Protecting against formjacking
To ensure your customer data is secure, make sure that you’ve implemented robust antivirus software and use MFA to protect accounts. This will make it more challenging for hackers to infiltrate your web pages.
What security solutions are IT professionals prioritizing?
Improving IT security is the top priority for 61% of organizations, with security service spending projected to reach almost 77 billion U.S. dollars worldwide in 2022, according to Statista.
There are numerous steps businesses must take to ensure their IT security is up to scratch and effectively protecting various aspects of their digital infrastructure. Today, IT professionals are taking a holistic approach to cybersecurity, ensuring that their companies are protected at every level to identify and mitigate threats before they arise. There are various types of cybersecurity tools, and it can be challenging to understand which ones to prioritize.
For instance, essential cybersecurity software include:
Network security monitoring solutions: Built to detect and analyze potentially malicious activity within your network
Encryption tools: Encrypts data and files to keep sensitive information secure
Antivirus software: Prevents, detects and deletes malware from your devices
Firewall software: Monitors and filters traffic to and from your network
Penetration testing tools: Used to assess the security of your network and highlight any vulnerabilities
Web vulnerability scanning tools: Automated tools designed to scan and detect security threats within website applications
These are just some of the essentials of an IT professional’s toolkit, and it’s important to ensure all of your bases are covered to protect against the various types of threats.
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