should be teaching in their classes. Richards stated: "An understanding of the role of bottom-up and top-down processes in listening is central to any theory of listening comprehension" [4:50]. Top down processing refers to the attribution of meaning, drawn from one's own world knowledge, to language input. It involves "the listener's ability to bring prior information to bear on the task of understanding the "heard" language" [3, 52].
Brown proposes the following top-down skills:

  • discriminating between emotions

  • getting the gist

  • recognizing the topic

  • using discourse structure to enhance listening strategies

  • identifying the speaker

  • evaluating themes

  • finding the main idea

  • finding supporting details

  • making inferences

  • understanding organizing principals of extended speech

There are a great number of sub-skills, which construct the overall skill of listening. Sometimes the ‘bottom-up’ skills are called ‘micro’ skills [2, 78]. O’Malley proposed his own (subjective) checklist of sub-skills involved in listening, which shows the wide range of possible skills [3, 70]. He distinguishes the following skills: perception skills (recognizing individual sounds, discriminating between sounds, identifying reduced forms in
fast speech, identifying stressed syllables, words, recognizing intonation patterns), language skills (identifying individual words and groups and building up possible meanings for them, identifying discourse markers which organize the content of information – then, as a matter of fact, first, second, third, to start with), using knowledge of the world (using knowledge of a topic to guess what the speaker might be saying about it), dealing with information (understanding gist meaning, the main points, details), interacting with a speaker (coping with a variety of speakers in one recording – differences in speed of talking and accents, recognizing the speaker’s intention, to identify his mood, attitude).8
Good listeners need to be able to use a combination of sub-skills simultaneously when processing spoken language; the skills they will need at any particular moment will depend on the kind of text they are listening to, and their reasons for listening to it. Of course, in the beginning, language learners will not be very good at these skills and teachers will need to teach them strategies for coping with what they have missed or misunderstood.9
Strategies are efforts to compensate for uncertainties in understanding, and could include making inferences, realizing where misunderstandings have occurred, and asking for clarification. As students get more familiar with the language and more competent at listening skills they should need these strategies less and less, although even very proficient native speakers will need to rely on them occasionally. Strategies can only really be taught effectively by interrupting the listening process and getting students to reflect on what they have just been doing.
To teach both strategies and sub-skills in conjunction teacher should grade the activities so that they move from “easier” listening texts and tasks to more difficult ones. “Easy” texts are shorter and feature familiar voices and topics. “Easy” tasks are those which allow students to be participants rather than in the more distant roles of audience or over hearers. The tasks and texts get more difficult and become longer. They may feature unfamiliar voices and topics, and they place students in the more distant role of audience. Listening strategies are techniques or activities that contribute directly to the comprehension and recall of listening input. Listening strategies can be classified by how the listener processes the input. Names of listening strategies coincide with those of listening skills. Linguists distinguish between the following listening strategies: met cognitive, cognitive, social, topdown, and bottom-up strategies.

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