(2) The very first freight cars are known to have been used in coal mines in England. They were open-top wagons which had wooden wheels and were pulled by horses along wooden rails. They were followed by platform cars, also known as flat cars, upon which the freight was piled and covered with tarpaulin to protect it from the weather. As the goods often fell off and were easily damaged, the platforms were fitted with low sides and ends. Later, covered cars came into existence.
(2) Eng birinchi yuk vagonlari Angliyadagi ko'mir konlarida ishlatilganligi ma'lum. Ular yog'och g'ildiraklari bo'lgan va otlar tomonidan yog'och relslar bo'ylab tortilgan ustki ochiq vagonlar edi. Ularning ortidan yassi vagonlar deb ham ataladigan platformali vagonlar ketayotgan bo'lib, ular ustiga yuk uyib qo'yilgan va ob-havodan himoya qilish uchun brezent bilan qoplangan. Tovarlar tez-tez tushib ketgan va osonlik bilan shikastlanganligi sababli, platformalar past tomonlari va uchlari bilan jihozlangan. Keyinchalik yopiq avtomobillar paydo bo'ldi.
(3) As time went on and railroads had to carry more and more freight, bigger and better cars were invented for hauling different kinds of goods. Today, the railroads have several classes of freight cars, there being many varieties in each class.
(5) Another type of car is a tank car intended for liquid goods. The long cylindrical tank of the car is filled through an opening on the top and emptied through a special device in the bottom
(3) Vaqt o'tishi bilan va temir yo'llar tobora ko'proq yuk tashishga majbur bo'ldi, har xil turdagi yuklarni tashish uchun kattaroq va yaxshiroq vagonlar ixtiro qilindi. Bugungi kunda temir yo'llarda yuk vagonlarining bir nechta sinflari mavjud, ularning har birida ko'plab navlar mavjud.