Training Users
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- Training Strategies
Training UsersSystems analysts engage in an educational process with users that is called training. Throughout the systems development life cycle, the user has been involved so that by now the analyst should possess an accurate assessment of the users who must be trained. In the implementation of large projects, the analyst will often be managing the training rather than be personally involved in it. One of the most prized assets the analyst can bring to any training situation is the ability to see the system from the user’s viewpoint. The analyst must never forget what it is like to face a new system. Those recollections can help analysts empathize with users and facilitate their training. Training StrategiesTraining strategies are determined by who is being trained and who will train them. The analyst will want to ensure that anyone whose work is affected by the new information system is properly trained by the appropriate trainer. WHOM TO TRAIN All people who will have primary or secondary use of the system must be trained. They include everyone from data entry personnel to those who will use output to make decisions without personally using a computer. The amount of training a system requires depends on how much someone’s job will change because of the new interactions required by the revised system. You must ensure that users of different skill levels and job interests are separated. It is certain trouble to include novices in the same training sessions as experts, because novices are quickly lost and experts are rapidly bored with basics. Both groups are then lost. PEOPLE WHO TRAIN USERS For a large project, many different trainers may be used depending on how many users must be trained and who they are. Possible training sources include the following:
This list gives just a few of the options the analyst has in planning for and providing training. Large vendors often provide off-site, one or two-day training sessions on their equipment as part of the service benefits offered when corporations purchase expensive COTS software. These sessions include both lectures and hands-on training in a focused environment. They may also extend the experience with online user groups, dedicated blogs, or annual user conferences. Because systems analysts know the organization’s people and the system, they can often provide good training. The use of analysts for training purposes depends on their availability, because they also are expected to oversee the complete implementation process. External paid trainers are sometimes brought into the organization to help with training. They may have broad experience in teaching people how to use a variety of computers, but they may not give the hands-on training that is needed for some users. In addition, they may not be able to custom-tailor their presentations enough to make them meaningful to users. Full-time, in-house trainers are usually familiar with the skills and learning preferences of personnel and can tailor materials to their needs. One of the drawbacks of in-house trainers is that they may possess expertise in areas other than information systems and may therefore lack the depth of technical expertise that users require. It is also possible to have any of these trainers train a small group of people from each functional area that will be using the new information system. They in turn can be used to train the remaining users. This approach can work well if the original trainees still have access to materials and trainers as resources when they themselves are providing training. Otherwise, it might degenerate into a trial-and-error situation rather than a structured one. EX.1 Translate into Russian or Uzbek language. Mike can run very fast. They can understand French. Kate can speak English well. My brother can come and help you in the garden. Can you speak English? Can your brother help me with this? My friend cannot carry this box. This old woman cannot sleep at night. He sister can cook well. I can sing, but I can not dance. May I invite Nick to our house? You may go now. Don’t go to the wood alone: you may lose your way. May I take Pete’s bag. Mayk juda tez yugura oladi. Ular frantsuz tilini tushunishlari mumkin. Kate ingliz tilida yaxshi gapira oladi. Akam kelib sizga bog'da yordam berishi mumkin. Siz inglizcha gapirasizmi? Akangiz menga bu borada yordam bera oladimi? Mening do'stim bu qutini ko'tara olmaydi. Bu kampir kechalari uxlay olmaydi. Opasi yaxshi ovqat pishiradi. Men qo'shiq aytishim mumkin, lekin raqsga tusha olmayman. Nikni uyimizga taklif qilsam maylimi? Hozir borishingiz mumkin. O'rmonga yolg'iz bormang: yo'lingizni yo'qotishingiz mumkin. Pitning sumkasini olsam maylimi. EX.2 Put may or can in place. Can I take it? Let me look at your exercises. I may be able to help you. I cannot swim, because until this year the doctor did not allow me to be more tnan two minutes in the water. But this year he says I may stay in for fifteen minutes. Take your raincoat with you: it may rain today. I can finish the work tomorrow if no one bothers me any more. Can we came and see you next Sunday at three o’clock in the afternoon? MUSTAQIL TA’LIM MAVZULARI. My daily routine My first computer My future career Description of your home town Computers and education Internet in my life My favorite website The university I study at Download 17,6 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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