Theme: unusual railways 1

(6) O'z-o'zidan ma'lumki, yadro energetikasi yorqin muammoga duch kelmoqda

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. (6) O'z-o'zidan ma'lumki, yadro energetikasi yorqin muammoga duch kelmoqda
kelajak va tez orada biz uning asosiy manbaga aylanishini kutishimiz mumkin

(7) However, there are a number of problems the sci­entists must solve in order to make the A-power plants still more attractive, one of these problems being the disposal of radioactive by-product should be placed in special containers and safely buried deep under the ground or on the ocean bottom.
(8) While discussing of the A-power plants one should also mention the danger of accumulating radioactivity by the working personnel.

(7) Biroq, A-elektr stansiyalarini yanada jozibador qilish uchun olimlar hal qilishlari kerak bo'lgan bir qator muammolar mavjud, bu muammolardan biri radioaktiv qo'shimcha mahsulotlarni maxsus idishlarga joylashtirish va xavfsiz tarzda chuqur ko'milishi kerak. yer ostida yoki okean tubida.
(8) A-elektr stansiyalari haqida gapirganda, ishchi xodimlar tomonidan radioaktivlikni to'plash xavfini ham eslatib o'tish kerak.

(9) In order to provide greater reliability of opera­tion and safety for people modern A-power plants are automatically controlled. Boilers, reactors, turbines and other equipments are operated from the plant's control room where there are batteries of dials and records giv­ing the operators a second-by-second picture of every­thing what is happening. Electronic robots, manipulators and mechanical hands which are able to measure, could and touch are now indispensable for handling radioactive elements2 at A-power plants. Automatic sound warning is given as soon the slightest fault occurs, and light shows exactly where the fault is located. A special system enables the operator to direct all the processes any possible trouble.
(10) After having been generated, the electric energy is sent to the electricity grid system3 of the country. It is the grid system that distributes the power to the consumers, including the electrified railways.

(9) Ishlashning ishonchliligi va odamlar uchun xavfsizligini ta'minlash uchun zamonaviy A-elektr stantsiyalari avtomatik ravishda boshqariladi. Qozonxonalar, reaktorlar, turbinalar va boshqa jihozlar zavodning boshqaruv xonasidan boshqariladi, u erda operatorlarga nima sodir bo'layotganini soniyasiga soniya ko'rsatishga imkon beruvchi terish batareyalari va yozuvlar mavjud. Elektron robotlar, manipulyatorlar va mexanik qo'llar, ular o'lchash, teginish va teginish qobiliyatiga ega bo'lib, endi A-elektr stantsiyalarida radioaktiv elementlar bilan ishlash uchun ajralmas hisoblanadi. Kichkina nosozlik paydo bo'lishi bilanoq avtomatik ovozli ogohlantirish beriladi va yorug'lik nosozlik qaerdaligini aniq ko'rsatadi. Maxsus tizim operatorga barcha jarayonlarni har qanday yuzaga kelishi mumkin bo'lgan muammolarni boshqarishga imkon beradi.
(10) Elektr energiyasi ishlab chiqarilgandan so'ng mamlakatning elektr tarmog'iga³ yuboriladi. Bu elektr energiyasini iste'molchilarga, shu jumladan elektrlashtirilgan temir yo'llarga taqsimlovchi tarmoq tizimi.

(11) Both conventional and nuclear power stations gen­erate a high voltage alternating current, (a. c.). The fact' is that the alternating current can be more economically transmitted over long distances than the , direct current, (d. c.) and higher the voltage the less energy is lost.

(11) An'anaviy va atom elektr stantsiyalari yuqori kuchlanishli o'zgaruvchan tok hosil qiladi, (a.c.). Haqiqat shundaki, o'zgaruvchan tok uzoq masofalarga to'g'ridan-to'g'ri oqimdan ko'ra ko'proq iqtisodiy tarzda uzatilishi mumkin, (d. c.) va kuchlanish qanchalik yuqori bo'lsa, energiya kamroq yo'qoladi

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