Тошкент вилояти чирчиқ давлат педагогика институти ҳузуридаги илмий даражалар берувчи phD
Publication of the research results
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11. А.Курбанова Автореферат
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- The structure and volume of the dissertation.
Publication of the research results. On the theme of the dissertation a total of 25 scientific works were published. Of these 6 articles were published in the scientific journals recommended by the Supreme Attestation Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan for publishing the main scientific results of doctoral dissertations including 3 articles in republican and 3 articles in foreign journals.
The structure and volume of the dissertation. The dissertation was presented on 124 pages consisting of an introduction, three chapters, conclusions, a list of used literature and appendixes. ЭЪЛОН ҚИЛИНГАН ИШЛАР РЎЙХАТИ СПИСОК ОПУБЛИКОВАННЫХ РАБОТ LIST OF PUBLISHED WORKS I бўлим (Часть I; Part I) Курбанова А.Т. Шахсий компьютерлар таркиби ва таснифи мавзусини ўқитишда “Инсерт” технологиясидан фойдаланиш // Халқ таълими.– Тoshkent, 2012. − №2. – Б.68-71. (13.00.00. №17) Курбанова А.Т. Педагогик мулоқот – таълим самарадорлигининг муҳим шарти // Ta’lim, fan va innovatsiya. – Тошкент, 2018. − №3. – Б.26-30. (13.00.00. №18) Курбанова А.Т. Таълимни ахборотлаштириш ва талабаларининг касбий компетентлигини ривожлантиришнинг ўзаро алоқадорлиги // ЎзМУ хабарлари. – Тошкент, 2020. − №1. – Б.126-131. (13.00.00. № 15) Kurbanova A.T. Technology of Using ICT in the Field of Arts and Culture// The International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding – Hamburg, Germany, 2021. − №6. – P.427-434.( Impact Factor: SJIF 2021= 6.862, Index-OAK 5,14,16,21,23,25,28,35-базалар) Kurbanova A.T. Developing Information and Communicative Competence of Specialists in Art and Culture Sphere // Eastern European Scientific Journal – Germany, 2019. − №1. – P.438-441. (13.00.00, 2018, №1) Kurbanova A.T. Theoretical and practical conditions of development of information and communication competence of future cultural and art figures // European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences – Australia, 2019. − №12. – P.28-35. (13.00.00. №3) Kurbanova A.T. The role of the softwаre in the development of informаtion аnd communicаtive competence of future workers of culture аnd аrt// International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology. – 2019. – No14. Elsevier's Scopus. – P.55-67. (SCOPUS, 6) Курбанова А.Т. Педагогические и психологические особенности развития информационно-коммуникативный компетентности будущих деятелей культуры и искусства // Международной научной конференции “Непрерывное образование в устойчивом развитии: проблемы и решения”. – Ташкент, 2019. – С. 288-290. Kurbanova A.T Theoretical and practical conditions of development of information and communication competence of future cultural and art figures // International Conferences “Modern structure and development of science in our life”. – United State of America, 2019. – P.132-136 Курбанова А.Т. Талабаларнинг ўқув фанларга қизиқишларини оширишда мультимедиа воситаларидан фойдаланиш самарадорлиги // “Таълимдаги инновациялар ва ислоҳотлар контекстида замонавий кластер тизими: муаммолар, ёндашувлар ва истиқболлар” номли илмий-амалий анжуман илмий ишлар тўплами– Чирчиқ, 2019.– Б.36-37. Курбанова А.Т. Таълим кластерлари бўйича хориж тажрибаси // “Таълимдаги инновациялар ва ислоҳотлар контекстида замонавий кластер тизими: муаммолар, ёндашувлар ва истиқболлар” номли илмий-амалий анжуман илмий ишлар тўплами– Чирчиқ, 2019. – Б.39-43. Download 0,71 Mb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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